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Interaction Handling

In the configuration of a plugin you specify on which interaction(s) the plugin should act. That can be done with an attribute on the main method of the service in the plugin, or with a fluent interface on IApplicationBuilder.





Add an [InteractionHandler] attribute to a method to specify when the method has to be called. You specify this by providing values that the IVonkContext should match.

Without any arguments, the method will be called for every possible interaction.

public async Task DoMyOperation(IVonkContext vonkContext)

You can specify different filters, and combine them at will:

  • Specific interaction(s): [InteractionHandler(Interaction = VonkInteraction.type_create | VonkInteraction.instance_update)]
  • Specific FHIR version(s) of the request: [InteractionHandler(InformationModel = VonkConstants.Model.FhirR4)]
  • Specific resource type(s): [InteractionHandler(AcceptedTypes = new["Patient", "Observation"])]
  • Specific custom operation: [InteractionHandler(Interaction = VonkInteraction.all_custom, CustomOperation = "myCustomOperation")]. Note that the $ that is used on the url is not included in the name of the custom operation here.
  • Specific http method: [InteractionHandler(Method = "POST")]
  • Specific statuscode(s) on the response: [InteractionHandler(StatusCode = new[]{200, 201})]

Now to configure your service to be a processor in the Firely Server pipeline, you use UseVonkInteraction[Async]():

public static class MyOperationConfiguration
   public static IApplicationBuilder UseMyOperation(this IApplicationBuilder app)
      return app.UseVonkInteractionAsync<MyService>((svc, ctx) => svc.DoMyOperation(ctx));

InteractionHandler fluent interface

Because InteractionHandler is an attribute, you can only use constant values. If that is not what you want, you can use the fluent interface in the configuration class instead. The code below shows the same filters as above, although you typically would not use all of them together (e.g. the PUT excludes type_create).

public static class MyOperationConfiguration
   public static IApplicationBuilder UseMyOperation(this IApplicationBuilder app)
      return app
         .OnInteraction(VonkInteraction.type_create | VonkInteraction.instance_update)
         .AndResourceTypes(new[] {"Patient", "Observation"})
         .AndStatusCodes(new[] {200, 201})
         .HandleAsyncWith<MyService>((svc, ctx) => svc.DoMyOperation(ctx));

Other Handle... methods allow you to define a pre-handler (that checks or alters the request before the actual operation) or a post-handler (that checks or alters the response after the actual operation), either synchronously or asynchronously.

If you have a very specific filter that is not covered by these methods, you can specify it directly with a function on the IVonkContext that returns a boolean whether or not to call your operation.

   .On(ctx => MyVerySpecificFilter(ctx))


The filter you specify is called for every request. So make sure you don't do any heavy calculations or I/O.

IApplicationBuilder extension methods

UseVonkInteraction<TService>(this IApplicationBuilder app, Expression<Action<<TService, IVonkContext>> handler, OperationType operationType = OperationType.Handler) -> IApplicationBuilder

Handle the request with the handler method when the request matches the InteractionHandler attribute on the handler method. The OperationType may also specify PreHandler or PostHandler. If you need to do anything lengthy (I/O, computation), use the Async variant of this method.

UseVonkInteractionAsync<TService>(this IApplicationBuilder app, Expression<Func<TService, IVonkContext, T.Task>> handler, OperationType operationType = OperationType.Handler) -> IApplicationBuilder

Handle the request with the asynchronous handler method when the request matches the InteractionHandler attribute on the handler method. The OperationType may also specify PreHandler or PostHandler.

OnInteraction(this IApplicationBuilder app, VonkInteraction interaction) -> VonkAppBuilder

Used for fluent configuration of middleware. This is one of two methods to enter the VonkAppBuilder, see vonk_vonkappbuilder. It requires you to choose an interaction to act on. If you need your services to act on every interaction, choose VonkInteraction.all.

OnCustomInteraction(this IApplicationBuilder app, VonkInteraction interaction, string custom) -> VonkAppBuilder

Used for fluent configuration of middleware. This is one of two methods to enter the VonkAppBuilder, see vonk_vonkappbuilder. It requires you to choose an interaction to act on. This should be one of the VonkInteraction.all_custom interactions. custom is the name of the custom interaction to act on, without the preceding '$'.

VonkAppBuilder extension methods

VonkAppBuilder is used to fluently configure your middleware. It has methods to filter the requests that your middleware should respond to. Then it has a couple of *Handle... methods to transform your service into middleware for the pipeline, and return to the IApplicationBuilder interface.

AndInteraction(this VonkAppBuilder app, VonkInteraction interaction) -> VonkAppBuilder

Specify an interaction to act on.

AndResourceTypes(this VonkAppBuilder app, params string[] resourceTypes) -> VonkAppBuilder

Specify the resourcetypes to act on.

AndStatusCodes(this VonkAppBuilder app, params int[] statusCodes) -> VonkAppBuilder

Specify the statuscode(s) of the response to act on. This is mainly useful for posthandlers.

AndMethod(this VonkAppBuilder app, string method) -> VonkAppBuilder

Specify the http method (GET, PUT, etc) to act on.

AndInformationModel(this VonkAppBuilder app, string model) -> VonkAppBuilder

If your service can only act on one FHIR version, specify it with this method. Common values for model are VonkConstants.Model.FhirR3 and VonkConstants.Model.FhirR4.

PreHandleAsyncWith<TService>(this VonkAppBuilder app, Expression<Func<TService, IVonkContext, T.Task>> preHandler) -> IApplicationBuilder

Mark the preHandler method as a prehandler, so it will act on the IVonkContext and send it further down the pipeline.

PreHandleWith<TService>(this VonkAppBuilder app, Expression<Action<TService, IVonkContext>> preHandler) -> IApplicationBuilder

Synchronous version of PreHandleAsyncWith for synchronous preHandler methods.

HandleAsyncWith<TService>(this VonkAppBuilder app, Expression<Func<TService, IVonkContext, T.Task>> handler) -> IApplicationBuilder

Mark the handler method as a hanlder, so it will act on the IVonkContext, provide a response and end the pipeline for the request.

HandleWith<TService>(this VonkAppBuilder app, Expression<Action<TService, IVonkContext>> handler)

Synchronous version of HandleAsyncWith for synchronous handler methods.

PostHandleAsyncWith<TService>(this VonkAppBuilder app, Expression<Func<TService, IVonkContext, T.Task>> postHandler) -> IApplicationBuilder

Mark the postHandler method as a posthandler, so it will pass on the IVonkContext to the rest of the pipeline, and on the way back through the pipeline inspect or modify the response. Make sure that the VonkConfiguration order you have for this is lower than whatever action you need to post-handle.

PostHandleWith<TService>(this VonkAppBuilder app, Expression<Action<TService, IVonkContext>> postHandler) -> IApplicationBuilder

Synchronous version of PostHandleAsyncWith for synchronous postHandler methods.