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101 lines (77 loc) · 5.33 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (77 loc) · 5.33 KB


Extracted types which are shared across multiple products; maintained exports in order to preserve import paths.


Moved types from dependencies to devDependencies, removed lodash helper function which was only being used in one place.


Hotfix on new authStatus() fxn; the stale check now ensures that the other fields are non-empty.


Updated the trial stripe plan to reflect the new free tier


Added new authStatus(authData) helper function to determine whether a given piece of auth data is:

  • empty, meaning that a full login is required
  • stale, meaning a refresh login is required
  • active, meaning we are ready to make authenticated requests

Also reverted changeset from 1.7.5, as we're going to follow a different strategy for plugging in new pricing plans.


Add demo feature standard-tiered plan


Bugfix; the new Chain.allDetails() failed to call the Chain.detailsByName() function, so it returned an empty array.


New types related to our supported blockchains.

  • Each supported chain now has its chainId, genesisHash, & Web3URL stored within Dapp.Chain. Can be imported directly via import { Chain } from '@eximchain/dappbot-types/spec/dapp';
  • Added new details about our test network
  • Exported our internal Validator functions like keysAreStrings() and keysValid(), as they're useful in our other projects.


Bugfix; UpdateDapp.isArgs() has a .some() check which wasn't returning its result, so the typechecker was always failing.


Add optional metadata to SignUp args for analytics and/or logging


Fixes for Configure MFA API

  • Simplified SetMfaPreference.Args to include only one mfaPreference argument
  • Removed session from BeginSetupAppMfa.Result


ConfirmSetupAppMfa uses refreshToken instead of session


New types for new MFA APIs

  • Added auth namespaces SetMfaPreference, SetupSmsMfa, BeginSetupAppMfa, and ConfirmSetupAppMfa
  • Added auth types SecretCodeResult and SecretCodeResponse
  • Renamed Challenges.Types.SoftwareTokenMfa to Challenges.Types.AppMfa
  • Added type guards for booleans to util


New types relating to MFA challenges

  • Added type guards for Challenges.Types and Challenges.MfaTypes
  • Added MfaLoginChallenge and SelectMfaChallenge to Challenges namespace


Upgraded the isSuccessResponse(), isErrorResponse(), isMessageResult() typeguards from Response and UpdateDapp.isArgs() to first check that the value is an object before trying to check any properties, guaranteeing no ReferenceErrors at runtime.


Added Stripe's interface for credits cards at spec/methods/payment#StripeTypes.Card.


Added validatePassword() to spec/user.


Added MfaTypes challenge type corresponding to SmsMfa | SoftwareTokenMfa.


Fixed enum values for MFA related challenges.

  • Removed incorrect challenge Mfa
  • Added challenges SmsMfa, SoftwareTokenMfa, SelectMfaType, and MfaSetup.

v1.1.1 - 1.1.7

These versions were part of the debug loop as we built this package into our Lambda functions. The key changes were:

  • Within spec/methods, we now define the RootResources & apiBasePath values before importing the child modules (e.g. Auth, Private, etc). Previously we ran into runtime issues because they were defined after the import, so the values didn't exist when the child modules tried to consume them.
  • Upgraded the util.isObject() function to return false for null. Turns out that typeof null === 'object', so typeof val === 'object' isn't a sufficient test.


Larger overhaul as overall system integration continues.

  • Added subtypes for Item.Full. Item.FullHub & Item.FullEnterprise now use the Tier value to explicitly determine whether the GitHub keys need to be set.
  • Renamed typeguard function arguments to be val, a noun, instead of maybe, an adverb.
  • Renamed the factory functions to new[Type] instead of empty[Type] or Empty[Type].
  • Added factory functions for all method arguments, so that callers can get the correct shape as a value (e.g. for error messages). This also makes the typeguards more resilient, as they no longer need to have lists of strings.
  • Removed Tiers.PoC as no part of the system depends on that value anymore.
  • Created a generalized typeValidationErrMsg function which, given an incorrect shape and correct shape, returns an array of messages telling the user which keys they failed to provide (or had the wrong JS type for).
  • Brought the dapp management operations into the Dapp type as an enum.
  • Made API method's HTTP value hold a more specific type, so Typescript guarantees that it's called not just with an HttpMethod, but with the correct one.


Added matching emptyUserAttributes() and isUserAttributes() helpers to the user types, making it easy to validate them directly.


Moved StripePlans into methods/payment so that all types related to Stripe would be located there. Added SubscriptionState and ValidSubscriptionStates to Payment.StripeTypes, as those values are exposed to the client via GET /payment/stripe.


Added new type guards:

  • API methods with args now have a isArgs() fxn in their namespace
  • APIResponse now has isSuccessResponse(), isErrResponse(), & isMessageResult() guards