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It is a cli utility that generates various parts of your React project such as component folders, hooks, etc. Also it can be used fo generate Feature Sliced Design structure.


# Command example
$ yarn reacling c <component name>

# Options:
 --help  Show available commands

Commands for simple project

  • Generate a component: $ yarn reacling c <component name>
  • Generate a page: $ yarn reacling p <page name>
  • Generate a hook: $ yarn reacling h <hook name>
  • Generate a config file: $ yarn config
  • Get help: $ yarn reacling --help

Commands for Feature-Sliced Design project

  • Generate FSD structure: $ yarn reacling init
  • Generate a page: $ yarn reacling p <page name>
  • Generate a widget: $ yarn reacling w <widget name>
  • Generate a entity: $ yarn reacling e <entity name>
  • Generate a feature: $ yarn reacling f <feature name>
  • Generate a component shortcut: $ yarn reacling eu | fu <component path>
  • Generate a component for entity: $ yarn reacling eu <entity name> <component name>
  • Generate a component for feature: $ yarn reacling fu <feature name> <component name>
  • Generate a component for shared: $ yarn reacling su <component name>
  • Generate a hook for slice: $ yarn reacling h <hook name> <slice-path>
  • Generate a config file: $ yarn config
  • Get help: $ yarn reacling --help

Feature-Sliced Design

You can generate reacling.json by executing $ yarn reacling config. Use this config to provide custom structure of project.

This is default settings for FSD structure:
    "methodology": "fsd",
    "fsdStructure": {
      "app": { "withProviders": true },
      "pages": {
        "withLib": true,
        "withUi": true
      "widgets": {
        "withLib": true,
        "withUi": true
      "features": {
        "withApi": true,
        "withLib": true,
        "withModel": true,
        "withUi": true
      "entities": {
        "withApi": true,
        "withLib": true,
        "withModel": true,
        "withUi": true
You can provide your oun settings using this interface:
interface SliceStructure {
  withApi?: boolean
  withAssets?: boolean
  withConfig?: boolean
  withLib?: boolean
  withUi?: boolean
  withModel?: boolean

type Methodology = 'simple' | 'fsd'

interface ReaclingConfig {
  methodology?: Methodology
  fsdStructure?: {
    app?: {
      withProviders?: boolean
    entities?: SliceStructure
    features?: SliceStructure
    widgets?: SliceStructure
    pages?: SliceStructure
For example:

The command $ yarn reacling init provide us next folders structure: alt text