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odmltools is a package collecting convenience scripts for the odML python-project. The Python odML library is available on GitHub.

The open metadata Markup Language is a file based format (XML, JSON, YAML) for storing metadata in an organised human- and machine-readable way. odML is an initiative to define and establish an open, flexible, and easy-to-use format to transport metadata.

Convenience scripts

Currently the package contains a convenience script to import DataCite XML files to odML:

The script is automatically installed and available via the command line. It provides detailed usage descriptions by adding the help flag to the command.

odmlimportdatacite -h


pip installation

The easiest way to install the latest release is via the odmltools PyPI package:

pip install odmltools

Building from source

To download the odmltools library please either use git and clone the repository from GitHub:

  $ git clone

If you don't want to use git download the ZIP file also provided on GitHub to your computer (e.g. as above on your home directory under a "toolbox" folder).

To install the Python-odML library, enter the corresponding directory and run:

  $ cd odmltools
  $ python install


More information about the project including related projects as well as tutorials and examples can be found at our odML project page.

Bugs & Questions

Should you find a behaviour that is likely a bug or feel there is something missing, just create an issue over at the GitHub odmltools issue tracker.