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HOWTO: Performing a Release for MSL's Java Client

Daniel Koo edited this page Aug 15, 2014 · 3 revisions

Execute the following steps to perform a release:

Prereq: Add sonatype server information to your maven settings.xml

  1. In master, modify in msl-client-java/pom.xml with the release version (e.g. if current is 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, change to 1.0.0)
  2. In master, modify inside of in msl-client-java/pom.xml to the desired tag name (e.g. msl-client-java-1.0.0)
  3. Push the change into master
  4. Checkout master
  5. Create a tag using the name set in step 2 (e.g. git tag -a msl-client-java-1.0.0 -m 'MSL Client Java Release 1.0.0' and then git push --tags)
  6. Have msl-sample-app running (to be used for executing unit tests)
  7. Run mvn clean deploy -Prelease-sign-artifacts -f msl-client/java/pom.xml -Dgpg.passphrase=###PASSPHRASE###
  8. Login at
  9. Click 'Staging Repositories'
  10. Search for 'finra'
  11. Choose 'org.finra-###' and click 'Close'
  12. Enter release description in the popup and submit
  13. Refresh
  14. Choose 'org.finra-###' and click 'Release'
  15. Enter release description in the popup and submit
  16. You should have received 2 e-mail notifications
  • Staging Completed
  • Promotion Completed
  1. Active sync to Maven Central Repo should already be activated so you will see the artifact within the next 24 hours.
  2. If everything's well, in master, modify in msl-client-java/pom.xml with the next development version (e.g. if current is 1.0.0, change to 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT)
  3. In master, modify inside of in msl-client-java/pom.xml to HEAD
  4. Push the change into master
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