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Hyper−V Integration Components Ports for FreeBSD 10

Sainath Varanasi edited this page Jan 8, 2014 · 3 revisions


Welcome! You have reached the development site for Hyper-V Integration Components (hv-kvp) ports for FreeBSD Operating System.

The Hyper-V Integration Components are a collection of kernel mode drivers and services that enhance FreeBSD guest experience on Hyper-V. There are two ways in which we plan to release these components. For FreeBSD 10.0, we intend to provide port downloads and for future FreeBSD releases (starting FreeBSD 10.1) we intend to integrate the components directly in to the FreeBSD head branch. The remainder of this text is relevant to using FreeBSD 10.0 ports for Hyper-V Integration Components.

The hv-kvp ports can be installed in two ways. You can either download pre-built binaries from our github repository or you can download the ports sources and compile them for your system. Detailed instructions on both mechanisms can be found in the following pages:

a) Install pre-built FreeBSD 10 Hyper-V Integration Components using packages.
b) Build FreeBSD 10 Hyper-V Integration Components using ports.

These mechanisms are a temporary deviation from the conventional way of downloading the ports from FreeBSD repositories. We are working towards including our ports packages in to FreeBSD ports tree. The intent behind making these packages available here is that our users do not have to wait for the availability of hv-kvp ports via the official FreeBSD ports tree.

Futhermore, please note that these ports have only been tested on Windows Server 2012 based Hyper-V servers. You may see issues while trying to run these ports on other Windows Server releases.

What's inside?

The hv-kvp ports package installs the following binaries:

a) hv_kvp.ko - This is a loadable kernel module that provides FreeBSD guests with key-value pair and ipinjection functionality. This module is located under /boot/kernel/.

b) hv_kvp_daemon - This is a user mode daemon that communicates with the hv_utils driver to manage user configurable metadata in the form of key value pairs. This daemon also allows the system administrator to read and set IP addresses assigned to a FreeBSD guest. The daemon utilizes the following collection of scripts stored under /usr/local/hyperv/scripts:


The daemon is located under /usr/sbin/. The corresponding daemon script named hv_kvpd is present under /etc/rc.d/.

##Contact Support for hv-kvp ports was first released in December 2013. The ports were developed through a joint effort between Citrix Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Network Appliance Inc.. You may contact the Microsoft BSD Integration Services Team at if you want to make some changes to these pages or are having any other issues.