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coloursofnoise edited this page Nov 14, 2022 · 7 revisions

Enabling Debug Mode gives you access to some debug functions hidden in the game. You get some hotkeys useful when making mods/maps, a debug save and an in-game level viewer allowing you to teleport around.

Keys available during gameplay

  • F5: Reload active level
  • F6: Open debug map ("level editor"), allows you to teleport around
  • Ctrl+F5: Reload the entire game. This is the equivalent of hitting Save & Quit, then closing Celeste, opening it again and loading the save file.
  • . (can be rebound in Everest mod options) or ~/`: open the debug console
    • Type help to get a list of existing commands, help [command] for help about a command
    • Type q to close the console

ℹ️ The ~/` key(s) may not be present on all keyboard layouts. Most layouts will have corresponding keys for OemTilde and Oem8, but due to the inconsistency the use of the rebindable key (default .) is recommended.

ℹ️ F1, F2, and F3 are used by vanilla Celeste to reload various assets within levels, but are made redundant by the F5 reload in Everest.

Keys available in the debug map

This debug map is especially useful to teleport around in the game.
Key controls for navigation are displayed in the bottom right, and can be toggled with F5.

  • Right click on a room: teleport to it
  • Ctrl + Right click on a room: teleport to it losing your current session (like collected strawberries)
  • Shift + Right click on a room: teleport to a specific point in the room, rather than to the closest spawn point (yes, even in walls)
  • Mouse wheel: zoom in and out
  • Move around with the keys you use for movement, or by holding the mouse wheel, or by holding Space and using the left mouse button
  • Ctrl+Space resets zoom and position to default
  • Escape: exit the debug map
  • Holding Q: shows you the strawberry order, in the format checkpointId:order
  • Holding F1: shows keys placed in the map
  • F2: center the camera on the current respawn point
  • F5: toggles displaying the controls in the bottom right

You can also "edit" levels, but the save function is gone, so you won't be able to play them afterwards. You can still play around with it though:

  • You can drag rooms around
  • F+Left mouse button creates a filler room, F+Right mouse button removes one. You can resize them with the mouse
  • Ctrl+A selects everything
  • Ctrl+Z is Undo, Ctrl+Y is Redo (crashes the game though)
  • Keys 1 to 7 change the rooms' colors

The Debug Save

Debug mode also gives access to a ~DEBUG~ option in the main menu: this is the debug save. Some specific rules are applied to this save:

  • Everything is unlocked by default.
  • When you start a level, all your collected strawberries for that level are reset.
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