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Andy Ferris committed Sep 8, 2016
1 parent 1bf4248 commit e08c2bf
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Showing 2 changed files with 48 additions and 42 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
The CoordinateTransformations.jl package is licensed under the MIT "Expat" License:

> Copyright (c) 2016: Andy Ferris.
> Copyright (c) 2016: Fugro Roames, Andy Ferris, Chris Foster.
> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
> a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
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88 changes: 47 additions & 41 deletions
Expand Up @@ -19,33 +19,37 @@ The package provide two main pieces of functionality
differentiating (`transform_deriv()` and `transform_deriv_params()`) them.

2. A small set of built-in, composable, primitive transformations for
transforming 2D and 3D points (optionally leveraging the *FixedSizeArrays*
transforming 2D and 3D points (optionally leveraging the *StaticArrays*
and *Rotations* packages).

### Quick start

Let's rotate a 2D point:
Let's translate a 3D point:
x = Point(1.0, 2.0) # Point is provided by FixedSizeArrays
rot = Rotation2D(0.3) # a rotation by 0.3 radians anticlockwise about the origin
using CoordinateTransformations, Rotations, StaticArrays

y = rot(x)
x = SVector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) # SVector is provided by StaticArrays.jl
trans = Translation(3.5, 1.5, 0.0)

y = trans(x)

We can either apply transformations in turn,
We can either apply different transformations in turn,
trans = Translation(3.5, 1.5)
rot = LinearMap(RotX(0.3)) # Rotate 0.3 radians about X-axis, from Rotations.jl

z = trans(rot(x))
or build a composed transformation:
or build a composed transformation using the `` operator (accessible at the
REPL by typing `\circ` then tab):
composed = trans rot # or compose(trans, rot)
composed = trans rot # alternatively, use compose(trans, rot)

composed(x) == z
A composition of a `Translation` and a `LinearMap` results in an `AffineMap`.

We can invert it:
We can invert the transformation:
composed_inv = inv(composed)

Expand All @@ -67,10 +71,9 @@ rotation angle:
### The interface

Transformations are derived from `Transformation`. As an example, we have
`Translation{T} <: Transformation`. A translation will accept points in a
variety of formats, such as `Vector`, `FixedVector`, `Tuple`, etc, and will try
to return the same type as given (of course, type promotion may occur for the
element type itself).
`Translation{T} <: Transformation`. A `Translation` will accept and translate
points in a variety of formats, such as `Vector` or `SVector`, but in general
your custom-defined `Transformation`s could transform any Julia object.

Transformations can be reversed using `inv(trans)`. They can be chained
together using the `` operator (`trans1 ∘ trans2`) or `compose` function (`compose(trans1, trans2)`).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,30 +133,33 @@ transformations:
#### Translations

Translations can be be applied to Cartesian coordinates in arbitrary dimensions,
by e.g. `Translation(Δx, Δy)` or `Translation(Δx, Δy, Δz)` in 2D/3D.

#### Rotations

Rotations in 2D and 3D are treated slightly differently. The `Rotation2D(Δθ)` rotates a
Cartesian point about the origin, while `RotationPolar(Δθ)` rotates a `Polar`
coordinate about the origin.

`Rotation` performs rotations of 3D Cartesian coordinates. Rotations may be
defined simply by their transformation matrix (assumed to be orthogonal),
or via any of the types exported from the *Rotations* package, including
`Quaternion` (originating from the *Quaternions* package), `AngleAxis`,
`EulerAngles`, `ProperEulerAngles` and `SpQuat`. In these latter cases, the
"parameters" differentiated by `transform_deriv_params()` come directly from the
parameterization of the quaternion, Euler angles, etc. **Note:** the derivative
is only guaranteed to be correct in the tangent plane of the constrained variable,
such as normalized quaternions, and optimization techniques should take this
into account as necessary.

Also included are built-in `RotationXY`, `RotationYZ` and `RotationZX` for
rotating about the *z*, *x* and *y* axes, respectively. A helper function for
constructing a composed transformation of Euler angles is
`euler_rotation(θ₁, θ₂, θ₃, [order = EulerZXY])`, where `order` can be any of
*Rotations*' orderings (`EulerXYZ`, etc). The default `EulerZXY` first rotates
around the *y* axis (*z-x* plane) by `θ₃`, then the *x* axis (*y-z* plane) by
`θ₂`, and finally about the *z* axis (*x-y* plane) by `θ₁`, and is therefore
equivalent to `RotationXY(θ₁) ∘ RotationYZ(θ₂) ∘ RotationZX(θ₃)`.
by e.g. `Translation(Δx, Δy)` or `Translation(Δx, Δy, Δz)` in 2D/3D, or by
`Translation(Δv)` in general (with `Δv` an `AbstractVector`). Compositions of
two `Translation`s will intelligently create a new `Translation` by adding the
translation vectors.

#### Linear transformations

Linear transformations (a.k.a. linear maps), including rotations, can be
encapsulated in the `LinearMap` type, which is a simple wrapper of an

You are able to provide any matrix of your choosing, but your choice of type
will have a large effect on speed. For instance, if you know the dimensionality
of your points (e.g. 2D or 3D) you might consider a statically sized matrix
like `SMatrix` from *StaticArrays.jl*. We recommend performing 3D rotations
using those from *Rotations.jl* for their speed and flexibility. Scaling will
be efficient with Julia's built-in `UniformScaling`. Also note that compositions
of two `LinearMap`s will intelligently create a new `LinearMap` by multiplying
the transformation matrices.

#### Affine maps

An Affine map encapsulates a more general set of transformation which are
defined by a composition of a translation and a linear transformation. An
`AffineMap` is constructed from an `AbstractVector` translation `v` and an
`AbstractMatrix` linear transformation `M`. It will perform the mapping
`x -> M*x + v`, but the order of addition and multiplication will be more obvious
(and controllable) if you construct it from a composition of a linear map
and a translation, e.g. `Translation(v) ∘ LinearMap(v)` (or any combination of
`LinearMap`, `Translation` and `AffineMap`).

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