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undeclared identifiers in DlgSettingsTheme::populateStylesheets #13010

2 tasks done
scorp08 opened this issue Mar 17, 2024 · 2 comments
2 tasks done

undeclared identifiers in DlgSettingsTheme::populateStylesheets #13010

scorp08 opened this issue Mar 17, 2024 · 2 comments
Bug This issue or PR is related to a bug Help wanted Packaging/building Related to building, compiling or packaging FreeCAD


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scorp08 commented Mar 17, 2024

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Problem description

I build except freeCADGUI results with undeclared identifiers in DlgSettingsTheme.cpp - QT5 with msvc 2017 - Release. Log is attached.
Kind regards to the community.

Full version info


[cmake] -- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.17763.0 to target Windows 10.0.19045.
[cmake] -- Install configuration: "Release"
[cmake] -- Compiler: MSVC, version: 19.16.27038.0
[cmake] -- prefix: D:/Freecadclone/out/install/x64
[cmake] -- bindir: bin
[cmake] -- datadir: data
[cmake] -- docdir: doc
[cmake] -- includedir: include
[cmake] -- libdir: lib
[cmake] -- cmake: 3.29.0-rc3
[cmake] -- Using Qt5 directory from LibPack in D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib/cmake/Qt5
[cmake] -- Compiling with Qt 5
[cmake] -- PyCXX found:
[cmake] --   Headers:  D:/Freecadclone/src
[cmake] --   Sources:  D:/Freecadclone/src/CXX
[cmake] --   Version:  7.1.9
[cmake] -- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) 
[cmake] =====================================================
[cmake] Doxygen not found, will not build documentation.     
[cmake] =====================================================
[cmake] -- Checking for connection to GitHub...
[cmake] -- GitHub connection established for FetchContent
[cmake] -- Module support is disabled.
[cmake] -- Version: 9.1.0
[cmake] -- Build type: 
[cmake] -- CXX_STANDARD: 17
[cmake] -- Required features: cxx_variadic_templates
[cmake] -- fmt was downloaded using FetchContent into D:/Freecadclone/out/build/x64/_deps/fmt-src
[cmake] -- PyCXX found:
[cmake] --   Headers:  D:/Freecadclone/src
[cmake] --   Sources:  D:/Freecadclone/src/CXX
[cmake] --   Version:  7.1.9
[cmake] -- -- Found OCE/OpenCASCADE version: 7.6.3
[cmake] -- -- OCE/OpenCASCADE include directory: D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/inc
[cmake] -- -- OCE/OpenCASCADE shared libraries directory: D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib
[cmake] -- HUHUH: D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib/cmake/vtk-8.2/VTKTargets.cmake
[cmake] -- VTK components: vtkCommonCore;vtkCommonDataModel;vtkFiltersVerdict;vtkIOXML;vtkFiltersCore;vtkFiltersGeneral;vtkIOLegacy;vtkFiltersExtraction;vtkFiltersSources;vtkFiltersGeometry;vtkhdf5;vtkRenderingCore;vtkInteractionStyle;vtkRenderingFreeType;vtkRenderingOpenGL2
[cmake] -- HUHUH: D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib/cmake/vtk-8.2/VTKTargets.cmake
[cmake] -- Check for medfile (libmed and libmedc) ...
[cmake] -- Found Boost: D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/include (found suitable version "1.67.0", minimum required is "1.65") found components: filesystem program_options regex system thread date_time chrono atomic
[cmake] -- Found Netgen: D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/cmake
[cmake] -- Found NETGEN version 6.2, calculated: 395833
[cmake] -- Set up to compile with Qt 5.15.2
[cmake] -- Shiboken2Config: Using default python: .cp38-win_amd64
[cmake] -- SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS computed to value: 'D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/bin/include'
[cmake] -- SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES computed to value: ''
[cmake] -- libshiboken built for Release
[cmake] -- PySide 5.15.0 Python module found at D:\Freecadclone\LibPack\bin\lib\site-packages\PySide2.
[cmake] -- Found Matplotlib: D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/bin/lib/site-packages/matplotlib (found version "3.3.3")
[cmake] -- Platform is 64-bit, set -D_OCC64
[cmake] -- [E57] Revison ID: E57Format-2.2.1-AMD64_64-windows
[cmake] -- [E57] Building static library
[cmake] -- [OndselSolver] Building static library
[cmake] -- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
[cmake] -- Could NOT find OpenMP_CXX (missing: OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS OpenMP_CXX_LIB_NAMES) 
[cmake] -- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND OpenMP_CXX_FOUND) 
[cmake] -- Found Boost: D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/include (found version "1.67.0") found components: python38
[cmake] -- found Boost: 1_67
[cmake] -- boost-incude dirs are: D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/include
[cmake] -- boost-python lib is: 
[cmake] -- boost_LIBRARY_DIRS is: D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib
[cmake] -- Boost_LIBRARIES is: optimizedD:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib/boost_python38-vc141-mt-x64-1_67.libdebugD:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib/boost_python38-vc141-mt-gd-x64-1_67.lib
[cmake] -- area module (for Path Workbench) will be installed to: lib
[cmake] -- Performing Test _flag_found
[cmake] -- Performing Test _flag_found - Failed
[cmake] -- Performing Test _flag_found
[cmake] -- Performing Test _flag_found - Failed
[cmake] -- =======================================
[cmake] -- Created install commands for INSTALL target.
[cmake]    ==============
[cmake]      System
[cmake]    ==============
[cmake] -- bindir:                      bin
[cmake] -- BLAS:                        -undefined-
[cmake] -- CMAKE_VERSION:               3.29.0-rc3
[cmake] -- Compiler:                    D:/Microsoft Visual Studio 2017/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.16.27023/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe (19.16.27038.0)
[cmake] -- datadir:                     data
[cmake] -- docdir:                      doc
[cmake] -- includedir:                  include
[cmake] -- libdir:                      lib
[cmake] -- prefix:                      D:/Freecadclone/out/install/x64
[cmake] -- Python:                      3.8.17 [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/bin/python.exe] Suffix: [.cp38-win_amd64]
[cmake]    ==============
[cmake]      Config
[cmake]    ==============
[cmake]    ==============
[cmake]      Libraries
[cmake]    ==============
[cmake] -- BUILD_FEM:                   TRUE
[cmake] -- BUILD_GUI:                   TRUE
[cmake] -- BUILD_SMESH:                 ON
[cmake] -- BUILD_START:                 TRUE
[cmake] -- BUILD_TECHDRAW:              TRUE
[cmake] -- BUILD_VR:                    OFF 
[cmake] -- BUILD_WEB:                   TRUE
[cmake] -- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:            -undefined-
[cmake] -- CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:             /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /GR /EHsc /MP
[cmake] -- CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD:          17
[cmake] -- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:        D:/Freecadclone/out/install/x64
[cmake] -- CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:           -undefined-
[cmake] -- FREECAD_CREATE_MAC_APP:      -undefined-
[cmake] -- FREECAD_LIBPACK_USE:         TRUE
[cmake] -- FREECAD_QT_VERSION:          Auto
[cmake] -- FREECAD_USE_FREETYPE:        TRUE
[cmake] -- FREECAD_USE_PYBIND11:        OFF 
[cmake] -- PYTHON_EXECUTABLE:           D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/bin/python.exe
[cmake] -- PYTHON_LIBRARY:              optimized
[cmake] -- USE_CUDA:                    -undefined-
[cmake] -- USE_OPENCV:                  -undefined-
[cmake] -- Boost:                       1.67.0
[cmake] -- Coin3D:                      4.0.1 [optimized;D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib/Coin4.lib;debug;D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib/Coin4d.lib] [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/include]
[cmake] -- Coin3D_DOC:                  not found
[cmake] -- DesignerPlugin:              not built (BUILD_DESIGNER_PLUGIN is OFF)
[cmake] -- Doxygen:                     not found
[cmake] -- Eigen3:                      3.3.90
[cmake] -- fmt:                         Sources downloaded to D:/Freecadclone/out/build/x64/_deps/fmt-src
[cmake] -- Freetype:                    2.10.1
[cmake] -- HDF5:                        1.8.16
[cmake] -- Matplotlib:                  3.3.3 PathDirs: D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/bin/lib/site-packages/matplotlib
[cmake] -- MEDFile:                     4.0.0 [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib/medC.lib] [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/include]
[cmake] -- NETGEN:                      6.2.2105 (6.2.2105) [-DNO_PARALLEL_THREADS;-DOCCGEOMETRY;-DNETGEN_VERSION=395833] [] [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/include/include;D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/include] [nglib] [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/include/include;D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/include]
[cmake] -- OCC:                         7.6.3 [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib] [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/inc]
[cmake] -- OCC_Libs:                    [TKFillet;TKMesh;TKernel;TKG2d;TKG3d;TKMath;TKShHealing;TKXSBase;TKBool;TKBO;TKBRep;TKTopAlgo;TKGeomAlgo;TKGeomBase;TKOffset;TKPrim;TKHLR;TKFeat;TKIGES;TKSTL;TKSTEPBase;TKSTEPAttr;TKSTEP209;TKSTEP]
[cmake] -- OpenGL_Lib:                  [opengl32]
[cmake] -- OpenGLU_Incl:                []
[cmake] -- OpenGLU_Lib:                 [glu32]
[cmake] -- pivy:                        0.6.6
[cmake] -- pybind11:                    not enabled
[cmake] -- PYCXX:                       7.1.9 Incl: D:/Freecadclone/src Src:D:/Freecadclone/src/CXX
[cmake] -- PySide:                      5.15.0 [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/include/PySide2]
[cmake] -- PySideTools:                 v: 2  uic: [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/bin/uic.exe]  rcc: [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/bin/rcc.exe]
[cmake] -- QtConcurrent:                5.15.2
[cmake] -- QtCore:                      5.15.2
[cmake] -- QtNetwork:                   5.15.2
[cmake] -- QtOpenGL:                    5.15.2
[cmake] -- QtPrintSupport:              5.15.2
[cmake] -- QtSvg:                       5.15.2
[cmake] -- QtTest:                      5.15.2
[cmake] -- QtUiTools:                   5.15.2
[cmake] -- QtWebEngineWidgets:          5.15.2
[cmake] -- QtWidgets:                   5.15.2
[cmake] -- QtXml:                       5.15.2
[cmake] -- Rift:                        not enabled (BUILD_VR)
[cmake] -- Shiboken:                    5.15.0 [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/include/shiboken2;D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/bin/include]
[cmake] -- SMESH:              build internal
[cmake] -- SWIG:                        4.0.2
[cmake] -- VTK:                         8.2.0
[cmake] -- XercesC:                     3.2.2 [optimized;D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib/xerces-c_3.lib;debug;D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/lib/xerces-c_3D.lib] [D:/Freecadclone/LibPack/include]
[cmake] -- ZLIB:                        1.2.11

Subproject(s) affected?


Anything else?

No response

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@maxwxyz maxwxyz added Bug This issue or PR is related to a bug Packaging/building Related to building, compiling or packaging FreeCAD Help wanted and removed Needs triage labels Mar 17, 2024
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scorp08 commented Mar 19, 2024

void DlgSettingsTheme::populateStylesheets(const char *key,
                                        const char *path,
                                        Gui::PrefComboBox *combo, // added gui namespace solved 
                                        const char *def,
                                        QStringList filter)

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scorp08 commented Mar 19, 2024

d:\freecadclone\src\mod\material\app\trim.h(35): error C2672: 'std::isspace': no matching overloaded function found (compiling source file D:\Freecadclone\src\Mod\Material\App\MaterialLibrary.cpp) d:\freecadclone\src\mod\material\app\trim.h(35): error C2780: 'bool std::isspace(_Elem,const std::locale &)': expects 2 arguments - 1 provided (compiling source file D:\Freecadclone\src\Mod\Material\App\MaterialLibrary.cpp) D:\Microsoft Visual Studio 2017\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\include\locale(253): note: see declaration of 'std::isspace' (compiling source file D:\Freecadclone\src\Mod\Material\App\MaterialLibrary.cpp) d:\freecadclone\src\mod\material\app\trim.h(45): error C2672: 'std::isspace': no matching overloaded function found (compiling source file D:\Freecadclone\src\Mod\Material\App\MaterialLibrary.cpp)

seems that std::locale need local facets, but after with local("en_US.UTF8") , generated linker error. Is this a problem of cctype char casting or there is a libpack lib mismatch ?

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Bug This issue or PR is related to a bug Help wanted Packaging/building Related to building, compiling or packaging FreeCAD
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2 participants