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Vulnerabilities Aggregation and Analysis Software

Implemented as part of Bachelor thesis "Aggregation and Analysis of IT Security Vulnerabilities"
Technical University of Vienna; INSO; Establishing Security; (2017 - 2018).
Author: Eugen Gruzdev
Date: 01.03.2018

Updated: 20.05.2018

Brief Description and Foundations

Vulnerability Aggregation and Analysis Software is an application that enables gathering of security advisories about current software vulnerabilities from the wide variety of sources followed by their analysis with an aim to identify similarity between two or more security advisories and finally save the information about vulnerabilities in a consistent local database with the possibility to retrieve this information with help of search by vulnerability or by product.

Vulnerabilities are in some sense mistakes made during program implementation or design that are sometimes very hard to find by developers or testers of a program, but they can be used by hackers to violate security policies of a program.

Huge amount of vulnerabilities in different software products are found every day. Some of them are found by people that are not interested in attacks on systems or programs. These vulnerabilities are then disclosed to vendors and/or wide public using so-called security advisories (or also security alerts). Typically a security alert contains the name of the vulnerability, its discovery date, level of severity, technical description, affected products and packages, proof of concepts, possible solutions and patches (if they are available). Most security alerts are written by humans in natural language and do not have mandatory structure, which means that every security alert is written in different way without adhering some pattern. Fortunately, there are some publishers of security alerts who strive to use the same pattern for all published advisories, but they are more the exception than the rule.

There are three important points that make aggregation and analysis of security advisories a computational hard task:

  • Large amount of security advisories published every day in wide variety of sources. The aggregation module of the program should be able to collect advisories from many different sources, including different source types, for example: emails, web pages, rss feeds, etc.
  • Poorly structured information in security alerts written in natural human language makes the analysis procedure very hard. The challenging part is to identify semantically similar advisories from different sources (possibly in different formats) and to retrieve the information about products and their versions from semi-structured texts. Some publishers provide multiple vulnerabilities in the same security alert. This makes the analysis task not easier.
  • Not every aggregated advisory is an advisory. Some publishers of security alerts do not always disclose vulnerabilities information in their announces. Sometimes, and quite often, they publish also advertisements of security events or books, congratulate with local or global holidays, etc. Therefore, there is a need to classify if every received security alert contains vulnerabilities information or no.

In the following the program architecture and implementation details will be presented.

Architecture Description

The Vulnerability Aggregation and Analysis Software consists of 3 major layers: data layer (called here DAO); business layer (called here Service); and presentation layer (called here UI (an abbreviation of User Interface)). The precise technical description of each layer will be given in this document below. In this chapter only the intuitive meaning will be provided.

  • Data (DAO) layer is responsible for every program-internal data manipulation: saving, searching, modifying, deleting, etc of data located in the database. It also provides interfaces for other layers who want to access or manipulate data in the database. Any computations occur here.

  • Business (service) layer provides the program with main logical modules. It is responsible for:

    • aggregation of security alerts from all the defined sources
    • correlation of similar security alerts
    • accessing interfaces of DAO layer for saving results of computations
    • program-internal logic: accessing and reading properties file; sending greeting email to new users; etc.
  • Presentation (UI) layer includes all the classes and all the logic that is needed to present the results of computations made in service layer to the user and to search concrete data in the database.

There are also some separate folders that contain important program parts:

  • Entities folder contains all the logical entities the program needs to operate with, for example database: every table in the database is represented by entity classes. Objects of these classes are then entries of the table.
  • vlnAggr class is the main control point of the whole program. It sets the rules of user-program and inter-modules cooperation.
  • Resources package contains properties file which specifies current (variable) program options.
  • pom.xml file contains information about the project and configuration details used by Maven to build the project.
  • LICENSE file defines terms of BSD 2-Clause License.

Technology Stack

  • Language: Java 8;
  • Operating System: Windows 10 Home x64;
  • Maven 1.6 & 1.8;
  • SQLite Database with DB Browser for SQLite. The DB Browser is available as well as standalone application extension, and also as Firefox Browser Extension;
  • IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.5 as IDE;
  • log4j 1.2.17 as LOGGER;
  • javax.mail and com.sun.mail 1.6.0 for accessing email account and reading emails;
  • Jsoup for accessing and parsing HTML Web Pages;
  • com.sun.syndication and rome 1.7.4 for accessing and parsing RSS-Feeds;
  • JDom 1.1 for manipulating XML Data
  • Apache OpenNLP (1.8.2) and Stanford NLP Package (3.5.0) for Preprocessing step;
  • Apache Lucene (7.0.0) for some tasks in Preprocessing and Classification steps;
  • com.github.chen0040 (1.0.3) is open source implementation of Naive Bayes Classifier;
  • Bouncy Castle Cryptography (1.59) for encryption of passwords;
  • JUnit (4.12) for testing.


This package contains all the code needed for manipulation of all kinds with the database. It defines the sub-package interfaces which contain the interfaces that are visible from other layers. In the db package the code for creation of tables is situated and in the SQLiteWorkingPackage the classes with basic CRUD operations for each table are placed.

This package defines its own DAOException class.


There are three kinds of entities used in the program:

  • Aggregation Entities are classes that define the structure of the aggregated security advisories: Emails; HTMLs and RSS-feeds.
  • dbEntities are classes used for storing and retrieving the information in/from the database.
  • Mining Entity is the special kind of entity that is used for storing all relevant for data mining information and is actively used during the text mining.


Is the core package of this software application. Service package contains all the classes needed for:

  • aggregation of security advisories from all the sources;
  • connection of the database manipulation classes with user interface, enabling the user to run queries on the database;
  • normal run of the program, for example: stemming of training data; reading properties file etc.
  • text mining with intent to find and correlate similar advisories and to delete documents which do not represent advisories;

In next sub-chapters all these sub-packages will be discussed in details.

Simple Service

Contains an interface which is visible from the UI package and the implementation of this interface which has a task to bind UI command incoming from user and the database. This class is also used for storing received and mined security advisories into the database.

Program Service

Contains three packages with one class in each package:

  • Package ReadPropertiesFile contains the implementation of file reader. It extracts the information from that file. To be able to read html and rss sources it also reads rss.txt and html.txt files. They contain the links to the respective sources.
  • Package SendGreetingEmail contains a class that sends an email to every new registered user.
  • Package StemmingOfTrainingData contains functions and methods that are needed to conduct stemming procedure of training data for Naive Bayes Classifier.


It is a package that is used in the program for aggregating security alerts from all the sources. It has the following structure:

  • Email Aggregation Package contains a class which uses javax.mail.* imports to gain access to the google email account with credentials that are specified in the file. This class is responsible for fetching incoming emails and for writing this emails into a special format (defined in aggregationEntities package).
  • HTML Aggregation Package contains a class which is used for reading web pages using JSOUP library. This class is responsible for reading document in HTML format and for preliminary modifications of the initial content of security alerts. For now only the sources specified in htmlSources.txt are accepted. Because of the fact that different publishers disclose advisories in different ways (i.e.: as links to HTML page with concrete advisory, as plain text in HTML tags, as text without HTML tags, as PGP-Signed Messages, etc.) each new source must be configured in individually.
  • RSS Aggregation Package contains a class which is used for reading RSS-Feeds using sun.syndication library. This class is responsible for reading and parsing RSS-Feeds and performs modifications of initial content of security alerts. Only the RSSs where the information about vulnerabilities is provided in plain text can now be aggregated. If the RSS-Feed contains links to vulnerabilities description, then some changes must be made to
  • is the main control point of the aggregation procedure. This class defines lists of incoming alerts from all the sources and calls each package from above to perform aggregation.

For HTML and RSS parts in general holds: if the security advisory source is new (which means, that it is not already present in the database), then all the available security alerts will be aggregated; otherwise, if the source in already known (which means, that it is already present in the database), then only new security advisories will be aggregated. Under new we understand all the security alerts, that were published since last successful try to aggregate them.

Text Mining

Contains two subpackages:

  • Package Correlation which stores all subpackages and classes needed for text mining. It contains:
    • Preprocessing package: the Preprocessing class that is situated in this package conducts the preprocessing step of the incoming textual data. This step includes: tokenization, removal of emails, links and urls, removal of non-letter characters, folding of input to the lower case, removal of stop words, and stemming.
    • Classification package: includes two classes: and The first class creates a vector space model from incoming preprocessed documents and conducts the classification step based on Naive Bayes Classification algorithm with score indexes computed via TfIdf method.
    • SimilarityFunctions package: consists of two classes: where the cosine similarity (or so-called distance) function is implemented; the second class is where the Euclidean distance function is implemented. To learn more about the cosine similarity function follow the link: (visited on: 20.05.2018) and to learn more about Euclidean distance function follow this link: (visited on: 20.05.2018) Attention! Per default the program uses Cosine Similarity function, but eventually it can also accept another functions. To change the similarity function there is a need to modify line 94 of class.
    • Clustering package: contains the class. The main purpose of this class is to conduct clustering using the algorithm described in details in bachelor thesis accompanying this software implementation. This class uses results from previous steps and similarity functions defined in previous package.
  • Package SaveVulnerabilities has a class named The main task of this class is to construct entities that can be than stored in the database, containing vulnerabilities information considering the clustering results. These entities are: Vulnerability, Description and Product. The second important function of this class is to obtain products from advisories. Today the solution is simply delete known English words and leave the words that are not common. These not common words are with probability > 70% specific brands or program names.

User Interface (UI)

User Interface is organized in 4 packages and one separate class:

  • Class defines first words that user see on the screen. It gives user the opportunity to register or to login if the user is already registered.
  • Package Authentication_UpdateCredentials contains two classes:
    • Class defines rules for registration and gives the user opportunities to input registration credentials.
    • Class defines rules for updating user credentials if the user is already registered.
  • Package UserCabinet is main point for user to manipulate with the program. This cabinet is only reachable if the user is successfully logged in. From user cabinet the user can update his/her login credentials, delete his/her account, search in the vulnerabilities database by product names, vulnerabilities details, dates. The user can also see primitive statistics of vulnerabilities by their sources: EMAIL, RSS, HTML.
  • Package Statistics has the class with the same name which is intended to run the aggregation query in the database to collect information about number of vulnerabilities from 3 different source types.


The package resources contains three important files:

  • is important file that contains the properties of the program, such as: email account credentials; links to rss-feeds and html web pages where the advisories come from.

  • rss.txt and html.txt are two text files that store current links to the vulnerabilities sources incoming from RSS and from HTML respectively.

  • nonspamVector und spamVector. For the classification part we use the so-called nonspamVector and spamVector. Each vector is a dictionary with words and their weights. The words in each dictionary are specifically selected, such that the words in nonspamVector are often observed in non-spam messages, and the words in spamVector are more often observed in spam vector. The weight of each word is computed by use of naive bayes classification algorithm. Link to the original source of spam/nonspam Vectors: (visited on: 20.05.2018) Attention! The spam and nonspam Vectors used in this work are not 100% equal with original files. Vectors used in this work are modified to fit the topic of this work and to classify security relevant document more precisely.


Package Tests include one single test which was used during the implementation of Text Mining procedure. This testcase shows that mining step is done successfully for selected advisories.

How to run a program from console?

To run a program one needs to install maven. The detailed explanation how to do this is available here: (visited on: 20.05.2018)

After the successful installation make the following steps:

  1. Unzip the archive with the vulnerability aggregation and analysis software and store "vulnerabilitiesAnalysis" package somewhere on your PC;
  2. Open your command line terminal;
  3. In opened terminal navigate to "vulnerabilitiesAnalysis" package;
  4. Type the following line and press Enter: mvn compile;
  5. Wait until you see BUILD SUCCESS words returning after the compilation;
  6. Type the following line and press Enter: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=vlnAggr;
  7. After some INFOs and/or WARNINGs you'll be able to login into the program.
  8. DEFAULT CREDENTIALS: Login: Eugen; Password: 1234;
  9. To quit the program, press "q" or "Q";
  10. After finishing your work close the terminal.

How to run a program from IDE?

To run a program from IDE, please notice, that to be able to enter the credentials from IDE console you need to change following lines:

//String password = scanner.nextLine();      // <--- if you run in IDE
  char[] pss = console.readPassword();       // <--- if you run in console
  String password = new String(pss);         // <--- if you run in console

You need to comment lines 2 and 3 and to uncomment line 1 on the following positions in code:

  • In class lines: 83-85;
  • In class lines: 90-92; 94-96;
  • In class lines: 38-40; 42-44;

To run the program in Eclipse/NetBeans/Intellij IDEs you need:

  1. Unzip the archive with the vulnerability aggregation and analysis software and store "vulnerabilitiesAnalysis" package somewhere on your PC;
  2. Open the IDE;
  3. In menu tab File select Open Existing Project/Open;
  4. Navigate to the "vulnerabilitiesAnalysis" package;
  5. Select this package and confirm your selection;
  6. Make changes to the classes discussed above;
  7. Import maven changes, if the IDE does not make it automatically;
  8. Run the project's main file called vlnAggr using the IDE's run button;
  9. To quit the program, press "q" or "Q";
  10. After finishing your work close the IDE.

Summary and Final Notes

To sum up, it has succeeded to write a prototype of software application that is able to:

  • aggregate security advisories from different sources and in different formats;
  • convert security advisories to one format
  • analyse incoming security advisories for the sake of being identical or similar;
  • filter out textual documents that are not devoted to disclosure of vulnerabilities;
  • filter out textual documents that are not security advisories
  • automatically retrieve form textual data information about products, where vulnerabilities were found;
  • save this information to the database in consistent way;
  • query the database with intent of searching specific product, vulnerability or to get statistics.

It is also important to speak about limitations that has this software prototype:

  • Text analysers maintain security advisories written only in English language;
  • Classification step is based on Naive Bayes Classifier which gives the correct results only in 70% of cases;
  • Software does not support correlation of already present in the database advisories with new aggregated advisories. However, the description table saves preprocessed short and long descriptions of each security advisory in the database;
  • Aggregation of security alerts incoming from HTML Web Pages is strongly oriented on default links given in properties file. Aggregation from another HTML sources may need changes in the implementation because of the nature of HTML Web Pages;
  • Retrieval of product and brand names is based on deleting of known English words from texts and not on information retrieval algorithms in their pure sense;
  • Database and analytics packages do not support non textual data;
  • User interface is poor command line interface which in many cases is not optimal for software of such kind;
  • Statistics package provides very restricted statistics information and is designed to show that the statistics is possible to compute.