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File metadata and controls

319 lines (239 loc) · 11.6 KB


MystenLab's announcement can be found Here . This change begins the transitions from JSON RPC node interactions to GraphQL RPC node interactions.

pysui has added support for interacting with the Sui GraphQL RPC node as well as porting Builders to what we refer to as QueryNodes for, currently, read operations.

At the time of this writing, there are limitations to Sui GraphQL RPC. Before moving forward read This to know what is active in the beta.

Subject to Change

pysui's GraphQL implementation, class names, etc. subject to change. This implementation is not production ready and should be considered experiemental.

Key Dependencies

pysui uses gql for GraphQL queries and eventually mutations and subscriptions. Includes DSL.

You can use the capabilities of this library to create your own query strings, DocumentNodes or QueryNodes.

Running Samples

If you have installed Sui binaries then change the environment to either testnet or mainnet. Note that Sui GraphQL mainnet has less bugs than testnet.

. env/bin/activate # Or however you've setup a virtual environment
python # Synchronous
python # Asynchronous

Simple dev example

"""Development example."""

from pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_clients import SuiGQLClient
import pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_query as qn
from pysui import SuiConfig,handle_result

def main(client: SuiGQLClient):
    """Fetch 0x2::sui::SUI (default) for owner."""
    # GetCoins defaults to '0x2::sui::SUI' coin type so great for owners gas listing
    qres = client.execute_query_node(
    # 1. QueryNode results are mapped to dataclasses/dataclasses-json

    # 2. Or get the data through handle_result
    # print(handle_result(qres).to_json(indent=2))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Initialize synchronous client
    client_init = SuiGQLClient(config=SuiConfig.default_config(),write_schema=False)


To leverage the power of Sui GraphQL one would benefit to understand the schema implemented. To create a copy of a Sui GraphQL RPC schema in use, you can instruct pysui to write a copy in the current directory:

Executing Queries

The SuiGQLClient encapsulates the gql Client and support multiple options to execute a query and returning results

# Execute a query in a string
def execute_query_string(
    string: str,
    schema_constraint: Optional[Union[str, None]] = None,
    encode_fn: Optional[Callable[[dict], Any]] = None,
) -> SuiRpcResult:

# Execute a gql DocumentNode
def execute_document_node(
    with_node: DocumentNode,
    schema_constraint: Optional[Union[str, None]] = None,
    encode_fn: Optional[Callable[[dict], Any]] = None,
) -> SuiRpcResult:

# Execute a pysui QueryNode
def execute_query_node(
    with_node: PGQL_QueryNode,
    schema_constraint: Optional[Union[str, None]] = None,
    encode_fn: Optional[Callable[[dict], Any]] = None,
) -> SuiRpcResult:
  • execute_query_string convert a GraphQL query string to a gql DocumentNode and execute, returning a dictionary result by default
  • execute_document_node will execute a gql DocumentNode and return a dictionary result if no encode_fn function is defined
  • execute_query_node will execute a pysui QueryNode and return a dictionary result if no encode_fn function is defined
  • encode_fn is an explict callable for encoding a query result that takes a dictionary and returns Any. If specified along with a pysui QueryNode, it will override the encode_fn method

String queries

String queries are just that: A string describing the query. When submitted to the SuiGQLClient.execute_query(with_string="query string") it will convert the sting to a DocumentNode, execute the query and either return the raw result or invoke the encode_fn if provided.

"""String query example."""
from pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_clients import SuiGQLClient
from pysui import SuiConfig

def main(client: SuiGQLClient):
    """Execute a static string query."""
    _QUERY = """
        query {
            checkpointConnection (last: 1) {
                nodes {
    qres = client.execute_query_string(string=_QUERY)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Initialize synchronous client
    client_init = SuiGQLClient(config=SuiConfig.default_config(),write_schema=False)

DocumentNode queries

DocumentNode queries are those that use the gql intermediate step of convering a query string to a DocumentNode using gql functions.

"""DocumentNode query example."""

from gql import gql
from pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_clients import SuiGQLClient
from pysui import SuiConfig

def main(client: SuiGQLClient):
    """Execute a DocumentNode as result of `gql` compilation."""
    _QUERY = # Same query string as used above
    qres = client.execute_document_node(with_node=gql(_QUERY))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Initialize synchronous client
    client_init = SuiGQLClient(config=SuiConfig.default_config(),write_schema=False)

pysui QueryNode queries

pysui QueryNodes are those that subclass pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_client.PGQL_QueryNode. pysui provides a number of predefined QueryNode queries that attempt to achieve parity with most pysui SDK Builders, however some may not be supported.

pysui QueryNodes (such as GetCoins above) take zero or more parameters depending on the query, and some provide paging control for large results. All pysui can QueryNodes provide an NODE.encode_fn(dict) static method to encode the dictionary result, from executing, to a encoding style of their own. This can be overriden as noted above.

pysui QueryNodes leverage gql's DSL to construct queries, fragments and inline fragments. Once constructed, pysui QueryNodes can be submitted to the client (SuiGQLClient or AsyncSuiGQLClient) execute_query method.

When passing a QueryNode to execute_query a few things happen prior to submitting:

  1. The QueryNode's as_document_node is called to return a DocumentNode
  2. The result is checked and if it is the PGQL_NoOp type, a NoopGQL object is returned, otherwise...
  3. The DocumentNode is submitted for execution and gql returns a Python dict of the result
  4. A check is then made to see if either encode_fn is provided or if the QueryNode provides an encode_fn the function is called to prepare the result and returns
  5. Otherwise the Python dict is returned

Creating PGQL_QueryNode queries


  1. During the execute step, if a QueryNode has public property owner it is first checked if the value
    is an alias and will resolve it to the associated Sui address, otherwise the value is validated as a Sui address literal.
  2. In the as_document_node call it does not have to be constructed using DSL as the example below in Step 2 shows. It is
    only required that the method returns a DocumentNode.

Step 1:

Note the required and optional methods from pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_client.PGQL_QueryNode:

class PGQL_QueryNode(ABC):
    """Base QueryNode class."""

    def as_document_node(self, schema: DSLSchema) -> DocumentNode:
        """Returns a gql DocumentNode ready to execute.

        This must be implemented in subclasses.

        :param schema: The current Sui GraphQL schema
        :type schema: DSLSchema
        :return: A query processed into a gql DocumentNode
        :rtype: DocumentNode

    def encode_fn() -> Union[Callable[[dict], Union[pgql_type.PGQL_Type, Any]], None]:
        """Return the serialization function in derived class or None.

        This is optional,

        :return: A function taking a dictionary as input and returning a PGQL_Type or Any, or None
        :rtype: Union[Callable[[dict], Union[pgql_type.PGQL_Type, Any]], None]
        return None

Step 2:

Derive and implement your construct. This example is a predefined pysui QueryNode that uses the gql DSL with the schema. It also has defined an encoding type.

from typing import Optional, Callable, Union, Any
from gql.dsl import DSLQuery, dsl_gql, DSLSchema
from graphql import DocumentNode

from pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_clients import PGQL_QueryNode
import pysui.sui.sui_pgql.pgql_types as pgql_type

class GetCoinMetaData(PGQL_QueryNode):
    """GetCoinMetaData returns meta data for a specific `coin_type`."""

    def __init__(self, *, coin_type: Optional[str] = "0x2::sui::SUI") -> None:
        """QueryNode initializer.

        :param coin_type: The specific coin type string, defaults to "0x2::sui::SUI"
        :type coin_type: str, optional
        self.coin_type = coin_type

    def as_document_node(self, schema: DSLSchema) -> DocumentNode:
        """Build the DocumentNode."""
        qres = schema.Query.coinMetadata(coinType=self.coin_type).select(
        return dsl_gql(DSLQuery(qres))

    def encode_fn() -> Callable[[dict], pgql_type.SuiCoinMetadataGQL]:
        """Return the encoding function to create a SuiCoinMetadataGQL dataclass."""
        return pgql_type.SuiCoinMetadataGQL.from_query