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Releases: FelisCatus/SwitchyOmega

SwitchyOmega 2.4.17 for Firefox (Experimental)

03 Aug 03:24
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This release allows installing in Firefox Nightly Version >= 56.

Since the WebExtensions API is still under heavy development on Mozilla's side,
we strongly recommended using the Nightly channel (>= 56.0) and update frequently.

The Developer Edition and Beta channels will not receive fixes as often and
therefore unsupported by SwitchyOmega. Some users report that it works with the
Firefox Developer Edition (>= 55) as well, but we strongly advise against doing
so. It won't work at all in Firefox 54 Stable.

We recommend installing from Mozilla Add-ons.

However, if you cannot install this extension directly from, please download the packaged extension file (XPI) below. Please google for installation instructions on how to install it manually.

Please make sure that you are using the latest Nightly build before you
report issues.
Build number AND build date should be mentioned somewhere in the issue.

SwitchyOmega 2.4.6 for Chromium

16 Mar 04:30
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What's new

  • Dramatically shortened the time to open the popup menu, especially for low-performance devices.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the active page to be refreshed even if disabled in 2.4.3 Alpha.
  • Fixed an issue that caused "Add Condition" to disappear if request monitoring is disabled in 2.4.3/2.4.4.
  • Fixed keyboard shortcut keys j/k. The active profile is activated on popup.


NOTE: In case of issues, please right click on the extension icon and select "Report Issue" from the menu so that I can locate and fix the issue more quickly.

If you cannot install this extension directly from Chrome Web Store, please download the packaged extension file (CRX) below. Please google for installation instructions on how to install it manually.


  • 大幅缩短了弹出菜单的加载时间,对于性能较低的设备尤其明显。
  • 修复了 2.4.3 版本即使禁用了自动刷新页面,也会刷新的问题。
  • 修复了 2.4.3/2.4.4 禁用网络请求监测时,“添加规则”选项消失的问题。
  • 修复了弹出窗口的j/k快捷键,并自动聚焦当前激活的情景模式。





SwitchyOmega 2.4.2 for Chromium

12 Mar 03:27
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What's new

  • Added an about page on the options page. It is accessible through the top-left link that reads "SwitchyOmega".
  • Fixed an issue with PAC URLs with query parameters.


NOTE: In case of issues, please right click on the extension icon and select "Report Issue" from the menu so that I can locate and fix the issue more quickly.

If you cannot install this extension directly from Chrome Web Store, please download the packaged extension file (CRX) below. Please google for installation instructions on how to install it manually.


  • 增加了“关于”页面,可以在选项页面点击左上角 SwitchyOmega 字样查看。
  • 修复了一个更新 PAC 文件时,参数未能正确传递的问题。





SwitchyOmega 2.4.1 for Chromium

01 Mar 06:09
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What's new

  • Fixed a severe bug that makes switching unusable for Chrome < 50. Please update ASAP.
  • Fixed a bug for IPv6 address parsing for "bypass list".
  • Support the --disable-reading-from-canvas flag for Chromium.
    • The icon won't change color since canvas data is disabled, but everything else should work.
    • This also applies if you use some Chromium-based browsers and checked disable identifying you through HTML5 canvas.


NOTE: In case of issues, please right click on the extension icon and select "Report Issue" from the menu so that I can locate and fix the issue more quickly.

If you cannot install this extension directly from Chrome Web Store, please download the packaged extension file (CRX) below. Please google for installation instructions on how to install it manually.


  • 紧急修复了 2.4.0 中导致 Chrome < 50 无法使用的问题。请尽快更新到此版本。
  • 修复了“不代理的地址列表”中 IPv6 地址解析的问题。
  • 支持 Chromium 中使用 --disable-reading-from-canvas 命令行参数的情况。
    • 此时图标颜色不会变化,但其他功能应该都可用。这是因为那个参数会影响图标绘制。
    • 如果您使用基于 Chromium 的某些浏览器,并且选择了disable identifying you through HTML5 canvas,情况也与上述相同。





SwitchyOmega 2.3.21 for Chromium

26 Oct 04:30
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What's new

  • Fix a bug that caused "Add Condition" in the menu to disappear on 2.3.20. Please update ASAP.
  • Support Ip Literal Condition for IP literals in URL in subnet.
    • It works for literals only, no DNS is performed.
    • Example: Rule works for
    • The condition type can be unlocked in Options > Switch Options > Show advanced condition types
  • Fix an issue that caused bypass rules to break for IPv6 for some browsers.
  • Profile updates now filters out invalid stuff downloaded that are not PAC scripts/rule lists, e.g. HTML files.
    • Works for both manual updates and automatic updates.
  • Download Profile Now button now tries to bypass cache first and shows better error messages.
  • Fix an issue that silently reverted the source code of Switch Profiles when switching to other tabs on options page.


NOTE: In case of issues, please use the "Report Issue" link in the icon dropdown menu so that I can locate and fix the issue more quickly.

This is a packaged extension file (CRX) for Chromium, which is only useful if you can't install this extension directly from Chrome Web Store. Please google for installation instructions if you really want to install it.


  • 紧急修复了 2.3.20 中导致菜单无法添加条件的问题。请尽快更新到此版本。
  • 新增 IP 字面量条件,用于匹配 URL 中的 IP 地址字面量属于某个子网。
    • 只匹配 URL 中的 IP 地址。网址中必须是 IP 地址本身,不处理域名和 DNS。
    • 例如: 规则 可以匹配网址
    • 如需使用,请在 设置 > 切换选项 > 显示高级条件类型 中解锁这种条件。
  • 修复一个曾经导致不代理的地址列表中的 IPv6 规则在某些浏览器中无法正常匹配的问题。
  • 情景模式自动更新时会自动排除 PAC 脚本和规则列表以外的非法内容,如 HTML 文件。
    • 手动和自动更新时均有效。
  • 点击立即下载情景模式时会尝试绕过缓存,并且错误提示比以前改进了很多。
  • 修复了一个曾经导致在选项页面中切换到其他标签时,自动切换模式源代码没有正确保存的问题。





SwitchyOmega 2.3.19 for Chromium

17 Mar 13:38
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What's new

  • New condition types for time-based switching: Day of week condition & Time condition
    • They can be unlocked in Options > Switch Options > Show advanced condition types
  • Text-boxes in the popup menu are automatically focused.
    • ... which means you can do Alt+Shift+O, R and then Enter to add all failed resources!
    • Replace R above with A and you can add conditions without using the mouse. Hooray!
  • The behavior of <local> in Bypass List has changed to follow the browser and system.
    • If <local> appears in the list,, [::1] and any other host NOT containing dots(.) will be bypassed.
    • Attention: IPv6 literals are also bypassed because they don't have dots in them. This is a limitation of the browser and cannot be fixed.
  • Fix proxy authentication for hosts like UpperCasedDomains.ExAmPLe.COM.
  • Switch rules guide is now better with scrolling done right. Also the guide is prevented from showing again and again.


NOTE: In case of issues, please use the "Report Issue" link in the icon dropdown menu so that I can locate and fix the issue more quickly.

This is a packaged extension file (CRX) for Chromium, which is only useful if you can't install this extension directly from Chrome Web Store. Please google for installation instructions if you really want to install it.


  • 新增星期几条件和时间条件,用于根据日期/时间切换。
    • 如需使用,请在 设置 > 切换选项 > 显示高级条件类型 中解锁这两种条件。
  • 弹出菜单中的文本框会自动获得焦点。
    • 现在你可以按 Alt+Shift+O 再按 R,最后 Enter 来添加所有未加载的资源了。
    • 把上面的R换成A,则可以快速添加条件。整个过程都不需要用鼠标,是不是非常赞!
  • 不代理的地址列表中输入 <local> 的效果现在与系统和浏览器行为统一了。
    • 如果输入了<local>,那么127.0.0.1, [::1] 以及所有不带有点(.)的主机都不使用代理。
    • 特别注意:由于 IPv6 地址字面量中也不包含点,所以这些也不会被代理。这是浏览器的设计缺陷,无法修复。
  • 含有大写字母的代理服务器现在可以正常使用用户名/密码验证了。例如 UpperCasedDomains.ExAmPLe.COM
  • 修复了自动切换教程中的滚动问题,现在教程更友好了。 此外,也修复了教程反复显示的问题。





SwitchyOmega 2.3.17 for Chromium

08 Mar 08:31
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What's new

  • Fix a bug which caused export rule list to fail to generate exclusive rules when rule list is attached.
  • Fix parsing of Host Levels Condition and more from rule lists.
  • Fix style of the [Apply changes] button on hover and active.
  • Update translations.


NOTE: In case of issues, please use the "Report Issue" link in the icon dropdown menu so that I can locate and fix the issue more quickly.

This is a packaged extension file (CRX) for Chromium, which is only useful if you can't install this extension directly from Chrome Web Store. Please google for installation instructions if you really want to install it.


  • 修复导出规则列表时,未能正确生成例外规则的问题(仅当自动切换附加了规则列表时发生)。
  • 修复从规则列表解析域名层数规则以及其他规则的问题。
  • 修复[应用更改]按钮在高亮+悬停状态下的显示样式。
  • 更新翻译文本。





SwitchyOmega 2.3.16 for Chromium

29 May 12:58
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What's new

  • Move report issue and error log to extension icon context menu (by RIGHT-clicking on the extension icon).
  • Quick Switch can now be toggled in the extension context menu (by RIGHT-clicking on the extension icon). When enabled, left-clicking on the extension icon cycles through configured profiles. When disabled, left-clicking triggers the popup menu as usual.
  • Fix a bug where failed resources cannot be added as rules in some cases.
  • Selecting System Proxy now deactivates all temp rules correctly, instead of failing silently.
  • Work around the issue where Chromium incorrectly bypasses all IPv6 address literals when given in bypass list.
  • Persian translations.


NOTE: In case of issues, please use the "Report Issue" link in the icon dropdown menu so that I can locate and fix the issue more quickly.

This is a packaged extension file (CRX) for Chromium, which is only useful if you can't install this extension directly from Chrome Web Store. Please google for installation instructions if you really want to install it.


  • 将反馈问题和错误日志功能移动到扩展图标的右键菜单里,精简了弹出菜单。
  • 扩展图标的右键菜单里可以启用/禁用快速切换功能。启用时图标左键轮流切换代理,禁用时左键正常弹出菜单。
  • 修复一个曾经导致有些情况下未加载资源无法添加为规则的bug.
  • 选取系统代理时,如果曾经有临时规则,将会自动暂时禁用。修复了之前选择系统代理时无响应的问题。
  • 绕过了 Chromium 处理“不代理的地址列表”中<local>项目时,错误地将所有IPv6地址都不代理的问题。





SwitchyOmega 2.3.13 for Chromium

19 Apr 11:45
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NOTE: In case of issues, please use the "Report Issue" link in the icon dropdown menu so that I can locate and fix the issue more quickly.

This is a packaged extension file (CRX) for Chromium, which is only useful if you can't install this extension directly from Chrome Web Store. Please google for installation instructions if you really want to install it.



SwitchyOmega 2.3.10 for Chromium

14 Mar 10:55
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NOTE: In case of issues, please use the "Report Issue" link in the icon dropdown menu so that I can locate and fix the issue more quickly.

This is a packaged extension file (CRX) for Chromium, which is only useful if you can't install this extension directly from Chrome Web Store. Please google for installation instructions if you really want to install it.

