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File metadata and controls

434 lines (364 loc) · 28.3 KB


The AssetConnection interface is responsible for synchronizing values of the model with assets. Although asset synchronization is not part of the AAS specification, we believe this functionality is essential for digital twins, at least when located on edge-level, i.e., close to an actual machine/asset.

The following figure depicts how asset synchronization works in more detail.

:width: 600px
:align: center
How AssetConnection works in FA³ST Service.

The top half shows a examplenary AAS model that we want to synchronize with the underlying asset. In the center we have the AssetConnection interface which holds multiple of so-called Providers. There are three types of providers:

  • ValueProvider: for reading data from and writing data to to asset whenever the value of the corresponding AAS element is read/written
  • OperationProvider: for forwarding operation invocation requests to the asset and translating the response back to be AAS-compliant
  • SubscriptionProvider: for subscribing to changes on the asset and therefore continuously updating the value of the corresponding AAS element

The mapping between AAS elements and providers is defined in the configuration of the AssetConnection. Therefore, the configuration section for all implementations of the AssetConnection interface share the following common structure.

:caption: Common configuration structure for all AssetConnection implementations.
:lineno-start: 1
	"assetConnections": [ {
		"@class": "...",
		// connection-level configuration
			"{serialized Reference of AAS element}":
				// value provider configuration
			"{serialized Reference of AAS element}":
				// operation provider configuration
			"{serialized Reference of AAS element}":
				// subscription provider configuration

The value of {serialized Reference of AAS element} is the Reference to the AAS element serialized using the rules described in Section 7.2.3 of AAS Specification - Part 1. An example value could look like this [ModelRef](Submodel)urn:aas:id:example:submodel:1, (Property)Property1.

:::{important} The format for serializing references has changed with AAS v3.0 resp. FA³ST Service v1.0. For example, the id type is now no longer part of the serialization and path elements are now separated by , (comma followed by space) instead of , (comma). :::

The available configuration properties for connection-level and the providers are implementation-specific. This is necessary because different protocols require different types of information, e.g. for OPC UA an AAS element could be mapped to an OPC UA node which means the configuration must contain the node ID, while for MQTT we need a topic on which to listen and maybe even information about the payload format.

:::{note} An implementation does not have to implement all three provider types. In fact, it is often not possible to implement all of them for a given network protocol as most protocols do not support pull-based and pub/sub mechanisms at the same time (e.g. HTTP, MQTT). :::

:::{tip} You can define both a ValueProvider and a SubscriptionProvider for the same element. This allows you to reflect in the asset changes in near real-time in your AAS and at the same time to update the value on the asset via the AAS API. This is especially useful when starting FA³ST with an OPC UA endpoint as it allows users to subscribe to changes or AAS properties via OPC UA. :::


Mapping, Querying templating, etc


Supported Providers

  • ValueProvider
    • read ✔️
    • write ✔️
  • OperationProvider ✔️
  • SubscriptionProvider ✔️ (via polling)



:::{table} Configuration properties of HTTP AssetConnection.

Name Allowed Value Description Default Value
baseUrl String Base URL of the HTTP server, e.g.
Map<String,String> Headers to send with each request. empty list
String Password for connecting to the HTTP server.
CertificateInfo Trusted certificates, i.e. when connecting to a server that is using self-signed certificates.
String Username for connecting to the HTTP server.

Value Provider

:::{table} Configuration properties of HTTP AssetConnection Value Provider.

Name Allowed Value Description Default Value
format JSON
Content format of the payload.
Map<String,String> Headers to send with each request.
Overrides connection-level headers.
empty list
path String Path for the HTTP request, relative to the baseUrl of the connection.
String Additional information how to extract actual value from received messages.
Depends on format, e.g. for JSON this is a JSONPath expression.
String Template used to format payload when sending via HTTP.
HTTP method to use when writing a value to HTTP. PUT
:caption: Example configuration section for HTTP AssetConnection.
:lineno-start: 1
	"format": "JSON",
	"path": "/foo",
	"headers": {
		"foo": "bar"
	"query": "$.foo",
	"template": "{\"foo\" : \"${value}\"}",
	"writeMethod": "POST"

Operation Provider

:::{table} Configuration properties of HTTP AssetConnection Operation Provider.

Name Allowed Value Description Default Value
format JSON
Content format of the payload.
Map<String,String> Headers to send with each request.
Overrides connection-level headers.
empty list
HTTP method to use. POST
path String Path for the HTTP request, relative to the baseUrl of the connection.
Map<String,String> Map of result variable idShorts and corresponding query expressions to fetch them from returned value
Query expressions depend on format, e.g. for JSON this is a JSONPath expression.
String Template used to format payload when sending via HTTP.
:caption: Example configuration section for HTTP OperationProvider for an Operation with input parameters `in1` and `in2` and output parameters `out1` and `out2`.
:lineno-start: 1
	"format": "JSON",
	"path": "/foo/execute",
	"headers": {
		"foo": "bar"
	"method": "POST",	
	"template": "{\"input1\" : \"${in1}\", \"input2\" : \"${in2}\"}",
	"queries": {
		"out1": "$.output1",
		"out2": "$.output2"

Subscription Provider

:::{table} Configuration properties of HTTP AssetConnection Subscription Provider.

Name Allowed Value Description Default Value
format JSON
Content format of the payload.
Map<String,String> Headers to send with each request.
Overrides connection-level headers.
empty list
long Interval to poll the server for changes (in ms). 100
HTTP method to use when writing a value to HTTP. GET
path String Path for the HTTP request, relative to the baseUrl of the connection.
String Static content to send with each request.
String Additional information how to extract actual value from received messages.
Depends on format, e.g. for JSON this is a JSONPath expression.
:caption: Example configuration section for HTTP SubscriptionProvider.
:lineno-start: 1
	"path": "/foo",
	"headers": {
		"foo": "bar"
	"interval": "500",
	"method": "GET",
	"template": "{\"foo\" : \"bar\"}"


Supported Providers

  • ValueProvider
    • read ❌
    • write ✔️
  • OperationProvider ❌
  • SubscriptionProvider ✔️



:::{table} Configuration properties of MQTT AssetConnection.

Name Allowed Value Description Default Value
String Id of the MQTT client used to connect to the server randomly generated
password*(optional)* String Password for connecting to the MQTT server
serverUri String URL of the MQTT server, e.g. tcp://localhost:1883
username*(optional)* String Username for connecting to the MQTT server

Value Provider

:::{table} Configuration properties of MQTT AssetConnection Value Provider.

Name Allowed Value Description Default Value
format JSON
Content format of the payload.
topic String MQTT topic to use.
template*(optional)* String Template used to format payload.
:caption: Example configuration section for MQTT ValueProvider.
:lineno-start: 1
	"format": "JSON",
	"topic": "example/myTopic",
	"template": "{\"foo\" : \"${value}\"}"

Subscription Provider

:::{table} Configuration properties of MQTT AssetConnection Subscription Provider.

Name Allowed Value Description Default Value
format JSON
Content format of the payload.
topic String MQTT topic to use.
query*(optional)* String Additional information how to extract actual value from received messages.
Depends on format, e.g. for JSON this is a JSONPath expression.
:caption: Example configuration section for MQTT SubscriptionProvider.
:lineno-start: 1
	"format": "JSON",
	"topic": "example/myTopic",
	"query": "$.foo"


Supported Providers

  • ValueProvider
    • read ✔️
    • write ✔️
  • OperationProvider ✔️
  • SubscriptionProvider ✔️



:::{table} Configuration properties of OPC UA AssetConnection.

Name Allowed Value Description Default Value
Integer Timeout for acknowledgement (in ms). 10000
CertificateInfo The application certificate.
CertificateInfo The authentication/user certificate.
host String URL of the OPC UA server, e.g. opc.tcp://localhost:4840
String Password for connecting to the OPC UA server.
This value is required if userTokenType is set to UserName.
int Timeout for requests (in ms) 3000
String Base directory for the certificate handling. .
Security Mode for the connection to the OPC UA server. None
Desired Security Policy for the connection to the OPC UA server. None
Transport Profile for the connection to the OPC UA server. TCP_UASC_UABINARY
String Username for connecting to the OPC UA server.
This value is required if userTokenType is set to UserName.
User Token Type for connecting to the OPC UA server. Anonymous
Remarks on certificate management

In OPC UA , certificates can be used for two purposes:

  • encryption & signing of messages, and
  • authentication of a client.

We call the certificate used for encryption application certificate and the one used for authenticating a client authentication certificate. You can choose to use only one of these options or both. If using both, you can use different or the same certificates.

Application Certificate

An application certificate is required if the property securityMode is set to Sign or SignAndEncrypt.

Which application certificate to use is determined by the following steps:

  • applicationCertificate.keyStorePath if it is an absolute file path and the file exists (default: application.p12)
  • {securityBaseDir}/{applicationCertificate.keyStorePath} if the file exists (default: ./{applicationCertificate.keyStorePath})
  • otherwise generate self-signed certificate and store it at applicationCertificate.keyStorePath (if applicationCertificate.keyStorePath is an absolute file path) or else {securityBaseDir}/{applicationCertificate.keyStorePath}. The generated keystore will not be password protected.

You also need to make sure that the OPC UA client (which in this case is the FA³ST Service OPC UA asset connection) knows and trusts the server certificate and vice versa.

For the client to trust the server you need to do one of these steps depending on the certificate of the server:

  • Self-signed-certificate: Put server certificate in {securityBaseDir}/pki/trusted/certs
  • CA Certificate: put the CA root certificate in {securityBaseDir}/pki/issuers/certs and the corresponding certificate revocation list (CRL) in {securityBaseDir}/pki/issuers/crl.

If you don't have the server certificate at hand you can start FA³ST Service without providing/trusting the server certificate. On start-up FA³ST Service will try to connect to the server which will fail because the server certificate is not trusted yet. After that you will find the relevant files at {securityBaseDir}/pki/rejected. Copy them to the respective directories as described above. Once FA³ST Service tries to reconnect the connection should be established successfully.

For the server to trust your client application certificate please refer to the documentation of your OPC UA server.

Authentication Certificate

Which authentication certificate is used is determined by a similar logic as for the application certificate besides that this certificate is not auto-generated if not present:

  • authenticationCertificate.keyStorePath if it is an absolute file path and the file exists (default: application.p12)
  • {securityBaseDir}/{authenticationCertificate.keyStorePath} if the file exists (default: ./{authenticationCertificate.keyStorePath})

Value Provider

:::{table} Configuration properties of OPC UA AssetConnection Value Provider.

Name Allowed Value Description Default Value
String Index of the desired array element if the node is an array.
Can be multi-dimensional.
nodeId String NodeId of the the OPC UA node to read/write in ExpandedNodeId format
:caption: Example configuration section for OPC UA ValueProvider.
:lineno-start: 1
	"nodeId": "nsu=com:example;s=foo",
	"arrayIndex" : "[2]"

Operation Provider

:::{table} Configuration properties of OPC UA AssetConnection Operation Provider.

Name Allowed Value Description Default Value
List List of mappings for input arguments between the idShort of a SubmodelElement and an argument name empty list
nodeId String NodeId of the the OPC UA node to read/write in ExpandedNodeId format
List List of mappings for output arguments between the idShort of a SubmodelElement and an argument name empty list
String NodeId of the OPC UA object in ExpandedNodeId format, in which the method is contained.
When no parentNodeId is given here, the parent object of the method is used.
:caption: Example configuration section for OPC UA Operation Provider.
:lineno-start: 1
	"nodeId": "nsu=com:example;s=foo",
	"parentNodeId": "nsu=com:example;s=fooObject",
	"inputArgumentMapping": [ {
		"idShort": "ExampleInputId",
		"argumentName": "ExampleInput"
	} ],
	"outputArgumentMapping": [ {
		"idShort": "ExampleOutputId",
		"argumentName": "ExampleOutput"
	} ]

Subscription Provider

:::{table} Configuration properties of OPC UA AssetConnection Subscription Provider.

Name Allowed Value Description Default Value
String Index of the desired array element if the node is an array.
Can be multi-dimensional.
interval long Interval to poll the server for changes (in ms)
Currently not used
nodeId String NodeId of the the OPC UA node to read/write in ExpandedNodeId format
:caption: Example configuration section for OPC UA Subscription Provider.
:lineno-start: 1
	"nodeId": "nsu=com:example;s=foo",
	"interval": 1000,
	"arrayIndex" : "[2]"

Complete Example

:caption: Complete example configuration section for OPC UA Asset Connection.
:lineno-start: 1
	"@class": "de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.assetconnection.opcua.OpcUaAssetConnection",
	"host": "opc.tcp://localhost:4840",
	"securityPolicy": "None",
	"securityMode" : "None",
	"applicationCertificate": {
		"keyStoreType": "PKCS12",
		"keyStorePath": "C:\faaast\MyKeyStore.p12",
		"keyStorePassword": "changeit",
		"keyAlias": "app-cert",
		"keyPassword": "changeit"
	"authenticationCertificate": {
		"keyStoreType": "PKCS12",
		"keyStorePath": "C:\faaast\MyKeyStore.p12",
		"keyStorePassword": "changeit",
		"keyAlias": "auth-cert",
		"keyPassword": "changeit"
	"valueProviders": {
		"[ModelRef](Submodel)urn:aas:id:example:submodel:1, (Property)Property1": {
			"nodeId": ""
		"[ModelRef](Submodel)urn:aas:id:example:submodel:1, (Property)Property2": {
			"nodeId": ""
	"operationProviders": {
		"[ModelRef](Submodel)urn:aas:id:example:submodel:1, (Operation)Operation1": {
			"nodeId": ""
	"subscriptionProviders": {
		"[ModelRef](Submodel)urn:aas:id:example:submodel:1, (Property)Property3": {
			"nodeId": "",
			"interval": 1000