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File metadata and controls

68 lines (55 loc) · 2.46 KB


Changing the event data

You can add a get_page_event_data method to your page model to change the data used by the calendar. The default data are:

return {
    'type': 'page',
    'author': str(page.owner),
    'description': page.search_description,  # description can be HTML to allow more customization of the popup

Adding events

There are two wagtail hooks available to add events. wagtail_calendar_register_events is used to add events to the calendar. The properties of the events are the one from fullcalendar. The hook take the request, a start date, a end date and a list of events already in the calendar. You must return the whole list of events which will appear in the calendar.

def my_events(request, start, end, events):
    if start is not None:
        start = parse_datetime(start)
    if end is not None:
        end = parse_datetime(end)
    my_events = []
    for event in MyEvent.objects.filter(start__gte=start, end__lte=end):
            'title': event.title,
            'start': event.start.isoformat(),
            'end': event.end.isoformat(),
            'url': event.get_absolute_url(),
            'editable': False,
            'color': '#ff0000',
    return events + my_events

wagtail_calendar_register_side_events is used to add events to the sidebar of the calendar. It is used for events which are not planned yet. The properties of the events are the one from fullcalendar. The hook take the request and a list of events already in the sidebar. You must return the whole list of events which will appear in the sidebar.

def my_events(request, start, end, events):
    my_events = []
    for event in MyEvent.objects.filter(start__isnull=True):
            'title': event.title,
            'url': event.get_absolute_url(),
            'editable': True,
            'color': '#ff0000',
    return events + my_events