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File metadata and controls

114 lines (87 loc) · 6.34 KB

CLI Commands

FlexMeasures comes with a command-line utility, which helps to manage data. Below, we list all available commands.

Each command has more extensive documentation if you call it with --help.

We keep track of changes to these commands in :ref:`cli-changelog`. You can also get the current overview over the commands you have available by:

flexmeasures --help
flexmeasures [command] --help

This also shows admin commands made available through Flask and installed extensions (such as Flask-Security and Flask-Migrate), of which some are referred to in this documentation.

add - Add data

flexmeasures add initial-structure Initialize structural data like users, roles and asset types.
flexmeasures add account-role Create a FlexMeasures tenant account role.
flexmeasures add account Create a FlexMeasures tenant account.
flexmeasures add user Create a FlexMeasures user.
flexmeasures add asset-type Create a new asset type.
flexmeasures add asset Create a new asset.
flexmeasures add sensor Add a new sensor.
flexmeasures add beliefs Load beliefs from file.
flexmeasures add source Add a new data source.
flexmeasures add forecasts Create forecasts.
flexmeasures add schedule for-storage Create a charging schedule for a storage asset.
flexmeasures add schedule for-process Create a schedule for a process asset.
flexmeasures add holidays Add holiday annotations to accounts and/or assets.
flexmeasures add annotation Add annotation to accounts, assets and/or sensors.
flexmeasures add toy-account Create a toy account, for tutorials and trying things.
flexmeasures add report Create a report.

show - Show data

flexmeasures show accounts List accounts.
flexmeasures show account Show an account, its users and assets.
flexmeasures show asset-types List available asset types.
flexmeasures show asset Show an asset and its sensors.
flexmeasures show roles List available account- and user roles.
flexmeasures show data-sources List available data sources.
flexmeasures show beliefs Plot time series data.
flexmeasures show reporters List available reporters.
flexmeasures show schedulers List available schedulers.

edit - Edit data

flexmeasures edit attribute Edit (or add) an asset attribute or sensor attribute.
flexmeasures edit resample-data
Assign a new event resolution to an existing sensor
and resample its data accordingly.
flexmeasures edit transfer-ownership
Transfer the ownership of an asset and its children to
a different account.

delete - Delete data

flexmeasures delete structure
Delete all structural (non time-series) data,
like assets (types), roles and users.
flexmeasures delete account-role Delete a tenant account role.
flexmeasures delete account
Delete a tenant account & also their users
(with assets and power measurements).
flexmeasures delete user Delete a user & also their assets and power measurements.
flexmeasures delete asset Delete an asset & also its sensors and data.
flexmeasures delete sensor Delete a sensor and all beliefs about it.
flexmeasures delete measurements Delete measurements (with horizon <= 0).
flexmeasures delete prognoses Delete forecasts and schedules (forecasts > 0).
flexmeasures delete unchanged-beliefs Delete unchanged beliefs.
flexmeasures delete nan-beliefs Delete NaN beliefs.

jobs - Job queueing

flexmeasures jobs run-worker Start a worker process for forecasting and/or scheduling jobs.
flexmeasures jobs show queues List job queues.
flexmeasures jobs clear-queue Clear a job queue.

db-ops - Operations on the whole database

flexmeasures db-ops dump Create a dump of all current data (using pg_dump).
flexmeasures db-ops load Load backed-up contents (see db-ops save), run reset first.
flexmeasures db-ops reset Reset database data and re-create tables from data model.
flexmeasures db-ops restore Restore the dump file, see db-ops dump (run reset first).
flexmeasures db-ops save Backup db content to files.