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File metadata and controls

63 lines (49 loc) · 3.99 KB


This is the code for TimberWolf robotics FRC 2023.

Controls & Dashboard

All controls are based on a standard xbox controller.

Please make sure that you use a shuffleboard tile size of 64, rather than the default 128.

Driver controls

control binding description
movement Left Analog Stick
rotation Right Analog Stick
Lock Rotation Hold B Button When held, the robot will not be able to rotate
auto align Right Bumper Aligns robot with target
slowmode speed Left Bumper makes controls slower for precise movement
detect april tags Press X Button Sets limelight to detect april tags
detect retro tape Press Y Button Sets limelight to detect retro-reflective tape
auto balance Press A Button Auto balances on platform
reset gyro yaw Press Start Button Resets the gyro's yaw readout
switch to robot oriented drive Hold Right Trigger When held, the robot will switch to robot oriented drive

Operator Controls

control binding description
floor preset Press A Button Normal: Floor Preset, Score: Lower Goal Preset
middle score preset Press B Button Score: Middle Goal Preset
shelf preset Press Y Button Normal: Shelf Preset, Score: High Goal Preset
home preset Press X Button Normal: Home Preset, Score: Home Preset
scoring mode Hold Left Bumper When held, puts presets into Score mode
limelight pipeline Press Right Bumper When pressed, toggles between the two limelight pipelines
elbow movement Left Analog Stick Y axis moves elbow joint
opens claw Right Trigger will open claw for grabbing game pieces
closes claw Left Trigger will close claw for chomping game pieces
crane shoulder up Press D-Pad up Makes the shoulder go up
crane shoulder down Press D-Pad down Makes the shoulder go down

Limelight pipeline

Just for explanation, the pipelines for the limelight are created by connecting to the limelight through the wifi. It was made the way it is so that the tuning seems to be stable and working well.

Downloading the pipelines

After tuning everything to be stable, you press the download button for both pipelines (there are multiple slots for different pipelines under a button showing a number) - Detecting the retro tape and detecting the april tags. This will save them to another little button that looks like a download button but what it really does is show you what you have downloaded. Press this button, and press on the most recently downloaded ones to bring you to files. From there, what I did was drag them into the WolfBot2023 folder then into the newly made limelight_pipeline folder.

Merging the new pipelines

From there, it should be showing up in VSCode and you can save it, create a new branch, stage the changes, push for a commit, have a team member review it, and eventually merge the new branch.