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Merge 693175e into 1eb0760
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kdschlosser committed Oct 18, 2018
2 parents 1eb0760 + 693175e commit 7c4c600
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Showing 73 changed files with 4,676 additions and 722 deletions.
275 changes: 133 additions & 142 deletions .appveyor.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,26 +3,133 @@
# To draft a release on GitHub with AppVeyor, create a tag on master.

version: '{build}-{branch}'

# # Enable Remotedesktop and pause the build execution
# - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
# *****************************************************************************
# * *
# * READ ME!!! *
# * *
# *****************************************************************************
# =============================== PROBLEMS ====================================
# python <3 - C-Python or Stackless you can only have a single copy
# of that version of python installed on a machine. The issue with
# the installer is that it does not launch the uninstaller for the
# version that is already installed. It simply iterates the
# installation folder and deletes the files for the currently
# installed version. It does this without ever telling you that it
# is and it does not do a CRC check against the installed files
# before removing them. So if you have any modified core python
# files be warned.. It does not care. It will delete them without
# notice.
# The big problem with this process is that it does not remove
# any entries in the registry for the old installation. and it
# adds entries for the new installation below them. This causes
# any installers that do a search for python installations to
# always select the wrong one. Now under normal situations an
# installer would iterate the list of possible installations and
# verify if it is there or not.. But because Python 2.7 is only
# supposed to have a single installed copy why would the author
# do this?? They wouldn't. they would rely on there being only a
# single installation listed in the registry.
# py2xe_py2 - does not have a pypi dist available for python 2.7 x64
# so for sake of keeping the code symmetrical both the x86 and x64
# use the executable that gets downloaded.
# the installer for py2exe_py2 does not detect installed python
# version properly because of the bug mentioned above.
# x86 - x64 - The second portion of the multiple Python 2.7 installations
# dilemma. we need to install an x86 and an x64 variant at the
# same time. I know there is a way to have the appveyor build run
# 2 times. I have not investigated this fully as of yet.
# ========================== SOLUTIONS / HACKS ================================
# py2xe_py2 - this is a fix for the above issue.
# since the executable was created using distutils we can use
# easy_install to install the library. There is a single glitch
# with it There is some kind of a warning/error that gets printed
# out. Tho it does not affect the installation it does produce the
# undesirable red in the powershell log.
# x86 - x64 - How we get around this is we relocate the python installations
# after installing everything needed. we also move the python dll
# file from SysWOW or System to the installations folder.
# we do not want an entry in the registry pointing to a current
# python installation that we intend to use. When we install the
# second variant if the first is found it will be deleted. So we
# have to play a little bit of hide and seek with the python
# installations. That is why you will see all of the moving and
# copying of files.
# =============================== CHANGES =====================================
# ctypeslib - This is a non functioning package due to
# components that are required by the library and are no longer
# available. The only thing this module was ever used for was the
# creation of eg.WinApi.Dynamic module.
# Microsoft has not changed any of the API for any of the
# constants/functions located in this file since their creation in
# Windows XP. I do not forsee them making any changes because of
# how long this API has been in place. So the need for ctypeslib
# (even if it did function) is no longer needed.
# pycrypto - this library is no longer being maintained. has been replaced
# pycryptodome - pycrypto replacement. most of the same API. It is a maintained
# fork of pycrypto
# build process - I moved the building of EG out of the install section of
# appveyor. I did this because of the incorrect build
# completion notifications. There is a build_script section
# that can be used in replacement of build. this section
# does not do a VS solution scan and it also properly reports
# the status of the build. the install section is not monitored
# for application status codes properly. and the use of
# fast_finish i believe only works on the build/build_script
# sections
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************

- Visual Studio 2015

version: '{build}-{branch}'

PYTHON: 'C:\Stackless27'
PYTHONPATH: 'C:\Stackless27;C:\Stackless27\Scripts;C:\Stackless27\DLLs;C:\Stackless27\Lib;C:\Stackless27\Lib\site-packages;'


# Enable Remotedesktop and pause the build execution
- ps: |
if ($Env:DEBUG -eq "1") {
$blockRdp = $true
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
fast_finish: true

# Invalidate cache if .appveyor.yml has changed
- C:\Stackless27 -> .appveyor.yml
- C:\Stackless27_x$(BUILDARCH) -> .appveyor.yml, .appveyor_install.ps1, .appveyor_build.ps1, .appveyor_runapp.psm1
# Manually clear cache:
# from agithub.AppVeyor import AppVeyor
# ci = AppVeyor(<your appveyor API token>)
Expand All @@ -32,153 +139,35 @@ cache:

# HTML Help Workshop 1.32
# - cinst html-help-workshop
- cinst html-help-workshop

# Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2008 (version min: 9.0.21022.8)
# - cinst vcredist2008

#- ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
- ps: |
$Env:PATH = $Env:PATH -replace "Python27", "Stackless27"
$PythonFolder = $Env:PYTHON
$PythonScripts = $PythonFolder + "\Scripts"
$SitePackages = $PythonFolder + "\lib\site-packages"
$SysWOW = $Env:SYSTEMROOT + "\SysWOW64"
$PythonWindowsDLL = $SysWOW + "\python27.dll"
$PythonDLL = $PythonFolder + "\python27.dll"
$InstallersFolder = $Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER + "\_build\installers\"
Remove-Item $PythonWindowsDLL
New-Item $InstallersFolder -type directory | Out-Null
" "
"=============== prepare EventGhost build environment ==============="
If (-not (Test-Path $PythonFolder))
Function PipInstall ($msg, $mod)
" "
"--- " + $msg
" Installing..."
pip install -q $mod
" Done."
" "
"--- Stackless 2.7.12150 x86"
$StacklessInstaller = $InstallersFolder + "python-2.7.12150-stackless.msi"
$StacklessInstallDir = "TARGETDIR=" + $PythonFolder
$StacklessURL = ""
Start-FileDownload $StacklessURL -Timeout 60000 -FileName $StacklessInstaller
" Installing..."
Start-Process MsiExec.exe -Arg "/I $StacklessInstaller /quiet /passive /qn /norestart $StacklessInstallDir" -Wait
" Done."
" "
"--- wxPython"
$WXInstaller = $InstallersFolder + "wxPython3.0-win32-"
$WXURL = ""
Start-FileDownload $WXURL -Timeout 60000 -FileName $WXInstaller
" Installing..."
Start-Process $WXInstaller -Arg "/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES" -NoNewWindow -Wait
" Done."
" "
"--- pip 9.0.1"
" Updating..."
python -m pip install -q -U "pip==9.0.1"
" Done."
" "
"--- setuptools 34.3.0"
" Updating..."
pip install -q -U "setuptools==34.3.0"
" Done."
PipInstall "wheel 0.29.0" "wheel==0.29.0"
# sphinx >= 1.4.9 installs jinja2 >= 2.3 as dependency,
# jinja2 >= 2.9 has an async module which py2exe has
# problems with (build of eg will fail)
PipInstall "jinja2 2.8.1" "jinja2==2.8.1"
PipInstall "sphinx 1.5.6" "sphinx==1.5.6"
PipInstall "commonmark 0.7.3" "commonmark==0.7.3"
PipInstall "pillow 3.4.2" "pillow==3.4.2"
PipInstall "py2exe 0.6.9" "py2exe_py2==0.6.9"
PipInstall "pycrypto 2.6.1" "pycrypto==2.6.1"
PipInstall "comtypes 1.1.3" ""
PipInstall "ctypeslib 0.5.6" "svn+"
PipInstall "paramiko 2.2.1" "paramiko==2.2.1"
PipInstall "pywin32 223" pywin32==223
" "
"--- pywin32 post install"
$PywinPostInstall = $PythonScripts +"\"
Start-Process python -Arg "$PywinPostInstall -install -silent -quiet" -Wait
" Done."
#" "
#"--- Inno Setup 5.5.9"
#$InnoInstaller = $InstallersFolder + "innosetup-5.5.9-unicode.exe"
#$InnoURL = ""
#Start-FileDownload $InnoURL -Timeout 60000 -FileName $InnoInstaller | ForEach-Object { Write-Host " " + $_ }
#" Installing..."
#" Done."
" "
" "
"=============== start the EventGhost build ==============="
" "
If ($Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG.tolower() -eq "true" -and
# to do a release, create a tag in the form "Deploy_VERSION"
# VERSION must be a valid version string (without leading 'v')
# this tag will be deleted and a new release "vVERSION" created.
git checkout -q master
$release = $Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME.split("_", 2)[1]
$url = if($Env:SFTP_URL){' --docs --url "' + $env:SFTP_URL + '"'} else {''}
python "_build\" --build --package --release --version $release $url
} Else {
python "_build\" --build --package
.\EventGhost.exe -install
$Env:SetupExe = gci -recurse -filter "_build\output\*Setup.exe" -name
# update the appveyor build version to be the same as the EventGhost version
$start = $env:SetupExe.IndexOf("_")
$length = $env:SetupExe.LastIndexOf("_") - $start
$build_version = $env:SetupExe.Substring($start + 1, $length - 1)
Update-AppveyorBuild -Version "$build_version"
# Make sure the appveyor cache is only saved if our build was successfull
If (-Not (Test-Path(".\EventGhost.exe"))) {$env:APPVEYOR_CACHE_SKIP_SAVE = "true"}
- ps: . .\.appveyor_install.ps1

" "

"=============== EventGhost build finished ==============="
" "
" "
# If we don't turn build off, we get an error from appveyor telling us,
# we should decide, which project or solution file to use, because the
# folder contains more than one project or solution file.
# We don't really "build" (with a compiler), but Appveyor finds the
# solution files in the extension sub-directories and complains.

- ps: . .\.appveyor_build.ps1

# - cmd: echo "=============== EventGhost build finished ==============="

- path: _build\output\$(SetupExe)
name: $(SetupExe)
- path: _build\output\Build.log
name: Build.log
- path: _build\output\
- path: _build\output\
- path: _build\output\
- path: _build\output\$(SetupExe)
name: $(SetupExe)
- path: _build\output\Build_x$(BUILDARCH).log
name: Build_x$(BUILDARCH).log
- path: _build\output\ModuleOutput_x$(BUILDARCH).zip
name: ModuleOutput_x$(BUILDARCH).zip

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,11 +211,13 @@ notifications:
on_build_status_changed: true

# # Enable Remotedesktop and pause the build execution
# - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))

# pause the build execution
- ps: |
if ($Env:DEBUG -eq "1") {
$blockRdp = $true
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
# notifications:
# - provider: GitHubPullRequest
Expand Down
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions .appveyor_build.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@

Import-Module -Name ".\.appveyor_runapp.psm1"

Write-Host "=============== Start the EventGhost build ==============="
If (
($Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG.tolower() -eq "true") -and
) {
# to do a release, create a tag in the form "Deploy_VERSION"
# VERSION must be a valid version string (without leading "v")
# this tag will be deleted and a new release "vVERSION" created.

git checkout -q master
$release = ' --release --version "' + $Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME.split("_", 2)[1] + '"'
if ($Env:SFTP_URL) {
$url = ' --docs --url "$Env:SFTP_URL"'
} else {
$url = ""

Write-Host " --- Building deploy"

} else {
Write-Host " --- Building WIP"
$release = ""
$url = ""

Invoke-App "$Env:PYTHON\python.exe" "$Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\_build\ --build --package --verbose$release$url"

$Env:SetupExe = Get-ChildItem "$Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\_build\output\*" -File -include "*Setup_x$Env:BUILDARCH.exe" -name

$ModuleOutputFolder = $Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER + "\_build\output\ModuleOutput_x$Env:BUILDARCH"
Start-Process 7z -ArgumentList "a", "-bsp1", "-bb3", "$", "-r", "$ModuleOutputFolder\*.*" -NoNewWindow -Wait

if (-Not ($Env:SetupExe)) {
# Get-ChildItem "$" | % { Push-AppveyorArtifact $_.Name -FileName $_.Name }
# Get-ChildItem "_build\output\Build_x$Env:BUILDARCH.log" | % { Push-AppveyorArtifact $_.Name -FileName $_.Name }
elseif (($SetupExe) -and (-Not ($SetupExe -like '*_x64'))) {
# update the appveyor build version to be the same as the EventGhost version

$Start = $Env:SetupExe.IndexOf("_")
$Length = $Env:SetupExe.LastIndexOf("_") - $Start

$BuildVersion = $Env:SetupExe.Substring($Start + 1, $Length - 1)
$Length = $BuildVersion.LastIndexOf("_")
$BuildVersion = $BuildVersion.Substring(0, $Length - 1)

Update-AppveyorBuild -Version "$BuildVersion"

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