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0x01-shell_permissions 🔨

Description 📚

This project covers permissions, users, groups, and file/directory ownership.

Mandatory Tasks ✒️

Files Description
0-iam_betty Changes user ID to betty
1-who_am_i Prints the effective user ID of the current user
2-groups Prints all the groups the current user is part of
3-new_owner Changes the owner of the file hello to the user betty
4-empty Creates an empty file hello
5-execute Adds execute permissions to the file hello to the owner of the file
6-multiple_permissions Changes the permissions of the the file hello so the owner and group owner have execute permission and all other users have read permissions
7-everybody Changes permissions of the file hello so all users have excute permissions
8-James_Bond Gives the file hello 007 permissions
9-John_Doe Gives the file hello 753 permissions
10-mirror_permissions Gives the file hello the same permissions as the file olleh
11-directories_permissions Gives execute permissions to all users to all the subdirectories of the current directory.
12-directory_permissions Creates a directory called dir_holberton with permissions 751 in the current directory.
13-change_group Changes the group owner to holberton for the file hello
14-change_owner_and_group Changes the owner to betty and the group owner to holberton for all the files and directories in the working directory
15-symbolic_link_permissions Changes the owner and group owner for the file _hello to betty and holberton respectively
16-if_only Changes the owner of the file hello to betty only if the file is owned by the user guillaume

Advanced Tasks :shipit:

  1. Create a script that plays Star Wars Episode IV in the terminal.
  2. Create a man page that looks like a sample man page and has the same wc output.

Author :octocat:

Esteban De La Hoz | Twitter | GitHub