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Writing a driver

This section will focus on giving you a quick overview of the tools available to you to write your driver. While it should be sufficient to write simple drivers you may want to check the following sections for more detailed explanations.


It may seem obvious, but, in order to write a driver for your instrument you need both a good knowledge of the instrument and to read its manual. Finally you need to have access to the real instrument as the manual is likely to be elliptic if not incorrect in some cases (and it is perfectly possible for your instrument firmware to be buggy). Finally in the early stages of development you should make sure you can communicate with your instrument using a third party tool such as NiMAX for VISA instruments or the vendor provided software in other cases.

I3py drivers are organized along the following concepts:

  • the "driver" is at the highest level, it is responsible for handling the communication with the physical instrument.
  • the parameters of the instrument that can be read and possibly set by the user, and whose value does not change spontaneously (any measured quantity typically falls outside this category) are described using "features", which are advanced and highly customizable descriptors (ie properties, please refer to Python documentation if you do not know what a property is).
  • the operations that an instrument can perform (such as a measure), are described using an "action" that is a simple wrapper around a method. It provides optionally some validation/conversion of the argument and return values.
  • finally drivers can be structured in "subsystems" and multiple channels or cards inside a rack can be described using a "channel", which is nothing else than a subsystem with an attached id.

All the above concepts will be illustrated below on concrete examples.

In I3py, each driver is defined in a class declaration. All drivers should inherit from the |BaseDriver| class, however most of the time you will most probably use a derived class handling the low-level communication with the instrument such as |VisaMessageDriver|.

As I3py strives for uniformity in the drivers, it provides for some instruments a standardized base class defining the expected features and actions. As those 'standards' cannot assume any communication mean with the instrument, to use those your driver should inherit from a base class handling the communication and all the 'standards' your instrument supports.

class MyDriver(VisaMessageDriver, IEEEIdentify):
    """My driver (supporting *IDN?) docstring.


If no base class provides the proper communication method to read and write the values of the instrument features, you will have to implement the following methods:

For more details about what are standards and how to use them please refer to :ref:`dev-driv-standards`


To simplify the handling of changes to driver over time I3py enforce to add a class variable __version__ to all drivers. The format of this variable should be the one of a usual version string: MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO

A Feature describes a property of the instrument, that, as already mentioned does not change in a spontaneous way. This restriction comes from the fact that the values of features are cached. They can and should be discarded when some other setting of the driver is modified, but not in a spontaneous manner.

To add a Feature to your instrument you have nothing else to do that assign a Feature subclass to an identifier. As illustrated in the example below :

class MyDriver(VisaMessageDriver, IEEEIdentify):
    """My driver (supporting *IDN?) docstring.

    mode = Unicode('MODE?', 'MODE {}', values=('CW', 'PULSED'))

The first argument is the command to get the value of the feature, the second the command to set it. For message based VISA driver, this is the true SCPI command string and the braces will be filled with the set value.

Additional keywords are used to customized the action taken before getting/setting a value (such as checking this is allowed), how to extract the value or how to validate that the value is meaningful for the instrument.

When subclassing an existing instrument it is often possible that a feature already exists on the parent class but is not properly configured (for example the values are incorrect). In such cases, it is not necessary to entirely redefine the feature, one can use |set_feat| to change the proper keyword arguments values.

class MyNewDriver(MyDriver):
    """My driver (supporting *IDN?) docstring.

    mode = set_feat(values=('CW', 'PULSED', 'TRIGGERED'))

The detailed working of Features is detailed in :ref:`dev-driv-features`, and all the existing features are described in the API. Finally, as instruments can be often quite surprising in their behaviors, the default behaviors of the provided features may prove insufficient. More complex customization are possible and detailed in the section :ref:`dev-driv-advanced` of this manual.

Actions are light wrapper around methods. They provide similar facility to run checks and conversion on the input and output values as do features. To declare one, you only have to declare a method:

class MyDriver(VisaMessageDriver):
    """My driver (supporting *IDN?) docstring.


    @Action(values={'kind': ('volt', 'curr')})
    def read_state(self, kind):
        """Read the instrument state.


The above example shows how to check the value of an argument is valid.

The detailed working of actions is described in :ref:`dev-driv-actions` section. Just like features several classes of actions exist and are describe in the API. Actions support advanced customization just like features which are described in section :ref:`dev-driv-advanced`


To improve readability and allow third-party tool to improve the integration of I3py drivers, it recommended to provide type annotations for Action and in particular for their return values.

Subsystems allow to group features into coherent ensemble, which can allow to avoid ridiculously long names. For example many lock-in amplifiers include a built-in oscillator and subsytems allow for example to group the related features such as amplitude and frequency as shown below:

class MyDriver(VisaMessageDriver):
    """My driver (supporting *IDN?) docstring.


    oscillator = subsystem()
    with oscillator as o:

        o.frequency = Float('OSC:FREQ?', 'OSC:FREQ {}')

Actions can also be attached to a subsystems:

class MyDriver(VisaMessageDriver):
    """My driver (supporting *IDN?) docstring.


    oscillator = subsystem()
    with oscillator as o:

        def is_sync(self):

By default, a subsystem is a subclass of |SubSystem| and any subsystem of the parent class of the driver. You can specify additional base classes as a tuple passed as first argument to subsystem.

Channels are similar to subsytems but are identified by an id as an instrument may have an arbitrary number of channel of the same kind (the default class is |Channel|). Adding a channel to an instrument is similar to adding a subsystem save that one must specify what are the valid channel ids. One can specify a static list of ids or a the name of a method on the parent listing the available channels when called. This method should take no argument. Furthermore one can declare, aliases for the channel ids to provide more user friendly name than the ones used by the driver.

For more details please refer to the API documentation or to the dedicated section of the documentation about subsystems and channels :ref:`dev-driv-subsystem`.

Depending on the instrument firmware or the option bought, some capabilities of the instrument may not be available. To reflect this reality, i3py allows to define special features |Options| used to recover the instrument options.


A single driver can define multiple options features but they all use different names.

Features, actions, subsystem and channel all support a dedicated keyword argument 'options' to specify tests to perform on the instrument option before granting the user access to it for the first time. The full check is only performed the first time since options are meant to describe hardware or firmware settings that cannot change during the instrument operation. The format in which to specify the checks is the following:

'feature_options_name['option_name'] == option_value'

Actually any valid boolean assertion can be evaluated so if an option can only be True or False the equality test is useless. Furthermore multiple tests can be separated by ";" .


Operation that cannot be performed at runtime because the instrument is not properly configured fall outside the scope of options and should be inhibited if necessary using the 'checks' mechanism that exists on features, actions, subsystems and channels.

For more details please refer to the API documentation.

In the case of VISA based drivers, it is desirable to specify which communication interfaces are supported by the instrument, along which the parameters to use (such as termination characters, which may differ between interfaces). All those information can be specified to I3py drivers through the use of the class level variables listed below.


To avoid polluting the driver namespace, VISA specific method are grouped in the visa_resource subsystem, accessible from the top level driver.

Dictionary specifying the interfaces supported by the instrument. For each type of interface a dictionary (or a list of dictionary), specifying the default arguments to use should be provided. Valid interfaces are :

  • ASRL: serial interface (RS232)
  • USB: usb interface
  • TCPIP: ethernet based interface
  • GPIB: gpib based interface
  • PXI: pxi based interface
  • VXI: vxi based interface

For each supported interface, the dictionary should contain at least the resource class to use. In addition, it can contain interface specific settings that users will not have to provide to start the driver. For example, if the instrument support the using raw sockets on TCPIP, the port number is required and can be specified as follow.

INTERFACES = {'TCPIP': {'resource_class': 'SOCKET',
                        'port': '50000'}}

The valid keys for each interface matches the named used in VISA resource names which are described in PyVISA documentation.

Dictionary specifying the default parameters to use for the VISA session. As some of those can be interface or resource specific, the valid keys for the dictionary include any pair (interface_type, resource_class), any interface_type, any resource_class and 'COMMON' that applies to all interfaces/resources. The values associated to each key is expected to be a dictionary, whose keys match the attributes of the underlying VISA resource. The most commons are:

  • write_termination: character appended at the end of each sent message
  • read_termination: character expected at the end of each received message.
  • timeout: time in ms after which to consider that the communication failed.

By default all arguments passed to a VISA driver are used to build the resource name. This class holds a tuple of named reserved to other use. By default it is set to ('parameters', 'backend'), which should be sufficient be sufficient in most cases.

'parameters' is a dictionary whose content is by default passed to the underlying PyVISA object, but it is a matter of simply overriding initialize to handle it in a different fashion.


Serial instruments usually requires to be switched to remote control before accepting any instruction. To streamline this process, the |VisaRS232| provides the automatic addition of the proper header to all outgoing messages when one connect to the instrument through its serial interface (and only then). The header to use can be specified as a BYTE string using the RS232_HEADER class variable.

Drivers in I3py are organized by manufacturers (inside each manufacturer package, they can be organized by instrument type). However because building the driver class is more expensive than regular Python classes, I3py provides a way to make drivers visible from the top level manufacturer package that does not lead to their automatic import when the manufacturer package is imported. In particular this means that to import just one instrument from one manufacturer you do not import all the drivers for the manufacturer instrument.

To achieve this, I3py replace the manufacturer package module by a custom one providing lazy import capabilities. For each manufacturer, the top level package should look like:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2018 by I3py Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Package for the drivers of Itest instruments.

import sys
from i3py.core.lazy_package import LazyPackage

DRIVERS = {'BN100': 'bn100.BN100'}

sys.modules[__name__] = LazyPackage(DRIVERS, __name__, __doc__, locals())

The DRIVERS dictionary contains a mapping between the name of the drivers that should be accessible and their import path (typically module_name.class_name). To make your driver visible simply add it to this dictionary. If you driver is defined in a sub-package and this package is itself lazy, your driver will be visible as soon as it is visible in the sub-package and that the sub-package is imported in the manufacturer package.