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A Class (or typeclass) is a special kind of structure terms of which can be found by what's called the "typeclass system." We use classes extensively to attach additional data to types, often also providing an interface for working with this additional data.

Typeclass parameters are declared with square brackets [...]. Terms of typeclasses can either be defined with def/lemma/theorem as usual, or with the instance keyword. By using instance instead of def we instruct Lean's typeclass framework that the given term should be discoverable by the system during typeclass instance synthesis.

Instances of typeclasses can depend on instances of other classes. This allows us to build hierarchies, such as the order hierarchy, the algebra hierarchy, etc.

Let's look at some examples to illustrate these concepts more clearly.


Recall that we have defined the concept of a monoid structure on a type M as the following structure (modulo some renaming):

structure Monoid (M : Type) where
  mul : M → M → M
  one : M 
  mul_assoc : ∀ a b c : M, mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c)
  one_mul : ∀ a : M, mul one a = a
  mul_one : ∀ a : M, mul a one = a

We would like to work with terms, say e, of this structure without writing e.mul,, for the multiplicaton, identity, etc. Ideally, we would like to just write mul and have Lean automatically find the right monoid structure and use the multiplication obtained from that. Even better would be to introduce notation for mul so we could write a * b instead of mul a b. This can all be accomplished with typeclasses, as follows.

First, let's replace structure by class:

class Monoid (M : Type) where
  mul : M → M → M
  one : M 
  mul_assoc : ∀ a b c : M, mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c)
  one_mul : ∀ a : M, mul one a = a
  mul_one : ∀ a : M, mul a one = a

Note: classes are structures which are tagged with a @[class] atrribute, so we could have written

structure ...

to obtain an essentially equivalent behavior. However, using class as opposed to structure has other more subtle differences in how lean introduces certain binders when elaborating the declaration, so it's usually best to just use the class command when introducing a class.

Now, instead of writing e.mul a b for e : Monoid M, we can write Monoid.mul a b given that we have some term of Monoid M in context. If we open the Monoid namespace, we can just write mul. Here is an example, complete with the class declaration:

class Monoid (M : Type) where
  mul : M → M →M  
  one : M 
  mul_assoc : ∀ a b c : M, mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c)
  one_mul : ∀ a : M, mul one a = a
  mul_one : ∀ a : M, mul a one = a

variable (M : Type) [Monoid M]

open Monoid

example (a b : M) : M := mul a b

Notation Classes

Lean has a few standard classes which exist only to allow for convenient notation. The relevant one for our monoid example is Mul, which is a class that provides multiplciative notation. Similarly, One provides 1 as notation.

Let's modify our monoid class above to use this.

import Mathlib.Init.ZeroOne

class Monoid (M : Type) extends Mul M, One M where
  mul_assoc : ∀ a b c : M, (a * b) * c = a * (b * c)
  one_mul : ∀ a : M, 1 * a = a
  mul_one : ∀ a : M, a * 1 = a

variable (M : Type) [Monoid M]

open Monoid

example (a b : M) : M := a * b
example : M := 1

The One typeclass is defined in Mathlib.Init.ZeroOne, hence the import. Note also that classes can extend other classes, just like structures can extend structures. The example Monoid above now extends Mul and One, which allows us to write a * b instead of mul a b and 1 : M instead of one : M.

We can now state and prove theorems about arbitrary monoids, as the following example indicates:

example (N : Type) [Monoid N] (a b c d : N) : 
    (a * b) * (d * c) = a * b * d * c := 
  by simp only [Monoid.mul_assoc]

Extending the Hierarchy

Let's see how we can build on top of this monoid class and extend the hierarchy, by defining the notion of a group.

class Inv (α : Type u) where
  inv : α → α

postfix:max "⁻¹" => Inv.inv

class Group (G : Type) extends Monoid G, Inv G where
  mul_inv : ∀ (g : G), g * g⁻¹ = 1
  inv_mul : ∀ (g : G), g⁻¹ * g = 1

The Inv class above and subsequent postfix declaration introduces a class for inversion notation, and the notation itself, allowing us to write g⁻¹ for the inverse of g.

We can now talk about groups, just like we were able to talk about monoids before:

example (G : Type) [Group G] (g h : G) : 
    g * g⁻¹ * h = h := by 
  simp [Group.mul_inv, Monoid.one_mul]

Note that Lean is automatically able to infer that G has a monoid instance provided that it has a group instance. Otherwise, we would not have been able to use Monoid.one_mul. We can see this explicitly by asking Lean to infer this instance given a group instance, as follows:

example (G : Type) [Group G] : Monoid G := inferInstance

What's actually going on here is that Lean automatically introduced an instance of a monoid for every type which has an instance of a group. We can see this explicitly with the following:

#check Group.toMonoid
-- Group.toMonoid {G : Type} [self : Group G] : Monoid G

This is an example of an instance. When using [...], lean's typeclass system tries to syntesize an instance of the typeclass in question by looking at instances declared inthe current environment, as well as various implications among classes, all of which are also declared as instances similar to Group.toMonoid above.


Now that we have some classes to work with, let's see how we can declare an instance. For example, let's introduce the additive monoid structure on the natural numbers.

instance : Monoid ℕ where 
  mul_assoc := Nat.mul_assoc
  mul_one := Nat.mul_one
  one_mul := Nat.one_mul

Note that we did not have to provide instances of Mul ℕ or One ℕ because Lean was able to find such an instance from the library.

When declaring an instance, providing a name is optional. In this case, Lean introduced the name instMonoidNat. If we wanted to control the name explicitly, we could have written

instance Nat.monoid : Monoid ℕ where 
  mul_assoc := Nat.mul_assoc
  mul_one := Nat.mul_one
  one_mul := Nat.one_mul

Chaining Instances

To illustrate how to chain instances, let's look at another example from Mathlib: the concept of an inhabited type:

class Inhabited' (X : Type) where
  default' : X
export Inhabited' (default')

Here I use Inhabited' because Inhabited already exists in the library. The export command tells lean to allow users to write default' without opening the Inhabited' namespace, just for convenience.

If X Y : Type are both inhabited, then so is their product. We can put this fact into the typeclass system with the following instance:

instance (X Y : Type) [Inhabited' X] [Inhabited' Y] : Inhabited' (X × Y) where
  default' := (default', default')

And similarly for disjoint unions:

instance (X Y : Type) [Inhabited' X] : Inhabited' (X ⊕ Y) where
  default' := Sum.inl default'

instance (X Y : Type) [Inhabited' Y] : Inhabited' (X ⊕ Y) where
  default' := Sum.inr default'

Typeclass inference should now be able to deduce that various expressions involving disjoint unions and products are also inhabited, given that some/all of their components are inhabited. For example:

example (X Y Z W : Type) [Inhabited' X] [Inhabited' W] :
    Inhabited' ((X ⊕ Y) × (Z ⊕ W)) := 

In this case, Lean is looking for an instance of Inhabited' ((X ⊕ Y) × (Z ⊕ W)). It applies the fact that a product is inhabited if each of its components is inhabited, reducing the problem to providing inhabited instances for (X ⊕ Y) and (Z ⊕ W). In the first case, it uses the fact that X is inhabited and in the second case it uses the fact that Z is inhabited. In other words, all three Inhabited' instances are used, in a completely automatic way, to infer an inhabited instance for ((X ⊕ Y) × (Z ⊕ W)).

By using the option set_option trace.Meta.synthInstance true we can trace the steps that Lean's typeclass system took to find instances. The output in this case is too complicated to display, so please try this out in your own editor, for example as follows:

set_option trace.Meta.synthInstance true
example (X Y Z W : Type) [Inhabited' X] [Inhabited' W] :
    Inhabited' ((X ⊕ Y) × (Z ⊕ W)) := 

By placing the cursor over the inferInstance line, it will be possible to see the trace in the infoview.


When a typeclass has a parameter, we generally think of this as an "input" for the typeclass system. This is usually fine, as long as the typeclass system can infer the parameter from context. For example, if the typeclass system is looking for a monoid instance on some type M, then it can infer M from since it is a parameter of the Monoid class. Expliitly, a monoid structure on M is a term of Monoid M, so the type of this term tells the typeclass sytem what M is.

But there are some situations where it's impossible for the typeclass system to infer the parameter. This usually happens when there is more than one parameter for the typeclass.

Consider the following class:

class F (A B : Type) where
  f : A → B

Let's suppose that we instantiate an instance as follows:

instance : F ℕ ℕ where
  f := id

If we want to use an instance of F A B, Lean would have to know what both A and B are. For example, the following will fail:

example (n : ℕ) := F.f n

The reason is that when Lean sees F.f n, it knows that it should look for a typeclass instance of the form F ℕ _, but it has no way of knowing what the second parameter (_) should be. We can fix the example above by telling Lean explicitly what to expect, using one of the following approaches:

example (n : ℕ) : ℕ := F.f n
example (n : ℕ) := (F.f n : ℕ) 

But niether is ideal. It's certainly not ideal to always tell Lean the output type of F.f n, and we may want to use F.f n as a subterm of some more complicated expression.

The solution to this is to use an outParam. Replace the class above with this:

class F (A : Type) (B : outParam Type) where
  f : A → B

The outParam keyword only affects typeclass inference. What it does is tell Lean to immediately infer the second parameter of F when it has found an instance. So now when we write

example (n : ℕ) := F.f n

Lean will find the instance F ℕ ℕ and then immediately infer that the second parameter should also be .

The example above is quite contrived, but there are many situations where outParam is useful. As an explicit example from mathlib, lets consider the Valued class which is used to define valued rings/fields.

class Valued (R : Type u) [Ring R] (Γ₀ : outParam (Type v)) [LinearOrderedCommGroupWithZero Γ₀] 

Note that Γ₀, which is the underlying type of the value group associated to the valuation in question, is an outParam. In this way, we can write Valued.v r for r : R without any further hints, assuming there is some instance of the form Valued R Γ₀ for some Γ₀.

Another example from mathlib:

class AddTorsor (G : outParam (Type*)) (P : Type*) [outParam <| AddGroup G]

This class is used to say that a type P is an additive torsor under an additive group G. Note that G and its additive group structure are both outParams here. That means that if we fix P, and Lean is able to find an instance of AddTorsor G P for some G and some additive group structure on G, then Lean will immediately use that instance. This means that we can write p -ᵥ q for p q : P without having to provide any additional information. Similarly, we can write g +ᵥ p for p : P and g : G without having to provide any additional information.

Many other examples of uses of outParam can be found in mathlib. We will discuss several more in the section about the various hierarchies in mathlib.