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XMTP Android SDK

Initialize SDK

How to initialize the SDK:

val xmtpApi = XMTPApi(this, signer)

Example code

Some example code on how to interact with the sdk:

// Send a message over XMTP
xmtpApi.sendMessage("Hey!", "0x2374eFc48c028C98e259a7bBcba336d6acFF103c").whenComplete { s, throwable ->
	Log.d("First message on TEST", s)

// Get all accounts with which you had a conversation with
xmtpApi.peerAccounts.whenComplete { arrayList, throwable ->
	Log.d("First conversation on TEST", arrayList[0]!!)

// Get all messages from a conversation with a specific account
xmtpApi.getMessages("0x2374eFc48c028C98e259a7bBcba336d6acFF103c").whenComplete { arrayList, throwable ->
	Log.d("First message on TEST", arrayList[0]!!)

// Listen for new messages
xmtpApi.listenMessages("0x2374eFc48c028C98e259a7bBcba336d6acFF103c", messageCallback)

Supported functions

sendMessage(message: String, target: String): CompletableFuture<String>

To send a message with message as the content and target as the target address for the message.

getPeerAccounts(): CompletableFuture<ArrayList<String>>

Returns all accounts with which you had conversations with.

getMessages(target: String): CompletableFuture<ArrayList<String>>

Returns all messages you had with a specific account.

listenMessages(target: String, messageCallback: MessageCallback)

Listens to new message from target address and calls the messageCallback if a new one arrives.

How to add the SDK

Go to your root build.gradle or settings.gradle, and add this:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Then add the dependency:

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.EthereumPhone:xmtp-android-sdk:0.1.3'


To be able to send messages from your own account also receive them, you need to implement the Signer interface:

public interface Signer {
    String signMessage(String msg);
    String getAddress();

I provided an example using WalletConnectKit in the example app attached to this repo. If you have MetaMask installed it is really easy to write the Signer Implementation.


To use the listenMessages function, you need to provide an implementation of the MessageCallback interface:

public interface MessageCallback {
    void newMessage(String from, String content);

The function newMessage will be called when a new message from a specific address is received.