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How to Install the Bot

Matthew R edited this page Oct 29, 2018 · 6 revisions

The Fortnite Community Development Team will no longer support downloads of Moonglow. Moonglow is only for reference purposes here, and we will not provide any documentation or instructions on how to get the bot to run, so please don't ask. If you are skilled in this work, and know how to run this bot yourself. Feel free to set it up, however we will not provide support.

The guide at the bottom of the page works for Moonglow (discord.js) version 3.5 and below. This guide does not work for Moonglow (eris/alpha) any versions.

Can I install Moonglow myself

Yes, you are more than welcome to add Moonglow yourself, the only thing we ask from you is you keep the info.js command intact. If we find that you edited the info command to make it look like you made it, we have the right to ban you from this repository and our Discord server.

What things do I need first before I install

  1. Install Node.js here: and select your OS.
  2. Install git here: and click on "install"

Okay, I installed all of that, what do I do now?

  1. Open up a new "Git Bash" in the folder or area you want to install the bot in by right clicking that area and clicking on "git bash"
  2. In the command, run > git clone
  3. Some of our modules that we need require C++ Windows Build Tools. You will need to run this command before proceeding: npm install --add-python-to-path --global windows-build-tools. Sometimes this even fails when attempting to pull the requirements from the installation. If this doesn't work, you'll need to install Visual Studio Build Tools online directly, more information available by clicking here.
  4. Now we need to install of the required libraries that the bot requires to run, you can do npm install to do this.
  5. You're all done with installing!


Now, we need to configure your bot. When you download that file, there's something in there called config.js.example. Copy that file into another one and call it config.js. Then you can delete the example. In the owners field, you want to add in your ID there. And fill out the rest of the Support/Admins fields to your liking, it's all there for you that explains it in that file.

Now, in there there is also a place to ask for your token, populate that field as well. When you do that, save it. You are now done!

Alright! I got all of that done, what do I do now?

Remember that git bash you opened earlier, in there simply run npm start and your bot should be running. If that doesn't start it, use node index.js, though the npm start should start it. If you have any questions, please visit Thanks!

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