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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 7, 2023. It is now read-only.


Ethan Harvey edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 3 revisions


You must have:

It is recommended you have:

Getting set up and building

Once you have the dependencies, download the source code.

You can get the latest source code from the latest release. Download and unpack the zip into a directory of your choosing. You will have to do this every time there is an update.

Alternatively, if you have git installed, you can clone the repository and simply do git pull to get updates. As long as you stay on the main branch, everything should be fine. Do be warned, switching to the dev branch could cause issues and/or data loss.

Once you have it unzipped/downloaded into a folder, open that folder in a command prompt (Terminal).

Type npm install to install all relevant packages from NPM. If this command fails, ensure you have an up-to-date version of Node.js.

Then, you can run npm start and the program will start.

That's it!

Notes for Mac and Linux users

As in normal operation, you need to have Java installed for any auto-who features to work. As long as you have it installed, and when you type java --version you get a valid output, you should be fine.

Notes for windows users

AutoHotKey is not required at all on windows for normal operation, but if you want to compile your own AHK scripts, it will need to be installed. You can find all of the scripts under the node-key-sender directory. It includes:

  • AutoWho.ahk -> AutoWho.exe
  • FakeFullscreen.ahk -> FakeFullscreen.exe
  • UnFakeFullscreen.ahk -> UnFakeFullscreen.exe

Your edits/compiles must share these exact names, and you must compile them to the executable for them to be ran.

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