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File metadata and controls

83 lines (64 loc) · 7.91 KB


Command-Line Interface (CLI)

To start FA³ST Service from command-line you need to run the starter module by calling

> java -jar starter-{version}.jar

When started without arguments, FA³ST Service will try to auto-detect a configuration file named config.json and a model file named model.[ext] where [ext] is a supported file extension like json, xml, or aasx.

To manually pass a model file my-model.aasx and a configuration file my-config.json run the following command:

> java -jar starter-{version}.jar --model my-model.aasx --config my-config.json

:::{table} Supported CLI arguments and environment variables.

CLI (short) CLI (long) Environment variable Allowed
Description Default
-c --config faaast_config The config file to use. config.json
-e --empty-model Starts the FAST service with an empty Asset Administration Shell Environment.
--endpoint HTTP
Additional endpoints that should be started.
-h --help Print help message and exit.
--loglevel-external faaast_loglevel_external TRACE
Sets the log level for external packages.
This overrides the log level defined by other commands such as -q or -v.
--loglevel-faaast faaast_loglevel_faaast TRACE
Sets the log level for FA³ST packages.
This overrides the log level defined by other commands such as -q or -v.
-m --model The model file to load. model.*
--no-validation faaast_no_validation Disables all validation, overrides validation defined in the configuration Environment.
-q --quite Reduces log output (ERROR for FAST packages, ERROR for all other packages).
Default information about the starting process will still be printed.
-v --verbose Enables verbose logging (INFO for FAST packages, WARN for all other packages).
-V --version Print version information and exit.
-vv Enables very verbose logging (DEBUG for FAST packages, INFO for all other packages).
-vvv Enables very very verbose logging (TRACE for FAST packages, DEBUG for all other packages).
{key}={value} faaast_config_extension_{key}
with {key} separated by _
any Additional properties to override values of configuration using JSONPath notation without starting $.


FA³ST Service is available on DockerHub with multiple tags

  • latest: The latests released version, equals to the latests tag major.minor.bugfix
  • major.minor.0-SNAPSHOT: Snapshot build of the current code on the main branch of FA³ST Service. This includes all upcoming features not yet relased.
  • major.minor.bugfix: This tag is available for each officially released version of FA³ST. It is stable, i.e., no updates or bugfixes will ever be applied.
  • major.minor: This tag is available for each minor release of FA³ST Service and will be updated with bugfixes over time. It is therefore recommended to use these tags over the major.minor.bugfix ones.

To run FA³ST Service via docker with an empty model and default configuration execute

> docker run fraunhoferiosb/faaast-service

To make you of the full power of docker and FA³ST Service, you can also mount files to the container and pass arguments via CLI or environment variables like this

> docker run -v {path to your model file}:/model.json -e faaast.model=model.json fraunhoferiosb/faaast-service '--no-validation'

FA³ST Service also comes with a docker compose file located at /misc/docker/docker-compose.yml which can be executed by navigation to the directory /misc/docker and execute docker-compose up.

From Java Code

You can run FA³ST Service directly from your Java code as embedded library. This way, you can create your configuration and model directly in code and don't have to create them as files (you can still load them from files if you want to). The following code snippet shows how to create and run a new FA³ST Service from code using a model file.

:caption: Create a FA³ST Service from code.
:lineno-start: 1
Service service = new Service(ServiceConfig.builder()
		.initialModelFile(new File("{pathTo}\\FAAAST-Service\\misc\\examples\\model.aasx"))