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Departure Board

The departure board is available at this address:
The xml definition here:

It provides you with information about the different bus lines like the operator etc. for a given stop/station.
So you have to pass it the id of a station and then it will return you which busses arrive/depart from that station.
If in realtime mode, you will also get realtime information like how late a bus is.

To get the id of a station have a look at "Location Search by Coordinate".

Table of contents:

  1. Requesting data
  2. Common questions
  3. API response
    1. XML
    2. JSON
    3. Response values meaning
  4. Detailed information about response values
    1. ref
  5. Error codes

## Requesting data When making a request to the departure board, it has to look like this:

Where arg1, arg2 and arg3 are some arguments you can pass to the departure board.
You can choose yourself which arguments to pass and which not altough there are 2 arguments that are mandatory.
You always have to pass "accessId" so your API-Key and "id", the id of the stop/station you want the data from.

Available arguments for the departure board:
(When you see "???" it means that further information is needed)

Argument Name Mandatory Value Description
accessId True str Your API-Key
id True int The station/stop id from which you want to retrieve data
requestId False str Request ID for identifying the request. For each request a requestId is generated. Used for debugging on server side. You can set your own requestId by passing this parameter.
format False str The format you want your response in. Availables are: json, xml
If not set, xml is used.
jsonpCallback False str The json response will be wrapped in a javascript function with the name you passed
lang False str Language of the journey planner.
You can basically put anything in here as the keys in the response will always be in english and the data in french.
extId False str [Deprecated] The station/stop id from which you want to retrieve data
direction False str If only vehicles departing or arriving from a certain direction shall be returned, specify the direction by giving the station/stop ID of the last stop on the journey.
date False str Sets the start date for which the departures shall be retrieved. Represented in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
time False str Sets the start time for which the departures shall be retrieved. Represented in the format hh:mm[:ss] in 24h nomenclature. Seconds will be ignored for requests.
dur False int [Deprecated -> use 'duration'] Range from 0 to 1439
duration False int The the time period from the request time on until when departures/arrivals should be returned. Range from 0 to 1439. Default is 60 (= 60 minutes)
maxJourneys False int Maximum number of journeys to be returned. If no value is defined or -1, all departing/arriving services within the duration sized period are returned. Default is -1
products False int Decimal value defining the product classes to be included in the search. It represents a bitmask combining bit number of a product as defined in the HAFAS raw data file zugart. See products for the bitmasks.
operators False str [CHECK OPERATORS] Only journeys provided by the given operators are part of the result. To filter multiple operators, separate the codes by comma. If the operator should not be part of the be trip, negate it by putting ! in front of it. Available operators are: RGTR, AVL, CFL
lines False str Only journeys running the given line are part of the result. To filter multiple lines, separate the codes by comma. If the line should not be part of the be trip, negate it by putting ! in front of it.
filterEquiv False int [Unused] Enables/disables the filtering of equivalent marked stops. There are no equal stops in Luxembourg so this parameter won't do anything.
attributes False str ??? Filter boards by one or more attribute codes of a journey. Multiple attribute codes are separated by comma. If the attribute should not be part of the result, negate it by putting ! in front of it.
platforms False str Filter boards by platform. Multiple platforms are separated by comma. Platforms are used for example at train stations. A train station is one single stop but has multiple platforms so the busses stopping there all stop at the same stop (= the train station) but at different platforms. (Depends on the station how many platforms there are.)
rtMode False bool Set the realtime mode to be used if enabled. Available are: FULL and OFF. By default it is set to FULL and returns the real-time arrival time of the journey if set to FULL.


False int Include a list of all stops for this journey. 0 = Disabled->returns no stops (Default) and 1 = All stops

Common questions

Can you search for a specific bus/train/tram line? When I asked the last time (24. February 2023) the answer was no and I don't think anything has changed about that.
The only 'way' to search for a line is to pass the 'line' parameter when making a request, that way you only get this line at the station, but you cannot search for this line on all the stations without making a request for all stations.

I get the error "QuotaExceeded" This means that you have used all your available request tokens (as your API-Key is limited to a certain amount).
Either wait an hour or so until your tokens are reset or ask for your limit to be made higher.

Some stations don't return any lines Yes that happens, but usually only when the lines can't stop at that station for some reason.
Then they are not shown on that station, thats why you don't get any results.

What API services are available Only the DepartureBoard service and the Location Search by Coordinate are available for now.
On my question from the 24. February 2023 they mentionned that maybe they would offer some more API services in the future.

API response

Depending on what you passed as argument for the format you want the response in, you will either get a response in json or xml format.
Both responses carry the same values.
Here are 2 examples of one busline from a request to the departure board.
(You usually get more than one busline from a request but to simplify it we only show you one busline.)


<Departure name="Bus 812" type="ST" stop="Steinfort, Gemeng" stopid="A=1@O=Steinfort, Gemeng@X=5913410@Y=49659424@U=82@L=191104004@" stopExtId="191104004" prognosisType="PROGNOSED" time="15:33:00" date="2023-01-29" rtTime="15:35:00" rtDate="2023-01-29" reachable="true" direction="Eischen, Denn Mairie" trainNumber="812" trainCategory="064">
  <JourneyDetailRef ref="1|3078|7|82|29012023"/>
  <Product name="Bus 812" num="3398" line="812" catOut="Bus" catIn="064" catCode="5" cls="32" catOutS="064" catOutL="Bus" operatorCode="RGT" operator="Régime Général des Transports Routiers" admin="RGTR--" matchId="812">
    <icon res="prod_bus_t">
      <foregroundColor r="255" g="255" b="255" hex="#FFFFFF"/>
      <backgroundColor r="117" g="40" b="100" hex="#752864"/>
    <Note key="OPERATOR" type="A" routeIdxFrom="34" routeIdxTo="41" txtN="RGTR" txtL="Régime Général des Transports Routiers" txtS="RGT">RGTR</Note>


        "name":"Bus 812",
        "operator":"Régime Général des Transports Routiers",
                "txtL":"Régime Général des Transports Routiers",
    "name":"Bus 812",
    "stop":"Steinfort, Gemeng",
    "stopid":"A=1@O=Steinfort, Gemeng@X=5913410@Y=49659424@U=82@L=191104004@",
    "direction":"Eischen, Denn Mairie",

Response values meaning

Here is a table explaining all those values you get from a request to the API:
(If there is "???" then information is missing)

Key Always present Value type Meaning
JourneyDetailRef True dict Contains ref


True str Contains detailed information like wheelchair access or country of origin in encoded form (each number stands for smth) and the last number is always the current date.
For detailed information see ref
JourneyStatus True str Shows the status of the journey. For detailed information see JourneyStatus
Product True dict Contains: icon, res, name, num, line, catOut, catIn, catCode, cls, catOutS, catOutL, operatorCode, operator, admin, matchId


True dict The icon representation of the stop. Contains: foregroundColor, backgroundColor


True dict Foreground color of the station icon {"r": int, "g": int, "b": int, "hex": str}


True dict Background color of the station icon {"r": int, "g": int, "b": int, "hex": str}


True str Description of the icons for the different vehicle types in the mobiliteit app. For more details see res


True str The name of the vehicle: Bus: "Bus XXX", Tram: "TXXX", Train: ["RB XXX": Regionalbahn?, "TERXXX": ?, "IC XXX": ICE?, "RE XXX": Regionalexpress?] | where XXX is the number of the line


True str Each Bus has an internal unique identifier number which is stored in the "num" value


True str The line number which is displayed in the name, if it's a tram it is equal to the name


True str The vehicle type. Available: Bus, Train, Tram


True str Encoding for the Bus or train category. For details see catIn


True str A code telling you which vehicle type it is (Bus/Intercity/...). For more details see catCode


True str A number telling you which product it is. (Bus, Tram, ...) See cls for more details.


True str Stands for the short form of catOut. Is the same as catIn


True str Stands for the long form of catOut. Is the same as catOut


True str The abbreviation code for the operator. See operator codes for abbreviations.


True str The long name of the operator (see operator codes for full names)


True str The administrator or operator of the different lines. For more details see admin


True str ??? Seems to be the same as the line
Notes True dict Contains Note


True list Contains multiple dicts which each represent a note telling us for example the operator or that you can charge you phone on this bus/tram/train (but not always complete, neraly only complete for trains)

note (Not a key but a dict inside the list Note)

False dict Contains values that describe a note: value, key, type, routeIdxFrom, routeIdxTo, textN, textL, textS. For more details see note


False str The text/value that will be displayed to travellers like "RB XXX: This train is cancelled"


False str The key matching the value. For more detailed information see key


False str Displays the type of message contained in a note. For more details see type


False int Indicates for which stops of the journey the note is valid. For more details see Stop


False int ??? (Not the id of a stop)


False str The priority of the note between 0 and 999, the lower the number = the higher the priority. Every note is displayed, but this might affect the order in which they are displayed. (Source 1 p.89


False str The normal text version of the value(ex.: if value="TRAM", textN="TRAM")


False str The long text version of the value(ex.: if value="TRAM", textL="Luxtram")


False str The short text version of the value(ex.: if value="TRAM", textS="TRA")
name True str The name of the line like Product - name
type True str The type of stop. See type for more details.
stop True str The current station/stop (= the station/stop you asked the data from in your API request) gives the full name of the stop
stopid True str Gives you the name of the stop and its coordinates. See stopid for detailed information
stopExtId True str Gives you the id of the station/stop (= the id you entered in your request to the API)
prognosisType False str In combination with rtTime it says that the rtTime=arrival time is prognosed so in real-time prognosed
time True str The planned arrival time (= the time at which the line is scheduled to arrive at this stop)
date True str The date at which the line will arrive at that stop (if in realtime mode, it is always today)


False str The actual (real time) time at which the line will arrive at that stop (maybe it is late)(only available when line has started its tour)
rtDate False str The actual date at which the line will arrive at that stop (only available when line has started its tour)
cancelled False bool Only in the request answer if line is cancelled and then it is set to true
reachable True bool If the journey can be accomplished (ex.: if the bus can drive), always on 'True' as it doesn't show if you can reach that journey. (Only 'False' if journey is cancelled.)
direction True str The final destination of the line, full name of the station/stop
trainNumber True str The number of the line (ex.: 812 for the Bus 812)
trainCategory True str Equals catIn, no public list of codes. ("064" for busses, "CAF" for tram, ["CRB", "CE", "CTE", "CIC", ?] for trains)
Stops False dict Contains Stop
Stop False list Contains the stops of a journey. For more details see Stop

Detailed information about response values

Here is some information more in detail about some of the values you receive


This is an example of a "ref" value you could get in a response:

"JourneyDetailRef": {
    "ref": "1|3078|7|82|29012023"

The "ref" value is an internal ID with which one can identify every single journey.
That way one can check if the journey is the same after another request to the API or if it is already a new journey.
As you can see, "ref" is "1|3078|7|82|29012023".
Each number, separated by a | stands for something.
(By clicking on a number you can quickly get to the description of what it stands for without having to scroll down.)

first number

The first number ("1" here) stands for: ??? (Always one for bus, train, tram)

second number

The second number ("3078" here) stands for: ???

third number

The third number ("7" here) stands for: ???

fourth number

The fourth number ("82" here) stands for the country of origin.
Each country has a unique identifier and Luxembourg has the code "82" as identifier.
Here a list of identifiers:
(Not all numbers are used, 0-9 are for local authorities)

  • 10 Finland
  • 20 Russia
  • 21 Belorussia
  • 22 Ukraine
  • 23 Moldova
  • 24 Lithuania
  • 25 Latvia
  • 26 Estonia
  • 27 Kazakhstan
  • 28 Georgia
  • 29 Uzbekistan
  • 30 North Korea
  • 31 Mongolia
  • 32 Vietnam
  • 33 China
  • 40 Cuba
  • 41 Albania
  • 42 Japan
  • 44 Bosnia-Herzegovina (Serbian part)
  • 50 Bosnia-Herzegovina (Bosnian-Croatian part)
  • 51 Poland
  • 52 Bulgaria
  • 53 Rumania
  • 54 Czech Republic
  • 55 Hungary
  • 56 Slovakia
  • 57 Azerbaijan
  • 58 Armenia
  • 59 Kyrgyzstan
  • 60 Ireland
  • 61 South Korea
  • 62 Montenegro
  • 65 Macedonia
  • 66 Tadzhikistan
  • 67 Turkmenistan
  • 70 Great Britain
  • 71 Spain
  • 72 Serbia
  • 73 Greece
  • 74 Sweden
  • 75 Turkey
  • 76 Norway
  • 78 Croatia
  • 79 Slovenia
  • 80 Germany
  • 81 Austria
  • 82 Luxembourg
  • 83 Italy
  • 84 Netherlands
  • 85 Switzerland
  • 86 Denmark
  • 87 France
  • 88 Belgium
  • 89 Bosnia
  • 90 Egypt
  • 91 Tunisia
  • 92 Algeria
  • 93 Morocco
  • 94 Protugal
  • 95 Israel
  • 96 Iran
  • 97 Syria
  • 98 Lebanon
  • 99 Iraq

source: (Source 1 page 16)

Fifth number

The fifth number ("29012023" here) stands for the current date, so here it would be the 29th of January 2023.


Shows the status of the journey:

  • P = Planned -> A planned journey. This is also the default value
  • R = Replacement -> The journey was added as a replacement for a planned journey.
  • A = Additional -> The journey is an additional journey to the planned journeys.
  • S = Special -> This is a special journey. The exact definition which journeys are considered special is up to the customer.


The description/name for the icons of the different vehicle types in the app.
Pretty irrelevant and no exact list available as they are created by another society. The descriptions might change if new icons are used in the app. These are the known icon names:

  • Bus : prod_bus_t
  • Tram : prod_tram_t
  • Train : ["prod_reg" for "RB" and "RE" trains, "prod_ic" for "IC" trains]

Image of the different vehicle types icons in the app.


An internal encoding of the bus or train category.
For busses its usually 064, but it can also be values like 063 or 034.
Therefore catOut is way more interesting as it contains the value which is also used for displaying the category and transportation vehicle.


The 'catCode' allows identifying the type of vehicle that operates this line.
(From the file 'zugart')
Here a list of all known codes:

  • 00 : ICE-Trains
  • 01 : Intercity- and Eurocitytrains
  • 02 : Interregio- and Fast trains
  • 03 : Regional and other trains
  • 04 : S-Bahn
  • 05 : Busses
  • 06 : Boats
  • 07 : Underground
  • 08 : Tram
  • 09 : Services requiring tel. registration for passengers

The above codes are complete and correct as of 24. February 2023 .


Tells you which product category is serving the line:

Information from Source 5 and verified by the API service people.
Above codes are complete and correct as of 24. February 2023 .

operator codes

There are 6 operators in Luxembourg:
See Source 1 point 6.18. page 132 for details.

    "id": "00001",
    "K": "AVL", //= 'operatorCode' in the API response
    "L": "AVL",
    "V": "Ville de Luxembourg - Service Autobus", //= 'operator' in the API response
    "administrator": "AVL---" //= 'admin' in the API response

    "id": "00002",
    "K": "CFL", //= 'operatorCode' in the API response
    "L": "CFL",
    "V": "Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois", //= 'operator' in the API response
    "administrator": [
    ] //= 'admin' in the API response

    "id": "00003",
    "K": "CFL", //= 'operatorCode' in the API response
    "L": "CFLBus",
    "V": "Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois", //= 'operator' in the API response
    "administrator": "CFLBUS" //= 'admin' in the API response

    "id": "00004",
    "K": "RGT", //= 'operatorCode' in the API response
    "L": "RGTR",
    "V": "Régime Général des Transports Routiers", //= 'operator' in the API response
    "administrator": "RGTR---" //= 'admin' in the API response

    "id": "00005",
    "K": "TIC", //= 'operatorCode' in the API response
    "L": "TICE",
    "V": "Syndicat des Tramways Intercommunaux dans le Canton d'Esch", //= 'operator' in the API response
    "administrator": "TIC---" //= 'admin' in the API response

    "id": "00006",
    "K": "TRA", //= 'operatorCode' in the API response
    "L": "TRAM",
    "V": "Luxtram", //= 'operator' in the API response
    "administrator": "LUTRAM" //= 'admin' in the API response

The above codes and names are complete and correct as of 24. February 2023


The value of 'admin' shows the administrator/operator of the different lines.
The values can be found at operatorCodes under the 'administrator' keys.
(AVL---, c80---, c82---, c85---, c87---, c88---, CFLBUS, RGTR---, TIC---, LUTRAM)


The different notes are given by the different data providers (ex.: Deutsche Bahn, SNCF, ...).
This means that there are no standardized values for a note.
Each provider provides their own pair of keys and the respective value.
The API will then take them as they are and display them that way.
If a journey is cancelled it will be displayed as cancelled.
The 'type' value displays the type of message contained in the note.
Image of 2 notes in the app


There are keys missing/some keys are incorrect
The key of a note is text and often an abbreviation.
If the key is an abbreviation the long text can be found under "textN".
Here is a list of known abbreviations:

  • EH = Einstiegshilfe (priority 350)
  • KL = Klimaanlage (priority 350)
  • LS = Laptop-Steckplatz (priority 350)
  • 71 = bicylce transport / service pour bicyclettes / Fahrradmitnahme (priority 1)
  • text.realtime.journey.cancelled = The entire line is cancelled and won't drive
  • text.realtime.stop.cancelled = The line will not stop at this station/stop
  • OPERATOR = The note tells us who the operator is for this line

Depending from which country the bus/train comes from the priorities may have different numbers.


Displays the type of message contained in a note.

  • A = Attribute
  • R = Realtime
  • I = Infotext

There should not be any other types in the API (as of 24. February 2023).


Displays the type of stop:

  • ST = Stop
  • ADR = Address
  • POI = Point of Interest As the API is being called with stop ids, it should always be 'ST'.


"stopid": "A=1@O=Steinfort, Gemeng@X=5913410@Y=49659424@U=82@L=191104004@"

This is an example of a stopid value.
Now each of the components means something.


A is unknown, even to the people from the API, but is always 1.


The name of the station/stop (long version).


The X coordinate of the station/stop (missing decimal point). The X/Y coordinates are indicated by degrees of longitude and latitude in a geographical coordinate system. Units: degrees with decimal places. For accurancy in meters it has to have 6 right-of-comma positions. The preferred coordinate system is UTM32.


The Y coordinate of the station/stop (missing decimal point). The X/Y coordinates are indicated by degrees of longitude and latitude in a geographical coordinate system. Units: degrees with decimal places. For accurancy in meters it has to have 6 right-of-comma positions. The preferred coordinate system is UTM32.


Country code for Luxembourg.
For a list of codes see ref.


The id of the station/stop.


The category of vehicle that is being used for the transport. (For general Hafas API: Source 1 p. 65)

  • 064 : Bus
  • CAF : Tram (named like that because of the society that made the tram Source 2)
  • CRB : Regional train? (only used for "RB" trains)
  • CIC : Intercity train (Deutsche Bahn trains)(only used for "IC" trains)
  • CTE : trains from the SNCF (France)(only used for "TER" trains)

Also see Products for detailed information about each product.


    {"name":"Luxembourg, Gare Centrale","id":"A=1@O=Luxembourg, Gare Centrale@X=6134239@Y=49599969@U=82@L=200405060@","extId":"200405060","routeIdx":0,"lon":6.134239,"lat":49.599969,"depTime":"18:32:00","depDate":"2023-02-24"},
    {"name":"Howald, Gare","id":"A=1@O=Howald, Gare@X=6132459@Y=49581083@U=82@L=200304014@","extId":"200304014","routeIdx":1,"lon":6.132459,"lat":49.581083,"arrTime":"18:35:00","arrDate":"2023-02-24"},
    {"name":"Berchem, Gare","id":"A=1@O=Berchem, Gare@X=6133753@Y=49542663@U=82@L=221101001@","extId":"221101001","routeIdx":2,"lon":6.133753,"lat":49.542663,"arrTime":"18:40:00","arrDate":"2023-02-24"},
    {"name":"Bettembourg, Gare","id":"A=1@O=Bettembourg, Gare@X=6101680@Y=49516513@U=82@L=220102018@","extId":"220102018","routeIdx":3,"lon":6.10168,"lat":49.516513,"arrTime":"18:45:00","arrDate":"2023-02-24"},
    {"name":"Noertzange, Gare","id":"A=1@O=Noertzange, Gare@X=6050882@Y=49508009@U=82@L=220105006@","extId":"220105006","routeIdx":4,"lon":6.050882,"lat":49.508009,"arrTime":"18:49:00","arrDate":"2023-02-24"},
    {"name":"Schifflange, Gare","id":"A=1@O=Schifflange, Gare@X=6009783@Y=49506301@U=82@L=221401002@","extId":"221401002","routeIdx":5,"lon":6.009783,"lat":49.506301,"arrTime":"18:53:00","arrDate":"2023-02-24"},
    {"name":"Esch-sur-Alzette, Gare","id":"A=1@O=Esch-sur-Alzette, Gare@X=5985090@Y=49493914@U=82@L=220402046@","extId":"220402046","routeIdx":6,"lon":5.98509,"lat":49.493914,"arrTime":"18:57:00","arrDate":"2023-02-24"}]

Contains all stops of a journey.
Only present if you passed the passlist argument!
'routeIdxTo' and 'routeIdxFrom' from a note point to the stop at the given index in the 'Stop' list.
So if a note has the attributes:

"routeIdxFrom": 0,
"routeIdxTo": 4

This means that the note is valid from stop '0' to stop '4' in the 'Stop' list.
We start counting at '0', so the first stop is stop number '0'.
The note would be valid from stop 'Luxembourg, Gare Centrale' to stop 'Noertzange, Gare' in this example.

Error codes

Sample of an error message containing an error code:

{"serverVersion":"2.7.6","dialectVersion":"1.29","errorCode":"API_PARAM","errorText":"id or extId missing (IllegalArgumentException)","requestId":"default-request-id"}

As you can see the error code here is "API_PARAM".

List of all known codes as of 24. February 2023:

Code HTTP status code Text
API_AUTH 403 access
API_QUOTA 400 quota exceeded for 'key' on 'service'
API_PARAM 400 required parameter <> is missing
API_PARAM 400 numB wrong, only number in range [0,6] al-lowed
API_PARAM 400 numF wrong, only number in range [0,6] al-lowed
API_PARAM 400 numF + numB not greater than [6] allowed
API_FORMAT 400 response format not supported
SVC_PARAM 400 request parameter missing or invalid
SVC_LOC 400 location missing or invalid
SVC_LOC_ARR 400 arrival location missing or invalid
SVC_LOC_DEP 400 departure location missing or invalid
SVC_LOC_VIA 400 unknown change stop
SVC_LOC_EQUAL 400 start/destination or vias are equal
SVC_LOC_NEAR 400 start and destination to close
SVC_DATATIME 400 date/time missing or invalid
SVC_DATATIME_PERIOD 400 date/time not in timetable or allowed period
SVC_PROD 400 product field missing or invalid
SVC_CTX 400 context invalid
SVC_MAIL_ADR 400 sender/receiver mail address invalid or miss-ing
SVC_MAIL 500 fail to send mail
SVC_SMS_NUM 400 receiver sms phone number invalid or missing
SVC_SMS 500 fail to send sms
SVC_FAILED_SEARCH 500 unsuccessful search
SVC_NO_RESULT 500 no result found
SVC_NO_MATCH 500 no match found
INT_ERR 500 internal error


Following product information is from Source 5.
But bitmasks vary from the ones in the cfl version

Express train

    "id": "express-train",
    "mode": "train",
    "bitmasks": [1],
    "name": "local train (TGV/ICE)",
    "short": "TGV/ICE"

National train

    "id": "national-train",
    "mode": "train",
    "bitmasks": [2],
    "name": "national train (IC/RE/IRE)",
    "short": "IC/RE/IRE"

Local train

    "id": "local-train",
    "mode": "train",
    "bitmasks": [4],
    "name": "local train (RB/TER)",
    "short": "RB/TER"


    "id": "bus",
    "mode": "bus",
    "bitmasks": [32],
    "name": "Bus",
    "short": "Bus"


    "id": "tram",
    "mode": "train",
    "bitmasks": [256],
    "name": "Tram",
    "short": "Tram"

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

Source 4

Source 5