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The 'Focus on' features

GARCIN David edited this page Feb 4, 2024 · 27 revisions

This page is about the following features of the 'Automation' panel:
'Focus on' list and buttons

🔶 The 'Focus on' feature

This feature regroups many topics the automation can focus on.
You can select a topic using the drop-down list.
Enabling this feature will automatically start the selected focus topic.

🔶 The 'Focus on' advanced settings

The advanced settings panel can be accessed by clicking the arrow button.
Access to any other settings panel will be forbidden as long as another panel is open.

Settings are divided into multiple tabs, based on their responsibilities.
The 'General' tab includes settings that are applied by every Focus topics.
The other tabs includes settings that only concerns their corresponding topic.

🔷 The 'Pokeball to use for catching' General setting

This setting allows the player to choose which pokéball should be equipped when performing tasks that involves catching pokémon.
This setting will not be considered for quest requiring a specific pokéball.

🔷 The 'Optimize oak item loadout' General setting

Enabling this setting will automatically update the player's Oak items loadout to benefit the current task.

🔷 The 'Choose which quest should be performed, or skipped' Quests settings

'Focus on' settings Quests tab

This tab lists every possible quest types of the game.
The user can choose which one to enable and which one to skip. By default, every quests are enabled.

If a quest is disabled, it will not be automated, even if it's already in the active list.
If every enabled quests are completed, the list will automatically be refreshed.

🔷 The 'Achievements' settings

'Focus on' settings Achievements tab

This tab lists settings tied to the Achievements focus topic.

Toggling the Complete Magikarp Jump achievements last setting will deprioritize the Magikarp Jump region.
Achievements from this region will be completed last.

🔷 The 'Pokérus Cure' settings

'Focus on' settings Pokérus Cure tab

This tab lists settings tied to the Pokérus Cure focus topic.

Toggling the Use Beastballs to catch UltraBeast pokémons setting will allow the automation to use Beastballs to catch UltraBeast pokémons.
If you disable this feature or don't have any Beastballs, the focus will ignore UltraBeast pokémons.

Toggling the Skip Alternate form pokémons setting will skip any Contagious pokémon alternate form.
For instance, Bulbasaur will be caught but its clone alternate form will be ignored.

🔶 The 'Focus on' topics

This functionality regroups multiple topics:
'Focus on' buttons and drop-down list
Only one topic can be active at a time.

🔷 The 'Experience' topic

Enabling this focus topic will automatically move the player to the best available route for EXP.
Such route is the highest unlocked one with max HP lower than Click Attack (so that any encounter can be defeated in one click).

🔷 The 'Money' topic

Enabling this focus topic will automatically move the player to the available Gym with best money income per game tick (50ms).
In fact, Gyms gives way more money than routes.

🔷 The 'Dungeon Tokens' topic

Enabling this focus topic will automatically move the player to the available route with the best dungeon tokens income per game tick (50ms).

The selected Pokeball to use for catching will automatically be selected to catch already caught pokémons.
If the player does not have any, the automation will automatically buy some.
If the player does not have enough money to buy some, the automation will fallback to farm money using the same strategy as the 'Money' topic

🔷 The 'Quests' topic

ℹ️ This topic is hidden until the pokeclicker Quests panel is unlocked.

Enabling this focus topic will automatically claim any completed quest.
New quests will be selected automatically, following those priorities:

  • Catch 1 shiny Pokémon. quests
  • Capture <number> <type> type Pokémon. quests
  • Capture <number> Pokémon. quests
  • Use <number> <ball-type>s. quests
  • Gain <number> dungeon tokens. quests
  • Equip the <oak-item> and <objective> quests
  • Gain <number> <type> gems. quests
  • Defeat the <dungeon-name> dungeon in <region-name> <number> times. quests
  • Capture <number> Shadow Pokémon. quests
  • Defeat <gym-name> in <region-name> <number> times. quests
  • Defeat <number> Pokémon on <route-name>. quests
  • Clear <number> stages in Battle Frontier. quests
  • Gain <number> PokéDollars. quests
  • Hatch <number> Eggs. quests
  • Harvest <number> <berry-name> berries at the farm. quests
  • Gain <number> Farm Points. quests
  • Mine <number> item(s) in the Underground. quests
  • Mine <number> layer(s) in the Underground. quests
  • Any other quests

The oak items loadout will automatically be updated based on the currently focused quest.
Pokeballs will automatically be equipped and refilled for quests involving pokémon capture.

Enabling this mode will automatically disable most of the other modes, and some of their settings.
Their button will be greyed and the disabled setings will be crossed out:
Disabled menus

🔷 The 'Achievements' topic

Enabling this focus topic will automatically target and complete achievements.
This can be useful to increase the Achievements Bonus percentage (which improves the click attack, for example).

The following achievement types are automated:

  • Route kill
  • Gym clear
  • Dungeon clear (follows the same strategy as the 'Dungeon Tokens' topic, if the player does not have enough dungeon tokens)

They are prioritized by region (earlier region first), then following this order:

  • Route kill
  • Gym clear
  • Dungeon clear

🔷 The 'Pokérus cure' topic

ℹ️ This topic is hidden until the pokeclicker feature is unlocked.

Enabling this focus topic will automatically move to routes or dungeons where infected pokémons can be caught. An infected pokémon becomes cured past 50 EVs.

The selected Pokeball to use for catching will automatically be selected to catch already caught contagious pokémons.
If the player does not have any, the automation will automatically buy some.
If the player does not have enough money to buy some, the automation will fallback to farm money using the same strategy as the 'Money' topic
The same goes for Dungeon Tokens when needed.

🔷 The 'Shadow purify' topic

ℹ️ This topic is hidden until the pokeclicker feature is unlocked.

Enabling this focus topic will automatically move to dungeons where Shadow pokémons can be caught.

The selected Pokeball to use for catching will automatically be selected to catch an uncaught Shadow pokémons.
If the player does not have any, the automation will automatically buy some.
If the player does not have enough money to buy some, the automation will fallback to farm money using the same strategy as the 'Money' topic
The same goes for Dungeon Tokens when needed.

The Purify Chamber will be used as soon as its flow is maxed-out.
If the player is in a dungeon, it will wait for the dungeon to end before doing so.

🔷 The '<Type> Gems' topics

ℹ️ This topic is hidden until the pokeclicker feature is unlocked.

Enabling a '<Type> Gems' focus topic will automatically move the player to the available gym with the best gems income of the given type per game tick (50ms).
If no gym is available, the route with the best gems income of the given type will be used.

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├── How to Setup the UserScript
├── How to Setup Pokecklicker-Desktop
├── Menu presentation
│      ├── The 'Auto attack' feature
│      ├── The 'Focus on' features
│      ├── The 'Hatchery' features
│      ├── The 'Mining' feature
│      ├── The 'Farming' features
│      ├── The 'Auto Shop' feature
│      └── The 'Upgrades' features
└── Useful tips

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