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LINUX Command-Line


This exercise explores the use of the Linux command-line. This lab will emphasize the command-line, even though many things can be done via some window in a GUI desktop for Linux.

Lab Environment

Once you have logged into your range account and accessed your Labtainer-VM, open a terminal window.

Navigate to the “labtainer-student” directory and start the lab using the command:

$ labtainer nix-commands
  • Links to this lab manual will be displayed if you wish to view the prompt from within your VM


Warning: In the commands given in this set of instructions, the difference between the number one (‘1’) and the lower-case letter ell (‘l’) can be very slight, if anything. The context for the commands should tell you which is appropriate.

Commands in Linux are typed into what is called a shell. Each command takes some number of arguments, which are known as “command-line arguments”, “arguments” or “options”. (In Microsoft lingo, these options are referred to as “switches” or with some toolsets, "flags").

The shell does not execute commands until the Enter key is pressed. Any errors are reported in the shell window.

When the lab starts, you will be presented with a black virtual terminal, and the current directory is your home directory. [Windows uses the name folder instead of directory.]

Starting on Linux CLI

For the root user, home is at /root on Linux. For regular users, it is often found at /home/username, but it could be anywhere. Use the pwd command (present working directory) to see what your home directory is:


List the contents of your home directory by using the ls (list) command:


dir is the Windows equivalent of the ls command. Unlike Windows command-line shells, Linux commands are case-sensitive, meaning that you cannot enter LS and expect the shell to equate it to the lower-case ls.

Without any arguments, ls will display the contents of the current directory without much special formatting (except that it is sorted).

In addition to the files you can see, there are other files that are “hidden”. In Linux, hidden files are files that you don’t necessarily want to see all the time. Therefore, unless specifically requested, they are not shown with a directory listing. Any file or directory that begins with a ‘.’ is hidden, and is referred to as a dot file.

List all objects, even the hidden files and directories, by also using the –a (all) option, as shown below. (Note that there must always be a space between the command and any arguments being passed to it). Try:

ls –a

The home directory contains many user-level configuration files for modifying how your environment behaves, and they are almost always dot files or dot directories. The “.login” file (if it exists) controls things you always want done when you log in. The “.bashrc” file is used to configure the shell. If these do not exist, then system-wide configuration files are typically used.

Get a bigger picture of the contents of the current directory (such as owner and size) by also using the -l (long) option, as shown below:

ls –al

The ls -l command is used so often that there is often a shortcut for it (ll). Try using the shortcut for ls -l as shown below:


Without it being the current directory (i.e., the present working directory), the contents of another directory can be listed. List the contents of the bin (binary) directory (where many user-level commands are stored) by doing the following:

ls /usr/bin

Users may also create new directories. Create a directory from inside your home directory (i.e., from within /home/student) by using the mkdir command:

mkdir temp

Change your current directory to the new directory using the cd (change directory) command:

cd temp

List all the contents of this new directory:

ll –a

Even though a directory is brand new, it is not exactly empty. Every directory has at least two entries: two directories named “.” and “..” (called dot and dotdot). The dot directory is a shortcut for the current directory, while dotdot is a shortcut to the parent directory. Windows has borrowed this philosophy too. (One thing hackers do to hide their own files is to create a directory with three dots, which might be easily overlooked).

Use the dotdot directory to list the contents of the parent directory:

ll ..

Use the dotdot directory to change your working directory to the parent directory of temp, as shown below:

cd ..

(Note that a nice feature of the cd command is that if it is entered with no arguments, it will always take you back to your home directory).

Files or directories can be moved or simply renamed by using the mv (move) command. Rename the temp directory to temp2 by doing the following:

mv temp temp2

Copying files is done with the cp (copy) command. Copy one of your hidden files into the temp2 directory:

cp .bashrc temp2
ll -a temp2

You can, of course, rename the file while copying. Copy the hidden file again, renaming it in the process:

cp .bashrc temp2/.bash
ll –a temp2

Try to delete the temp2 directory using the rmdir (remove directory) command:

rmdir temp2

It should have failed because files still exist in that directory. Delete the files in the temp2 directory by using the rm (remove) command:

rm temp2/.bas*
ll –a temp2

Notice the use of the wild card “*” symbol in the rm command. The command was interpreted to mean: delete all the files starting with “.bas”.

Now remove the directory:

rmdir temp2

(Note that a rmdir will fail if you are currently in that directory.) To display the contents of a text file to the screen, the cat (concatenate) command can be used. Display the contents of the password file:

cat /etc/passwd

Display text on the screen by using the echo command:

echo "hello world"

The echo command may seem meaningless, but it comes in handy, such as when writing scripts (to be covered later).

Pipes and Redirection

Outputs from commands are almost always directed to the shell window, immediately following the line where the command was typed. If the output turns out to be quite long, it is useful to have a way to view it before it speeds by. One of the commands from the last section scrolled by too fast to see it all:

ls /usr/bin

One way to slow it down is to “pipe” it into another command. The pipe symbol is the “|” character (shift “\”). (Microsoft also borrowed this concept).

Pipe the previous command through the more command (as shown below), which will display one screen at a time:

ls /usr/bin | more

To see the next page of output, press the space bar. To see one line at a time, press Enter. To quit at any time, press ‘q’.

This is traditionally the way complicated commands are done in Linux: stringing successive commands together with pipes. The philosophy has been to keep commands simple.

Another way to deal with a lot of output is through redirection. The output of a command can be redirected to a file using the “>” redirection symbol. Microsoft also borrowed this concept.

Redirect the directory listing into a file, as shown in the following command:

ls /usr/bin > listing

This file can now be viewed using more or cat or your favorite editor.

If the file named “listing” already exists, it will be overwritten with a redirection. It is possible, however, to append the contents of an existing file by using “>>”:

echo "testing" >> listing
cat listing

The displayed output should first list the contents of the /usr/bin directory, followed by the single word “testing”.


The command-line method for getting help is with the man command (short for “manual”). Enter the following to get more information about the mkdir command:

man mkdir

The output is piped through the more command. (Press ‘q’ to quit). You can even get information about the man command itself by entering the following:

man man


The command for searching the contents of a file for a given string is grep (global regular expression pattern). (In Windows, this command is called find).

Search for the string “student” in all the files in the /etc directory:

grep student /etc/*

The first argument of the grep command is the string to be searched for (student), while the last argument is the file, or files, to look in. The /etc directory is where many configuration files are kept. The output of grep consists of the file name(s) the string was found in, and sometimes the line in the file where it was found. If the search string has spaces, then it needs to be quoted.

There were a lot of errors reported from the previous grep command, so you can tell grep to be silent about those errors in order to have a cleaner output:

grep -s student /etc/*

The Linux find command is like the Swiss army knife of Linux commands, and is also very useful for finding things. Its syntax is somewhat complicated, and it can do much more than can be shown in this tutorial.

One basic use of find is to locate a file with a known name. Use find to locate a file called “hosts”, using the following command:

find /etc –name hosts –print

"Find" recursively checks all the directories from the starting point down. In the above example, it looked everywhere at and below the “/etc” directory. The ”-name hosts” tells find to search for all files/directories whose name is “hosts”. The “-print” tells find what to do when it finds the requested file(s). In this case, it prints out the path where it is located.

There were a lot of permission problems with the last execution of the find command. Gain root privilege by entering the this command:

sudo su

The “student” account on this computer is a member of the “sudo” group, allowing you to work with root privileges. (Note that for convenience, most Labtainer labs are configured such that the “sudo” command does not require you to provide a password. Typical systems require use of a password when using sudo.) You can usually tell when you are executing with root privileges in the shell, because the conventional prompt is the ‘#’ character. All other processes and windows are still executing on behalf of the regular user.

Re-execute the last find command with root privileges:

find /etc –name hosts –print

Wild card characters can be used, but they must be quoted. For example, to find all the files ending with “.h”, the following could be used (typed on one line):

find /usr/include -name "*.h" –print

An even more basic use of find is to display the path of every file it sees. In the following example, find is told to look in the entire hierarchy starting with “/usr/local”. When it finds a file, it prints out the location. In other words, it will display all the file and directory names in the hierarchy.

find /usr/local –print

Return to the privilege of a regular user:


You should still have a shell window open, but the prompt should have returned to what it was before su was entered ($).

Access Control

Linux has the traditional simple Linux form of Discretionary Access Control (DAC) known as permission bits. Every file has an owner, and every file belongs to a group. The owner controls access to a file; the owner of a file assigns his/her own permissions, permissions for members of the owning group, and others (everyone else). These three entities (referred to as user, group and other) may be given one or more of the following permissions to files or directories: read, write, and execute.

Display the contents of your home directory:

ll –a

The permissions are displayed on the far left-hand side of the output of each object. The permissions are broken down by user (i.e., owner), group and others, as follows:

User Group Other

  • r w x r w – r – –

Each section is divided into one of three permissions: read ( r ), write ( w ), and execute ( x ). If a permission has been granted then it appears, otherwise a ‘-‘ indicates the permission is not granted. In the above example, the user (or file owner) has all three permissions, while the group has read and write permissions, and other has only read permission.

For the curious, the leading ‘-‘ signifies a file, while a ‘d’ indicates a directory.

To change permissions on a file or directory, the chmod (change mode) command is used. There are multiple ways to use the interface, but these examples will stick to what may be the easiest to remember and understand. (The GUI is the easiest of all.)

To indicate that the permissions of the user need to be changed, use ‘u’. For the group, use ‘g’, and for other use ‘o’. For read, write and execute, use ‘r’, ‘w’ and ‘x’, respectively. For example, change the permissions on your .bashrc file so that everyone can write to it:

ll .bashrc
chmod o+w .bashrc
ll .bashrc

The “o+w” means “Add the write permission to other”. Now remove the permission:

chmod o-w .bashrc
ll .bashrc

Multiple changes can be made at one time. Do the following to make multiple changes at once:

chmod ugo+rwx .bashrc
ll .bashrc

where user, group and other are all given read write and execute permissions to the file.

To change the permissions so the group and other only have read access, do the following:

chmod go=r .bashrc
ll .bashrc

Process Management

To display a list of the processes currently executing, the ps (process status) command is used. Enter the following:


Without any arguments, the default output is a list of the processes associated with your command-line session. Among other things, it shows the unique process ID (PID), the amount of CPU time used, and the program name.

To display all the processes currently running (even those not associated with your terminal), enter the following:

ps ax

If a process ever gets hung and will not die, the PID displayed for that process can be used to terminate it. For example, if a process with PID of 11076 needed to be terminated, the following is used:

kill –9 11076

If the process needing termination is running from the command-line, then maybe something as simple as CTRL-C will kill it.


By default, most Linux shells keep track of the commands you have entered. Enter the following to see the commands you have entered as the student user:


There are several benefits of keeping track of your commands. One benefit is being able to reuse previous commands without retyping them. One way to do that is to use the up and down arrow keys. Once a command is found using this approach, the line can be modified before the Enter key is pressed to execute the command.

Use the up arrow key until the last grep command is displayed, then press Enter to re-execute it.

An even quicker way to run the last grep command is by using the ‘!’ character as shown below:


Of course, the more general use of ‘!’ is to search for the last command that started with whatever follows “!”, such as “!ps”.

The more advanced uses of these features will not be covered here.

Shell Scripts

One way of automating repetitive command-line tasks is to put those commands into a file, make that file executable (using the chmod command), and execute it when needed. Such files are called shell scripts or just scripts. Microsoft calls them batch files. Very complicated tasks can be performed with shell scripts.

For this simple example you will be using the diagnostic ping command. Ping is mostly used to determine whether a remote system is responding to low-level network activity. Issue the following ping command:


The above ping command determines whether the machine with the given IP address is working. When you have seen enough, enter Ctrl-C to kill the pinging.

Assume a simple example: every morning the first thing you do is verify that your most important servers are accessible. You might perform the following commands (but not now):

ping mail
ping payroll
ping printer
ping router

It would be nice if one command could be entered that would perform all your pings at once. But before we do something like that, let’s alter the ping commands to be somewhat friendly for a script. Enter the following:

ping -c 1 -w 1

Instead of pinging continuously until interrupted by the user, the above command will ping only once (-c 1), and will only wait one second (-w 1) for the reply. That is an improvement, but you don’t really want to see all that output. So try the following (all on one command line):

ping -c 1 -w 1 > /dev/null

You redirected all the output into a black hole from which nothing returns. So we have removed all the output, but now we don’t know if the ping was successful. So, try the following addition (all on one command line):

ping -c 1 -w 1 > /dev/null && echo Up

That looks more like it. If ping is successful, the command after “&&” is executed, otherwise it is not. In this case “Up” is displayed on the screen if the ping is successful.

Now you can write a script. Start up an editor, such as leafpad, and enter the following lines:

echo “Trying Google”
ping -c 1 -w 1 > /dev/null && echo Up
echo “Trying Bing”
ping -c 1 -w 1 > /dev/null && echo Up
echo “Trying NPS”
ping -c 1 -w 1 > /dev/null && echo Up

Save the file in your home directory with the name of “pinger”, and then exit the editor.

Make the file executable and try it out by doing the following:

chmod u+x pinger

Notice how you had to enter a “./” before pinger? Why is that? The shell is configured to look in given locations for the commands entered by the user. Rarely is the command in the current directory, so if you want to execute something outside the usual places, you must be explicit. The “./” tells the shell to look in the current directory. If you only enter pinger then you’ll get a “command not found” error.

That is the end of this tutorial. You will learn more about Linux commands in other lab assignments.

Finish Up

After finishing the lab, go to the terminal on your Linux system that was used to start the lab and type:
