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RDF Worker


The following tool must be installed on your computer:

  • Rust development environment (see installation here)
    • Rust >= 1.36.0
    • Cargo >= 1.36.0
  • Rust CI tools:
    • Tarpaulin (Code coverage for unit tests) >= 0.8.4 / see installation here
    • Rustfmt (code format) => 1.2.2-stable / see installation here
    • Clippy (Rust linter) >= 0.0.212 / see installation here
  • JQ (see installation here)

Launch worker locally

Before to launch the worker you need to set these environment variables:

Variable name Default value Description
AMQP_HOSTNAME IP or host of AMQP server
AMQP_PORT 5672 AMQP server port
AMQP_USERNAME guest User name used to connect to AMQP server
AMQP_PASSWORD guest Password used to connect to AMQP server
AMQP_QUEUE job_undefined AMQP queue
BACKEND_HOSTNAME URL used to connect to backend server
BACKEND_USERNAME User name used to connect to backend server
BACKEND_PASSWORD Password used to connect to backend server

Once these environment variables are set, you can start your worker:

make run

Trick to set environment variables easily

You could create a file named .env (or you can copy the file .env.dist) end edit it with the correct values. The make run command will automatically take it into account if it exists.

Makefile targets

Commands below will be used for both stacks (backend & workers):

Command Description
make build Build the application
make ci-code-format Check the code format according to the rust format rules
make ci-code-coverage Launch tests and returns code coverage for tests
make ci-lint Launch the rust linter
make ci-tests Launch tests
make docker-build Build locally a docker image
make docker-clean Remove locally the built docker image
make docker-push-registry Push the locally built docker image
make run Run locally the worker
make version Display the version defined in cargo.toml file


A .gitlab-ci.yml file is provided for the gitlab CI/CD feature. This file will instantiate te following pipeline:

/-----------\      /---------\             /----------\             /----------\
|  Compile  |------|  Tests  |-------------| Quality  |-------------|  Docker  |
\-----------/      \---------/             \----------/             \----------/
     |                  |                       |                        |
 +------+           +-------+              +---------------+          +-------+
 | lint |           | tests |              | code-coverage |          | build |
 +------+           +-------+              +---------------+          +-------+
                                           | code-format |


The command make docker-build will build an image named mediacloudai/rdf_worker.

The command make push-docker-registry will logged in and push the built image in the official docker registry. The login must be set with the following environment variables:

Variable name Default value Description
DOCKER_REGISTRY_LOGIN User name used to connect to the docker registry
DOCKER_REGISTRY_PWD Password used to connect to the docker registry