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TSC Builder

TSC Builder is a Node.js command-line utility that helps you build TypeScript projects. It provides functionality to build TypeScript code, copy files, and handle different build configurations using a settings file. This README will guide you on how to use TSC Builder and provide an overview of its features.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Before you begin, make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine. You can download it from


You can install TSC Builder globally using npm to access it from the command line:

    npm install -g @fragnarok/tsc-builder


TSC Builder is a command-line tool, and it expects a build type as an argument. For example, to build your project for development, you can run:

tsc-builder dev

You can also enable debug mode using the --debug flag:

tsc-builder dev --debug


TSC Builder relies on a settings file to determine the build configuration. By default, it looks for a file named in your project directory.

Here is an example of a settings file (

    "src": "src",   
    "dist": "dist",   
    "files": ["index.html", "static"],   
    "npx": false 
  • src: The source directory of your TypeScript files.
  • dist: The destination directory for the compiled JavaScript files.
  • files: An array of files or directories to be copied to the destination directory.
  • npx: Set to true if you want to use the TypeScript compiler installed locally using npx command. Default is false.


TSC Builder is licensed under the ISC License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Feel free to contribute to this project or report any issues on the GitHub repository.

Happy coding!