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User Guide

This guide is an instruction manual on the RAPOC (Rosseland And Planck Opacity Converter) tool and how it can be included in one's own code.

For a quickstart, please refer to the python notebook inside the examples directory. If RAPOC has been installed from Pypi, an example notebook can be found on the GitHub repository.


Everything inside RAPOC is managed by the :class:`~rapoc.models.model.Model` class. The only input required by RAPOC is the opacity data. Opacity data can be directly downloaded from dedicated repositories such as ExoMol or, instead, by a custom made Python dictionary. In this guide both approaches will be explored:

Using ExoMol (easier)

This is the most straightforward approach. Note that RAPOC only accepts data with the TauRex format. Once the opacities have been downloaded from ExoMol, RAPOC will load them using the :class:`~rapoc.loaders.ExoMolFileLoader`. For practice, we use the TauRex formatted opacities for water. However, if other molecules are required then they can be downloaded here.

Python dictionary (harder)

To load data from a Python dictionary, the code uses the :class:`~rapoc.loaders.DictLoader` class. The user may also refer to its documentation. To summarise, the python dictionary must have the layout described in the :ref:`table`.

Input data layout
Information data format supported keys names
molecular name string mol
pressure grid in [Pa] list or np.array p, P, pressure, pressure_grid
temperature grid [K] list or np.array t, T, temperature, temperature_grid
wavenumber grid [1/cm] list or np.array wn, wavenumber, wavenumbers, wavenumbers_grid, wavenumber_grid
opacities [m^2/kg] list or np.array opacities

Every value in the dictionary can be assigned units by using the units :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`.

The model

In this section we will assume that the data has been downloaded from ExoMol and that the input_file variable is a string pointing to that file.

Once the data is ready, it may loaded into the :class:`~rapoc.models.model.Model` class. After this, two classes can be produced, one for Rosseland and the other for Planck mean opacities: :class:`~rapoc.Rosseland`, :class:`~rapoc.Planck`. These models can be initialised as such:

from rapoc import Rosseland, Planck

ross = Rosseland(input_data=input_file)
plan = Planck(input_data=input_file)

Calculating the mean opacities

For purely illustrative purposes, a temperature (T) of 1000 K with a pressure (P) of 1000 Pa in the wavelength range of 1-10 micron will be used. Therefore, the first step is to define the temperature, pressure and wavelength range:

import astropy.units as u

P = 1000.0 *u.Pa
T = 1000.0 *u.K
wl = (1 *, 10 *

Due to the units provided by the :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` module, RAPOC can handle the conversions automatically. To perform the opacity calculations the following function is used: :func:`~rapoc.models.model.Model.estimate()`

r_estimate = ross.estimate(P_input = P, T_input=T, band=wl, mode='closest')

0.00418 m2 / kg
p_estimate = plan.estimate(P_input = P, T_input=T, band=wl, mode='closest')

17.9466 m2 / kg

The investigated wavelength range may also be expressed as a wavenumbers range or frequencies range. This is achieved by attaching the corresponding units.

There are two estimation modes available in RAPOC:

  • closest: the code estimates the mean opacity for the closest pressure and temperature values found within the input data grid.
  • linear or loglinear: the code estimates the mean opacity by performing an interpolation that makes use of the :func:`scipy.interpolate.griddata`.

In the second case, RAPOC needs to first build a :func:`` of the mean opacities in the input pressure and temperature data grid. This may be slow. To make this process faster, RAPOC will continue to reuse this map until the user asks for estimates in another wavelength range. Only then would RAPOC produce a new map.

RAPOC can also perform estimates of multiple temperatures and pressures at once (e.g. lists and arrays):

P = [1, 10 ] *
T = [500.0, 1000.0, 2000.0] *u.K
wl = (1 *, 10 *

r_estimate = ross.estimate(P_input = P, T_input=T, band=wl, mode='closest')

[[0.00094728 0.03303942 0.17086334]
 [0.00484263 0.08600765 0.21673218]] m2 / kg
p_estimate = plan.estimate(P_input = P, T_input=T, band=wl, mode='closest')

[[27.18478963 17.36108261  8.57782242]
 [27.17086583 17.78923892  8.8249388 ]] m2 / kg

Build some plots

RAPOC can build plots of the calculated Rosseland and Planck mean opacities by using :func:`~rapoc.models.model.Model.estimate_plot()`.

If only a single value has been produced, then to produce plots one can use the following script:

P = 1000.0 *u.Pa
T = 1000.0 *u.K
wl = (1 *, 10 *

fig0, ax0 = ross.estimate_plot(P_input = P, T_input=T, band=wl, mode='closest')
fig1, ax1 = plan.estimate_plot(P_input = P, T_input=T, band=wl, mode='closest')
_static/Figure1.png _static/Figure2.png

If instead multiple opacities have been calculated, then then the script should be:

P = [1, 10 ] *
T = [500.0, 1000.0, 2000.0] *u.K
wl = (1 *, 10 *

fig0, ax0 = ross.estimate_plot(P_input = P, T_input=T, band=wl, mode='closest')
fig1, ax1 = plan.estimate_plot(P_input = P, T_input=T, band=wl, mode='closest')
_static/Figure3.png _static/Figure4.png

Notwithstanding, to force the production of a :func:`~rapoc.models.model.Model.map_plot()` with a single value, the following should be used force_map=True

Include Rayleigh scattering

Initialising Rayleigh data

RAPOC can estimate the Rayleigh scattering absorption for a list of atoms, using the tables and equations in Chapter 10 of David R. Lide, ed., CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, Internet Version 2005, hbcponline, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2005.

To compute the Rayleigh scattering mean opacities, the first step is to produce the Rayleigh data set. This can be done initialising the :class:`~rapoc.Rayleigh` class. This class is similar to a :class:`~rapoc.loaders.loader.FileLoader` class: it can be injected into a :class:`~rapoc.models.model.Model` as input data, and therefore used as any other input data to estimate the mean opacities.

To initialise the :class:`~rapoc.Rayleigh` it is needed the atom and the wavenumber grid to use to sample the Rayleigh scattering. In the following example we estimate the scattering data for hydrogen in a simple wavenumber grid: 100000, 10000, 1000 cm-1

from rapoc import Rayleigh
rayleigh = Rayleigh('H', wavenumber_grid=[100000, 10000, 1000])

Another way to initialise the :class:`~rapoc.Rayleigh` is to use an already initialised :class:`~rapoc.models.model.Model`. This can be useful is the Rayleigh scattering is to be used along with other absorptions. Let's assume that a :class:`~rapoc.Planck` class has been initialised already. That model can be used to produce a Rayleigh scattering dataset sampled at the same wavenumbers grid.

plan = Planck(input_data=input_file)
rayleigh = Rayleigh('H', model=plan)

Once the wavenumber grid is produced, either using the wavenumber_grid or the model keyword, the class produces the opacities data using the :func:`~rapoc.Rayleigh.compute_opacities()`.

Estimating Rayleigh mean opacities

The initialised :class:`~rapoc.models.Rayleigh` can be now used as input data for :class:`~rapoc.Rosseland` and :class:`~rapoc.Planck`

ross = Rosseland(input_data=rayleigh)
plan = Planck(input_data=rayleigh)

Because the Rayleigh scattering doesn't depend on temperature and pressure, is not sampled in a temperatures and pressures grid as the molecular opacities. Therefore, to estimate its mean opacities the pressure must not be indicated. The temperature, on the contrary, must be indicated because of the Rosseland and Planck equation involving a black body. For the same reason, the estimation mode is forced to closest, so should not be indicated by the user. Here is an example

T = 1000.0 *u.K
wl = (1 *, 10 *

r_estimate = ross.estimate(T_input=T, band=wl)

6.725572872420127e-08 m2 / kg
p_estimate = plan.estimate(T_input=T, band=wl)

6.518714389415313e-09 m2 / kg

Because, again, the Rayleigh scattering doesn't depend on temperature and pressure, the :func:`` is disabled for this kind of data