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File metadata and controls

478 lines (352 loc) · 15.7 KB

Artifact definition format and style guide

The best way to show what an artifact definition is, is by example. The following example is the artifact definition for the Windows EVTX System Event Logs.

name: WindowsSystemEventLogEvtx
doc: Windows System Event log for Vista or later systems.
- type: FILE
  attributes: {paths: ['%%environ_systemroot%%\System32\winevt\Logs\System.evtx']}
supported_os: [Windows]
urls: ['']

The artifact definition can have the following values:

Value Description
aliases Optional list of alternate names to identify the artifact definition. Also see: See section: Name.
doc The description (or documentation). A human readable string that describes the artifact definition. See section: Description.
name The name. An unique string that identifies the artifact definition. See section: Name.
sources A list of source definitions. See section: Sources.
supported_os Optional list that indicates which operating systems the artifact definition applies to. See section: Supported operating system.
urls Optional list of URLs with more contextual information. Ideally the artifact definition links to an article that discusses the artifact in more depth for example on Digital Forensics Artifact Knowledge Base.

Deprecated values

Value Description
conditions Optional list of conditions that describe when the artifact definition should apply. Note that conditions have been deprecated as of version 20220710.
labels Optional list of predefined labels. Note that labels have been deprecated as of version 20220311.
provides Optional list of placeholder values that the artifact provides.


The name of an artifact definition should be in CamelCase name without spaces.

Prefix platform specific artifact definitions with the name of the operating system using "Linux", "MacOS" or "Windows".

If not platform specific:

  • prefix with the application name, for example "ChromeHistory".
  • prefix with the name of the subsystem, for example "WMIComputerSystemProduct".

Commonly used prefixes:

Prefix Description
Android Android operating system specific artifact definition.
Darwin Mac OS (or Darwin) operating system specific artifact definition.
iOS iOS operating system specific artifact definition.
Linux Linux operating system specific artifact definition.
Shell Shell user-interface specific artifact definition.
User User specific artifact definition.
Unix Unix operating system (or POSIX) specific artifact definition.
Windows Windows operating system specific artifact definition.

Suffix artifact definitions with the type of artifact, for example are files use "BrowserHistoryFile" instead of "BrowserHistory" to reduce ambiguity.

Suffix Description
ConfigurationFile Contents of one or more configuration files.
Directory Contents of one or more directories.
File Contents of one or more files.
LogFile Contents of one or more log files.
PlistFile Contents of one or more property list (plist) files.
SQLiteDatabaseFile Contents of one or more SQLite database files.


Style note: Typically one line description of the artifact, mentioning important caveats. If more than one line is necessary, use the multi-line YAML Literal Style as indicated by the | character.

doc: |
  The Windows run keys.

  Note users.sid will currently only expand to SIDs with profiles on the system,
  not all SIDs.

Style note: the short description (first line) and the longer portion are separated by an empty line.

Style note: explicit newlines (\n) should not be used.


Every source definition starts with a type followed by arguments for example:

- type: COMMAND
    args: [-qa]
    cmd: /bin/rpm
- type: FILE
    - /root/.bashrc
    - /root/.cshrc
    - /root/.ksh
    - /root/.logout
    - /root/.profile
    - /root/.tcsh
    - /root/.zlogin
    - /root/.zlogout
    - /root/.zprofile
    - /root/.zprofile

Style note: where sources take a single argument with a single value, the one-line {} form should be used to save on line breaks as below:

- type: FILE
  attributes: {paths: ['%%environ_systemroot%%\System32\winevt\Logs\System.evtx']}
Value Description
attributes A dictionary of keyword attributes specific to the type of source definition.
type The source type.
supported_os Optional list that indicates which operating systems the artifact definition applies to. See section: Supported operating system.

Deprecated values

Value Description
conditions Optional list of conditions to when the artifact definition should apply. See section: Note that conditions have been deprecated as of version 20220710.

Source types

Currently the following different source types are defined:

Value Description
ARTIFACT_GROUP A source that consists of a group of other artifacts.
COMMAND A source that consists of the output of a command.
FILE A source that consists of the contents of files.
PATH A source that consists of the contents of paths.
REGISTRY_KEY A source that consists of the contents of Windows Registry keys.
REGISTRY_VALUE A source that consists of the contents of Windows Registry values.
WMI A source that consists of the output of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) queries.

The sources types are defined in as TYPE_INDICATOR constants.

Artifact group source

The artifact group source is a source that consists of a group of other artifacts e.g.

    - WindowsRunKeys
    - WindowsServices

Where attributes can contain the following values:

Value Description
names A list of artifact definition names that make up this "composite" artifact. This can also be used to group multiple artifact definitions into one for convenience.

Command source

The command source is a source that consists of the output of a command e.g.

- type: COMMAND
    args: [-qa]
    cmd: /bin/rpm

Where attributes can contain the following values:

Value Description
args A list arguments to pass to the command.
cmd The path of the command.

File source

The file source is a source that consists of the contents of files e.g.

- type: FILE
    paths: ['%%environ_systemroot%%\System32\winevt\Logs\System.evtx']

Where attributes can contain the following values:

Value Description
paths A list of file paths that can potentially be collected. The paths can use parameter expansion e.g. %%environ_systemroot%%. See section: Parameter expansion and globs.
separator Optional path segment separator e.g. '' for Windows systems. When not specified the default path segment separator is '/'.

Path source

The path source is a source that consists of the contents of paths e.g.

- type: PATH
    paths: ['\Program Files']
    separator: '\'

Where attributes can contain the following values:

Value Description
paths A list of file paths that can potentially be collected. The paths can use parameter expansion e.g. %%environ_systemroot%%. See section: Parameter expansion and globs.
separator Optional path segment separator e.g. '' for Windows systems. When not specified the default path segment separator is '/'.

Windows Registry key source

The Windows Registry key source is a source that consists of the contents of Windows Registry keys e.g.

    - 'HKEY_USERS\%%users.sid%%\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs\*'

Where attributes can contain the following values:

Value Description
keys A list of Windows Registry key paths that can potentially be collected. The paths can use parameter expansion e.g. %%users.sid%%. See section: Parameter expansion and globs.

Windows Registry value source

The Windows Registry value source is a source that consists of the contents of Windows Registry values e.g.

    - {key: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\WindowsUpdate', value: 'CISCNF4654'}

Where attributes can contain the following values:

Value Description
key_value_pairs A list of Windows Registry key paths and value names that can potentially be collected. The key path can use parameter expansion e.g. %%users.sid%%. See section: Parameter expansion and globs.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) query source

The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) query source is a source that consists of the output of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) queries e.g.

- type: WMI
    query: SELECT * FROM Win32_UserAccount WHERE name='%%users.username%%'

Where attributes can contain the following values:

Value Description
base_object Optional WMI base object e.g. winmgmts:\root\SecurityCenter2
query The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) query. The query can use parameter expansion e.g. %%users.username%%. See section: Parameter expansion and globs.

Supported operating system

Since operating system (OS) are a very common constraint, this has been provided as a separate option "supported_os" to simplify syntax. For supported_os no quotes are required. The currently supported operating systems are:

  • Android
  • Darwin (also used for Mac OS X)
  • iOS
  • Linux
  • Windows
supported_os: [Android, Darwin, iOS, Linux, Windows]

This can be translated to objectfilter as:

["os =='Android'" OR "os =='Darwin'" OR "os =='iOS'" "os=='Linux'" OR "os == 'Windows'"]

Parameter expansion and globs

Artifact definitions can use different types of parameters that need to be expanded at runtime, such as:

  • POSIX users variables, for example %%users.homedir%%
  • Windows evironment variables, for example %%environ_systemroot%%
  • Windows users variables, for example %%users.temp%%

POSIX users variables

Supported POSIX users variables are:

Variable Description
%%users.homedir%% A user's home directory, for example '/home/username', '/root' or '/Users/username'

Decomposition rules

Note that the following decomposition rules are approximations based on common usage scenarios.

%%users.homedir%% can be decomposed into:

  • '/Users/*' for Mac OS
  • '/home/*' and '/root' for Linux

Windows evironment variables

Supported Windows evironment variables are:

Variable Description
%%environ_allusersappdata%% The %AllUsersAppData% environment variable, which should fallback to the %ProgramData% environment variable if not available.
%%environ_allusersprofile%% The %AllUsersProfile% environment variable.
%%environ_programdata%% The %ProgramData% environment variable, which should fallback to the %AllUsersAppData% environment variable or '%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data' if not available.
%%environ_programfiles%% The %ProgramFiles% environment variable.
%%environ_programfilesx86%% The %ProgramFiles(x86)% environment variable.
%%environ_systemdrive%% The %SystemDrive% environment variable, for example 'C:'
%%environ_systemroot%% The %SystemRoot% environment variable, for example 'C:\Windows'
%%environ_windir%% The %WinDir% environment variable, for example 'C:\Windows'

Windows users variables

Supported Windows users variables are:

Variable Description
%%users.appdata%% Windows version independent representation of a user specific %AppData% environment variable.
%%users.localappdata%% Windows version independent representation of a user specific %LocalAppData% environment variable.
%%users.sid%% A user's security identifier (SID)
%%users.temp%% A user's temporary files directory, comparable to the %TEMP% or %TMP% environment variables, for example '/Users/username/temp'
%%users.username%% A user's username, comparable to the %USERNAME% environment variable
%%users.userprofile%% A user's (local) profile directory, for example '/Users/username'

Decomposition rules

TODO: add information about system accounts

Note that the following decomposition rules are approximations based on common usage scenarios.

%%users.appdata%% can be decomposed into:

  • '%%users.userprofile%%\AppData\Roaming' for Windows Vista and later
  • '%%users.userprofile%%\Application Data'

%%users.localappdata%% can be decomposed into:

  • '%%users.userprofile%%\AppData\Local' for Windows Vista and later
  • '%%users.userprofile%%\Local Settings\Application Data'

%%users.localappdata_low%% can be decomposed into:

  • '%%users.userprofile%%\AppData\LocalLow' for Windows Vista and later

%%users.temp%% can be decomposed into:

  • '%%users.localappdata%%\Temp'

%%users.userprofile%% can be decomposed into:

  • 'Documents and Settings\*'
  • 'Users\*' for Windows Vista and later

Additional style notes

Artifact definition YAML files

Artifact definition YAML filenames should be of the form:


Where $FILENAME is name of the file e.g. windows.yaml.

Each definition file should have a comment at the top of the file with a one-line summary describing the type of artifact definitions contained in the file e.g.

# Windows specific artifacts.


Generally use the short [] format for single-item lists that fit inside 80 characters to save on unnecessary line breaks:

supported_os: [Windows]
urls: ['']

and the bulleted list form for multi-item lists or long lines:

- 'HKEY_USERS\%%users.sid%%\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\*'
- 'HKEY_USERS\%%users.sid%%\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\*'
- 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\*'
- 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\*'
- 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\*'


Quotes should not be used for doc strings, artifact names, and simple lists like supported_os.

Paths and URLs should use single quotes to avoid the need for manual escaping.

paths: ['%%environ_temp%%\*.exe']
urls: ['']

Double quotes should be used where escaping causes problems, such as regular expressions:

content_regex_list: ["^%%users.username%%:[^:]*\n"]

Minimize the number of definitions by using multiple sources

To minimize the number of artifacts in the list, combine them using the supported_os attributes where it makes sense. e.g. rather than having FirefoxHistoryWindows, FirefoxHistoryLinux, FirefoxHistoryDarwin, do:

name: FirefoxHistory
doc: Firefox places.sqlite files.
- type: FILE
    - %%users.localappdata%%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*\places.sqlite
    - %%users.appdata%%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*\places.sqlite
  supported_os: [Windows]
- type: FILE
    paths: [%%users.homedir%%/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/*/places.sqlite]
  supported_os: [Darwin]
- type: FILE
    paths: ['%%users.homedir%%/.mozilla/firefox/*/places.sqlite']
  supported_os: [Linux]
supported_os: [Windows, Linux, Darwin]