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[Problem] FreeCAD doesn't start on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 #10090

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X-Ryl669 opened this issue Aug 6, 2023 · 22 comments
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[Problem] FreeCAD doesn't start on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 #10090

X-Ryl669 opened this issue Aug 6, 2023 · 22 comments
Core Issue or PR touches core sections (App, Gui, Base) of FreeCAD Missing: feedback If feedback is requested OS: macOS


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X-Ryl669 commented Aug 6, 2023

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

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Can't get to that point

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Checked #9465 and maybe it's related, but it's not exactly the same issue. I've downloaded FreeCAD DMG for intel on 08/05/23, and it doesn't start.

When launched from the terminal, it gives this output:

$ MacOS/FreeCAD

# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
aiohttp                   3.8.5           py310h6729b98_0    conda-forge
aiosignal                 1.3.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
aom                       3.5.0                hf0c8a7f_0    conda-forge
arpack                    3.7.0                hefb7bc6_2    conda-forge
async-timeout             4.0.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
atk-1.0                   2.38.0               h1d18e73_1    conda-forge
attrs                     23.1.0             pyh71513ae_1    conda-forge
blas                      2.117                  openblas    conda-forge
blas-devel                3.9.0           17_osx64_openblas    conda-forge
blinker                   1.6.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
boost                     1.78.0          py310h3e792ce_4    conda-forge
boost-cpp                 1.78.0               h31500c2_2    conda-forge
brotli                    1.0.9                hb7f2c08_9    conda-forge
brotli-bin                1.0.9                hb7f2c08_9    conda-forge
brotli-python             1.0.9           py310h7a76584_9    conda-forge
bzip2                     1.0.8                h0d85af4_4    conda-forge
c-ares                    1.19.1               h0dc2134_0    conda-forge
ca-certificates           2023.7.22            h8857fd0_0    conda-forge
cairo                     1.16.0            h904041c_1014    conda-forge
calculix                  2.20                 h61d0cde_0    conda-forge
certifi                   2023.7.22          pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
cgal-cpp                  5.5.2                hd6e141a_0    conda-forge
charset-normalizer        3.2.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
coin3d                    4.0.0             h5af9841_1012    conda-forge
contourpy                 1.1.0           py310h88cfcbd_0    conda-forge
curl                      8.1.2                hbee3ae8_0    conda-forge
cycler                    0.11.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
docutils                  0.20.1          py310h2ec42d9_0    conda-forge
double-conversion         3.2.0                hf0c8a7f_1    conda-forge
eigen                     3.4.0                h1c7c39f_0    conda-forge
expat                     2.5.0                hf0c8a7f_1    conda-forge
ffmpeg                    5.1.2           gpl_h8b4fe81_106    conda-forge
flann                     1.9.1             h56de9e4_1011    conda-forge
fltk                      1.3.8                h7ffa276_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono 2.37                 hab24e00_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-inconsolata      3.000                h77eed37_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-source-code-pro  2.038                h77eed37_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-ubuntu           0.83                 hab24e00_0    conda-forge
fontconfig                2.14.2               h5bb23bf_0    conda-forge
fonts-conda-ecosystem     1                             0    conda-forge
fonts-conda-forge         1                             0    conda-forge
fonttools                 4.41.1          py310h6729b98_0    conda-forge
freecad                   0.21.0          py310hfdc9f54_0    freecad/label/stable
freeimage                 3.18.0              h4fbe5d5_12    conda-forge
freetype                  2.12.1               h3f81eb7_1    conda-forge
fribidi                   1.0.10               hbcb3906_0    conda-forge
frozenlist                1.4.0           py310h6729b98_0    conda-forge
gdk-pixbuf                2.42.10              he00a9fc_0    conda-forge
gettext                   0.21.1               h8a4c099_0    conda-forge
giflib                    5.2.1                hb7f2c08_3    conda-forge
gl2ps                     1.4.2                h4cff582_0    conda-forge
glew                      2.1.0                h046ec9c_2    conda-forge
glib                      2.76.4               h7d26f99_0    conda-forge
glib-tools                2.76.4               h7d26f99_0    conda-forge
gmp                       6.2.1                h2e338ed_0    conda-forge
gmpy2                     2.1.2           py310hb691cb2_1    conda-forge
gmsh                      4.11.0               hb75d6eb_0    conda-forge
gnutls                    3.7.8                h207c4f0_0    conda-forge
graphite2                 1.3.13            h2e338ed_1001    conda-forge
graphviz                  7.1.0                hc51f7b9_0    conda-forge
gst-plugins-base          1.22.5               hb5d3a86_0    conda-forge
gstreamer                 1.22.5               h840fbdc_0    conda-forge
gtk2                      2.24.33              h7c1209e_2    conda-forge
gts                       0.7.6                h53e17e3_4    conda-forge
harfbuzz                  6.0.0                h08f8713_0    conda-forge
hdf4                      4.2.15               h7aa5921_5    conda-forge
hdf5                      1.12.2          nompi_h48135f9_101    conda-forge
icu                       70.1                 h96cf925_0    conda-forge
idna                      3.4                pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
ifcopenshell              v0.7.0a6        py310h3a52b82_3    conda-forge
imath                     3.1.6                hbc0c0cd_1    conda-forge
jasper                    2.0.33               h7c6fec8_1    conda-forge
jinja2                    3.1.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jpeg                      9e                   hb7f2c08_3    conda-forge
jsoncpp                   1.9.5                h940c156_1    conda-forge
jxrlib                    1.1                  h35c211d_2    conda-forge
kiwisolver                1.4.4           py310ha23aa8a_1    conda-forge
krb5                      1.20.1               h049b76e_0    conda-forge
lame                      3.100             hb7f2c08_1003    conda-forge
lcms2                     2.15                 h29502cd_0    conda-forge
lerc                      4.0.0                hb486fe8_0    conda-forge
libaec                    1.0.6                hf0c8a7f_1    conda-forge
libblas                   3.9.0           17_osx64_openblas    conda-forge
libbrotlicommon           1.0.9                hb7f2c08_9    conda-forge
libbrotlidec              1.0.9                hb7f2c08_9    conda-forge
libbrotlienc              1.0.9                hb7f2c08_9    conda-forge
libcblas                  3.9.0           17_osx64_openblas    conda-forge
libclang                  13.0.1          root_62804_h2961583_3    conda-forge
libcurl                   8.1.2                hbee3ae8_0    conda-forge
libcxx                    16.0.6               hd57cbcb_0    conda-forge
libdeflate                1.17                 hac1461d_0    conda-forge
libedit                   3.1.20191231         h0678c8f_2    conda-forge
libev                     4.33                 haf1e3a3_1    conda-forge
libexpat                  2.5.0                hf0c8a7f_1    conda-forge
libffi                    3.4.2                h0d85af4_5    conda-forge
libgd                     2.3.3                h4685329_4    conda-forge
libgfortran               5.0.0           12_3_0_h97931a8_1    conda-forge
libgfortran5              12.3.0               hbd3c1fe_1    conda-forge
libglib                   2.76.4               hc62aa5d_0    conda-forge
libiconv                  1.17                 hac89ed1_0    conda-forge
libidn2                   2.3.4                hb7f2c08_0    conda-forge
liblapack                 3.9.0           17_osx64_openblas    conda-forge
liblapacke                3.9.0           17_osx64_openblas    conda-forge
libllvm13                 13.0.1               h64f94b2_2    conda-forge
libnetcdf                 4.9.1           nompi_h56690a0_101    conda-forge
libnghttp2                1.52.0               he2ab024_0    conda-forge
libogg                    1.3.4                h35c211d_1    conda-forge
libopenblas               0.3.23          openmp_h429af6e_0    conda-forge
libopencv                 4.7.0           py310hcb4c670_0    conda-forge
libopus                   1.3.1                hc929b4f_1    conda-forge
libpng                    1.6.39               ha978bb4_0    conda-forge
libpq                     15.3                 h9dc22bb_1    conda-forge
libprotobuf               3.21.12              hbc0c0cd_0    conda-forge
libraw                    0.21.1               h7aa5921_0    conda-forge
librsvg                   2.54.4               h3d48ba6_0    conda-forge
libsqlite                 3.42.0               h58db7d2_0    conda-forge
libssh2                   1.11.0               hd019ec5_0    conda-forge
libtasn1                  4.19.0               hb7f2c08_0    conda-forge
libtheora                 1.1.1             h0d85af4_1005    conda-forge
libtiff                   4.5.0                hee9004a_2    conda-forge
libtool                   2.4.7                hf0c8a7f_0    conda-forge
libunistring              0.9.10               h0d85af4_0    conda-forge
libvorbis                 1.3.7                h046ec9c_0    conda-forge
libvpx                    1.11.0               he49afe7_3    conda-forge
libwebp                   1.2.4                h70a068d_1    conda-forge
libwebp-base              1.2.4                h775f41a_0    conda-forge
libxcb                    1.13              h0d85af4_1004    conda-forge
libxml2                   2.10.3               h201ad9d_4    conda-forge
libxslt                   1.1.37               h5d22bc9_0    conda-forge
libzip                    1.9.2                h6db710c_1    conda-forge
libzlib                   1.2.13               h8a1eda9_5    conda-forge
llvm-openmp               16.0.6               hff08bdf_0    conda-forge
loguru                    0.7.0           py310h2ec42d9_0    conda-forge
lxml                      4.9.2           py310h0b20c97_0    conda-forge
lz4-c                     1.9.4                hf0c8a7f_0    conda-forge
markupsafe                2.1.3           py310h6729b98_0    conda-forge
matplotlib-base           3.7.2           py310h475a17b_0    conda-forge
mpc                       1.3.1                h81bd1dd_0    conda-forge
mpfr                      4.2.0                h4f9bd69_0    conda-forge
mpmath                    1.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
multidict                 6.0.4           py310h90acd4f_0    conda-forge
munkres                   1.1.4              pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
mysql-common              8.0.33               hc6116ba_2    conda-forge
mysql-libs                8.0.33               haa61052_2    conda-forge
ncurses                   6.4                  hf0c8a7f_0    conda-forge
nettle                    3.8.1                h96f3785_1    conda-forge
nine                      1.1.0                      py_0    conda-forge
nlohmann_json             3.11.2               hbbd2c75_0    conda-forge
nspr                      4.35                 hea0b92c_0    conda-forge
nss                       3.89                 h78b00b3_0    conda-forge
numpy                     1.25.1          py310h7451ae0_0    conda-forge
occt                      7.6.3           all_hc3137d8_202    conda-forge
olefile                   0.46               pyh9f0ad1d_1    conda-forge
openblas                  0.3.23          openmp_hbefa662_0    conda-forge
opencamlib                2023.01.11      py310h71fe8be_0    conda-forge
opencv                    4.7.0           py310h2ec42d9_0    conda-forge
openexr                   3.1.5                h07d71dc_2    conda-forge
openh264                  2.3.1                hf0c8a7f_2    conda-forge
openjpeg                  2.5.0                h13ac156_2    conda-forge
openssl                   3.1.2                h8a1eda9_0    conda-forge
p11-kit                   0.24.1               h65f8906_0    conda-forge
packaging                 23.1               pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pandas                    2.0.3           py310h5e4fcda_1    conda-forge
pango                     1.50.14              hbd9bf65_0    conda-forge
pcl                       1.13.1               h81d18a6_0    conda-forge
pcre2                     10.40                h1c4e4bc_0    conda-forge
pillow                    9.4.0           py310h306a057_1    conda-forge
pip                       23.2.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pivy                      0.6.8           py310ha23aa8a_2    conda-forge
pixman                    0.40.0               hbcb3906_0    conda-forge
platformdirs              3.10.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
ply                       3.11                       py_1    conda-forge
pooch                     1.7.0              pyha770c72_3    conda-forge
proj                      9.1.1                hf909084_2    conda-forge
pthread-stubs             0.4               hc929b4f_1001    conda-forge
pugixml                   1.11.4               he965462_1    conda-forge
py-opencv                 4.7.0           py310ha188af9_0    conda-forge
pycollada                 0.7.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pyparsing                 3.0.9              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pyside2                   5.15.8          py310h6826347_2    conda-forge
pysocks                   1.7.1              pyha2e5f31_6    conda-forge
python                    3.10.12         had23ca6_0_cpython    conda-forge
python-dateutil           2.8.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
python-tzdata             2023.3             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
python_abi                3.10                    3_cp310    conda-forge
pytz                      2023.3             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pyyaml                    6.0             py310h90acd4f_5    conda-forge
qhull                     2020.2               h940c156_2    conda-forge
qt                        5.15.8               h93fa01e_0    conda-forge
qt-main                   5.15.8               h1d3b3f8_6    conda-forge
qt-webengine              5.15.8               h84e7aee_0    conda-forge                     1.2.2                      py_0    conda-forge
rapidjson                 1.1.0             hb1e8313_1002    conda-forge
readline                  8.2                  h9e318b2_1    conda-forge
requests                  2.31.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
scipy                     1.11.1          py310h3900cf1_0    conda-forge
setuptools                68.0.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
six                       1.16.0             pyh6c4a22f_0    conda-forge
smesh                         he871828_6    conda-forge
soqt                      1.6.0                h1b54a9f_3    conda-forge
sqlite                    3.42.0               h2b0dec6_0    conda-forge
svt-av1                   1.4.1                hf0c8a7f_0    conda-forge
sympy                     1.12            pypyh9d50eac_103    conda-forge
tbb                       2021.10.0            h1c7c39f_0    conda-forge
tbb-devel                 2021.10.0            h1c7c39f_0    conda-forge
tk                        8.6.12               h5dbffcc_0    conda-forge
typing-extensions         4.7.1                hd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
typing_extensions         4.7.1              pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
tzdata                    2023c                h71feb2d_0    conda-forge
unicodedata2              15.0.0          py310h90acd4f_0    conda-forge
urllib3                   2.0.4              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
utfcpp                    3.2.3                h694c41f_0    conda-forge
vtk                       9.2.5           qt_py310h5683c47_203    conda-forge
wheel                     0.41.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
wslink                    1.11.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
x264                      1!164.3095           h775f41a_2    conda-forge
x265                      3.5                  hbb4e6a2_3    conda-forge
xerces-c                  3.2.4                h2007e90_1    conda-forge
xlrd                      2.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_3    conda-forge
xlutils                   2.0.0              pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
xlwt                      1.3.0                      py_1    conda-forge
xorg-fixesproto           5.0               h0d85af4_1002    conda-forge
xorg-kbproto              1.0.7             h35c211d_1002    conda-forge
xorg-libice               1.1.1                h0dc2134_0    conda-forge
xorg-libsm                1.2.4                h0dc2134_0    conda-forge
xorg-libx11               1.8.4                hb7f2c08_0    conda-forge
xorg-libxau               1.0.11               h0dc2134_0    conda-forge
xorg-libxdmcp             1.1.3                h35c211d_0    conda-forge
xorg-libxext              1.3.4                hb7f2c08_2    conda-forge
xorg-libxfixes            5.0.3             h0d85af4_1004    conda-forge
xorg-libxrender           0.9.10            h0d85af4_1003    conda-forge
xorg-renderproto          0.11.1            h0d85af4_1002    conda-forge
xorg-xextproto            7.3.0             hb7f2c08_1003    conda-forge
xorg-xproto               7.0.31            h35c211d_1007    conda-forge
xz                        5.2.6                h775f41a_0    conda-forge
yaml                      0.2.5                h0d85af4_2    conda-forge
yarl                      1.9.2           py310h6729b98_0    conda-forge
zlib                      1.2.13               h8a1eda9_5    conda-forge
zstd                      1.5.2                h829000d_7    conda-forge
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libCoin.80.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/
  Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
	/Applications/ code signing blocked mmap() of '/Applications/'
	/Applications/ stat() failed with errno=1
	/Applications/ code signing blocked mmap() of '/Applications/'
	/Applications/ stat() failed with errno=1
MacOS/FreeCAD: line 19:  1155 Abort trap: 6           "${PREFIX}/bin/freecad" $@

So it seems to fail on code signing for libCoin.80.dylib.

Anything else?

No response

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@chennes could you explain what process you followed to replace the library and then signing the bundle?

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chennes commented Aug 7, 2023

I just replaced the single library file (not the links) and reran the entire signing process. I will replace the links next time.

@Roy-043 Roy-043 added the Core Issue or PR touches core sections (App, Gui, Base) of FreeCAD label Aug 8, 2023
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luzpaz commented Aug 11, 2023

@chennes verdict on this ticket ?

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chennes commented Aug 11, 2023

None yet: I don't have access to this OS so testing possible solutions is slow. Apple has changed their code signing requirements significantly in recent OSes, and it appears that what works in new versions does not necessarily work in old ones.

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Hi, I just installed FreeCAD-0.21.0-coin_patch-mac-intel_x86.dmg on Mojave 10.14.6 but I still get the same error as OP ☹️

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MacOS 10.15.7

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Same here
macOS 11.7.6.

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jmanley commented Aug 16, 2023

I seem to have the same problem on OS 11.6.1 using the downloaded version FreeCAD-0.21.0-mac-intel_x86.dmg from today.

Dyld Error Message:
  dyld: Using shared cache: 80896B32-9EB1-3A10-A7C5-449B15305DE2
Library not loaded: @rpath/libCoin.80.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/
  Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
	/Applications/ code signing blocked mmap() of '/Applications/'
	/Applications/ code signing blocked mmap() of '/Applications/'
	/Applications/ stat() failed with errno=1

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chennes commented Aug 16, 2023

I suspect that anything prior to Ventura (Mac OS 13) is going to have an issue here: these libraries were created using the Mac OS 10.9 SDK, which apparently used different signing technology. For whatever reason Ventura seems happy to launch the executable anyway, but the older OSes are less tolerant. I'm looking into whether the best path forward is to try to recompile the whole chain with a newer SDK, or to just release an unsigned version for those on the older OSes.

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chennes commented Aug 16, 2023

I've uploaded an unsigned version of the DMG that should work on versions of MacOS prior to Mac OS 13 (Ventura) -- I'd appreciate your feedback on whether this works on your systems.

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rainell commented Aug 16, 2023

@chennes FreeCAD-0.21.0-mac-intel x86-unsigned.dmg works on macOS 10.15.7 (Catalina). Thank you.

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@chennes still fails for me on 10.14.6 (Mojave) but with a new error, if I try to run it from the command line I get at the end:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libCoin.80.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/
  Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
	/Applications/ cannot load 'libCoin.80.dylib' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)
	/Applications/ stat() failed with errno=1
	/Applications/ cannot load 'libCoin.80.dylib' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)
	/Applications/ stat() failed with errno=1
	/Applications/ cannot load 'libCoin.80.dylib' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)
	/Applications/ stat() failed with errno=1
/Applications/ line 19: 44937 Abort trap: 6           "${PREFIX}/bin/freecad" $@

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chennes commented Aug 17, 2023

@nonno-cicala can you try the Conda bundle from here?

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It also works for me on 10.15.7 (with the usual unsigned application message that needs Ctrl + open to load).
@nonno-cicala The error is not the same. It seems that the symbolic link named "libCoin.80.dylib" is missing or not functional in your version. If you can't find it, it looks like this:

% ls -l /Applications/*
-rwxrwxrwx@ 1 user  admin  7981056 16 aoû 21:19 /Applications/
lrwxr-xr-x  1 user  admin       19 16 aoû 22:14 /Applications/ -> libCoin.4.0.0.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x  1 user  admin       19 16 aoû 22:14 /Applications/ -> libCoin.4.0.0.dylib

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I had the dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libCoin.80.dylib error but I have downloaded and run the unsigned version (above) and FreeCAD starts up. I started it using both from Finder as well as Terminal (/Applications/

I am running Big Sur (11.7.8)

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Just to add my findings to the list, I am on Mac OS X Mojave 10.14.6 (18G9323) because I have an old but trusty MacPro5,1. I tried four 0.21.0 release files and for me the only one that works is FreeCAD_0.21.0-2023-08-02-conda-macOS-x86_64-py310.dmg.

The other three files I downloaded and tried yesterday made FreeCAD crash on startup with SIGABRT and termination reason 'DYLD, [0x1] Library missing' and 'Library not loaded: @rpath/libCoin.80.dylib':

FreeCAD-0.21.0-mac-intel_x86.dmg (official link)
code signing blocked mmap() of '/Applications/'
code signing blocked mmap() of '/Applications/'

same as above

/Applications/ cannot load 'libCoin.80.dylib' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)
/Applications/ cannot load 'libCoin.80.dylib' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)

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chennes commented Aug 17, 2023

Thanks for the thorough report @twbaumann -- so that tells me that replacing the Coin library on an ad hoc basis is failing on certain OSes, but is working on others. @adrianinsaval the upshot is that we really need to figure out how to get that older Coin build into the Conda. Any ideas on that front?

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I've uploaded an unsigned version of the DMG that should work on versions of MacOS prior to Mac OS 13 (Ventura) -- I'd appreciate your feedback on whether this works on your systems.

Works fine at MacOS 10.15.7
Thank You!

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@nonno-cicala can you try the Conda bundle from here?

@chennes, I tried the same Conda bundle that worked for @twbaumann and it worked for me too on 10.14.6! 🎉
FreeCAD_0.21.0-2023-08-02-conda-macOS-x86_64-py310.dmg 👈 🆗

@nonno-cicala The error is not the same.

@X-Ryl669, it was the same error with the standard package and the coin_patched one, it changed with the unsigned package

Thanks everyone!

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I have also verified the unsigned version works on my installation of Catalina 15.7. Thank you

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what's the status on this for the 0.21.1 release? which bundle works and which doesn't?

@luzpaz luzpaz added the Missing: feedback If feedback is requested label Oct 10, 2023
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I believe this has been solved, feel free to reopen if it's still a problem

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