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Releases: Extremelyd1/HKMP

HKMP hotfix release v0.2.2

20 Mar 15:36
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Hotfix release of HKMP.

There were some relatively large issues in the latest release. This hotfix release aims to resolve some of those. The UDP update thread was blocking proper exit of the application, thus every time you wanted to exit the application it would hang (not relevant for Linux users). All occurrences of user IDs are now using ushort in line with the packets. There was an issue with the event system of the UI that would block certain inputs. This event system is now disabled in non-gameplay scenes, thus this should at least no longer happen in the main menu. Lastly, there was an issue with text rendering, some text would be ill-formatted due to Unity's CharacterInfo returning false information if the text was not rendered before.
There is also a new feature, an info box that displays players connecting and disconnecting from the server. These messages will disappear after some time and are capped so it doesn't flood the screen.

Features since previous release:

  • Info box that displays connection related messages

HKMP release v0.2.1

18 Mar 18:51
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Minor release of HKMP.
The new UDP packet system is now completely implemented. This means that when a client sends anything over UDP it will always be an single update packet containing all relevant updated data. After the server receives it, it will respond with an update packet acknowledging the arrival of the client packet and containing updates from other clients. Thus if the congestion control kicks in client-side it will also limit responses from the server. These packets are fairly optimized in terms of bytes.

No new features in this release.

HKMP release v0.2.0

15 Mar 21:57
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Major release of HKMP.
I reworked a large part of the networking system by implementing a congestion avoidance system and fixed rate packet sending. Clients will now slow down packet sending if they notice that the connection is congested (by tracking the round trip time (RTT)). Hopefully this will partially solve or at least alleviate some of the issues when playing with larger groups of people (10+).
Next to this, I fixed some issues with the settings menu not properly updating client side. Also, the game now no longer pauses while in the pause menu if the client is connected to a server. This still has some issues with the pause menu UI.

Features since previous version:

  • Congestion avoidance system
  • Unable to pause game while connected
  • Damage settings for Grubberfly's Elegy, Spore Shroom (and variations) and Thorns of Agony.

HKMP release v0.1.4

12 Mar 20:30
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Minor release of HKMP.
Almost all charms now have corresponding animation effects. Also started work on the Dreamshield, which is now being transmitted, but still lacks proper synchronisation and a few effects. It also doesn't have any PvP interactions yet. This release also includes some fixes to networking issues. This includes when the client that hosts the server save-quits this would result in all other clients being timed out due to lack of heart beat transmissions.

Features since previous version:

  • Baldur Shell animation
  • Spore Shroom animations
  • Defender's Crest animation
  • Thorns of Agony animation
  • Dreamshield animation (not completely finished)

HKMP release v0.1.3

09 Mar 16:36
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Minor release of HKMP.
This release mainly implements heart beats for the client and server. This means that if either the client of the server loses connection in any way, the other party will be notified by the lack of heart beats and thus gracefully disconnect. This should help a lot in cases where the connection is abruptly ended. There are some miscellaneous fixes as well, which you can find in the commits.

Features since previous version:

  • Improved the text texture of player names
  • Added a setting to hide names above players

HKMP release v0.1.2

08 Mar 22:41
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Minor release of HKMP.
This release fixes some animation effects resulting in desynced clients. Fixed death event not being received by server. Added additional logging to some networking events, which may cause the log to be spammed unfortunately. Added settings for damage values of all PvP related skills/abilities.

No new features unfortunately, unless you want to see the death animation, which is fixed now.

HKMP release v0.1.1

08 Mar 12:44
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Minor release of HKMP.
This release potentially has some fixes for the networking issues that the last version was having. The networking code now deals with packets that arrive fragmented or incomplete and need to be read in parts before being used. Moreover, the TCP and UDP data read methods are now being called (almost) immediately after reading from the streams to minimize downtime and missed packets. This also means that the handling of received data had to be done synchronously.
Note that I have done only limited testing on this release, so bugs and glitches might still occur.

No new features unfortunately.

HKMP release v0.1.0

07 Mar 16:37
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Major release of HKMP.
First release of the mod, which already includes a lot of features. Note that anything could still be buggy, I haven't been able to test everything thoroughly. As such, longer sessions might be more prone to bugs/networking issues.

Current features of the mod:

  • Player position syncing
  • Playing animation/particle effect syncing
  • Map position syncing
  • PvP combat