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n-pa11y-config CircleCI

This is a module to help creating a Pa11y CI configuration for your project.


  • Node version defined by engines.node in package.json. Run command nvm use to switch your local Node version to the one specified in .nvmrc.
  • Pa11y CI


git clone
cd n-pa11y-config
npm install


Install from NPM

npm install --save-dev @financial-times/n-pa11y-config


Include this library on your .pa11yci.js file and export the result of the invocation of this library:

const nPa11yConfig = require('@financial-times/n-pa11y-config')
const tests = require('./tests/smoke-tests.js')

module.exports = nPa11yConfig({
  host: 'http://localhost:3000',
  exceptions: ['__gtg'],
  viewports: [
      width: 640,
      height: 960,
  headers: {
    'FT-Next-Backend-Key': process.env.FT_NEXT_BACKEND_KEY,


The function expects an object with the following attributes:

Name Description Type Optional
tests Tests to be tested by Pa11y Array false
host Base URL to apply to all test routes String true
exceptions Routes returning 200 that should not be tested (routes that return something different than 200 will be automatically excluded) Array true
wait The time to wait before running tests in milliseconds Number true
hide CSS selector to hide elements from testing, selectors can be comma separated Array true
viewports Set viewports for puppeteer Array true
headers Headers to be added to every test route Object true
screenCapturePath Path where to store all the screenshots generated by Pa11y. By default it will store all screenshots in screenCaptures String true


Headers can be set:

  • globally for all apps (in the headers attribute)
  • per test (configured in the tests array)

Headers objects will be merged, cookies and flags will be concatenated. No flags are allowed inside the cookie for easier merging: use the FT-Flags header instead.


Include in the hide attribute the elements that should not run pa11y (i.e. google ad iFrames) Use with caution. It may break the experience for users.