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Unit Testing

Unit testing is integral to the GEOS development process. While not all components naturally lend themselves to unit testing (for example a physics solver) every effort should be made to write comprehensive quality unit tests.

Each sub-directory in coreComponents should have a unitTests directory containing the test sources. Each test consists of a cpp file whose name begins with test followed by a name to describe the test. Please read over the LvArray unit test documentation as it gives an intro to the Google Test framework and a set of best practices.

GEOS Specific Recommendations

An informative example is testSinglePhaseBaseKernels which tests the single phase flow mobility and accumulation kernels on a variety of inputs.


[Source: coreComponents/physicsSolvers/fluidFlow/unitTests/testSinglePhaseBaseKernels.cpp]

What makes this such a good test is that it depends on very little other than kernels themselves. There is no need to involve the data repository or parse an XML file. Sometimes however this is not possible, or at least not without a significant duplication of code. In this case it is better to embed the XML file into the test source as a string instead of creating a separate XML file and passing it to the test as a command line argument or hard coding the path. One example of this is testLaplaceFEM which tests the laplacian solver. The embedded XML is shown below.


[Source: coreComponents/physicsSolvers/fluidFlow/unitTests/testCompMultiphaseFlow.cpp]


Often times it makes sense to write a unit test that is meant to be run with multiple MPI ranks. This can be accomplished by simply adding the NUM_MPI_TASKS parameter to blt_add_test in the CMake file. For example

blt_add_test( NAME testWithMPI
              COMMAND testWithMPI

With this addition make test or calling ctest directly will run testWithMPI via something analogous to mpirun -n NUMBER_OF_MPI_TASKS testWithMPI.