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Releases: GEOS-ESM/mepo

Fixes for whereis and diff

30 Oct 12:46
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Fixes a few bugs with whereis and diff

Fix for moving fixtures

29 Oct 13:50
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This release has some bugfixes and new features:

  1. Updates to allow mepo clones to be moved (#106)
  2. A bit of nicety on mepo status for detatched HEAD states
  3. Adds mepo-cd.zsh as I couldn't figure out how to get the bash script to work in zsh

Bug fixes and enhancements for mepo save

07 Oct 13:53
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The mepo save command had some issues exposed in recent testing.

  1. The command would save the new yaml file in pwd rather than at the "root" directory where the original was. This was a bit confusing, so the command now saves at root level
  2. mepo save did not handle hashes well. There is no reason it couldn't save to a hash, but it labeled it as a branch in the yaml file which, while not broken, was in consistent.

Add dry-run for checkout-if-exists

01 Sep 15:33
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This release adds a --dry-run (or -n) option to checkout-if-exists which lists if a branch exists on a repo without checking out:

❯ mepo checkout-if-exists -n feature/mathomp4/mkl-is-optional
Branch feature/mathomp4/mkl-is-optional exists in cmake
Branch feature/mathomp4/mkl-is-optional exists in NCEP_Shared
Branch feature/mathomp4/mkl-is-optional exists in GEOSgcm_GridComp

Add per-repo diff

26 Aug 19:21
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This release adds a per-repo diff capability a la:

$ mepo diff <repo>

Before it was only all repos.

Add tag commands and per-component branch list

19 Aug 20:41
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This release of mepo adds a mepo tag command (with subcommands) as well as an update to mepo branch list.

mepo tag adds these subcommands:

  • mepo tag list ==> git tag
    • This can be run on all repos or mepo tag <repo> for a specifig
  • mepo tag create ==> git tag but actually making a tag (with -a as option)
    • This has both a -a and -m option for annotated tags. If -a is added without -m this will popup an editor
  • mepo tag delete ==> git tag -d
    • This only deletes locally not on the remote

A new mepo push --tags was added to push tags.

Also added was the ability to do mepo branch list <repo> to list branches only on one (or more) repos.

Finally, a .zenodo.json file was added.

Add restore-state

18 Aug 15:33
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This release adds a mepo restore-state command

With this command, you should be able to restore a checkout to what the original state was. This was a request/idea inspired by @yvikhlya:

❯ mepo compare
Repo       | Original             | Current
---------- | -------------------- | -------
ESMA_env   | (t) v2.1.6 (DH)      | (b) feature/mathomp4/intel1912
ESMA_cmake | (t) v3.1.2 (DH)      | (t) v3.1.2 (DH)
ecbuild    | (t) geos/v1.0.5 (DH) | (t) geos/v1.0.5 (DH)

❯ mepo restore-state
Checking status...
Reverting ESMA_env to v2.1.6

❯ mepo compare
Repo       | Original             | Current
---------- | -------------------- | -------
ESMA_env   | (t) v2.1.6 (DH)      | (t) v2.1.6 (DH)
ESMA_cmake | (t) v3.1.2 (DH)      | (t) v3.1.2 (DH)
ecbuild    | (t) geos/v1.0.5 (DH) | (t) geos/v1.0.5 (DH)

Note: at present this will restore EVERYTHING to the previous state. Not a repo here or there.

Add pull, pull-all, and fetch-all commands

17 Jul 15:59
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This release adds:

  • mepo pull
  • mepo pull-all
  • mepo fetch-all

Note that since you can't git pull on a detached HEAD state, the pull-all will only pull on real branches. The others will spit out as a print:

❯ mepo pull-all
Pulling branch throw-away in ESMA_env
The following repos were not pulled (detached HEAD): ESMA_cmake, ecbuild

Also fixes the mepo file as, on Darwin, things went kablooey recently with Python 3.8

Updates to clone command

14 Jul 18:30
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With this release, mepo clone is extended to allow:

mepo clone -b tag URL

which is like:

git clone URL
git checkout tag
mepo init && mepo clone

Also added ability to do:

mepo clone URL directory

and even:

mepo clone -b tag URL directory

Fix for mepo push

08 Jul 16:39
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In adding functionality to support relative URLs for mepo save, mepo push was accidentally broken. This release fixes that.