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Commands & Permissions

FrancoBM12 edited this page Aug 15, 2022 · 13 revisions

player commands


/cosmetics (magicosmetics.cosmetics.use) - open the cosmetics menu.

/cosmetics tint <color In Hex> (magicosmetics.tint) - the hand item is painted without opening the free coloring menu.

/cosmetics reload (magicosmetics.reload) - reload plugin settings.

/cosmetics add <player> <id> (magicosmetics.cosmetics) - adds a cosmetic to the player.

/cosmetics addAll <player> (magicosmetics.cosmetics) - adds all server cosmetics to the player.

/cosmetics removeAll <player> (magicosmetics.cosmetics) - remove all server cosmetics to the player. (NEW!!)

/cosmetics npc <npc-id> <cosmetic-id> <color In Hex> (magicosmetics.cosmetics) - Adds a cosmetic to an NPC of Citizens.

/cosmetics remove <player> <id> (magicosmetics.cosmetics) - removes a cosmetic from the player.

/cosmetics hide (magicosmetics.hide) - to hide self backpack (other player still can see!).

/cosmetics use <id> <optional: hexColor> (does not require permissions) - equips a cosmetic to the player if it is unlocked.

/cosmetics unequip <id> (does not require permissions) - unequip the player with the cosmetic without using the gui.

/cosmetics unequip all (magicosmetics.equip) - removes all cosmetics from the player.


/cosmetics open <menu-id> (magicosmetics.menus) - Open a custom cosmetics gui.
It only requires the permission to preview the command in the auto complete

Tokens (trade of cosmetics)

/cosmetics token give <player> <id> (magicosmetics.tokens) - It gives you a token to be able to exchange for a cosmetic and viceversa.
token menu:
/cosmetics open token - Open the menu to exchange a token for cosmetics.

Zones (Wardrobe System)

permission for all commands: magicosmetics.zones

/cosmetics zones add <id> - Create a new zone

/cosmetics zones setNPC <id> - sets where the NPC of the player entering the zone appears.

/cosmetics zones setBalloon <id> - set where the NPC's balloon appears.

/cosmetics zones setEnter <id> - set where the player is sent when entering the zone

/cosmetics zones setExit <id> - sets where the player will be sent when trying to leave the zone

/cosmetics zones giveCorns <id> - gives you an item to modify the points in which the zone will be found (similar to WorldEdit & WorldGuard)

/cosmetics zones enable <id> - activate the zone to make it work without problems!

/cosmetics zones disable <id> - deactivate the zone, it means that even if you walk through the zone it will not do anything.

/cosmetics zones save <id> - save the zone, after performing the above commands you can now use this command!

console commands


/cosmetics reload - Reload plugin settings.

/cosmetics add <player> <id> - adds a cosmetic to the player.

/cosmetics addAll <player> - adds all server cosmetics to the player.

/cosmetics removeAll <player> (magicosmetics.cosmetics) - remove all server cosmetics to the player. (NEW!!)

/cosmetics remove <player> <id> - removes a cosmetic from the player.

/cosmetics equip <player> <id> <color In Hex> <force(true/false)> - equips the player with a cosmetic if it is unlocked depending of force option.

/cosmetics unequip <player> <id> - unequip the player with the cosmetic without using the gui.

/cosmetics unequip <player> all - removes all cosmetics from the player.


/cosmetics open <menu-id> <player> - opens a menu for the player.

Tokens (trade of cosmetics)

/cosmetics token give <player> <id> - It gives you a token to be able to exchange for a cosmetic and viceversa.\