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Email Subscriptions

Brandon Robins edited this page Mar 31, 2015 · 1 revision

While many people and companies focus on growing their social media followings, there's a wealth of evidence that a robust email list is significantly more valuable. We wanted to make it easy for Storytime bloggers to collect email addresses from their readers, so we added the following features for email collection and management:

  • Email collection & storage support
  • Basic email list management
  • Optional notification of list members when new blog posts are published
  • 1-click unsubscribe support

To enable subscription sign-up within a custom view, simply use the storytime_email_subscription_form helper wherever you'd like to collect email addresses. For example:

# a simple post#show template
<div class="post"><%= @post.content %></div>
<div>Enjoy this post? Sign up and we'll notify you of future posts!</div>
<%= storytime_email_subscription_form %>

In the future, we plan to also add support for automatically adding collected emails to dedicated email marketing platforms, such as Mailkimp.