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Advanced Middleware IDL Specification

Date: 10th October 2015

  • Version: 0.3.0
  • Latest version: latest <Middleware_IDL_Specification>


Copyright © 2013-2015 by eProsima, DFKI, ZHAW. All Rights Reserved


Ahe Advanced Middleware GE enables flexible, efficient, scalable, and secure communication between distributed applications and to/between FIWARE GEs. The Interface Definition Language (IDL) Specifications allowes to describes the Data Types and Operations supported by a Service. Following is a list of the main features it supports:

  • IDL, Dynamic Types & Application Types: It support the usual schema of IDL compilation to generate support code for the data types.
  • IDL Grammar: An OMG-like grammar for the IDL as in DDS, Thrift, ZeroC ICE, CORBA, etc.
  • Types: Support of simple set of basic types, structs, and various high level types such as lists, sets, and dictionaries (maps).
  • Type inheritance, Extensible Types, Versioning: Advanced data types, extensions, and inheritance, and other advanced features will be supported.
  • Annotation Language: The IDL is extended with an annotation language to add properties to the data types and operations. These will, for example, allows adding security policies and QoS requirements.

Status of this Document

Date Description
8-April-2015 Release 0.2.0
10-October-2015 Release 0.3.0


The foundation of the FIWARE Middleware Interface Definition Language (IDL) is the Object Management Group (OMG) IDL 3.5. See Appendix C for the OMG IDL 3.5 grammar.

To maintain backward compatibility, the FIWARE Middleware IDL grammar embraces all OMG IDL 3.5 features. IDL parsers are not required to implement all of the extended OMG features. Check the documentation of the specific parser implementations.

The basic subset needed by DDS and future standard RPC over DDS must be supported.

Syntax Definition

The FIWARE Middleware IDL specification consists of one or more type definitions, constant definitions, exception definitions, or module definitions. Some definitions are allowed in the grammar for backward compatibility, but are not used by the FIWARE Middleware IDL and therefore will be ignored by the implmentations.

<specification> ::= <import>* <definition>+
<definition> ::= <type_dcl> ";"
             |   <const_dcl> ";"
             |   <except_dcl> ";"
             |   <interface> ";"
             |   <module> ";"
             |   <value> ";"
             |   <type_id_dcl> ";"
             |   <type_prefix_dcl> ";"
             |   <event> ";"
             |   <component> ";"
             |   <home_dcl> ";"
             |   <annotation_dcl> ";"
             |   <annotation_appl> <definition>
See section Import Declaration for the specification of <import>
See section Module Declaration for the specification of <module\>
See section Interface Declaration for the specification of <interface>
See section Value Declaration for the specification of <value\>
See section Constant Declaration for the specification of <const_dcl>
See section Type Declaration for the specification of <type_dcl>
See section Exception Declaration for the specification of <except_dcl>
See section Repository Identity Related Declarations for the specification of <type_id_dcl> and <type_prefix_dcl>
See section Event Declaration for the specification of <event>
See section Component Declaration for the specification of <component>
See section Event Declaration for the specification of <home_dcl>
See section Annotation Declaration for the specification of <annotation_dcl>
See section Annotation Application for the specification of < annotation_appl>

Import Declaration

An import statement conforms to the following syntax:

<import> ::= "import" <imported_scope> ";"
<imported_scope> ::= <scoped_name> | <string_lieral>

Import declarations are not supported by FIWARE Middleware. Any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser has to inform users about this and ignore the declaration.

Module Declaration

A module definition conforms to the following syntax:

<module> ::= ("module" | "namespace") <identifier> "{" <definition> + "}"

The module construct is used to scope IDL identifiers. FIWARE Middleware IDL supports the OMG IDL 3.5 keyword module, but also adds the modern keyword namespace as an alias.

Examples of module definitions:

namespace MyNamespace {

namespace YourNamespace {
   namespace HisNamespace {

Interface Declaration

An interface definition conforms to the following syntax:

<interface> ::= <interface_dcl> | <forward_dcl>
<interface_dcl> ::= <interface_header> "{" <interface_body> "}"
<forward_dcl> ::= [ "abstract" | "local" ] ("interface" | "service") <identifier>
<interface_header> ::= [ "abstract" | "local" ]("interface" | "service") <identifier>
                       [ <interface_inheritance_spec> ]
<interface_body> ::= <export>*
<export> ::= <type_dcl> ";"
          |   <const_dcl> ";"
          |   <except_dcl> ";"
          |   <attr_dcl> ";"
          |   <op_dcl> ";"
          |   <type_id_dcl> ";"
          |   <type_prefix_dcl> ";"

Example of interface definition:

service MyService {

Interface Header

The interface header consists of three elements:

  1. An optional modifier specifying if the interface is an abstract interface.
  2. The interface name. The name must be preceded by the old OMG IDL 3.5 keyword interface or the new modern keyword service.
  3. An optional inheritance specification.

An interface declaration containing the keyword abstract in its header, declares an abstract interface. Abstract interfaces have slightly different rules from regular interfaces, as described in section Abstract interface.

An interface declaration containing the keyword local in its header, declares a local interface. Local interfaces are not currently supported by the FIWARE Middleware. Any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser has to inform users about this, and explain the interface will be used as a regular interface.

Interface Inheritance Specification

The syntax for interface inheritance is as follows:

<interface_inheritance_spec> ::= ":" <interface_name> { "," <interface_name> }*
<interface_name> ::= <scoped_name>
<scoped_name> ::= <identifier>
            |   "::" <identifier>
            |   <scoped_name> "::" <identifier>

Each <scoped_name> in an <interface_inheritance_spec> must be the name of a previously defined interface or an alias to a previously defined interface.

Interface Body

The interface body contains the following kind of declarations:

Abstract interface

An interface declaration contains the keyword abstract in its header, declares an abstract interface. The following special rule apply to abstract interfaces:

  • Abstract interfaces may only inherit from other abstract interfaces.

Value Declaration

Value type declarations are supported by FIWARE Middleware IDL, but aren't by FIWARE Middleware. Any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser has to explain that these declarations are not used and the parser will ignore them.

Constant Declaration

A constant definition conforms to the following syntax:

<const_dcl> ::= "const" <const_type>
                <identifier> "=" <const_exp>
<const_type> ::= <integer_type>
             |   <char_type>
             |   <wide_char_type>
             |   <boolean_type>
             |   <floating_pt_type>
             |   <string_type>
             |   <wide_string_type>
             |   <fixed_pt_const_type>
             |   <scoped_name>
             |   <octet_type>
<const_exp> ::= <or_expr>
<or_expr> ::= <xor_expr>
           |  <or_expr> "|" <xor_expr>
<xor_expr> ::= <and_expr>
           |   <xor_expr> "^" <and_expr>
<and_expr> ::= <shift_expr>
           |   <and_expr> "&" <shift_expr>
<shift_expr> ::= <add_expr>
             |   <shift_expr> ">>" <add_expr>
             |   <shift_expr> "<<" <add_expr>
<add_expr> ::= <mult_expr>
           |   <add_expr> "+" <mult_expr>
           |   <add_expr> "-" <mult_expr>
<mult_expr> ::= <unary_expr>
            |   <mult_expr> "*" <unary_expr>
            |   <mult_expr> "/" <unary_expr>
            |   <mult_expr> "%" <unary_expr>
<unary_expr> ::= <unary_operator> <primary_expr>
             |   <primary_expr>
<unary_operator> ::= "-"
                 |   "+"
                 |   "~"
<primary_expr> ::= <scoped_name>
               |   <literal>
               |   "(" <const_exp> ")"
<literal> ::= <integer_literal>
          |   <string_literal>
          |   <wide_string_literal>
          |   <character_literal>
          |   <wide_character_literal>
          |   <fixed_pt_literal>
          |   <floating_pt_literal>
          |   <boolean_literal>
<boolean_literal> ::= "TRUE"
                  |   "FALSE"
<positive_int_const> ::= <const_exp>

Examples for constant declarations:

const string c_str = "HelloWorld";
const i32 c_int = 34;
const boolean c_bool = true;

Type Declaration

As in OMG IDL 3.5, FIWARE Middleware IDL provides constructs for naming data types; that is, it provides C language-like declarations that associate an identifier with a type. The IDL uses the keyword typedef to associate a name with a data type.

Type declarations conform to the following syntax:

<type_dcl> ::= "typedef" <type_declarator>
           |   <struct_type>
           |   <union_type>
           |   <enum_type>
           |   "native" <simple_declarator>
           |   <constr_forward_decl>
<type_declarator> ::= <type_spec> <declarators>

For type declarations, FIWARE Middleware IDL defines a set of type specifiers to represent typed value. The syntax is as follows:

<type_spec> ::= <simple_type_spec>
            |   <constr_type_spec>
<simple_type_spec> ::= <base_type_spec>
                   |   <template_type_spec>
                   |   <scoped_name>
<base_type_spec> ::= <floating_pt_type>
                 |   <integer_type>
                 |   <char_type>
                 |   <wide_char_type>
                 |   <boolean_type>
                 |   <octet_type>
                 |   <any_type>
                 |   <object_type>
                 |   <value_base_type>
<template_type_spec> ::= <sequence_type>
                     |   <set_type>
                     |   <map_type>
                     |   <string_type>
                     |   <wide_string_type>
                     |   <fixed_pt_type>
<constr_type_spec> ::= <struct_type>
                   |   <union_type>
                   |   <enum_type>
<declarators> ::= <declarator> { "," <declarator> }*
<declarator> ::= <simple_declarator>
             |   <complex_declarator>
<simple_declarator> ::= <identifier>
<complex_declarator> ::= <array_declarator>

The <scoped_name\> in <simple_type_spec> must be a previously defined type introduced by a type declaration(<type_dcl> - see section Type Declaration).

The next subsections describe basic and constructed type specifiers.

Basic Types

The syntax for the supported basic types is as follows:

<floating_pt_type> ::= "float"
                   |   "double"
                   |   "long" "double"
                   |   "float32"
                   |   "float64"
                   |   "float128"
<integer_type> ::= <signed_int>
               |   <unsigned_int>
<signed_int> ::= <signed_short_int>
             |   <signed_long_int>
             |   <signed_longlong_int>
<signed_short_int> ::= "short"
                   |   "i16"
<signed_long_int> ::= "long"
                  |    "i32"
<signed_longlong_int> ::= "long" "long"
                      |   "i64"
<unsigned_int> ::= <unsigned_short_int>
               |   <unsigned_long_int>
               |   <unsigned_longlong_int>
<unsigned_short_int> ::= "unsigned" "short"
                     |   "ui16"
<unsigned_long_int> ::= "unsigned" "long"
                    |   "ui32"
<unsigned_longlong_int> ::= "unsigned" "long" "long"
                        |   "ui64"
<char_type> ::= "char"
<wide_char_type> ::= "wchar"
<boolean_type> ::= "boolean"
<octet_type> ::= "octet"
             |   "byte"
<any_type> ::= "any"

Each IDL data type is mapped to a native data type via the appropriate language mapping. The syntax allows to use some OMG IDL 3.5 keywords and to use new modern keyword. For example, FIWARE Middleware IDL supports both keywords: long and i32.

The any type is not supported currently by FIWARE Middleware. Any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser has to inform users about this.

Constructed Types

Constructed types are structs, unions, and enums.
Their syntax is as follows:
<type_dcl> ::= "typedef" <type_declarator>
           |   <struct_type>
           |   <union_type>
           |   <enum_type>
           |   "native" <simple_declarator>
           |   <constr_forward_decl>
<constr_type_spec> ::= <struct_type>
                   |   <union_type>
                   |   <enum_type>
<constr_forward_decl> ::= "struct" <identifier>
                      |   "union" <identifier>


The syntax for the struct type is as follows:

<struct_type> ::= "struct" <identifier> "{" <member_list> "}"
<member_list> ::= <member> +
<member> ::= <type_spec> <declarators> ";"

Example of struct syntax:

struct MyStruct {
    i32 f_int;
    string f_str;
    boolean f_bool;


The syntax for the union type is as follows:

<union_type> ::= "union" <identifier> "switch"
                 "(" <switch_type_spec> ")"
                 "{" <switch_body> "}"
<switch_type_spec> ::= <integer_type>
                   |   <char_type>
                   |   <boolean_type>
                   |   <enum_type>
                   |   <scoped_name>
<switch_body> ::= <case> +
<case> ::= <case_label> + <element_spec> ";"
<case_label> ::= "case" <const_exp> ":"
             |   "default" ":"
<element_spec> ::= <type_spec> <declarator>

The <scoped_name> in the <switch_type_spec> production must be a previously defined integer, char, boolean or enum type.

Example of union syntax:

union MyUnion switch(i32)
   case 1:
      i32 f_int;
   case 2:
      string f_str;
      boolean f_bool;
Enumerated types consist of ordered lists of identifiers.
The syntax is as follows:
<enum_type> ::= "enum" <identifier>
                "{" <enumerator> { "," <enumerator> } * "}"
<enumerator> ::= <identifier>

Example of an enumerated type:

enum MyEnum {

Template Types

Template types are:

<template_type_spec> ::= <sequence_type>
                     |   <set_type>
                     |   <map_type>
                     |   <string_type>
                     |   <wide_string_type>
                     |   <fixed_pt_type>

The FIWARE Middleware IDL defined the template type list. A list is similar to the OMG IDL 3.5 sequence type. It is one-dimensional array with two characteristics: a maximum size (which is fixed at compile time) and a length (which is determined at run time). The syntax is as follows:

<sequence_type> ::= "sequence" "<" <simple_type_spec> "," <positive_int_const> ">"
                |   "sequence" "<" <simple_type_spec> ">"
                |   "list" "<" <simple_type_spec> "," <positive_int_const> ">"
                |   "list" "<" <simple_type_spec> ">"

Examples of list type declarations:

list<string> mylist;
list<string, 32> myboundedlist;

The FIWARE Middleware IDL includes the template type set. At marshalling level it is like the template type list. But at a higher level, contrary to the list type, a set can only contain unique values. The syntax is as follows:

<set_type> ::= "set" "<" <simple_type_spec> "," <positive_int_const> ">"
                |   "set" "<" <simple_type_spec> ">"

Examples of set type declarations:

set<string> myset;
set<string, 32> myboundedset;

The FIWARE Middleware IDL includes the template type map, using the upcoming definition in OMG IDL 4.0. Maps are a collections, similar to lists, but items are associated with a key. Like lists, maps may be bounded or unbounded. The syntax is as follows:

<map_type> ::= "map" "<" <simple_type_spec> ","
                    <simple_type_spec> "," <positive_int_const> ">"
                |   "map" "<" <simple_type_spec> "," <simple_type_spec> ">"

Examples of map type declaration:

map<i32, string> mymap;
map<i32, string, 32> myboundedmap;

In CDR marshalling, objects of type map shall be represented according to the following equivalent OMG IDL 3.5 definition:

struct MapEntry_<key_type>_<value_type>[_<bound>] {
    <key_type> key;
    value_type> value;

typedef sequence<MapEntry_<key_type>_<value_type>[_<bound>][, <bound>]>

The syntax for defining a string is as follows:

<string_type> ::= "string" "<" <positive_int_const> ">"
              |   "string"

The syntax for defining a wstring is as follows:

<wide_string_type> ::= "wstring" "<" <positive_int_const> ">"
                   |   "wstring"
Fixed Type

The fixed data type represents a fixed-point decimal number of up to 31 significant digits. The scale factor is a non-negative integer less than or equal to the total number of digits.

The fixed data type will be mapped to the native fixed point capability of a programming language, if available. If there is not a native fixed point type, then the IDL mapping for that language will provide a fixed point data types. The syntax of the fixed type is as follows:

<fixed_pt_type> ::= "fixed" "<" <positive_int_const> "," <positive_int_const> ">"
<fixed_pt_const_type> ::= "fixed"

Complex Types


The syntax for array is as follows:

<array_declarator> ::= <identifier> <fixed_array_size>+
<fixed_array_size> ::= "[" <positive_int_const> "]"

Example of array type declarations:

i32 myi32array[32];
string mystrarray[32];

Native Types

The syntax for native types is as follows:

<type_dcl> ::= "native" <simple_declarator>
<simple_declarator> ::= <identifier>

Native types are not supported by FIWARE Middleware. Any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser has to inform users about this and ignore this definition.

Exception Declaration

Exception declarations permit the declaration of struct-like data structures, which may be returned to indicate that an exceptional condition has occurred during the performance of a request. The syntax is as follows:

<except_dcl> ::= "exception" <identifier> "{" <member>* "}"

Example of an exception declaration:

exception myException {
   string msg;
   i32 code;

Operation Declaration

Operation declarations in OMG IDL 3.5 and FIWARE Middleware IDL are similar to C function declarations. The syntax is as follows:

<op_dcl> ::= [ <op_attribute> ] <op_type_spec>
             <identifier> <parameter_dcls>
             [ <raises_expr> ] [ <context_expr> ]
<op_attribute> ::= "oneway"
<op_type_spec> ::= <param_type_spec>
               | "void"

Example of an operation declaration:

service myService {
    void set(i32 param);
    i32 get();
    i32 add(i32 param1, i32 param2) raises (myException);

An operation declaration consists of:

  • An optional operation attribute that is supported by FIWARE Middleware IDL for backward compatibility. Operation attributes are described in section Operation attribute.
  • The type of the operation's return result. Operations that do not return a result must specify the void type.
  • An identifier that names the operation in the scope of the interface in which it is defined.
  • A parameter list that specifies zero or more parameter declarations for the operation. Parameter declaration is described in section Parameter Declarations.
  • An optional raises expression that indicates which exception may be raised as a result of an invocation of this operation. Raises expression are described in section Raises Expressions.
  • An optional context expression that is inherited from OMG IDL 3.5, but FIWARE Middleware will not use. Context expressions are described in section Context Expressions.

Operation attribute

The syntax for operation attributes is as follows:

<op_attribute> ::= "oneway"

This attribute is supported in FIWARE Middleware for backward compatibility. But in FIWARE Middleware IDL the preferedby way to define a oneway function is using the @Oneway annotation as described in section Oneway functions.

Parameter Declarations

Parameter declarations in FIWARE Middleware IDL operation declarations have the following syntax:

<parameter_dcls> ::= "(" <param_dcl> { "," <param_dcl> }* ")"
                 |   "(" ")"
<param_dcl> ::= [ <param_attribute> ] <param_type_spec> <simple_declarator>
<param_attribute> ::= "in"
                  |   "out"
                  |   "inout"
<raises_expr> ::= "raises" "(" <scoped_name> { "," <scoped_name> }* ")"
<param_type_spec> ::= <base_type_spec>
                  |   <string_type>
                  |   <wide_string_type>
                  |   <scoped_name>

The FIWARE Middleware IDL will not use output parameters, as modern IDLs do. It supports the keywords in, inout, and out, but any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser will inform users all parameters will be input parameters.

Raises Expressions

There are two kinds of raises expressions.

Raises Expression

A raises expression specifies which exceptions may be raised as a result of an invocation of the operation or accessing a readonly attribute. The syntax for its specification is as follows:

<raises_expr> ::= "raises" "(" <scoped_name> { "," <scoped_name> }* ")"

The <scoped_name>s in the raises expression must be previously defined exceptions.

getraises and setraises Expression

The syntax is as follows:

<attr_raises_expr> ::= <get_excep_expr> [ <set_excep_expr> ]
                   |   <set_excep_expr>
<get_excep_expr> ::= "getraises" <exception_list>
<set_excep_expr> ::= "setraises" <exception_list>
<exception_list> ::= "(" <scoped_name> { "," <scoped_name> }* ")"

getraises and setraises expressions are used in attribute declarations. Like in attribute declarations, theses expressions are supported by FIWARE Middleware IDL but not by FIWARE Middleware. Any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser has to inform users about this and it will ignore these expressions.

Context Expressions

The syntax for content expressions is as follows:

<context_expr> ::= "context" "(" <string_literal> { "," <string_literal> }* ")"

Context expressions are supported by FIWARE Middleware IDL but not by FIWARE Middleware. Any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser has to inform users about this and it will ignore these expressions.

Attribute Declaration

The syntax for attribute declarations is as follows:

<attr_dcl> ::= <readonly_attr_spec> | <attr_spec>
<readonly_attr_spec> ::= "readonly" "attribute" <param_type_spec>
<readonly_attr_declarator> ::= <simple_declarator> <raises_expr>
                           |   <simple_declarator> { "," <simple_declarator> }*
<attr_spec> ::= "attribute" <param_type_spec>
<attr_declarator> ::= <simple_declarator> <attr_raises_expr>
                  |   <simple_declarator> { "," <simple_declarator> }*

These declarations are supported by FIWARE Middleware IDL but not by FIWARE Middleware. Any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser has to inform users about this and it will ignore these declarations.

The syntax for repository identity related declarations is as follows:

<type_id_dcl> ::= "typeid" <scoped_name> <string_literal>
<type_prefix_dcl> ::= "typeprefix" <scoped_name> <string_literal>

These declarations are supported by FIWARE Middleware IDL but not by FIWARE Middleware. Any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser has to inform users about this and it will ignore these declarations.

Event Declaration

The syntax for event declarations is as follows:

<event> ::= ( <event_dcl> | <event_abs_dcl> | <event_forward_dcl>)
<event_forward_dcl> ::= [ "abstract" ] "eventtype" <identifier>
<event_abs_dcl> ::= "abstract" "eventtype" <identifier>
                    [ <value_inheritance_spec> ]
                    "{" <export>* "}"
<event_dcl> ::= <event_header> "{" <value_element> * "}"
<event_header> ::= [ "custom" ] "eventtype"
                   <identifier> [ <value_inheritance_spec> ]

These declarations are supported by FIWARE Middleware IDL but not by FIWARE Middleware. Any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser has to inform users about this and it will ignore these declarations.

Component Declaration

The syntax for component declarations is as follows:

<component> ::= <component_dcl> | <component_forward_dcl>
<component_forward_dcl> ::= "component" <identifier>
<component_dcl> ::= <component_header> "{" <component_body> "}"
<component_header> ::= "component" <identifier>
                       [ <component_inheritance_spec> ]
                       [ <supported_interface_spec> ]
<supported_interface_spec> ::= "supports" <scoped_name> { "," <scoped_name> }*
<component_inheritance_spec> ::= ":" <scoped_name>
<component_body> ::= <component_export>*
<component_export> ::= <provides_dcl> ";"
                   |   <uses_dcl> ";"
                   |   <emits_dcl> ";"
                   |   <publishes_dcl> ";"
                   |   <consumes_dcl> ";"
                   |   <attr_dcl> ";"
<provides_dcl> ::= "provides" <interface_type> <identifier>
<interface_type> ::= <scoped_name> | "Object"
<uses_dcl> ::= "uses" [ "multiple" ] <interface_type> <identifier>
<emits_dcl> ::= "emits" <scoped_name> <identifier>
<publishes_dcl> ::= "publishes" <scoped_name> <identifier>
<consumes_dcl> ::= "consumes" <scoped_name> <identifier>

These declarations are supported by FIWARE Middleware IDL but not by FIWARE Middleware. Any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser has to inform users about this and it will ignore these declarations.

Home Declaration

The syntax for home declarations is as follows:

<home_dcl> ::= <home_header> <home_body>
<home_header> ::= "home" <identifier>
                  [ <home_inheritance_spec> ]
                  [ <supported_interface_spec> ]
                  "manages" <scoped_name>
                  [ <primary_key_spec> ]
<home_inheritance_spec> ::= ":" <scoped_name>
<primary_key_spec> ::= "primarykey" <scoped_name>
<home_body> ::= "{" <home_export>* "}"
<home_export ::= <export>
             |   <factory_dcl> ";"
             |   <finder_dcl> ";"
<factory_dcl> ::= "factory" <identifier>
                  "(" [ <init_param_decls> ] ")"
                  [ <raises_expr> ]
<finder_dcl> ::= "finder" <identifier>
                 "(" [ <init_param_decls> ] ")"
                 [ <raises_expr> ]

These declarations are supported by FIWARE Middleware IDL but not by FIWARE Middleware. Any FIWARE Middleware IDL parser has to inform users about this and it will ignore these declarations.

Annotation Declaration

An annotation type is a form of aggregated type similar to a structure with members that could be given constant values. FIWARE Middleware IDL annotations are the ones used in future OMG IDL 4.0, whose are similar to the one provided by Java.

An annotation is defined with a header and a body. The syntax is as follows:

<annotation_dcl> ::= <annotation_def> ";"
                 |   <annotation_forward_dcl>
<annotation_def> ::= <annotation_header> "{" <annotation_body> "}"

Annotation Header

The header consists of: - The keyword @annotation, followed by an identifier that is the name given to the annotation. - Optionally a single inheritance specification.

The syntax of an annotation header is as follows:

<annotation_header> ::= "@annotation" <identifier> [<annotation_inheritance_spec>]
<annotation_inheritance_spec> ::= ":" <scoped_name>

Annotation Body

The body contains a list of zero to several member embedded within braces. Each attribute consists of: - The keyword attribute. - The member type, which must be a constant type <const_type>. - The name given to the member. - An optional default value, given by a constant expression <const_expr> prefixed with the keyword default. The constant expression must be compatible with the member type.

The syntax of annotation body is as follows:

<annotation_body> ::= <annotation_member>*
<annotation_member> ::= <const_type> <simple_declarator>
                        [ "default" <const_expr> ] ";"

Annotation Forwarding

Annotations may also be forward-declared, which allow referencing an annotation whose definition is not provided yet.

The syntax of a forwarding annotation is as follows:

<annotation_forward_dcl> ::= "@annotation" <scoped_name>

Annotation Application

An annotation, once its type defined, may be applied using the following syntax:

<annotation_appl> ::= "@" <scoped_name> [ "(" [ <annotation_appl_params> ] ")" ]
<annotation_appl_params> ::= <const_exp>
                        |   <annotation_appl_param> { "," <annotation_appl_param> }*
<annotation_appl_param> ::= <identifier> "=" <const_exp>

Applying an annotation consists in prefixing the element under annotation with: - The annotation name prefixed with a commercial at (@) - Followed by the list of values given to the annotation's members within parentheses and separated by comma. Each parameter value consist in: - The name of the member - The symbol '=' - A constant expression, whose type must be compatible with the member's declaration.

Members may be indicated in any order. Members with no default value must be given a value. Members with default value may be omitted. In that case, the member is considered as valued with its default value.

Two shortened forms exist: - In case, there is no member, the annotation application may be as short as just the name of the annotation prefixed by '@' - In case there is only one member, the annotation application may be as short as the name of the annotation prefixed by '@' and followed with the constant value of that unique member within (). The type of the provided constant expression must compatible with the members' declaration

An annotation may be applied to almost any IDL construct or sub-construct. Applying and annotation consists actually in adding the related meta-data to the element under annotation. Full FIWARE Middleware IDL described in section Appendix B: FIWARE Middleware IDL Grammar shows this.

Built-in annotations

FIWARE Middleware will support some built-in annotations, that any user can use in IDL files.

Member IDs

All members of aggregated types have an integral member ID that uniquely identifies them within their defining type. Because OMG IDL 3.5 has no native syntax for expressing this information, IDs by default are defined implicitly based on the members' relative declaration order. The first member (which, in a union type, is the discriminator) has ID 0, the second ID 1, the third ID 2, and so on.

As described in OMG IDL for X-Types, these implicit ID assignments can be overridden by using the "ID" annotation interface. The equivalent definition of this type is as follows:

@annotation ID {
    attribute ui32 value;

Optional members

The FIWARE Middleware IDL allows to declare a member optional, applying the "Optional" annotation. The definitions is as follows:

@annotation Optional {
    attribute boolean value default true;

The CDR marshalling for this optional members is defined in IDL X-Types standard.

Key members

The FIWARE Middleware IDL allows to declare a member as part of the key, applying the "Key" annotation. This will be needed for future pub/sub communication using DDS. The definitions is as follows:

@annotation Key {
    attribute boolean value default true;

Oneway functions

The FIWARE Middleware IDL allows to declare a function as oneway method, applying the "Oneway" annotation. The definitions is as follows:

@annotation Oneway {
    attribute boolean value default true;

Asynchronous functions

The FIWARE Middleware IDL allows to declare a function as asynchronous method, applying the "Async" annotation. The definitions is as follows:

@annotation Async {
    attribute boolean value default true;

IDL Complete Example

This section provides a complete example of a FIWARE Middleware IDL file:

typedef list<i32> accountList;
// @Encrypted annotation applies to map type declaration.
typedef map<string, i32> userAccountMap;

// @CppMapping annotation applies to the namespace
namespace ThiefBank {

   // @Authentication annotation applies to the service.
   service AccountService {
      // @Security annotation applies to the structure declaration.
      struct AccountInfo {
          i32 count;
         string user;

      void setAccounts(userAccountMap uamap);

      //@Encrypted annotation applies to the parameter "account".
      void setAccount(string user, @Encrypted i32 account);

      //@Encrypted annotation applies to the return value.
      AccountInfo get(string user);

      //@FullEncrypted annotation applies to the operation.
      AccountInfo get_secured(string user);   

The annotations used in previous example are defined as follows:

@annotation CppMapping {
   attribute boolean value default true;

@annotation Authentication {
   attribute string mechanism default "none";

@annotation Encrypted {
   attribute string mode default "sha512";

@annotation FullEncrypted {
   attribute string mode default "sha512";

@annotation Security {
   attribute boolean active default true;

Appendix A: Changes from OMG IDL 3.5

This section summarizes in one block all changes applied from OMG IDL 3.5 to the FIWARE Middleware IDL:

Also FIWARE Middleware IDL does not use and support (and therefore ignores) several OMG IDL 3.5 constructs:

Appendix B: FIWARE Middleware IDL Grammar

<specification> ::= <import>* <definition>+
<definition> ::= <type_dcl> ";"
             |   <const_dcl> ";"
             |   <except_dcl> ";"
             |   <interface> ";"
             |   <module> ";"
             |   <value> ";"
             |   <type_id_dcl> ";"
             |   <type_prefix_dcl> ";"
             |   <event> ";"
             |   <component> ";"
             |   <home_dcl> ";"
             |   <annotation_dcl> ";"
             |   <annotation_appl> <definition>
<annotation_dcl> ::= <annotation_def> ";"
                 |   <annotation_forward_dcl>
<annotation_def> ::= <annotation_header> "{" <annotation_body> "}"
<annotation_header> ::= "@annotation" <identifier> [<annotation_inheritance_spec>]
<annotation_inheritance_spec> ::= ":" <scoped_name>
<annotation_body> ::= <annotation_member>*
<annotation_member> ::= <const_type> <simple_declarator>
                        [ "default" <const_expr> ] ";"
<annotation_forward_dcl> ::= "@annotation" <scoped_name>
<annotation_appl> ::= "@" <scoped_name> [ "(" [ <annotation_appl_params> ] ")" ]
<annotation_appl_params> ::= <const_exp>
                        |   <annotation_appl_param> { "," <annotation_appl_param> }*
<annotation_appl_param> ::= <identifier> "=" <const_exp>
<module> ::= ("module" | "namespace") <identifier> "{" <definition> + "}"
<interface> ::= <interface_dcl>
            |   <forward_dcl>
<interface_dcl> ::= <interface_header> "{" <interface_body> "}"
<forward_dcl> ::= [ "abstract" | "local" ] ("interface" | "service") <identifier>
<interface_header> ::= [ "abstract" | "local" ] ("interface" | "service") <identifier>
                       [ <interface_inheritance_spec> ]
<interface_body> ::= <export>*
<export> ::= <type_dcl> ";"
          |   <const_dcl> ";"
          |   <except_dcl> ";"
          |   <attr_dcl> ";"
          |   <op_dcl> ";"
          |   <type_id_dcl> ";"
          |   <type_prefix_dcl> ";"
         |   <annotation_appl> <export>
<interface_inheritance_spec> ::= ":" <interface_name>
                                 { "," <interface_name> }*
<interface_name> ::= <scoped_name>
<scoped_name> ::= <identifier>
            |   "::" <identifier>
            |   <scoped_name> "::" <identifier>
<value> ::= ( <value_dcl> | <value_abs_dcl> | <value_box_dcl> | <value_forward_dcl>)
<value_forward_dcl> ::= [ "abstract" ] "valuetype" <identifier>
<value_box_dcl> ::= "valuetype" <identifier> <type_spec>
<value_abs_dcl> ::= "abstract" "valuetype" <identifier>
                    [ <value_inheritance_spec> ]
                    "{" <export>* "}"
<value_dcl> ::= <value_header> "{" <value_element>* "}"
<value_header> ::= ["custom" ] "valuetype" <identifier>
                   [ <value_inheritance_spec> ]
<value_inheritance_spec> ::= [ ":" [ "truncatable" ] <value_name>
                             { "," <value_name> }* ]
                             [ "supports" <interface_name>
                             { "," <interface_name> }* ]
<value_name> ::= <scoped_name>
<value_element> ::= <export> | <state_member> | <init_dcl>
<state_member> ::= ( "public" | "private" )
                   <type_spec> <declarators> ";"
<init_dcl> ::= "factory" <identifier>
               "(" [ <init_param_decls> ] ")"
               [ <raises_expr> ] ";"
<init_param_decls> ::= <init_param_decl> { "," <init_param_decl> }*
<init_param_decl> ::= <init_param_attribute> <param_type_spec> <simple_declarator>
<init_param_attribute> ::= "in"
<const_dcl> ::= "const" <const_type>
                <identifier> "=" <const_exp>
<const_type> ::= <integer_type>
             |   <char_type>
             |   <wide_char_type>
             |   <boolean_type>
             |   <floating_pt_type>
             |   <string_type>
             |   <wide_string_type>
             |   <fixed_pt_const_type>
             |   <scoped_name>
             |   <octet_type>
<const_exp> ::= <or_expr>
<or_expr> ::= <xor_expr>
           |   <or_expr> "|" <xor_expr>
<xor_expr> ::= <and_expr>
           |   <xor_expr> "^" <and_expr>
<and_expr> ::= <shift_expr>
           |   <and_expr> "&" <shift_expr>
<shift_expr> ::= <add_expr>
             |   <shift_expr> ">>" <add_expr>
             |   <shift_expr> "<<" <add_expr>
<add_expr> ::= <mult_expr>
           |   <add_expr> "+" <mult_expr>
           |   <add_expr> "-" <mult_expr>
<mult_expr> ::= <unary_expr>
            |   <mult_expr> "*" <unary_expr>
            |   <mult_expr> "/" <unary_expr>
            |   <mult_expr> "%" <unary_expr>
<unary_expr> ::= <unary_operator> <primary_expr>
             |   <primary_expr>
<unary_operator> ::= "-"
                 |   "+"
                 |   "~"
<primary_expr> ::= <scoped_name>
               |   <literal>
               |   "(" <const_exp> ")"
<literal> ::= <integer_literal>
          |   <string_literal>
          |   <wide_string_literal>
          |   <character_literal>
          |   <wide_character_literal>
          |   <fixed_pt_literal>
          |   <floating_pt_literal>
          |   <boolean_literal>
<boolean_literal> ::= "TRUE"
                  |   "FALSE"
<positive_int_const> ::= <const_exp>
<type_dcl> ::= "typedef" <type_declarator>
           |   <struct_type>
           |   <union_type>
           |   <enum_type>
           |   "native" <simple_declarator>
           |   <constr_forward_decl>
<type_declarator> ::= <type_spec> <declarators>
<type_spec> ::= <simple_type_spec>
            |   <constr_type_spec>
<simple_type_spec> ::= <base_type_spec>
                   |   <template_type_spec>
                   |   <scoped_name>
<base_type_spec> ::= <floating_pt_type>
                 |   <integer_type>
                 |   <char_type>
                 |   <wide_char_type>
                 |   <boolean_type>
                 |   <octet_type>
                 |   <any_type>
                 |   <object_type>
                 |   <value_base_type>
<template_type_spec> ::= <sequence_type>
                     |   <set_type>
                     |   <map_type>
                     |   <string_type>
                     |   <wide_string_type>
                     |   <fixed_pt_type>
<constr_type_spec> ::= <struct_type>
                   |   <union_type>
                   |   <enum_type>
<declarators> ::= <declarator> { "," <declarator> }*
<declarator> ::= <simple_declarator>
             |   <complex_declarator>
<simple_declarator> ::= <identifier>
<complex_declarator> ::= <array_declarator>
<floating_pt_type> ::= "float"
                   |   "double"
                   |   "long" "double"
                   |   "float32"
                   |   "float64"
                   |   "float128"
<integer_type> ::= <signed_int>
               |   <unsigned_int>
<signed_int> ::= <signed_short_int>
             |   <signed_long_int>
             |   <signed_longlong_int>
<signed_short_int> ::= "short"
                   |   "i16"
<signed_long_int> ::= "long"
                  |    "i32"
<signed_longlong_int> ::= "long" "long"
                      |   "i64"
<unsigned_int> ::= <unsigned_short_int>
               |   <unsigned_long_int>
               |   <unsigned_longlong_int>
<unsigned_short_int> ::= "unsigned" "short"
                     |   "ui16"
<unsigned_long_int> ::= "unsigned" "long"
                    |   "ui32"
<unsigned_longlong_int> ::= "unsigned" "long" "long"
                        |   "ui64"
<char_type> ::= "char"
<wide_char_type> ::= "wchar"
<boolean_type> ::= "boolean"
<octet_type> ::= "octet"
             |   "byte"
<any_type> ::= "any"
<object_type> ::= "Object"
<struct_type> ::= "struct" <identifier> "{" <member_list> "}"
<member_list> ::= <member>+
<member> ::= <type_spec> <declarators> ";"
         |   <annotation_appl> <type_spec> <declarators> ";"
<union_type> ::= "union" <identifier> "switch"
                 "(" <switch_type_spec> ")"
                 "{" <switch_body> "}"
<switch_type_spec> ::= <integer_type>
                   |   <char_type>
                   |   <boolean_type>
                   |   <enum_type>
                   |   <scoped_name>
<switch_body> ::= <case> +
<case> ::= <case_label> + <element_spec> ";"
<case_label> ::= "case" <const_exp> ":"
             |   "default" ":"
<element_spec> ::= <type_spec> <declarator>
               |   <annotation_appl> <type_spec> <declarator>
<enum_type> ::= "enum" <identifier>
                "{" <enumerator> { "," <enumerator> } * "}"
<enumerator> ::= <identifier>
<sequence_type> ::= "sequence" "<" <simple_type_spec> "," <positive_int_const> ">"
                |   "sequence" "<" <simple_type_spec> ">"
                |   "list" "<" <simple_type_spec> "," <positive_int_const> ">"
                |   "list" "<" <simple_type_spec> ">"
<set_type> ::= "set" "<" <simple_type_spec> "," <positive_int_const> ">"
                |   "set" "<" <simple_type_spec> ">"
<map_type> ::= "map" "<" <simple_type_spec> ","
                    <simple_type_spec> "," <positive_int_const> ">"
                |   "map" "<" <simple_type_spec> "," <simple_type_spec> ">"
<string_type> ::= "string" "<" <positive_int_const> ">"
              |   "string"
<wide_string_type> ::= "wstring" "<" <positive_int_const> ">"
                   |   "wstring"
<array_declarator> ::= <identifier> <fixed_array_size>+
<fixed_array_size> ::= "[" <positive_int_const> "]"
<attr_dcl> ::= <readonly_attr_spec>
           |   <attr_spec>
<except_dcl> ::= "exception" <identifier> "{" <member>* "}"
<op_dcl> ::= [ <op_attribute> ] <op_type_spec>
             <identifier> <parameter_dcls>
             [ <raises_expr> ] [ <context_expr> ]
<op_attribute> ::= "oneway"
<op_type_spec> ::= <param_type_spec>
               | "void"
<parameter_dcls> ::= "(" <param_dcl> { "," <param_dcl> } * ")"
                 |   "(" ")"
<param_dcl> ::= [<param_attribute>] <param_type_spec> <simple_declarator>
            |   [<param_attribute>] <annotation_appl>
                <param_type_spec> <simple_declarator>
<param_attribute> ::= "in"
                  |   "out"
                  |   "inout"
<raises_expr> ::= "raises" "(" <scoped_name>
                  { "," <scoped_name> } * ")"
<context_expr> ::= "context" "(" <string_literal>
                   { "," <string_literal> } * ")"
<param_type_spec> ::= <base_type_spec>
                  |   <string_type>
                  |   <wide_string_type>
                  |   <scoped_name>
<fixed_pt_type> ::= "fixed" "<" <positive_int_const> "," <positive_int_const> ">"
<fixed_pt_const_type> ::= "fixed"
<value_base_type> ::= "ValueBase"
<constr_forward_decl> ::= "struct" <identifier>
                      |   "union" <identifier>
<import> ::= "import" <imported_scope> ";"
<imported_scope> ::= <scoped_name> | <string_literal>
<type_id_dcl> ::= "typeid" <scoped_name> <string_literal>
<type_prefix_dcl> ::= "typeprefix" <scoped_name> <string_literal>
<readonly_attr_spec> ::= "readonly" "attribute" <param_type_spec>
<readonly_attr_declarator> ::= <simple_declarator> <raises_expr>
                           |   <simple_declarator>
                               { "," <simple_declarator> }*
<attr_spec> ::= "attribute" <param_type_spec>
<attr_declarator> ::= <simple_declarator> <attr_raises_expr>
                  |   <simple_declarator>
                      { "," <simple_declarator> }*
<attr_raises_expr> ::= <get_excep_expr> [ <set_excep_expr> ]
                   |   <set_excep_expr>
<get_excep_expr> ::= "getraises" <exception_list>
<set_excep_expr> ::= "setraises" <exception_list>
<exception_list> ::= "(" <scoped_name>
                     { "," <scoped_name> } * ")"
<component> ::= <component_dcl>
            |   <component_forward_dcl>
<component_forward_dcl> ::= "component" <identifier>
<component_dcl> ::= <component_header>
                    "{" <component_body> "}"
<component_header> ::= "component" <identifier>
                       [ <component_inheritance_spec> ]
                       [ <supported_interface_spec> ]
<supported_interface_spec> ::= "supports" <scoped_name>
                               { "," <scoped_name> }*
<component_inheritance_spec> ::= ":" <scoped_name>
<component_body> ::= <component_export>*
<component_export> ::= <provides_dcl> ";"
                   |   <uses_dcl> ";"
                   |   <emits_dcl> ";"
                   |   <publishes_dcl> ";"
                   |   <consumes_dcl> ";"
                   |   <attr_dcl> ";"
<provides_dcl> ::= "provides" <interface_type> <identifier>
<interface_type> ::= <scoped_name>
                 |   "Object"
<uses_dcl> ::= "uses" [ "multiple" ]
               < interface_type> <identifier>
<emits_dcl> ::= "emits" <scoped_name> <identifier>
<publishes_dcl> ::= "publishes" <scoped_name> <identifier>
<consumes_dcl> ::= "consumes" <scoped_name> <identifier>
<home_dcl> ::= <home_header> <home_body>
<home_header> ::= "home" <identifier>
                  [ <home_inheritance_spec> ]
                  [ <supported_interface_spec> ]
                  "manages" <scoped_name>
                  [ <primary_key_spec> ]
<home_inheritance_spec> ::= ":" <scoped_name>
<primary_key_spec> ::= "primarykey" <scoped_name>
<home_body> ::= "{" <home_export>* "}"
<home_export ::= <export>
             |   <factory_dcl> ";"
             |   <finder_dcl> ";"
<factory_dcl> ::= "factory" <identifier>
                  "(" [ <init_param_decls> ] ")"
                  [ <raises_expr> ]
<finder_dcl> ::= "finder" <identifier>
                 "(" [ <init_param_decls> ] ")"
                 [ <raises_expr> ]
<event> ::= ( <event_dcl> | <event_abs_dcl> |
<event_forward_dcl> ::= [ "abstract" ] "eventtype" <identifier>
<event_abs_dcl> ::= "abstract" "eventtype" <identifie
                    [ <value_inheritance_spec> ]
                    "{" <export>* "}"
<event_dcl> ::= <event_header> "{" <value_element> * "}"
<event_header> ::= [ "custom" ] "eventtype"
                   <identifier> [ <value_inheritance_spec> ]

Appendix C: OMG IDL 3.5 Grammar

<specification> ::= <import>* <definition>+
<definition> ::= <type_dcl> ";"
             |   <const_dcl> ";"
             |   <except_dcl> ";"
             |   <interface> ";"
             |   <module> ";"
             |   <value> ";"
             |   <type_id_dcl> ";"
             |   <type_prefix_dcl> ";"
             |   <event> ";"
             |   <component> ";"
             |   <home_dcl> ";"
<module> ::= "module" <identifier> "{" <definition> + "}"
<interface> ::= <interface_dcl>
            |   <forward_dcl>
<interface_dcl> ::= <interface_header> "{" <interface_body> "}"
<forward_dcl> ::= [ "abstract" | "local" ] "interface" <identifier>
<interface_header> ::= [ "abstract" | "local" ] "interface" <identifier>
                       [ <interface_inheritance_spec> ]
<interface_body> ::= <export>*
<export> ::= <type_dcl> ";"
          |   <const_dcl> ";"
          |   <except_dcl> ";"
          |   <attr_dcl> ";"
          |   <op_dcl> ";"
          |   <type_id_dcl> ";"
          |   <type_prefix_dcl> ";"
<interface_inheritance_spec> ::= ":" <interface_name>
                                 { "," <interface_name> }*
<interface_name> ::= <scoped_name>
<scoped_name> ::= <identifier>
            |   "::" <identifier>
            |   <scoped_name> "::" <identifier>
<value> ::= ( <value_dcl> | <value_abs_dcl> | <value_box_dcl> | <value_forward_dcl>)
<value_forward_dcl> ::= [ "abstract" ] "valuetype" <identifier>
<value_box_dcl> ::= "valuetype" <identifier> <type_spec>
<value_abs_dcl> ::= "abstract" "valuetype" <identifier>
                    [ <value_inheritance_spec> ]
                    "{" <export>* "}"
<value_dcl> ::= <value_header> "{" < value_element>* "}"
<value_header> ::= ["custom" ] "valuetype" <identifier>
                   [ <value_inheritance_spec> ]
<value_inheritance_spec> ::= [ ":" [ "truncatable" ] <value_name>
                             { "," <value_name> }* ]
                             [ "supports" <interface_name>
                             { "," <interface_name> }* ]
<value_name> ::= <scoped_name>
<value_element> ::= <export> | < state_member> | <init_dcl>
<state_member> ::= ( "public" | "private" )
                   <type_spec> <declarators> ";"
<init_dcl> ::= "factory" <identifier>
               "(" [ <init_param_decls> ] ")"
               [ <raises_expr> ] ";"
<init_param_decls> ::= <init_param_decl> { "," <init_param_decl> }*
<init_param_decl> ::= <init_param_attribute> <param_type_spec> <simple_declarator>
<init_param_attribute> ::= "in"
<const_dcl> ::= "const" <const_type>
                <identifier> "=" <const_exp>
<const_type> ::= <integer_type>
             |   <char_type>
             |   <wide_char_type>
             |   <boolean_type>
             |   <floating_pt_type>
             |   <string_type>
             |   <wide_string_type>
             |   <fixed_pt_const_type>
             |   <scoped_name>
             |   <octet_type>
<const_exp> ::= <or_expr>
<or_expr> ::= <xor_expr>
           |   <or_expr> "|" <xor_expr>
<xor_expr> ::= <and_expr>
           |   <xor_expr> "^" <and_expr>
<and_expr> ::= <shift_expr>
           |   <and_expr> "&" <shift_expr>
<shift_expr> ::= <add_expr>
             |   <shift_expr> ">>" <add_expr>
             |   <shift_expr> "<<" <add_expr>
<add_expr> ::= <mult_expr>
           |   <add_expr> "+" <mult_expr>
           |   <add_expr> "-" <mult_expr>
<mult_expr> ::= <unary_expr>
            |   <mult_expr> "*" <unary_expr>
            |   <mult_expr> "/" <unary_expr>
            |   <mult_expr> "%" <unary_expr>
<unary_expr> ::= <unary_operator> <primary_expr>
             |   <primary_expr>
<unary_operator> ::= "-"
                 |   "+"
                 |   "~"
<primary_expr> ::= <scoped_name>
               |   <literal>
               |   "(" <const_exp> ")"
<literal> ::= <integer_literal>
          |   <string_literal>
          |   <wide_string_literal>
          |   <character_literal>
          |   <wide_character_literal>
          |   <fixed_pt_literal>
          |   <floating_pt_literal>
          |   <boolean_literal>
<boolean_literal> ::= "TRUE"
                  |   "FALSE"
<positive_int_const> ::= <const_exp>
<type_dcl> ::= "typedef" <type_declarator>
           |   <struct_type>
           |   <union_type>
           |   <enum_type>
           |   "native" <simple_declarator>
           |   <constr_forward_decl>
<type_declarator> ::= <type_spec> <declarators>
<type_spec> ::= <simple_type_spec>
            |   <constr_type_spec>
<simple_type_spec> ::= <base_type_spec>
                   |   <template_type_spec>
                   |   <scoped_name>
<base_type_spec> ::= <floating_pt_type>
                 |   <integer_type>
                 |   <char_type>
                 |   <wide_char_type>
                 |   <boolean_type>
                 |   <octet_type>
                 |   <any_type>
                 |   <object_type>
                 |   <value_base_type>
<template_type_spec> ::= <sequence_type>
                     |   <string_type>
                     |   <wide_string_type>
                     |   <fixed_pt_type>
<constr_type_spec> ::= <struct_type>
                   |   <union_type>
                   |   <enum_type>
<declarators> ::= <declarator> { "," <declarator> }*
<declarator> ::= <simple_declarator>
             |   <complex_declarator>
<simple_declarator> ::= <identifier>
<complex_declarator> ::= <array_declarator>
<floating_pt_type> ::= "float"
                   |   "double"
                   |   "long" "double"
<integer_type> ::= <signed_int>
               |   <unsigned_int>
<signed_int> ::= <signed_short_int>
             |   <signed_long_int>
             |   <signed_longlong_int>
<signed_short_int> ::= "short"
<signed_long_int> ::= "long"
<signed_longlong_int> ::= "long" "long"
<unsigned_int> ::= <unsigned_short_int>
               |   <unsigned_long_int>
               |   <unsigned_longlong_int>
<unsigned_short_int> ::= "unsigned" "short"
<unsigned_long_int> ::= "unsigned" "long"
<unsigned_longlong_int> ::= "unsigned" "long" "long"
<char_type> ::= "char"
<wide_char_type> ::= "wchar"
<boolean_type> ::= "boolean"
<octet_type> ::= "octet"
<any_type> ::= "any"
<object_type> ::= "Object"
<struct_type> ::= "struct" <identifier> "{" <member_list> "}"
<member_list> ::= <member> +
<member> ::= <type_spec> <declarators> ";"
<union_type> ::= "union" <identifier> "switch"
                 "(" <switch_type_spec> ")"
                 "{" <switch_body> "}"
<switch_type_spec> ::= <integer_type>
                   |   <char_type>
                   |   <boolean_type>
                   |   <enum_type>
                   |   <scoped_name>
<switch_body> ::= <case> +
<case> ::= <case_label> + <element_spec> ";"
<case_label> ::= "case" <const_exp> ":"
             |   "default" ":"
<element_spec> ::= <type_spec> <declarator>
<enum_type> ::= "enum" <identifier>
                "{" <enumerator> { "," <enumerator> } * "}"
<enumerator> ::= <identifier>
<sequence_type> ::= "sequence" "<" <simple_type_spec> "," <positive_int_const> ">"
                |   "sequence" "<" <simple_type_spec> ">"
<string_type> ::= "string" "<" <positive_int_const> ">"
              |   "string"
<wide_string_type> ::= "wstring" "<" <positive_int_const> ">"
                   |   "wstring"
<array_declarator> ::= <identifier> <fixed_array_size>+
<fixed_array_size> ::= "[" <positive_int_const> "]"
<attr_dcl> ::= <readonly_attr_spec>
           |   <attr_spec>
<except_dcl> ::= "exception" <identifier> "{" <member>* "}"
<op_dcl> ::= [ <op_attribute> ] <op_type_spec>
             <identifier> <parameter_dcls>
             [ <raises_expr> ] [ <context_expr> ]
<op_attribute> ::= "oneway"
<op_type_spec> ::= <param_type_spec>
               | "void"
<parameter_dcls> ::= "(" <param_dcl> { "," <param_dcl> } * ")"
                 |   "(" ")"
<param_dcl> ::= <param_attribute> <param_type_spec> <simple_declarator>
<param_attribute> ::= "in"
                  |   "out"
                  |   "inout"
<raises_expr> ::= "raises" "(" <scoped_name>
                  { "," <scoped_name> } * ")"
<context_expr> ::= "context" "(" <string_literal>
                   { "," <string_literal> } * ")"
<param_type_spec> ::= <base_type_spec>
                  |   <string_type>
                  |   <wide_string_type>
                  |   <scoped_name>
<fixed_pt_type> ::= "fixed" "<" <positive_int_const> "," <positive_int_const> ">"
<fixed_pt_const_type> ::= "fixed"
<value_base_type> ::= "ValueBase"
<constr_forward_decl> ::= "struct" <identifier>
                      |   "union" <identifier>
<import> ::= "import" <imported_scope> ";"
<imported_scope> ::= <scoped_name> | <string_literal>
<type_id_dcl> ::= "typeid" <scoped_name> <string_literal>
<type_prefix_dcl> ::= "typeprefix" <scoped_name> <string_literal>
<readonly_attr_spec> ::= "readonly" "attribute" <param_type_spec>
<readonly_attr_declarator> ::= <simple_declarator> <raises_expr>
                           |   <simple_declarator>
                               { "," <simple_declarator> }*
<attr_spec> ::= "attribute" <param_type_spec>
<attr_declarator> ::= <simple_declarator> <attr_raises_expr>
                  |   <simple_declarator>
                      { "," <simple_declarator> }*
<attr_raises_expr> ::= <get_excep_expr> [ <set_excep_expr> ]
                   |   <set_excep_expr>
<get_excep_expr> ::= "getraises" <exception_list>
<set_excep_expr> ::= "setraises" <exception_list>
<exception_list> ::= "(" <scoped_name>
                     { "," <scoped_name> } * ")"
<component> ::= <component_dcl>
            |   <component_forward_dcl>
<component_forward_dcl> ::= "component" <identifier>
<component_dcl> ::= <component_header>
                    "{" <component_body> "}"
<component_header> ::= "component" <identifier>
                       [ <component_inheritance_spec> ]
                       [ <supported_interface_spec> ]
<supported_interface_spec> ::= "supports" <scoped_name>
                               { "," <scoped_name> }*
<component_inheritance_spec> ::= ":" <scoped_name>
<component_body> ::= <component_export>*
<component_export> ::= <provides_dcl> ";"
                   |   <uses_dcl> ";"
                   |   <emits_dcl> ";"
                   |   <publishes_dcl> ";"
                   |   <consumes_dcl> ";"
                   |   <attr_dcl> ";"
<provides_dcl> ::= "provides" <interface_type> <identifier>
<interface_type> ::= <scoped_name>
                 |   "Object"
<uses_dcl> ::= "uses" [ "multiple" ]
               < interface_type> <identifier>
<emits_dcl> ::= "emits" <scoped_name> <identifier>
<publishes_dcl> ::= "publishes" <scoped_name> <identifier>
<consumes_dcl> ::= "consumes" <scoped_name> <identifier>
<home_dcl> ::= <home_header> <home_body>
<home_header> ::= "home" <identifier>
                  [ <home_inheritance_spec> ]
                  [ <supported_interface_spec> ]
                  "manages" <scoped_name>
                  [ <primary_key_spec> ]
<home_inheritance_spec> ::= ":" <scoped_name>
<primary_key_spec> ::= "primarykey" <scoped_name>
<home_body> ::= "{" <home_export>* "}"
<home_export ::= <export>
             |   <factory_dcl> ";"
             |   <finder_dcl> ";"
<factory_dcl> ::= "factory" <identifier>
                  "(" [ <init_param_decls> ] ")"
                  [ <raises_expr> ]
<finder_dcl> ::= "finder" <identifier>
                 "(" [ <init_param_decls> ] ")"
                 [ <raises_expr> ]
<event> ::= ( <event_dcl> | <event_abs_dcl> |
<event_forward_dcl> ::= [ "abstract" ] "eventtype" <identifier>
<event_abs_dcl> ::= "abstract" "eventtype" <identifie
                    [ <value_inheritance_spec> ]
                    "{" <export>* "}"
<event_dcl> ::= <event_header> "{" <value_element> * "}"
<event_header> ::= [ "custom" ] "eventtype"
                   <identifier> [ <value_inheritance_spec> ]