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File metadata and controls

258 lines (173 loc) · 11.3 KB


Firely Server supports most of the features in the FHIR RESTful API.

FHIR Versions

All the operations below can be called for FHIR STU3 or FHIR R4. Firely Server supports the fhirVersion mimetype parameter and fhir version endpoint mappings for that purpose. See :ref:`feature_multiversion` for more information.

Create, read, update, patch, delete

These five operations to manage the contents of the Firely Server, commonly referenced by the acronym CRUD, are implemented as per the specification. Patch is implemented as FHIR Patch, as this is the most versatile one. This includes version-read and the conditional variations. Only a few limitations apply.

Firely Server enables create-on-update: If you request an update and no resource exists for the given id, the provided resource will be created under the provided id.

Firely Server can reject a resource based on :ref:`feature_prevalidation`.


A conditional delete interaction may match multiple resources. You can configure the server to delete all matches, or reject the operation (effectively only allowing single matches to be deleted). Allowing multiple deletes requires support for transactions on the database (MongoDb, SQL Server or SQLite). If you allow for multiple deletes, you have to specify a maximum number of resources that can be deleted at once, to save you from accidentally deleting too many resources.

"FhirCapabilities": {
    "ConditionalDeleteOptions": {
        "ConditionalDeleteType": "Single", // Single or Multiple,
        "ConditionalDeleteMaxItems": 1

Limitations on CRUD

  1. Simultaneous conditional creates and updates are not entirely transactional safe:
    • Two conditional updates may both result in a create, although the result of one may be a match to the other.
    • Two conditional creates may both succeed, although the result of one may be a match to the other.
    • A conditional create and a simultaneous conditional update may both result in a create, although the result of one may be a match to the other.
  2. Parameter _pretty is not yet supported.
  3. XML Patch and JSON Patch are not supported.


Firely Server keeps a full version history of every resource, including the resources on the :ref:`administration_api`.


Search is supported as per the specification, with a few :ref:`restful_search_limitations`.

In the default configuration the SearchParameters from the FHIR specification are available. But Firely Server also allows :ref:`feature_customsp`.

Chaining and reverse chaining is fully supported.

Quantity search on UCUM quantities automatically converts units to a canonical form. This means you can have kg in an Observation and search by lbs, or vice versa.

Compartment Search is supported.


Queries that request resource types not included in the current compartment's CompartmentDefinition will yield default search results. Example: Searching for Practitioner resources within a Patient's compartment will return all Practitioner resources, including the ones not linked to the patient.

Firely Server also supports _include:iterate and _revinclude:iterate, as well as its STU3 counterparts _include:recurse and _revinclude:recurse. See the specification for the definition of those. You can configure the maximum level of recursion:

"FhirCapabilities": {
   "SearchOptions": {
      "MaximumIncludeIterationDepth": 1

When searching with the :exact modifier the server handles grapheme clusters.


_sort is implemented for searchparameters of types:

  • string
  • number
  • uri
  • reference
  • datetime
  • token

for the all supported repositories.

How is sort evaluated?

  • A searchparameter may be indexed with multiple values for a single resource. E.g. for Angelina Jolie would have name=Angelina and name=Jolie. And George Clooney: name=George and name=Clooney. As the FHIR Specification phrases it: "In this case, the sort is based on the item in the set of multiple parameters that comes earliest in the specified sort order when ordering the returned resources." Here is an example of how Firely Server evaluates this.

    • In ascending order: Patient?_sort=name

      Name values

      Asc. per resource

      Asc. resources



      Angelina Jolie






      George Clooney



    • Now in descending order: Patient?_sort=-name

      Name values

      Desc. per resource

      Desc. resources



      Angelina Jolie






      George Clooney



  • The searchparameter to sort on may not be indexed at all for some of the resources in the resultset. E.g. a Patient without any identifier will not be indexed for Patient.identifier. Resources not having that parameter always end up last (both in ascending and descending order). This is similar to the ‘nulls last’ option in some SQL languages.

  • Token parameters are sorted only on their code element. The system element is ignored in the sorting.

  • Firely Server uses the default collation as configured on the database server. This collation defines the ordering of characters.

  • Sorting on _score is not supported.

Limitations on search

The following parameters and options are not yet supported:

  1. _text
  2. _content
  3. _query
  4. _containedType
  5. _filter
  6. Location.near (geo matching is not supported)
  7. :approx modifier on a quantity SearchParameter
  8. :text modifier on a string SearchParameter
  9. :above, :below, :in, :not-in, of-type modifiers on a token SearchParameter, above and below are also not supported for Mime Types.
  10. :above, :below modifiers on a reference SearchParameter (only valid on a strict hierarchy)
  11. :below modifier on uri SearchParameters that act on canonical elements, see References and versions.
  12. * wildcard on _include and _revinclude
  13. _include and _revinclude will match the current version of the referenced resources, also if the reference is versioned.
  14. _pretty
  15. Implicit ranges are supported on dates, datetimes and quantities with a UCUM unit. But not on other quantities and number parameters.
  16. Search parameter arguments in exponential form (e.g. 1.8e2).
  17. Prefer: handling=strict/lenient: Firely server is always lenient on search parameter errors.
  18. _total=estimate, only none and accurate are supported.


  1. Paging is supported, but it is not isolated from intermediate changes to resources.


History is supported as described in the specification, on the system, type and instance level. The _since and _count parameters are also supported.


"HistoryOptions": {
  "MaxReturnedResults": 100

If a _history call would result in more than MaxReturnedResults, Firely Server asks the user to be more specific. Use this to avoid overloading the server or the connection.

Limitations on history

  1. _at parameter is not yet supported.
  2. Paging is supported, but it is not isolated from intermediate changes to resources.


Batch is fully supported on the usual endpoint. You can limit the number of entries accepted in a single batch. See :ref:`batch_options`.

Note that batches are not supported in the /administration endpoint.


Transactions are supported, but with the following limitation:

  1. The /administration endpoint does not support transactions.

You can limit the number of entries accepted in a single transaction. See :ref:`batch_options`.


On the Capabilities interaction (<firely-server-endpoint>/metadata) Firely Server returns a CapabilityStatement that is built dynamically from the supported ResourceTypes, SearchParameters and interactions. E.g. if you :ref:`feature_customsp_configure`, the SearchParameters that are actually loaded appear in the CapabilityStatement.

Document endpoint

Firely Server supports submitting FHIR document bundles to the base endpoint of the server. The current version of Firely Server will only extract the unstructured part of the document, i.e. the narrative of the document bundle. The submission of the document will return a DocumentReference containing an attachment linking to a Binary resource containing the original narrative. Please note that only the top-level narrative will be extracted. No section narrative will be handled. Updates to narratives from documents with the same document identifier will result in an Update interaction on the DocumentReference.

Please make sure that Vonk.Plugin.DocumentHandling.DocumentHandlingConfiguration is enabled in the pipeline options to use this feature.

Not supported interactions

These interactions are not yet supported by Firely Server:

  1. HEAD

Besides that, Firely Server does not yet return the date header as specified in HTTP return values