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File metadata and controls

357 lines (286 loc) · 11.3 KB


The transport library provides transport services and socket API for applications willing to communicate using the hICN protocol stack.


  • Implementation of the hICN core objects (interest, data, name..) exploiting the API provided by libhicn.
  • IO modules for seamlessly connecting the application to the hicn-plugin for VPP or the hicn-light forwarder.
  • Transport protocols (RAAQM, CBR, RTC)
  • Transport services (authentication, integrity, segmentation, reassembly, naming)
  • Interfaces for applications (from low-level interfaces for interest-data interaction to high level interfaces for Application Data Unit interaction)

Build dependencies


sudo apt install libasio-dev libconfig++-dev libssl-dev

If you wish to use the library for connecting to the vpp hicn-plugin, you will need to also install vpp and its libraries.

# Prevent vpp to set sysctl
VPP_VERSION=$(cat "${VERSION_PATH}" | grep VPP_DEFAULT_VERSION | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | tr -d '"' | grep -Po '\d\d.\d\d')

curl -s${VPP_VERSION//./}/ | bash
curl -L${VPP_VERSION//./}/gpgkey | apt-key add -
sed -E -i 's/(deb.*)(\[.*\])(.*)/\1\3/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fdio_${VPP_VERSION//./}.list
apt-get update

apt-get install -y \
  vpp-dev \
  libvppinfra-dev \
  vpp-plugin-core \
  vpp \

You can get them either from from the vpp packages or the source code. Check the VPP wiki for instructions.


We recommend to use HomeBrew for installing the libasio dependency:

brew install asio libconfig openssl@1.1

Since VPP does not support macOS, the IO module memif is not built.

Build the library

The library is built by default from the main CMakeLists.txt. If you have all the dependencies installed, including libhicn, you can also build libtransport alone:

cd libtransport
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

Compile options

The build process can be customized with the following options:

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: The path where you want to install the library.
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: The build configuration. Options: Release, Debug. Default is Release.
  • ASIO_HOME: The folder containing the libasio headers.
  • VPP_HOME: The folder containing the installation of VPP.

An option can be set using cmake -DOPTION=VALUE.

Install the library

For installing the library, from the cmake build folder:

cmake --build . -- install


Examples on how to use the library can be found in the apps folder of the project. In particular you can check the hiperf application, which demonstrates how to use the API to interact with the hicn transport, both for consumer and producer.

Configuration file

The transport can be configured using a configuration file. There are two ways to tell libransport where to find the configuration file:

  • programmatically - you set the configuration file path in your application:
// Set conf file path
std::string conf_file = "/opt/hicn/etc/transport.config"
// Parse config file
  • using the environment variable TRANSPORT_CONFIG:
export TRANSPORT_CONFIG=/opt/hicn/etc/transport.config
./hiperf -C b001::1

Here is an example of configuration file:

// Configuration for io_module
io_module = {
  path = [];
  name = "forwarder_module";

// Configuration for forwarder io_module
forwarder = {
  n_threads = 1;

  connectors = {
    c0 = {
      /* local_address and local_port are optional */
      local_address = "";
      local_port = 33436;
      remote_address = "";
      remote_port = 33436;

  listeners = {
    l0 = {
      local_address = "";
      local_port = 33437;

// Logging
log = {
  // Log level (INFO (0), WARNING (1), ERROR (2), FATAL (3))
  minloglevel = 0;

  // Verbosity level for debug logs
  v= 2;

  // Log to stderr
  logtostderr = true;

  // Get fancy colored logs
  colorlogtostderr = true;

  // Log messages above this level also to stderr
  stderrthreshold = 2;

  // Set log prefix for each line log
  log_prefix = true;

  // Log dir
  log_dir = "/tmp";

  // Log only specific modules.
  // Example: "membuf=2,rtc=3"
  vmodule = "";

  // Max log size in MB
  max_log_size = 10;

  // Log rotation
  stop_logging_if_full_disk = true;


hICN has built-in authentication and integrity features by either:

  • Cryptographically signing all packets using an asymmetric key (like RSA) or a symmetric one (like HMAC). The latter requires that all parties have prior access to the same key. Beware that this method is computationally expensive and impacts max throughput and CPU usage.
  • Using manifests. Manifests are special packets that holds the digests of a group of data packets. Only the manifest needs to be signed and authenticated; other packets are authenticated simply by verifying that their digest is present in a manifest.

Per-packet signatures

To enable per-packet signature with asymmetric signing:

  • On the producer, disable manifests (which are ON by default):
    producer_socket->setSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::MANIFEST_MAX_CAPACITY, 0u);
  • On the producer, instantiate an AsymmetricSigner object by passing either an asymmetric pair of keys as EVP_KEY object or a keystore path and password as strings:
    std::shared_ptr<Signer> signer = std::make_shared<AsymmetricSigner>("./rsa.p12", "hunter2");
  • Pass the signer object to libtransport:
    producer_socket->setSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::SIGNER, signer);
  • On the consumer, instantiate an AsymmetricVerifer object by passing either a certificate as a X509 object, an asymmetric public key as a EVP_KEY object or a certificate path as a string:
    std::shared_ptr<Verifier> verifier = std::make_shared<Verifier>("./rsa.crt");
  • Pass the verifier object to libtransport:
    consumer_socket->setSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::VERIFIER, verifier);

To enable per-packet signature with symmetric signing, follow the above steps replacing AsymmetricSigner with SymmetricSigner and AsymmetricVerifer with SymmetricSigner. A SymmetricSigner only has one constructor which expects a CryptoSuite and a passphrase. A SymmetricVerifier also has a single constructor which expects a passphrase:

std::shared_ptr<Signer> signer = std::make_shared<SymmetricSigner>(CryptoSuite::HMAC_SHA256, "hunter2");
std::shared_ptr<Verifier> verifier = std::make_shared<SymmetricVerifier>("hunter2");

Check Supported crypto suites for the list of available suites.

Enabling manifests

  • Follow steps 2-5 in Per-packet signatures.
  • By default, a manifest has a maximum capacity C_max of 30 packets. To change this value:
    producer_socket->setSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::MANIFEST_MAX_CAPACITY, 20u);

In the case of RTC, manifests are sent after the data they contain and on the consumer side, data packets are immediately forwarded to the application, even if they weren't authenticated yet via a manifest. This is to minimize latency. The digest of incoming data packets are kept in a buffer while waiting for manifests to arrive. When the buffer size goes above a threshold T, an alert is raised by the verifier object. That alert threshold is computed as follows:

T = manifest_factor_alert * C_max

The value of C_max is passed by the producer to the consumer at the start of the connection. manifest_factor_alert is a consumer socket option. It basically acts on the resilience of manifests against networks losses and reflects the application's tolerance to unverified packets: a higher value gives the transport the time needed to recover from several manifest losses but potentially allows a larger number of unverified packet to go the application before alerts are triggered. It is set to 20 by default and should always be >= 1. To change it:

consumer_socket_->setSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::MANIFEST_FACTOR_ALERT, 10u);

The buffer does not keep unverified packets indefinitely. After a certain amount of packets have been received and processed (and were verified or not), older packets still unverified are flushed out. This is to prevent the buffer to grow uncontrollably and to raise alerts for packets that are not relevant to the application anymore. That threshold of relevance is computed as follows:

T = manifest_factor_relevant * C_max

manifest_factor_relevant is a consumer socket option. It is set to 100 by default. Its value must be set so that manifest_factor_relevant > manifest_factor_alert >= 1. If manifest_factor_relevant <= manifest_factor_alert, no alert will ever be raised. To change it:

consumer_socket_->setSocketOption(GeneralTransportOptions::MANIFEST_FACTOR_RELEVANT, 200u);

Handling authentication failures

When a data packet fails authentication, or when the unverified buffer is full in the case of RTC, an alert is triggered by the verifier object. By default libtransport aborts the connection upon reception of that alert. You may want to intercept authentication failures in your application:

  • Define a callback with arguments an uint32_t integer, which will be set to the suffix of the faulty packet, and a auth::VerificationPolicy, which will be set to the action suggested by the verifier object. The callback must return another auth::VerificationPolicy which will be the actual action taken by libtransport:
    auth::VerificationPolicy onAuthFailed(uint32_t suffix, auth::VerificationPolicy policy) {
      std::cout << "auth failed for packet " << suffix << std::endl;
      return auth::VerificationPolicy::ACCEPT;
  • Give that callback to your Verifier object as well as a list of auth::VerificationPolicy to intercept (if left empty, will be set by default to {ABORT, DROP}):
    verifier->setVerificationFailedCallback(&onAuthFailed, {

Supported crypto suites

The following CryptoSuite are supported by libtransport:



Internally libtransport uses glog as logging library. If you want to have a more verbose transport log when launching a test or an app, you can set environment variables in this way:

GLOG_v=4 hiperf -S b001::/64

For a more exhaustive list of options, please check the instructions in the glog README.

Useful options include enabling logging per module. Also you can compile out useless messages in release builds.