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318 lines (217 loc) · 8.96 KB

Fuzzy testing

A full software security analysis consists on:

  1. Fuzzing
  2. Pen-testing
  3. Source code review
  4. Binary disassembling

What is Fuzzing

  • Fuzzing represents an automated technique to discover bugs in software by sending faulty data to the application
  • The faulty data is usually based on variations of valid data


  • Requires interface access to whatever you are fuzzing
  • Helpful to know what is the protocol description
  • Advantage - fast to perform (setup)
  • Disadvantage - limited coverage and test scope

When to perform fuzzing

  • Used for input validation
  • Fast to write and deploy
  • Get the low hanging fruits
  • Depending on fuzzing mechanism it can result in many false positives

What to fuzz

  • Network APIs
  • Application interfaces / input channels (stdin, signals, environment variables, input files, IPC, ...)
  • APIs, system calls, library calls
  • Everything that let us interact in any way and let us observe their state

The fuzzing quality triangle

           /    \
          /      \
         /  bugs  \
        /          \
Test Cases-------Code Coverage

Fuzzing types 1

  1. Whitebox: API access + source code access
  2. Greybox: API access + system/binary access
  3. Blackbox: API access only

Fuzzing types 2

  1. Dumb - just random variations
  2. Smart - know the content and update CRCs, length fields, etc.
  3. Format - know the whole format and work with it

Analyze the data format

  • What byte/bit/integer means what?
  • Opportunities and Issues:
    • Length fields
    • Strings
  • Problems areas:
    • Encodings (hex, base64, UTF8, UTF16, UTF32)
    • Cryptographic signatures
    • Checksums

Meta layers

A SOME/IP packet that contains XML text has the following layers that all need to be fuzzed:

  • SOME/IP header data (head data)
  • SOME/IP content structure (length of strings)
  • SOME/IP content data (content of strings)
  • SOME/IP meta content data (how are the strings interpreted at later processing steps)


  • Checksums & cryptographic signatures
    • Comment them out of the code
    • Patch them out of the binary
    • Fixup function in the fuzzed that calculated the correct value and writes it into the input

Fuzzing steps

fuzzying steps

Two main fuzzing areas

  1. Coverage guided random fuzzing (usually based on source code [whitebox/greybox])
  2. Hammering and interface with a fuzzer tool which sends specific values (blackbox)

The result is very different, even if they fuzz the same thing!

1. Coverage guided

  • Very good code coverage
  • Best method to find buffer overflow bugs (e.g. memcpy-length, strcpy, double free, use after free, NULL pointer dereference, integer overflows, type confusion, etc.)
  • Possible <=> hard to find race conditions and logical bugs
  • Unable to find: meta bugs (e.g injection vulnerabilities), missing authorization checks, crypto issues

2. Black box approach

  • Usually unknown code coverage
  • Good to find meta bugs (e.g. injection vulnerabilities) and buffer overflow bugs
  • Hard to find race conditions and logical bugs
  • Unable to find missing authorization checks, crypto issues, etc

Choose your tools and goals wisely

  • Some issues are best to find with source code inspections (missing authorization, crypto issues)
  • Some by hands-on pen-testers (missing authorization, logical bugs, meta bugs)
  • Some by coverage guided source-based fuzzing (everything buffer overflow)
  • Some by blackbox protocol fuzzing (meta bugs)

AFL++ source code coverage fuzzer

afl how does it look like

AFL workflow

  1. Randomly selects an input and change something in ti randomly
  2. Run the target program with the input
    • Did it crash? Save the input as crash case
    • Did the input use a path never seen before? Put the input in the input seed list
  3. Go to step 1

AFL internals

  1. Coverage information is made available to AFL via share memory
  2. Coverage information is gathered by instrumenting each branch

afl overview

afl whole view

AFL good & bad

  1. Good: Very easy to use and deploy
  2. Good: You need not to know anything about the input data
  3. Bad: By default it can only work on input files and stdin
  4. Bad: Possible but harder to use on library APIs rather than programs


  1. AFL is not supported anymore - AFL++ is now community supported
  2. Best fuzzer currently (fuzzbench report)
  3. AFL++ is very easy to use

Things good to know about AFL

Parallel fuzzing! (Up to $(nproc) instances)

  • Master fuzz process:
afl-fuzz -M fuzzer0 ...
  • Child fuzz processes (nproc - 1):
afl-fuzz -S fuzzer1 ...
afl-fuzz -S fuzzer2 ...

Better AFL performance

  • /etc/default/grub: Disable all mitigation (spectre):
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet ibpb=off ibrs=off
kpti=off l1tf=off mds=off mitigations=off no_stf_barrier
noibpb noibrs nopcid nopti nospec_store_bypass_disable
nospectre_v1 nospectre_v2 pcid=off pti=off
spec_store_bypass_disable=off spectre_v2=off
  • Before running AFL after a reboot (otherwise AFL won't run!):



$ apt install libtool libtool-bin python libboost-all-dev pixman autoconf automake cmake build-essential clang-9 libclang-common-9-dev protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev ninja-build pkg-config
$ git clone
$ cd AFLplusplus; make source-only
$ sudo make install

Get AFL++:

git clone

Compile and install:

export LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-VERSION
cd AFLplusplus
make source-only
sudo make install

Hands-on - DOCKER

Get the AFL++ docker container:

docker pull aflplusplus/aflplusplus

Run the container (and add a –v /src:/dst exchange directory!)

docker run -ti -v /tmp:/share aflplusplus/aflplusplus


Or choose your own.

Let’s try it out

  • Download an old version of libjpeg, libtiff, libpng, libarchive, libsndfile, etc.
  • CC=afl-clang-fast CXX=afl-clang-fast++ ./configure --disable-shared
  • make
  • Run AFL
    • mkdir in
    • cp ~/INPUT_FILES/* in/
    • sudo afl-system-config afl-fuzz -i in -o out - ./TARGET @@

This can take a long time. Always check first that your command line with the test input file works well!

Better performances

AFL llvm_mode has options for better path discovery and solving:

  • export AFL_LLVM_INSTRUMENT_LIST=filelist.txt

What do we do with the crashes?

  • Test cases that crashed the target are in ./out/crashes/
  • Trace the program with that crash input file. If necessary, recompile with debug

ulimit -c unlimited./PROGRAM out/crashes/id:0...gdb ./PROGRAM core

Showstoppers - hands on

Checksums, HMAC checks etc. -fuzzers have difficulties handling that. Solutions:

  • Use a postprocess function library, see AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_LIBRARY and experimental/custom_mutators/*.c
  • Disable in the source code:
  return 0;
  if (check_hmac(input, hmac) != 0)
    return -1;

How to make it better

Use the newest LLVM you can (llvm_modesupports 3.3 -11)

CC=afl-clang-fast CXX=afl-clang-fast++

How long to run AFL? Coverage

A week is a good standard, but complex input should run up to a month and longer. With smaller input sizes symbolic execution based fuzzers are a good addition (e.g. Angora, QSym).

  • If the fuzzer ran an hour, a day, a week ... what coverage was achieved?
  • Maybe important parts were not reached?
  • We need a way to assess what afl could cover!


We use gcc's gcov feature for this, and afl-cov is a great wrapper around this:

git clone

Now we need to install what we need additionally:

sudo apt install gcc lcov python-subprocess32

We need to compile the target again with coverage information:

  • cp-r TARGET TARGET-cov
  • cd TARGET-cov
  • make clean
  • /afl-cov/ ./configure --disable-shared
  • make

During the fuzzing we can generate statistics (from the TARGET-cov directory):

/afl-cov/ ../target/out/"./target @@"

Afterwards open the generated index.html file :-)