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Created @ 2012-07-30 01:11, recovered rev 2015-09-15, markdown @ 2015-09-16.

Markdown 注释:本地阅读器可附加下列内联样式替换源码中的对应内容:

NTBS <span style="font-variant: small-caps">ntbs</span>
NTCTS <span style="font-variant: small-caps">ntcts</span>
NTMBS <span style="font-variant: small-caps">ntmbs</span>





设∑是叫做字母表的非空有限集合。∑的元素叫做“符号”或“字符”。在∑上的字符串(或字)是来自∑的任何有限序列。例如,如果∑ = {0, 1},则0101是在∑之上的字符串。






  一种常用的表示法是使用一个字符代码的数组,每个字符通常占用一个字节(如在 ASCII 代码中)或两个字节(如在 UCS-2 这样的 Unicode 表示中)。它的长度可以使用一个结束符(一般是 NUL ,ASCII 代码是 0 ,在C编程语言中使用这种方法)。或者在前面加入一个整数值来表示它的长度(在 Pascal 语言中使用这种方法)。



  在 C/C++ 中可以使用多种形式表示和存储的字符串。最常见的基本的字符串表示形式(即C标准库/C++标准库都使用的形式)通称为 C 风格字符串(C-style string) ,在 ISO C++ 的学名是 NTCTS(null terminated character string) 。

ISO C++11

17.3.17 [defns.ntcts]

a sequence of values that have character type that precede the terminating null character type value charT()

  具体说来,一个典型的场景是:多于一个元素的 char/wchar_t/char16_t/char32_t/其它实现允许的扩展字符类型的数组可以放一个 NTCTS 。

  注意,是 a sequence of values 而不是 characters ,表示抽象的含义。下面会看到 character(但不是 multibyte character )在 C++ 标准库中的明确受限的意义。

  顺便,关于 multibyte character 是 C++ 整体通用的基本术语之一,所以独立于 character 之外考虑:

ISO C++11

1.3.13 [defns.multibyte]

multibyte character
sequence of one or more bytes representing a member of the extended character set of either the source or the execution environment
[ Note: The extended character set is a superset of the basic character set (2.3).—end note ]


ISO C++11 Character sequences [character.seq]

1 The C standard library makes widespread use of characters and character sequences that follow a few uniform conventions:
— A letter is any of the 26 lowercase or 26 uppercase letters in the basic execution character set.167
— The decimal-point character is the (single-byte) character used by functions that convert between a (single-byte) character sequence and a value of one of the floating-point types. It is used in the character sequence to denote the beginning of a fractional part. It is represented in Clauses 18 through 30 and Annex D by a period, ’.’, which is also its value in the "C" locale, but may change during program execution by a call to setlocale(int, const char*),168 or by a change to a locale object, as described in Clauses 22.3 and 27.
— A character sequence is an array object (8.3.4) A that can be declared as T A [N], where T is any of the types char, unsigned char, or signed char (3.9.1), optionally qualified by any combination of const or volatile. The initial elements of the array have defined contents up to and including an element determined by some predicate. A character sequence can be designated by a pointer value S that points to its first element.
167) Note that this definition differs from the definition in ISO C 7.1.1.
168) declared in <clocale> (22.6).

  据此可以定义更具体的 NTBS(null terminated byte string) :

ISO C++11 Byte strings [byte.strings]

1 A null-terminated byte string, or NTBS, is a character sequence whose highest-addressed element with defined content has the value zero (the terminating null character); no other element in the sequence has the value zero.169
2 The length of an NTBS is the number of elements that precede the terminating null character. An empty ntbs has a length of zero.
3 The value of an NTBS is the sequence of values of the elements up to and including the terminating null character.
4 A static NTBS is an NTBS with static storage duration.170
169) Many of the objects manipulated by function signatures declared in <cstring> (21.7) are character sequences or NTBSs. The size of some of these character sequences is limited by a length value, maintained separately from the character sequence.
170) A string literal, such as "abc", is a static ntbs.

  NTBS 的元素通常用 char 类型对象或值表示。

  NTBS 在 NTCTS 和 character sequence 的基础上明确了存储。此外,NTBS 区分于 NTCTS 的定义的重要目的之一是为了明确(允许变长编码的)多字节字符串 NTMBS 的外延——注意,这里的一些“长度”开始体现出显著的区别。


ISO C++11 Multibyte strings [multibyte.strings]

1 A null-terminated multibyte string, or NTMBS, is an NTBS that constitutes a sequence of valid multibyte characters, beginning and ending in the initial shift state.171
2 A static NTMBS is an NTMBS with static storage duration.
171) An NTBS that contains characters only from the basic execution character set is also an NTMBS. Each multibyte character then consists of a single byte.

  可见 NTMBS 是 NTBS 的子集,它其中可以包含多个(连续)字节组成的字符。

  按 ,NTMBS 即 NTBS 的长度是其中包含的元素数。这里的“元素”概念和NTBS中有区别,即强调作为 NTMBS 时长度是多字节字符数而不是字符(字节)数。显然对于一般的NTMBS,即便去除结尾的空字符,长度和占用的字节数可以不同。

  但是,ISO C 里面关于“长度”可以有些关键性的不同。简而言之,ISO C标准库使用的string相当于 NTBS ,类似 NTMBS 的概念中长度仍以字节计:

ISO C99/C11(N1570)

7.1.1/1 A string is a contiguous sequence of characters terminated by and including the first null character. The term multibyte string is sometimes used instead to emphasize special processing given to multibyte characters contained in the string or to avoid confusion with a wide string. A pointer to a string is a pointer to its initial (lowest addressed) character. The length of a string is the number of bytes preceding the null character and the value of a string is the sequence of the values of the contained characters, in order.

  至于宽字符串,ISO C 单独处理(当然长度也是),某种意义上从 C 角度来说“宽字符串不是字符串”:

ISO C99/C11(N1570)

7.1.1 Definitions of terms

4 A wide string is a contiguous sequence of wide characters terminated by and including the first null wide character. A pointer to a wide string is a pointer to its initial (lowest addressed) wide character. The length of a wide string is the number of wide characters preceding the null wide character and the value of a wide string is the sequence of code values of the contained wide characters, in order.

  这样对于 strlen/wcslen 这样的接口来说,所求的长度是非常容易理解的——不包含末尾空字符的字符数;乘上 sizeof(char)/sizeof(wchar_t) 就是对应不包含末尾空字符的字节数(对于char来说自然可以互换)。

  对于多字节字符串,strlenstring::size/string::length 也一样,反正都不知道编码)的含义就不那么直观了。从和形式抽象相容的定义来讲,NTMBS是恰当的;而NTBS的“长度”只是在多字节表示下的字节数而非字符数。

  大概是因为习惯和历史原因,ISO C/C++ 在这里的一致性上做得不太雅观。不过,在未强调编码/字符集前只考虑空字符前的字节数也是可以理解的。


  在 C/C++ 中,还有一个非常被错误理解的特性:字符串字面量(string literal) 。



  "xxx"L"xxx"u"xxx" 等。另外 raw string literal/user defined literal 以及后者造成的 C++03/C++11 关于一个string literal是否是一个 token 的不兼容性等等,这里关系不大,先略过。


3.除了 u 等起始的 Unicode 字面量,使用的字符集由实现定义(通常由源文件的编码决定)




  对于 C ,类型是对应字符类型的数组类型;对于 C++ ,类型是对应字符类型的 const 数组类型。




  关于最后一点在 ISO C 里有特别指出:

ISO C11(N1570)

6.4.5 String literals

6 In translation phase 7, a byte or code of value zero is appended to each multibyte character sequence that results from a string literal or literals.78) ...
78) A string literal need not be a string (see 7.1.1), because a null character may be embedded in it by a \0 escape sequence.

  例如,"123\0\0123" 不是一个字符串,而是两个连续存储的字符串(注意后面的 \0 不是一整个字符而是和后面的字符继续构成八进制转义序列)。

  除了C风格字符串,还有其它形式。ISO C++ 标准库提供了类模版 std::basic_string 。对于 C++03 ,它不一定以 NTCTS 的形式存储;而对于 C++11 ,因为接口的限制,它的实例对象在可观察行为上表现为内部存储一个NTCTS。

  非标准库的形式也有很多。比如说 M$ 的 _bstr_t ;或者自己实现一个类 PASCAL 字符串,等等。





Appended @ 2012-7-30 01:32.

  • 明确一般意义形式上的字符串和 C 风格字符串的差异;
  • 明确 C 风格字符串和字符串字面量的差异;
  • 明确空字符不是字符串的内容;
  • 明确一般意义上的字符串长度和字符集/编码相关;
  • 明确 C 风格字符串的长度通常只讨论不包括末尾空字符的字节数。



Appended @ 2012-7-30 01:39.