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Tosca Build / Development Instructions

Be sure to initialize all submodules

git submodule update --init --recursive

Build Requirements

  • Go toolchain, minimum version 1.19
    • Ubuntu/Debian package: golang-go
  • C/C++ toolchain (+ standard library) supporting C++20, Clang >= 14 recommended
    • Ubuntu/Debian package: clang
    • Recommended: install clang-format, clangd, and gdb for development
  • mockgen
    • Install via Go:
      go install
  • CMake
    • Ubuntu/Debian package: cmake

Go Setup Remarks

Note that in some package managers (e.g. apt) the default Go package is an outdated version which is not sufficient for Tosca. Newer versions can be installed by explicitly specifying the Go version, such as golang-1.21. Check your currently installed version with the command go version. Depending on your installation process it might be required to set GOROOT, this can be done in your .bashrc.

If no packages are available, follow the instructions on the official go website to download and install the newest version.

Go installs programs into $GOPATH/bin, where GOPATH defaults to $HOME/go, add this bin directory to your PATH.


Use the provided Makefile to build and test the project.

make test

Development Experience C++

Open the cpp subdirectory in VSCode:

  • Install recommended extensions: press F1Show Recommended Extensions

Build / Run in VSCode

Select the wanted compiler (i.e. kit), build configuration and build target in VSCode's status line. The selected target can be build via the Build button in the status line, or by pressing F7.

Debug in VSCode

Pressing the 🐜 button in VSCode's status line launches the currently selected target in the debugger. The same can be achieved by pressing Ctrl + F5.

Build / Run Manually

To build different configurations, invoke CMake in the cpp subdirectory:

# Debug Configuration (with AddressSanitizer)
cmake --build build --parallel

# Release Configuration
cmake --build build --parallel

# Run all tests
ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure

# Run individual test
ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure -R <test-name>

ctest executes each unit test in isolation which is relatively slow to execute. Alternatively, you can just run the corresponding unit test binary. For instance:

# Run specific test binary directly

# Build and run specific test binary directly
cmake --build build --parallel --target uint256_test && ./build/vm/evmzero/uint256_test

Note: Invoking ctest does not trigger compilation. You have to invoke the build process beforehand.

cmake --build build --parallel && ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure

Note: For OSX, add the following argument to the initial CMake invocation:

Note: VSCode's multi-root workspace feature does not play nice with these extensions.

Running Benchmarks

The Tosca project includes a set of benchmarks covering a range of EVM implementations and variants thereof. The benchmarks are part of the module.

The benchmarks are implemented using Go's benchmark infrastructure. For a comprehensive introduction see the corresponding chapter in Practical Go Lessons or the Go Test Package Documentation.

To run all benchmarks, use the following command:

go test ./go/vm/test -run=NONE -bench=.

The path ./go/vm/test points to the Go package containing the benchmarks. The flag -run=NONE disables the execution of unit tests, and -bench=<regex> enables the execution of benchmarks.

Optionally, to include memory usage metrics, the -benchmem flag can be added:

go test ./go/vm/test -run=NONE -bench=. -benchmem

The command produces benchmark results in a table format:

cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz
BenchmarkInc/1/geth-12  	  121488	     10529 ns/op	    1768 B/op	      16 allocs/op
BenchmarkInc/1/lfvm-12  	  124447	      8744 ns/op	    4330 B/op	      17 allocs/op
BenchmarkInc/1/lfvm-si-12         	  140642	      8472 ns/op	    4330 B/op	      17 allocs/op
BenchmarkInc/1/lfvm-no-sha-cache-12         	  132420	      9165 ns/op	    4330 B/op	      17 allocs/op
BenchmarkInc/1/lfvm-no-code-cache-12        	  137041	      8330 ns/op	    4330 B/op	      17 allocs/op
BenchmarkInc/1/evmone-12                    	  193581	      6250 ns/op	    1088 B/op	      15 allocs/op
BenchmarkInc/1/evmone-basic-12              	  186457	      6330 ns/op	    1088 B/op	      15 allocs/op
BenchmarkInc/1/evmone-advanced-12           	  136111	      7381 ns/op	    1088 B/op	      15 allocs/op
BenchmarkInc/1/evmzero-12                   	  162552	      7317 ns/op	    1088 B/op	      15 allocs/op

The columns are as follows:

  • the name of the benchmark, using / as a separator between benchmarks and sub-benchmarks. In Tosca's setup, the first part of the name is the name of the benchmark (e.g. BenchmarkInc), the second part the input size (e.g. 10), and the last part the EVM implementation (e.g. evmone-basic) followed by the number of cores used to run the benchmark (e.g. -12); the latter is added by Go's benchmark infrastructure and has no effect if the benchmark is not using multiple go routines.
  • the number of times the benchmark was executed
  • the average time per execution
  • the average number of bytes allocated per execution (only when using -benchmem)
  • the average number of allocations per execution (only when using -benchmem)

Filtering Benchmarks

The -bench flag can be used to filter benchmarks by their name using regex expressions. It's important to note that:

  • tests are selected if the regex matches any part of the benchmark name
  • before the regex expressions are applied, the pattern is devided into sub-patterns for sub-tests using the / separator

Thus, the command

go test ./go/vm/test -run=NONE -bench=Inc/1/zero

is running the benchmarks


since the individual parts of the benchmark name are matched one-by-one.

Profiling Benchmarks

Go has an integrated CPU profiler that can be enabled using the -cpuprofile flag:

go test ./go/vm/test -run=NONE -bench Fib/20/evmzero -cpuprofile cpu.log

This command runs the benchmark and collects CPU performance data which can be shown in tabular form using

go tool pprof -text -nodecount=10 cpu.log

or can be visualized by the following command (requires the graphviz libary)

go tool pprof -http "localhost:8000" ./cpu.log

which starts a web-server at port 8000 hosting an interactive set of charts to investigate the collected profiling data.

If symbols for the C++ libraries are missing, make sure the library is built including those symbols and that in some go file in the ./go/vm/test package the following import is present:

_ ""

This package makes C/C++ symbols accessible to the Go profiler. On some systems, however, this may hide Go symbols so the import may have to be added/removed as needed.

Diffing Benchmarks

To compare the benchmark results of two different code versions, the benchstat tool can be utilized. To install the tool run

go install

which places the binary benchstat into your $GOPATH/bin directory.

The tool produces reports on the impact of code changes on the performance of benchmarks in the following format:

name                          old time/op  new time/op  delta
Fib/20/lfvm-12                21.6ms ± 8%  21.1ms ± 2%    ~     (p=0.417 n=10+7)
Fib/20/lfvm-si-12             21.7ms ± 3%  21.1ms ± 2%  -2.66%  (p=0.004 n=9+8)
Fib/20/lfvm-no-sha-cache-12   21.4ms ± 6%  21.0ms ± 1%    ~     (p=0.165 n=10+10)
Fib/20/lfvm-no-code-cache-12  21.2ms ± 3%  20.7ms ± 3%  -2.17%  (p=0.006 n=9+10)

For details on how to use it, please refer to the Example section of the tool's documentation page.

Ideally, pull requests targeting performance improvements should include such a report in their description to document its impact.