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Contributing Guide

Contributions are welcome and are greatly appreciated!

Setting up your environment

After forking node-omnibus to your own github, do the following steps to get started:

# clone your fork to your local machine
git clone[YourUsername]node-omnibus.git

# step into local repo
cd node-omnibus

# name and create a new branch for your contribution. Example myNewFeature
git checkout -b myNewFeature

# install dependencies
npm install

Running tests

The test suite runs on the omnibus-node source files.

# run the tests
npm test

If you want the tests to run on changes in sourcecode, use the watch function

# run tests on save
npm run test:watch

If you add new functionality, please add appropriate unit tests to the tests/ folder and test your tests so they both fail and pass depending on implementation.

To check if you have complete code coverate, run the coverage report, it should report 100% coverage.

# run converage report
npm run test:coverage

Local Integration tests

If you want to run local integration tests on the built files you can build node-omnibus into the /lib directory.

# build the /lib js-files
npm run build

Never commit your own integration tests on the built version. You can put all your integration test javascript in the a .test folder, this is .gitignor:ed. Example:

# Create the .test folder
mkdir .test
# Create the test-file for local testing
touch .test/myLocalIntegrationTest.js

# Write code and run the tests
node .test/myLocalIntegrationTest.js

Example .test/myLocalIntegrationTest.js with your built files in ../lib/*

// load the module
const omnibus = require('../lib/index.js')

// create the connection
const omnibusConnection = omnibus.createConnection({...params...})

// create your local integration tests

Commit and push to your fork

Commit, see GitHub documentation

    git add
    git commit -m"commit message"
    git push -u origin myNewFeature

Create a pull request

After you pushed to your local github, create a pull request from your forked copy of the project describing the change.