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Immo Elisa API Documentation


This API version of the API (1.0) exposes serveral routes to get predictions on the price of real estate. Access to routes doesn't need any kind of authentification. To get a prediction you need to provide several parameters, some are mandatory other are optional. The more parameters your provide the better the prediction will be. The Base url is


  1. Requests
    1.1. Alive
    1.2. Predict
  2. Objects
    2.1. Request entity
    2.2. Response entity
  3. Errors


Allowed HTTP Methods

  • GET - Returns "alive" if the server is alive.

Ressource Information

  • Authentication - Not required
  • Request Object - None
  • Response Format - string
  • API Version - 1.0
  • Resource URI -


Allowed HTTP Methods

  • GET - Request returning a string to explain what the POST expect (data and format).
  • POST - Receives a Json data object and returns a prediction of price or an error message.

Resource Information

  • Authentication - Not required
  • Request Object - data
  • Response Format - Json
  • Response Object - price-wrapper
  • API Version - 1.0
  • Resource URI -

Request Entity Json

"data": {
"area": int,
"property-type": "APARTMENT" | "HOUSE" | "OTHERS",
"rooms-number": int,
"zip-code": int,
"land-area": Optional[int],
"garden": Optional[bool],
"garden-area": Optional[int],
"equipped-kitchen": Optional[bool],
"full-address": Optional[str],
"swimmingpool": Opional[bool],
"furnished": Opional[bool],
"open-fire": Optional[bool],
"terrace": Optional[bool],
"terrace-area": Optional[int],
"facades-number": Optional[int],
"building-state": Optional["NEW" | "GOOD" | "TO RENOVATE" | "JUST RENOVATED" | "TO REBUILD"]

Response Entity format

response = {
  prediction: {
    price: int,
    test_size: int,
    median_absolute_error: float,
    max_error: float,
    percentile025: float,
    percentile975: float
  error: str

Example Request

  1. Get a string to explain what the POST expects (data and format):


  1. Get a prediction:


"data": {
"area": 150,
"property-type": "APARTMENT",
"rooms-number": 2,
"zip-code": 1000,
"open-fire": true,
"terrace": false,
"terrace-area": 50,
"facades-number": 4,
"building-state":"TO RENOVATE"

// Note you can ommit some parameters in the Json file if they are Optional

Response :

response = {
  prediction: {
    price: 190000,
    test_size: 5,
    median_absolute_error: 25314.01,
    max_error: 2548.01,
    percentile025: 124.12,
    percentile975: 13485.12

// Note that there is no error when the request succeeds.

Request entity

All strings are not case sensitive.

Name Type Mandatory Description validation
area int yes Amount of m² of the property must be higher than 0
property-type string yes Type of the property must be an "apartment", "house" or "others"
rooms-number int yes The amount of rooms in the property must be higher than 0
zip-code int yes postcode of the property must be between 1000 and 9999
land-area int no Amount of m² of the whole plot (garden included) must be higher than 0
garden bool no Incidcates wheter or not the property has a garden
garden-area int no Amount of m² of the garden must be higher than 0
equipped-kitchen bool no Indicates whether or not the property has an equipped kitchen
full-address string no Full address of the property
swimmingpool bool no Indicates whether or not the property has a swimmingpool
furnished bool no Indicates whether or not the property is furnished
open-fire bool no Indicates whether or not the property an open fire installed
terrace bool no Indicates whether or not the property a terrace
terrace-area int no Amount of m² of the terrace must be higher than 0
facades-number int no Amount of facades of the property must be higher than 0
building-state string no Current state of the property Must be one of these values: ["NEW", "GOOD", "TO RENOVATE", "JUST RENOVATED", "TO REBUILD"]

Return entity

the response object has two sub objects the error containing an error message if there is one and the prediction object containing the prediction and other useful information.

Name Type Description
price int The price predicted by our model based on the info you provided
test_size int The number of properties used to test the model performance
median_absolute_error float The maximum absolute error between the prediction and test real values for 50% of the tested properties
max_error float The maximum absolute error when considering the entire test dataset of properties
percentile025 float minimum negative error when considering 95% of the properties (around the median) in the test dataset
percentile975 float maximum positive error when considering 95% of the properties (around the median) in the test dataset


When requesting our API you will always get a HTTP Status codes, here's a list of the ones you might encounter and what they mean.

  • 200 OK Means the request was accepeted, you will get the expected output.
  • 400 Bad Request Whenever something goes wrong with your request, e.g. your POST data and/or structure is wrong, a 400 Bad Request HTTP status is returned, describing the error within the content.
  • 404 error Indicates that the URI you provided can't be mapped.
  • 500 Internal server error It means there is somehting wrong with our code, please contact us in such a situation.

Specific error handling for the predict route
