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File metadata and controls

119 lines (88 loc) · 4.99 KB

Data files format

The main unit of data this tool works with is a run. A run is data collected in a specific period, and each research proposal given beantime at European XFEL may collect hundreds of runs.

A run is stored as a directory containing HDF5 data files from different sources. These fall into two important categories:

  1. Detector data, from the main X-ray detectors in the various experiments.
    • Each detector module writes separate files, e.g. RAW-R0348-AGIPD00-S00000.h5. The number in the third part of the filename identifies the module (0 in this example).
    • The detectors in use as of April 2018 are LPD and AGIPD in the file names. Each has 16 modules numbered 0–15.
  2. All the other data, such as motor positions, beam measurements, etc., are recorded through a data aggregator, and stored in a file with the letters DA in the name, e.g. RAW-R0450-DA01-S00000.h5.

The last part of the file name (e.g. S00000) is a sequence number. The data within a run may be broken into a number of sequences. So RAW-R0450-DA01-S00000.h5 and RAW-R0450-DA01-S00001.h5 will contain data from the same set of devices, with sequence 1 continuing just after the end of sequence 0. Though all data within a run may be broken into sequences, different data sets do not necessarily break at the same point, so the various 'sequence 0' data files in a run do not have corresponding data.

HDF5 file structure


The METADATA group in an HDF5 file contains three datasets, each of which is a 1D array of strings:

  • METADATA/dataSourceId lists data groups in the file. The values are either:
    • CONTROL/ followed by a Karabo device name, e.g. CONTROL/SA1_XTD2_XGM/DOOCS/MAIN.
    • INSTRUMENT/ followed by a Karabo device name, a colon, the name of the output channel, a slash, and the name of a data group (?), e.g. INSTRUMENT/SA1_XTD2_XGM/DOOCS/MAIN:output/data
  • METADATA/deviceId lists the part of each dataSourceId after the first slash.
  • METADATA/root lists the parts before the first slash, so concat(root, "/", deviceId) == dataSourceId.

These three data sets always have the same number of values. They may be padded with empty strings, so empty entries are ignored.


INDEX/trainId is a 1D array of uint64, listing the pulse trains which the file holds data for. This is crucial, since all other data has to be matched up according to train IDs.

For each entry in METADATA/deviceId, the INDEX group contains two datasets, both uint64 data with the same length as the train IDs:

  • INDEX/{ deviceId }/count: for each train ID, how many data samples did this device record. This may be 0 if no data was recorded for this train.
  • INDEX/{ deviceId }/first: for each train ID, the index at which the corresponding data starts in the arrays for this device.

Thus, to find the data for a given train ID, we could do:

train_index = trainIds.index(train_id)
first = device_firsts[train_index]
count = device_counts[train_index]
train_data = data[first : first+count]

Control data is always (?) recorded once per train, so count is 1 and first counts up from 0 to the number of trains. Instrument data is more variable.

Some older files use a different index format with first/last/status instead of first/count. In this case, a status of 0 means that no data was recorded for that train.


For each CONTROL entry in METADATA/dataSourceId, there is a group with that name in the file. This may have further arbitrarily nested subgroups representing different properties of that device, e.g. /CONTROL/SA1_XTD2_XGM/DOOCS/MAIN/current/bottom/output.

The leaves of this tree are pairs of datasets called timestamp and value. Each dataset has one entry per train, and the timestamp record when the value was updated, which is typically less than once per train. The value dataset may have extra dimensions, but in most cases it is 1D.

(Does timestamp update if value is re-read but doesn't change?)

RUN holds a complete duplicate of the CONTROL hierarchy, but each pair of timestamp and value contain only one entry, taken at the start of the run. There is still a dimension for this, so 2D value datasets in CONTROL have corresponding 2D datasets in RUN, but the first dimension has length 1.

(Is RUN exactly duplicated in subsequent sequence files?)


For each INSTRUMENT entry in METADATA/dataSourceId, there is a group with that name in the file. Each such group holds a 1D trainId dataset, and a number of other datasets (possibly nested in subgroups). All these datasets have the same length in the first dimension: this represents the successive readings taken. The slices defined by the corresponding datasets in INDEX work on this dimension.

The trainId dataset for each instrument group thus appears to be redundant with the information in INDEX.