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Radeon GPU Profiler (RGP) v1.02

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@ahosier ahosier released this 21 Aug 21:26
· 51 commits to master since this release

V1.02 Changes

  • Radeon GPU Profiler
  1. Added Vega support
  2. Added web browser-style navigation
  3. Keyboard navigation improvements
  4. Improvements to the System Activity frame visualization and frame duration data
  5. Select next/previous event in event timeline if the event hasn't been filtered out
  6. Treat SetMarker user markers as points in time and don't associate the next event with them
  7. Fix the ruler from disappearing when zoomed in on a 4K display
  8. Fix displaying of memory sizes in the Device configuration. Auto adjust to display memory units depending on memory size
  9. View dragging issues fixed
  10. Prevent loading of profiles created on unsupported hardware. The data will be unreliable if shown
  11. Bug/stability fixes & UI clean ups
  • Radeon Developer Panel
  1. Linux Ctrl-C (SIGINT) handler added to RadeonDeveloperPanel and RadeonDeveloperService for clean shutdown
  2. Don't allow the user to attempt another connection while attempting a connection
  3. Extend Linux hotkey keyboard device support
  4. Improve application blacklist support - don't try to attach to known applications
  5. Fixes for connection timeout countdown issue
  6. Allow profiling using peak clock mode
  7. Miscellaneous bug/stability fixes

Windows build:
Linux build: RadeonGPUProfiler_1.02.12.tgz