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An extension to the Belchertown Skin extension to retrieve weather and other information from a variety of endpoints.


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An extension to the Belchertown Skin extension to retrieve weather and other information from a variety of endpoints.

Version 2.0 - the first public release.

Copyright 2020-2099 Garry Lockyer - Distributed under terms of the GPLv3

This document is based on similar document for weewx driver WeatherFlowUDP:

"Copyright 2017-2020 Arthur Emerson, Distributed under terms of the GPLv3"

This is an extension for weewx WITH the Belchertown skin to get numerous weather and travel related feeds.

I believe that I have correctly followed the instructions provided by weewx (as implemented for the WeatherFlowUDP driver) in order to provide the complete weewx extension package layout here.


Installation should be as simple as grabbing a .ZIP download of this entire project from the GitHub web interface, and then running this command:

wee_extension --install

Worst case, a manual install is simple enough. At least on my Raspberry Pi, and assumming a install:

  1. Copy from bin/user to /home/weewx/bin/user/,

  2. Edit /home/weewx/weewx.conf and add the new Beclchertown Extra settings per the info below.

Please let me ( know if I made a mistake with the packaging. I am not a weewx expert, and do not claim to be a great programmer or more than a casual user of GitHub.



WxFeeds has two components:

  • and

  • the WxFeeds proxy servers.

Note: BelchertownWxFeeds works with only the weewx Belchertown skin.

This section is extracted from

****** Start of Material From ******

This program pulls weather (wx) information and other information

from multiple sources (feeds).

It currently supports:

- ATOM feeds from Environment Canada

- weather conditions

- forecasts

- alerts

- marine forecasts

- public alerts

- METARs and TAFS from NOAA NWS Aviation Weather Center

- Forecast, includig hourly forecasts, from NOAA NWS.

- Alerts from NOAA NWS Storm Prediction Center (land and sea)

- Hurricane information from NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center

- Road conditions from Drive BC.

- Road conditions and other data from 511 Alberta.

WxFeeds also has a proxy server (two actually!) to Authorize

access to the proxy server and to:

- proxy requests to Google Maps API services so that your

Google Maps API key is not in publically accessible web pages.

- currently Google Maps' Embedded Maps, Geocoding and Places

are proxied

- proxy requests to NOAA NWS Forecast Points service, again to

hide your API key.

- proxy requests to AIR-PORT-CODES (to hide API key and

associated Secret).

WxFeeds supports caching JSON data from Google Maps Geocoding and

Places services, NOAA NWS Points service and AIR-PORT-CODES

airport information service. Caching can happen at two levels:

- locally (on the same system as WeeWx) using a file based

method and

- remotely (via the WxFeeds proxy servers) using redis.

See WxFeeds-READ-ME-txt for more information, including

installation instructions and information about the WxFeeds

proxy server ".env" file.


To Do:

  • add more WS DOT traveller information

  • clean up Alberta 511


  • use Bootstap accordians to reduce length of index.html

***** End of Material From ******

***** ******


  • weewx
  • Belchertown Skin

-various python libraries:

import sys import io # For readlines(). import os # For mkdir() import datetime import time import pytz # For timezone database. from pytz import timezone import requests import logging import json # For loads().

import feedparser # For parse(). import isodate # For ISO 8601 duration parsing. import pathlib from pathlib import Path

Manual Installation:

  1. Extend the Cheetah generator in Belchertown/skin.conf:

Copy to /home/weewx/bin/user.

  1. Edit [CheetahGenerator] in skin.conf to include belchertownWxFeeds:

    search_list_extensions = . . .,user.belchertownWxFeeds.WxFeedsSearch

    Note: "search_list_extensions" may be specified in weewx.conf! Doing so will help keep all changes for Belchertown in weewx.conf and graphs.conf. As I believe is documented by the developer of Belchertown, putting the information in weewx.conf protects you from changes/upgrades to Belchertown/skin.conf. Make sure you include ALL extensions including the standard "user.belchertown.getData".

This (the above) stanza does not need to exist in Belchertown/skin.conf. You can put the equivalent information in weewx.conf.

I use the weewx.conf method and it is the only method documented here.

  1. Add [WxFeeds] stanza in Belchertown/skin.conf and/or weewx.conf:

    Similar to above, weewx configuratons can be in skin.conf and/or weewx.conf.
    I prefer to put as much in weewx.conf as possible and that method is documented below.

  2. belchertownWxFeeds uses the weewx logging system, at least to log to syslog ('cause I haven't implemented or tested a custom logging scheme!).

    Add the following within the [Logging] [[loggers]] stanza:

    [[[user.belchertownWXFeeds]]] level = INFO # CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG or NOTSET. # belchertownWxFeeds uses WARNING, INFO and DEBUG. # WARNING should be good for working installations. # Use DEBUG to help troubleshoot setup issues.

5 Edit weewx.conf WxFeeds stanza for belchertownWxFeeds.

  1. Optional: Install The WxFeeds Proxy Servers


  • copy the WxFeeds servers (WxFeedsAuthServer.js and WxFeedsProxyServer.js) from the WxFeeds zip file to a folder on your server.
  • copy sample.env from the file to .env in the same folder as the WxFeeds servers.
  • use 'systemctl' to start each server and check that they are enabled to automatically restart.

More information based on WxFeeds entries in my weewx.conf:

This is within [StdReport] [[Belchertown]].


# NOTE(s):
# 1) Yes-No / True-False: Any control that requires a binary value of Yes/No or True/False 
# can be set using 'yes' or 'true'.  Case is ignored.  Only 'yes' or 'true' will set the 
# control to 'True'.  Anything else will set the control to 'False'.
# 2) You can specify 'position optionals' in many places.  'Position optionals' specify:
#   latitude,
#   longitude,
#   zoom and
#   search_criteria
#   If 'latitude' and 'longitude' are not specified, 'search_criteria' will 
#   be used to lookup 'latitude' and 'logitude'.
# 'Position optionals' are used to set the position of a location or 
# to set a map's initial zoom level.
# 3) Reducing Write to SD Card
#    See 'Minmize writeson SD cards' (see
# To reduce writes to the SD Card, I use an in-memory temporary file system (tmpfs) for 
# weewx output and use a folder within that folder to cache files and data, a folder 
# structure something like: 
# /var/weewx/reports        # as HTML_ROOT.
# /var/weewx/WxFeeds/cache  # as file and data cache.
# If the cache files are within a normal file system (not an 
# in memory system such as tmpfs), they will persist across reboots.
# If the cache files are within an in-memory file system, they 
# will NOT persist across reboots but will be rebuilt automatically.
# 4) As part of the effort to reduce write operations, WxFeeds maintains information about 
#    some files in the local cache folder to determine if they are 'stale' and need to be 
#    written, or if they are 'not stale' and do not need to be written.
#    A file is 'stale' if:
#    - its modified date/time is before weewx.conf's modified date/time.
#      - if weewx.conf has been modified, files it causes to be created might 
#        need to be recreated.
#    - its modified date/time is before's modified date/time.
#      - if has been modified, files it causes to be created 
#        might need to be created.
#    - its modified date/time is more recent than the date/time saved (cached) for it.
#      - a file that has been manually modified might need to be recreated.
#        - an example of this case is 'custom.css'.  Custom.css is not modified by 
#          the Belchertown skin but I use it for WxFeeds specific CSS.  If it is manually 
#          edited, WxFeeds will recreate it with 'my' WxFeed specific CSS. See discussion 
#         below about 'custom.css'.
# 5) WxFeeds Caching
#    Data for endpoints such as Google Maps Places and Maps, AIR-PORT-CODES and NOAA 
#    NWS can be cached remotely and/or locally.  Yes, you can have a 2-level cache - 
#    you can cache locally *and* remotely.  A local cache will enhance performance 
#    for a single local system while a remote cache might enhance pperformance for 
#    multiple systems.  As said elsewhere, I will be hosting 4 weather stations so 
#    it's possible that a remote cache serving all the stations will provide some 
#    benefit to all.
#    But the real benefit to using a remote cache may be hiding API keys (and 'secrets').
#    The WxFeeds Proxy server allows you to store sensitive information on the proxy 
#    server rather than having it 'in the clear' in publically accessible (likely HTML) 
#    files.

    # Folder where information about local files (their modification times) and some data 
    # is saved:

    local_cache_path = "/var/weewx/WxFeeds/cache"

    # WxFeeds Custom CSS Control
    # The Belchertown skin allows "custom" CSS to be specified in Belchertown/custom.css.
    # I used custom.css for WxFeeds specific CSS and go to great lengths to make sure 
    # that that the WxFeeds specific CSS is maintained.  WxFeeds specific CSS in 
    # Beclchertown/custom.css is recreated if custom.css does not exist, when weewx.conf is 
    # updated, when the WxFeeds extension ( is updated and when 
    # custom.css is edited (if local caching is enabled).
    # While working on the code to keep WxFeeds CSS current, I decided that I shouldn't 
    # force everyone to use my CSS, so I added a control to enable/disable WxFeeds custom CSS, 
    # (so that a user could then actually provide their own CSS for WxFeeds specific HTML).

    disable_WXFeeds_CSS no  # Default: False, set to Yes/True to disable inclusion/maintenance 
                            # of default WxFeeds CSS.

    # Icon Control
    # Icon Base: where icons are stored on the web server that will be serving out index.html.
    # Belchertown stores its images in the Belchertown/images subfolder.
    # BelchertownWxFeeds' copies a few WxFeeds specific icons to Belchertowns' 
    # images folder.
    # If you add images to the Belchertown image folder, they will be FTP'd to 
    # the images subfolder on the server you identified to serve "index.html".
    # If you would like to use a different subfolder FOR WXFEEDS SPECIFIC ICONS, you 
    # can use icon_base to identify that subfolder.  For example, I will be serving four 
    # (4) weather stations from my web server and want them the WxFeeds icons to reside 
    # in a single subfolder.
    # If icon_base is set (to something other than 'images'), icons must be manually 
    # copied (FTP'd) to icon_base.
    # Possible settings:
    #   icon_base = "" # Absolute path.
    #   icon_base = "../images"                         # Relative path.

    # Late Breaking News: I decided to tidy up / organize HTML_ROOT by putting 
    # WxFeeds items in a WxFeeds subfolder so I think it's best to use 
    # an absolute path for 'icon_base'.

    icon_base = ""

    # Cache and Proxy Control

    # WxFeeds includes two proxy servers, one for authorization and 
    # the other for proxying various services.  I implemented two 
    # 'cause when I was learning about how to create server based 
    # systems, it was suggested separating authentication and 
    # authorization from actual proxying was a good idea, so . . .
    # Remote proxying is "all or nothing."  All the services that are 
    # proxied will be proxied or none of them will be.

    # Turn proxyng on or off.

    use_wx_feeds_proxy_server = yes

    # URL including port of the WxFeeds proxy servers.
    # You need a user name and password to access these servers!
    # The user name and (hashed) password must be in a ".env" 
    # on the authorization server.

    wx_feeds_authorization_server_url   = ""
    wx_feeds_proxy_server_url           = ""

    wx_feeds_proxy_server_username = ""
    wx_feeds_proxy_server_password = ""

    # Google Maps and Other Data Sources Control
    # WxFeeds can access services such as Google Maps, AIR-PORT-CODES and 
    # NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) to provide services such as 
    # creating interactive maps or to lookup data.

    # Where practical (allowable and possible), each service may take 
    # advantage of WxFeeds' caching capability.
    # Each service that is cached has controls for that service.
    # The controls are only documented under Google Maps Geocoding.

    # Google Maps requires an API key. If you are NOT going 
    # to use WxFeeds proxy servers, you can insert your API 
    # key here and all Google Maps services requests will be 
    # done directly to the Google Maps endpoints.  But!!  Your 
    # API key will be exposed which is not in compliance with 
    # Google Maps recommendatons.

    googlemaps_api_key = ""

    # Google Maps may be produced to show where a weather station or 
    # other point is located.  If a map is created, a clickable map icon 
    # will be displayed to link to the map.  Enable map creation here.

    googlemaps_create_maps = yes

    # Google Maps Geodcoding services may be used to look up 
    # latitude / longitude by an address (which might only be 
    # a city name with or with province / state).  Enable that 
    # feature here.

    googlemaps_geocoding_use = yes

    # The results from a Google Maps Geocoding request may be 
    # cached locally.  Enable that here.

    googlemaps_geocoding_use_local_cache = yes

    # 60 min / hour * 24 hours / day * 7 days = 10080 minutes.

    # Set period that cached date will be good for, in minutes.
    # 1 week = 10080 minutes.

    googlemaps_geocoding_cache_expiry_minutes = 10080

    # You can cause the *remote* cache(s) to update by setting the 
    # following control to 'yes'.
    # The ability to force cache misses was put in to aid 
    # development of the WxFeed proxy servers.
    # If you want to force a cache miss locally, delete the 
    # relevent files in 'local_cache_path'.

    googlemaps_geocoding_force_cache_miss = no

    # The Google Maps Places service may be used to retrieve 
    # information about points of interest.  It's used to 
    # look up information about if AIR-PORT-CODES is not 
    # and to lookyo position (latitude and longitude) for 
    # lcoations in many section in WxFeeds.
    # AIR-PORT-CODES seems pretty good at finding information 
    # for actual airports but doesn't handle a station such 
    # as 'CWYY' (a standalone weathee station in Canada).  Google 
    # Maps Places does return information for 'CWYY'.
    # Anyway, Google Maps Places and AIR-PORT-CODES are used 
    # so that you don't have to find and enter latitude and 
    # longitude yourself!
    # And while we're here, Google Maps Geocoding did NOT 
    # return data for 'CWYY', but then Geocoding wants an 
    # address and 'CWYY' is not an address.  I don't think 
    # WxFeeds us GoogleMaps Geocoding any more - just Places.

    googlemaps_places_use = yes

    # Caching controls for Google Maps Places, same as for 
    # Google Geocoding.

    googlemaps_places_use_local_cache = yes

    # 60 min / hour * 24 hours / day * 7 days = 10080 minutes.

    googlemaps_places_cache_expiry_minutes = 10080

    googlemaps_places_force_cache_miss = no

    # is one of many APIs to look up airport 
    # information, including position (latitude and longitude).  
    # I initially used an ICAO API but their service is very 
    # expensive so I switched to AIR-PORT-CODES which seems to 
    # have reasonable pricing.  But!  If you don't use caching 
    # WxFeeds can generate many requests that could cost a lot!
    # For example, with an archive interval of 3 minutes, 20 X 
    # 24 = 480 requests pre day.  In 10 days you could generate 
    # about $20 of requests (at current rates of about 
    # 4400 / 20$).  You've been warned!

    # Control the use of AIR-PORT-CODES here.

    air-port-codes_use = yes

    # AIR-PORT-CODES has rules and controls for using their API.  
    # You can register a URL to issue requests from or if that 
    # doesn't work for you, you may also use a "secret" to 
    # issue requests from any URL.
    # For example, I run weewx on a local system withe WxFeeds 
    # servers on a virtual private server, so two URLs are 
    # involved.  I don't know the URL of my local system (as 
    # AIR-PORT-CODES would see it) and don't want to spend time 
    # figuring that out, so using a secret seems easiest.
    # I currently use the secret from the proxy server but it 
    # has a static IP address so I could probably register it 
    # with AIR-PORT-CODES and only use the API key - a task for 
    # another day!
    # And now that I think about, at this time, you *must* use 
    # a key AND a secret!  I may allow this to be selectable 
    # in the future . . 
    # Anyway, enter the key and secret here.

    air-port-codes_api_key      = ""
    air-port-codes_api_secret   = ""

    # Caching controls for AIR-PORT-CODES, same as above.

    air-port-codes_use_local_cache      = yes
    air-port-codes_cache_expiry_minutes = 10080
    air-port-codes_force_cache_miss     = no

    # NOAA NWS Forecast use a unique X/Y grid system to 
    # identify the location to retrieve a forecast for.
    # Their "points" endpoint allows you to look up the grid 
    # specifiers by location (city and state).
    # If you don't enable this feature you probably have to 
    # go to NOAA NWS to find the grid specifiers but there's 
    # no way to enter them so you pretty much have to use 
    # this feature!

    use_noaa_nws_points                     = yes

    # Caching controls for use_noaa_nws_points, same as above 
    # for other services.

    noaa_nws_points_use_local_cache         = yes

    # 60 min / hour * 24 hours / day * 7 days = 10080 minutes.

    noaa_nws_points_cache_expiry_minutes    = 10080
    noaa_nws_points_force_cache_miss        = no

    # Belchertown Include File Control

    # The Belchertown skin provides four (4) places within index.html 
    # that you can insert your own HTML and WxFeeds makes use of that 
    # feature.
    # Further, WxFeed attempts to "place nice" with other extensions 
    # that might use belchertown include files.  You can inform WxFeeds 
    # that other extensions are also using an include file using the 
    # include_file_sequence option:
    # 'only' means that no other extionsion will use the current include 
    # file.  WxFeeds will initialize the file (delete all current 
    # contents) before writing WxFeeds HTML to it.    .
    # 'first' means that this will be the first use of the include file, 
    # implicitly saying that it will be used again by WxWeeds or by another 
    # extension.  WxFeeds will initialize the file before writing WXFeeds 
    # HTML to it.
    # 'subsequent' means that WxFeeds or another extension has used 
    # the include file.  WxFeeds appends HTML to the curren contents.
    # 'last' means that this is the last use of the include.  WxFeeds 
    # appends any HTML it needs to end its usage (currently nothing 
    # extra is written).
    # This is all somewhat concpetual as I know of no other extension 
    # that uses the belchertown include files!  But using them 
    # with WxFeeds seems to work.

    # Options to allow the initialization of include files.
    # Useful to get rid of the contents of an include file that 
    # might be present but no longer needed.  For example, you might 
    # tell WxFeeds to use the "after_forecast" include file but later 
    # decide to use the "after_station_info" file.  If you do nothing 
    # else, the belchertown skin will still use the "after_forecast" 
    # file.  You can use this feature to avoid having to manually delete 
    # an include file you no longer want to use.

    initialize_belchertown_include_file_index_hook_after_station_info   = yes
    #initialize_belchertown_include_file_index_hook_after_forecast       = yes
    #initialize_belchertown_include_file_index_hook_after_snapshot       = yes
    #initialize_belchertown_include_file_index_hook_after_charts         = yes

    # Include file to use now.
    # Yes, only one file should be selected!

    belchertown_include_file = ""
    #belchertown_include_file = ""
    #belchertown_include_file = ""
    #belchertown_include_file = ""

    # Sequence of current include file.
    # And as above, only one should be selectd.

    include_file_sequence = only
    #include_file_sequence = first
    #include_file_sequence = subsequent
    #include_file_sequence = last

    # Tell WxFeeds to add a "Back To The Top Button" to make it easier 
    # to return to the top.

    add_back_to_top_button = yes

    # Finally, control the content WxFeeds can produce!

    [[[[NOAA NWS - Aviation Weather Center - METAR]]]]

        # "Meteorological Terminal Air Reports" (METAR - current 
        # conditions) and "Terminal Area Forecasts) (TAF) provide 
        # weather informationt tailored for aviators.
        # METARs and TAFs are specified by an international standard 
        # and available from various sites.
        # The NOAA National Weather Serices - Aviation Weather Center 
        # provides METARs and TAFs for airport and weather stations 
        # around the world.  METARs and TAFs can be retrieved from 
        # two endpoints.  I think the one WxFeeds currently uses is 
        # an older method/endpoint for which I have not been able to 
        # find documentation, but was able to use thanks to others' 
        # work.  I intend to move to the newer Text Data Services 
        # endpoint/API, and give user the choice to use either or both.

        # Nav Canada operates the Canadian Air Traffic Control system and 
        # provides weather information to aviators, via telephone and 
        # the Aviation Weather Web Site (AWWS).  Use the following 
        # controls to display links to AWWS and/or US AWS Briefing site.

        display_link_to_navcan_awws = yes / no
        display_link_to_us_awc_briefing = yes / no

        # WxFeeds can retrieve METARs and/or TAFs for multiple stations.  
        # A staton can be an airport or a weather station.
        # Airports and weather stations may have two (or more?) identifiers, 
        # one issued by the International Cival Aviation Organization (ICAO) 
        # and the other issued by the International Air Transport Association 
        # (IATA).  ICAO codes, in my eperience, are used more often than IATA 
        # codes but AIR-PORT-CODES uses IATO codes so WxFeeds is cognizant 
        # of both.
        # In the list of Stations below, you can specify a station by either 
        # code and may need to use both because NOAA NWS AWC requires ICAO 
        # codes but AIR-PORT-CODES uses IATA codes.
        # ICAO codes are four (4) characters in length.
        # IATA codes are three (3) characters in length.
        # The convention to enter both is to separate the codes by a "-".
        # You can enter them in either order, ICAO first then IATA, or IATA 
        # first then ICAO.  Whichever code you enter first will be used as 
        # the station ID presented by WxFeeds.  For example, you might prefer 
        # to refer to "Los Angeles International Airport" as LAX rather 
        # than KLAX, the ICAO code needed to get METARs/TAFs.  In this 
        # case, you can enter [[[[[[[LAX-KLAX]]]]]]: LAX will be used for 
        # AIR-PORT-CODES and display while KLAX will be used to retrieve 
        # METARs/TAFs.
        # If enabled, AIR-PORT-CODES will be used before Google Maps Places 
        # because it's spefically intented to provide airport information 
        # while Google Map Places is more general.
        # If AIR-PORT-CODES is not enabled or the airport code cannot be 
        # found by AIR-PORT-CODES, Google Maps Places will be used, if 
        # enabled.  Google Map Places may return "strange" results for an 
        # airport code.  For example, 'CYKA-YKA' will return information for 
        # 'Jules Cyka Ltd.'.  In such cases, you can enter the location 
        # (airport name) and position (latitude/longitude) manually.
        # You can specify 'position optionals': 'latitude', 'longitude', 
        # 'zoom' and 'search_criteria'.


            # Default controls for the list of stations.
            # May be specified individualy for each Station.

            get_metars  = yes     # Retrieve METARs
            get_tafs    = yes     # Retrieve TAFs    
            translate   = yes     # Translate the report from a highly condensed format 
                                  # into a much more user-friendly format.
            past_hours  = 3         # Retrieve information for the provious X hours.

            # The following applies to each Station:
            # A code [[[[[[INHERE]]]]]]] is required, and is the only required control.
            # The ICAO code will be used to request MATARs/TAFs from NOAA NWS AWC.
            # The IATO code will be used to look up information for the Station:
            # If location is not entered, it will be looked up.
            # If position (latitude and longitude) is not entered, latitude and longitude 
            # will be looked up.
            # If location_website_url is not entered, it will be looked up.
            # location and position can be looked up by AIR-PORT-CODE and Google Maps, 
            # but only AIR-PORT-CODES can provide a website for a location.
            # You can also specify station_website_url.
            # location_website_url is associated with the name of a location while 
            # station_website_url is associated with a station code.
            # For the stations below, I allow AIR-PORT-CODES to lookup a 
            # location_website_url but enter a station_website_url.
            # Location_website_urls returned by AIR-PORT-CODES seem to be the airport's 
            # public facing site.
            # I use station_website_url to provide a link to more technical/aviator 
            # focused information provided by SkyVector.


                    # This station is a weather station, not an airport.
                    # AIR-PORT-CODES will not find it but Google Maps Places will.

                    # latitude / longitude are from Government of Canada Meteorological Station Catalogue:
                    # AeroWeather App is different!

                    location = "Osoyoos BC - Automatic"
                    latitude = 49.0283
                    longitude = -119.4411

                    station_website_url = ""


                    station_website_url = ""
                    past_hours = 3


                    station_website_url = ""


                    # Found by AIR-PORT-CODES but not by Google Maps Places.

location = "Kamloops International Airport"

latitude = 50.7022

longitude = -120.4440




        [[[[Environment Canada]]]]

        # Environment Canada provides forecasts and advisories via ATOM/RSS feeds.
        # There are three (3) Environment Canada sections:
        #   [[[[[Citys]]]]]    # List of cities to get weather and/or alerts for.
        #   [[[[[Public Alerts]]]]] # List of areas to get public alerts for.
        #   [[[[[Marine Areas]]]]]  # A list of marine areas to get weather and advisories for.
        # You can have multiple Environment Canada stanzas, each of which can have one or more 
        # Environment sections.
        # 'Position optionals' may entered for each City, Public Alert Area or Marine Area.

            [[[[[Citys]]]]]    # List of cities to get weather and/or alerts for.

            # You can select to retrieve and display weather (current conditions and/or 
            # forecast) and/or alerts.
            # You can decide to display alerts before ("first") or after weather.
            # Links to the feeds are towards the bottom of each forecast page.
            # Click on the feed link and then weather, even if you just want alerts.  
            # WxFeeds will use the weather URL to come up with an alerts URL.
            # Copy the URL from the Environment Canada page to your weewx confiuration 
            # file.
            # Locating feed URLs for the other subsections is similar - find the RSS feed 
            # icon on the Environment Canada page of interest and copy it to your 
            # weewx configuration file.

            # Defaults for the following list of citys:
            # May be specified individualy for each City.

                alerts_first    = yes       # Display alerts first - before weather.
                inline_forecast = yes       # Display a forecast in weewx - inline with weather.
                get_weather     = yes       # Display weather and forecasts (if inline_forecast="yes")
                get_alerts      = no        # Display alerts.

[[[[[[Drumheller, AB]]]]]]

get_alerts = yes

[[[[[[Calgary, AB]]]]]]

[[[[[[Red Deer, AB]]]]]]

[[[[[[Rocky Mountain House, AB]]]]]]

[[[[[[Kindersly, SK]]]]]]

                [[[[[[Osoyoos, BC]]]]]]

                    feed_url = ""

                [[[[[[Penticton, BC]]]]]]

                    inline_forecast = no
                    feed_url = ""

                [[[[[[Kelowna, BC]]]]]]

                    inline_forecast = no
                    feed_url = ""

                [[[[[[Vernon, BC]]]]]]

                    inline_forecast = no
                    feed_url = ""

            [[[[[Public Alerts]]]]] # List of areas to get public alerts for.

                [[[[[[Okanagan Valley]]]]]]

                    feed_url =""


                    feed_url = ""


                    feed_url =""

            [[[[[Marine Areas]]]]]  # A list of marine areas to get weather and advisories for.

            # A feed may contain weather and advisories for more than one area so 
            # the area name is used to select the area of interest.  This means you 
            # MUST enter an area name exactly as it is found in the feed, which
            # should be the same as found on the Environment Canada web page.

[[[[[[Queen Charlotte Strait]]]]]]

[[[[[[Juan de Fuca Strait - west entrance]]]]]]

[[[[[[Juan de Fuca Strait - central strait]]]]]]

[[[[[[Strait of Georgia - north of Nanaimo]]]]]]

[[[[[[Strait of Georgia - south of Nanaimo]]]]]]

[[[[Drive BC]]]]

            # Drive BC provides information about road conditions, incidents and other events.

            # You can change where the Drive BC data is displayed by selecting a 
            # Belchertown skin include file:

            #belchertown_include_file = ""
            #belchertown_include_file = ""
            #belchertown_include_file = ""

belchertown_include_file = ""

            # include_file_sequence

include_file_sequence = only

            #include_file_sequence = first
            #include_file_sequence = subsequent
            #include_file_sequence = last

display_links_to_drive_bc = both # Display a link to Drive BC: top, bottom or both.

            # Map Center.

            # 'Position optionals' may be used here.

latitude = "49.1555"

longitude = "-119.5262"

zoom = "12"

dbc_district_filter = "" # Select district: "district | district | district"

dbc_route_filter = "" # Select route: "rout | route | route"

            #dbc_type_filter             = ""   # Select event type.
            #dbc_type_filter             = "Incident"
            #dbc_type_filter             = "Current Planned"
            #dbc_type_filter             = "Future Planned"
            #dbc_type_filter             = "Road Condition"

dbc_type_filter = "Incident | Current Planned | Road Condition"

dbc_severity_filter = "" # Select severity.

display_event_attributes = "yes" # Display event attributes for each event.

display_event_attribute_lists = "yes" # Display a list of event attributes.

                                                        # The purpose of these control is to display attributes 
                                                        # that can be used in the above filters.

[[[[[Areas]]]]] # List of areas.

                                # Areas are aggregated together into a single list without duplicates.
                                # Selecting 'Entire Province' with another area works but is wasteful.

[[[[[[Entire Province]]]]]]

[[[[[[Thompson Okanagan]]]]]]


        [[[[NOAA NWS - Forecasts]]]]

            # NOAA NWS provides feeds for forecasts for the USA.
            # As above, NOAA NWS Forecast uses a unique grid system to retrieve a forecast.
            # NOAA NWS provides a service to translate latitude / longitude to the NOAA 
            # NWS grid system.
            # You can manually enter latitude and longitude or you can allow Google Maps 
            # to look up latitude and longitude using the Google Maps Places service.
            # Once latitude and longitude are known, WxFeeds using the NOAA NWS Points 
            # service to get the NOAA NWS Forecast grid values for the location of interest.
            # <<Station Location>> may be used to get a forecast for your weather station 
            # location, if you have entered latitude and longitude for it.
            # 'Position optionals' may entered for each Location.

            units = us    # Select units = 'us' (imperial) or 'si' (metric).
                          # May be set individually for each Location.

            [[[[[Locations]]]]] # List of Locations to get forecasts for.

                # These controls set defaults for a list of Locations.
                # Each control can be set individually for each Location.

                get_forecast            = yes   # Get forecast by day - there are usally two entries for each day.
                get_hourly_forecast     = no    # Get hourly forecast - the maximum number of hours is {need to research!}.
                hourly_forecast_hours   = 24    # Number of hours to display for hourly forecast.

                [[[[[[<<Station Location>>]]]]]]

                [[[[[[Oroville, WA]]]]]]

                    get_forecast		= yes
                    get_hourly_forecast = yes
                    units 				= si

                [[[[[[Seattle, WA]]]]]]

                    get_forecast 			= yes
                    get_hourly_forecast 	= no
                    hourly_forecast_hours 	= 36

[[[[NOAA NWS - Storm Prediction Center]]]]

            # NOAA NWS Storm Prediction Center issues weather alerts for land locations 
            # and marine areas.
            # URLs for alert feeds can be found at
			# Alerts are offered by Zone and/or County.
			# Maps of NOAA zones cane be found at
			# but it looks like not all zones are on the maps.  SoI have not found 
			# a good, reliable way to identify the geographic area for a NOAA zone.  
			# The NOAA feed does have data fields for geographic infortation but 
			# I have not seen a feed with data so don't know if it can be used.
			# Perhaps I'll test for non-empty data and log something if detected.
            # NOAA NWS SPC also maintains list of all alerts.  Use this control to 
            # display a link to all current alerts.
			# 'Position optionals' may be entered for each Alert.

display_links_to_all_current_alerts = "after"

[[[[[Alerts]]]]] # A list of locations to get alerts for.

[[[[[[Okanogan County]]]]]] # Location name. This value MUST be unique!

                                             # If not unique, weewx will not start.
                                             # There are zones with the same name so I append 
                                             # the zone ID to create a unique value.

[[[[Washington State - Department of Transportation]]]]

            # The Washington State Department of Transportion provides several feeds for 
            # traveller information.
            # Currently, only "border wait times" has been implemented.
            # 'Position optionals' may be used for some services / subjects.

belchertown_include_file = ""

            #belchertown_include_file = ""
            #belchertown_include_file = ""
            #belchertown_include_file = ""

            #include_file_sequence = "only"
            #include_file_sequence = "first"

include_file_sequence = "subsequent"

            #include_file_sequence = "last"

ws_dot_access_code = "5809abc2-6afb-4ab7-bca1-7be1695b7086"

ws_dot_use_local_cache = "no"

ws_dot_cache_update_period_minutes = 1000000

ws_dot_force_cache_update = "yes"

[[[[[Traveler Information]]]]] # List of various traveller information subjects.

[[[[[[Border Crossings]]]]]]

                  # 'Position optionals' may be used to set map zoom.

[[[[511 Alberta]]]]

            # Very similar to Drive BC.
            # This section does NOT currently display any maps for any resource and 
            # needs to be enhanced same as Drive BC.

            #belchertown_include_file =""
            #belchertown_include_file =""
            #belchertown_include_file =""

belchertown_include_file =""

            #include_file_sequence = "only"
            #include_file_sequence = "first"

include_file_sequence = "subsequent"

            #include_file_sequence = "last"


[[[[[[Road Conditions]]]]]]

area_filter = "BANFF | JASPER"



event_type_filter = "accidentsAndIncidents"

roadway_name_filter = "HWY-16"



                    #park_name_filter_condition = "equal"

park_name_filter_condition = "contains"

park_name_filter = "Sylvan | Big | Bow"


display_disabled_cameras = "no"

roadway_name_filter = "Hwy 1 | Hwy 2"

[[[[[[Grouped Cameras]]]]]]

display_disabled_cameras = "no"

roadway_name_filter = "Hwy 1 | Hwy 2"

[[[[NOAA NWS - National Hurricane Center]]]]

            # Hurricane information from NOAA NWS - National Hurricane Center.
            # Information about hurrincanes can be very large!
            # 'Position optionals' are not used.


[[[[[[Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclones]]]]]]

Copyright 2020-2099 Garry Lockyer - Distributed under terms of the GPLv3

This document is based on similar document for weewx driver WeatherFlowUDP:

"Copyright 2017-2020 Arthur Emerson, Distributed under terms of the GPLv3"

This is an extension for weewx WITH the Belchertown skin to get numerous weather and travel related feeds.

I believe that I have correctly followed the instructions provided by weewx (as implemented for the WeatherFlowUDP driver) in order to provide the complete weewx extension package layout here.


Installation should be as simple as grabbing a .ZIP download of this entire project from the GitHub web interface, and then running this command:

wee_extension --install

Worst case, a manual install is simple enough. At least on my Raspberry Pi, and assumming a install:

  1. Copy from bin/user to /home/weewx/bin/user/,

  2. Edit /home/weewx/weewx.conf and add the new Beclchertown Extra settings per the info below.

Please let me ( know if I made a mistake with the packaging. I am not a weewx expert, and do not claim to be a great programmer or more than a casual user of GitHub.



WxFeeds has two components:

  • and

  • the WxFeeds proxy servers.

Note: BelchertownWxFeeds works with only the weewx Belchertown skin.

This section is extracted from

****** Start of Material From ******

This program pulls weather (wx) information and other information

from multiple sources (feeds).

It currently supports:

- ATOM feeds from Environment Canada

- weather conditions

- forecasts

- alerts

- marine forecasts

- public alerts

- METARs and TAFS from NOAA NWS Aviation Weather Center

- Forecast, includig hourly forecasts, from NOAA NWS.

- Alerts from NOAA NWS Storm Prediction Center (land and sea)

- Hurricane information from NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center

- Road conditions from Drive BC.

- Road conditions and other data from 511 Alberta.

WxFeeds also has a proxy server (two actually!) to Authorize

access to the proxy server and to:

- proxy requests to Google Maps API services so that your

Google Maps API key is not in publically accessible web pages.

- currently Google Maps' Embedded Maps, Geocoding and Places

are proxied

- proxy requests to NOAA NWS Forecast Points service, again to

hide your API key.

- proxy requests to AIR-PORT-CODES (to hide API key and

associated Secret).

WxFeeds supports caching JSON data from Google Maps Geocoding and

Places services, NOAA NWS Points service and AIR-PORT-CODES

airport information service. Caching can happen at two levels:

- locally (on the same system as WeeWx) using a file based

method and

- remotely (via the WxFeeds proxy servers) using redis.

See WxFeeds-READ-ME-txt for more information, including

installation instructions and information about the WxFeeds

proxy server ".env" file.


To Do:

  • add more WS DOT traveller information

  • clean up Alberta 511


  • use Bootstap accordians to reduce length of index.html

***** End of Material From ******

***** ******


  • weewx
  • Belchertown Skin

-various python libraries:

import sys import io # For readlines(). import os # For mkdir() import datetime import time import pytz # For timezone database. from pytz import timezone import requests import logging import json # For loads().

import feedparser # For parse(). import isodate # For ISO 8601 duration parsing. import pathlib from pathlib import Path

Manual Installation:

  1. Extend the Cheetah generator in Belchertown/skin.conf:

Copy to /home/weewx/bin/user.

  1. Edit [CheetahGenerator] in skin.conf to include belchertownWxFeeds:

    search_list_extensions = . . .,user.belchertownWxFeeds.WxFeedsSearch

    Note: "search_list_extensions" may be specified in weewx.conf! Doing so will help keep all changes for Belchertown in weewx.conf and graphs.conf. As I believe is documented by the developer of Belchertown, putting the information in weewx.conf protects you from changes/upgrades to Belchertown/skin.conf. Make sure you include ALL extensions including the standard "user.belchertown.getData".

This (the above) stanza does not need to exist in Belchertown/skin.conf. You can put the equivalent information in weewx.conf.

I use the weewx.conf method and it is the only method documented here.

  1. Add [WxFeeds] stanza in Belchertown/skin.conf and/or weewx.conf:

    Similar to above, weewx configuratons can be in skin.conf and/or weewx.conf.
    I prefer to put as much in weewx.conf as possible and that method is documented below.

  2. belchertownWxFeeds uses the weewx logging system, at least to log to syslog ('cause I haven't implemented or tested a custom logging scheme!).

    Add the following within the [Logging] [[loggers]] stanza:

    [[[user.belchertownWXFeeds]]] level = INFO # CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG or NOTSET. # belchertownWxFeeds uses WARNING, INFO and DEBUG. # WARNING should be good for working installations. # Use DEBUG to help troubleshoot setup issues.

5 Edit weewx.conf WxFeeds stanza for belchertownWxFeeds.

  1. Optional: Install The WxFeeds Proxy Servers


  • copy the WxFeeds servers (WxFeedsAuthServer.js and WxFeedsProxyServer.js) from the WxFeeds zip file to a folder on your server.
  • copy sample.env from the file to .env in the same folder as the WxFeeds servers.
  • use 'systemctl' to start each server and check that they are enabled to automatically restart.

More information based on WxFeeds entries in my weewx.conf:

This is within [StdReport] [[Belchertown]].


# NOTE(s):
# 1) Yes-No / True-False: Any control that requires a binary value of Yes/No or True/False 
# can be set using 'yes' or 'true'.  Case is ignored.  Only 'yes' or 'true' will set the 
# control to 'True'.  Anything else will set the control to 'False'.
# 2) You can specify 'position optionals' in many places.  'Position optionals' specify:
#   latitude,
#   longitude,
#   zoom and
#   search_criteria
#   If 'latitude' and 'longitude' are not specified, 'search_criteria' will 
#   be used to lookup 'latitude' and 'logitude'.
# 'Position optionals' are used to set the position of a location or 
# to set a map's initial zoom level.
# 3) Reducing Write to SD Card
#    See 'Minmize writeson SD cards' (see
# To reduce writes to the SD Card, I use an in-memory temporary file system (tmpfs) for 
# weewx output and use a folder within that folder to cache files and data, a folder 
# structure something like: 
# /var/weewx/reports        # as HTML_ROOT.
# /var/weewx/WxFeeds/cache  # as file and data cache.
# If the cache files are within a normal file system (not an 
# in memory system such as tmpfs), they will persist across reboots.
# If the cache files are within an in-memory file system, they 
# will NOT persist across reboots but will be rebuilt automatically.
# 4) As part of the effort to reduce write operations, WxFeeds maintains information about 
#    some files in the local cache folder to determine if they are 'stale' and need to be 
#    written, or if they are 'not stale' and do not need to be written.
#    A file is 'stale' if:
#    - its modified date/time is before weewx.conf's modified date/time.
#      - if weewx.conf has been modified, files it causes to be created might 
#        need to be recreated.
#    - its modified date/time is before's modified date/time.
#      - if has been modified, files it causes to be created 
#        might need to be created.
#    - its modified date/time is more recent than the date/time saved (cached) for it.
#      - a file that has been manually modified might need to be recreated.
#        - an example of this case is 'custom.css'.  Custom.css is not modified by 
#          the Belchertown skin but I use it for WxFeeds specific CSS.  If it is manually 
#          edited, WxFeeds will recreate it with 'my' WxFeed specific CSS. See discussion 
#         below about 'custom.css'.
# 5) WxFeeds Caching
#    Data for endpoints such as Google Maps Places and Maps, AIR-PORT-CODES and NOAA 
#    NWS can be cached remotely and/or locally.  Yes, you can have a 2-level cache - 
#    you can cache locally *and* remotely.  A local cache will enhance performance 
#    for a single local system while a remote cache might enhance pperformance for 
#    multiple systems.  As said elsewhere, I will be hosting 4 weather stations so 
#    it's possible that a remote cache serving all the stations will provide some 
#    benefit to all.
#    But the real benefit to using a remote cache may be hiding API keys (and 'secrets').
#    The WxFeeds Proxy server allows you to store sensitive information on the proxy 
#    server rather than having it 'in the clear' in publically accessible (likely HTML) 
#    files.

    # Folder where information about local files (their modification times) and some data 
    # is saved:

    local_cache_path = "/var/weewx/WxFeeds/cache"

    # WxFeeds Custom CSS Control
    # The Belchertown skin allows "custom" CSS to be specified in Belchertown/custom.css.
    # I used custom.css for WxFeeds specific CSS and go to great lengths to make sure 
    # that that the WxFeeds specific CSS is maintained.  WxFeeds specific CSS in 
    # Beclchertown/custom.css is recreated if custom.css does not exist, when weewx.conf is 
    # updated, when the WxFeeds extension ( is updated and when 
    # custom.css is edited (if local caching is enabled).
    # While working on the code to keep WxFeeds CSS current, I decided that I shouldn't 
    # force everyone to use my CSS, so I added a control to enable/disable WxFeeds custom CSS, 
    # (so that a user could then actually provide their own CSS for WxFeeds specific HTML).

    disable_WXFeeds_CSS no  # Default: False, set to Yes/True to disable inclusion/maintenance 
                            # of default WxFeeds CSS.

    # Icon Control
    # Icon Base: where icons are stored on the web server that will be serving out index.html.
    # Belchertown stores its images in the Belchertown/images subfolder.
    # BelchertownWxFeeds' copies a few WxFeeds specific icons to Belchertowns' 
    # images folder.
    # If you add images to the Belchertown image folder, they will be FTP'd to 
    # the images subfolder on the server you identified to serve "index.html".
    # If you would like to use a different subfolder FOR WXFEEDS SPECIFIC ICONS, you 
    # can use icon_base to identify that subfolder.  For example, I will be serving four 
    # (4) weather stations from my web server and want them the WxFeeds icons to reside 
    # in a single subfolder.
    # If icon_base is set (to something other than 'images'), icons must be manually 
    # copied (FTP'd) to icon_base.
    # Possible settings:
    #   icon_base = "" # Absolute path.
    #   icon_base = "../images"                         # Relative path.

    # Late Breaking News: I decided to tidy up / organize HTML_ROOT by putting 
    # WxFeeds items in a WxFeeds subfolder so I think it's best to use 
    # an absolute path for 'icon_base'.

    icon_base = ""

    # Cache and Proxy Control

    # WxFeeds includes two proxy servers, one for authorization and 
    # the other for proxying various services.  I implemented two 
    # 'cause when I was learning about how to create server based 
    # systems, it was suggested separating authentication and 
    # authorization from actual proxying was a good idea, so . . .
    # Remote proxying is "all or nothing."  All the services that are 
    # proxied will be proxied or none of them will be.

    # Turn proxyng on or off.

    use_wx_feeds_proxy_server = yes

    # URL including port of the WxFeeds proxy servers.
    # You need a user name and password to access these servers!
    # The user name and (hashed) password must be in a ".env" 
    # on the authorization server.

    wx_feeds_authorization_server_url   = ""
    wx_feeds_proxy_server_url           = ""

    wx_feeds_proxy_server_username = ""
    wx_feeds_proxy_server_password = ""

    # Google Maps and Other Data Sources Control
    # WxFeeds can access services such as Google Maps, AIR-PORT-CODES and 
    # NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) to provide services such as 
    # creating interactive maps or to lookup data.

    # Where practical (allowable and possible), each service may take 
    # advantage of WxFeeds' caching capability.
    # Each service that is cached has controls for that service.
    # The controls are only documented under Google Maps Geocoding.

    # Google Maps requires an API key. If you are NOT going 
    # to use WxFeeds proxy servers, you can insert your API 
    # key here and all Google Maps services requests will be 
    # done directly to the Google Maps endpoints.  But!!  Your 
    # API key will be exposed which is not in compliance with 
    # Google Maps recommendatons.

    googlemaps_api_key = ""

    # Google Maps may be produced to show where a weather station or 
    # other point is located.  If a map is created, a clickable map icon 
    # will be displayed to link to the map.  Enable map creation here.

    googlemaps_create_maps = yes

    # Google Maps Geodcoding services may be used to look up 
    # latitude / longitude by an address (which might only be 
    # a city name with or with province / state).  Enable that 
    # feature here.

    googlemaps_geocoding_use = yes

    # The results from a Google Maps Geocoding request may be 
    # cached locally.  Enable that here.

    googlemaps_geocoding_use_local_cache = yes

    # 60 min / hour * 24 hours / day * 7 days = 10080 minutes.

    # Set period that cached date will be good for, in minutes.
    # 1 week = 10080 minutes.

    googlemaps_geocoding_cache_expiry_minutes = 10080

    # You can cause the *remote* cache(s) to update by setting the 
    # following control to 'yes'.
    # The ability to force cache misses was put in to aid 
    # development of the WxFeed proxy servers.
    # If you want to force a cache miss locally, delete the 
    # relevent files in 'local_cache_path'.

    googlemaps_geocoding_force_cache_miss = no

    # The Google Maps Places service may be used to retrieve 
    # information about points of interest.  It's used to 
    # look up information about if AIR-PORT-CODES is not 
    # and to lookyo position (latitude and longitude) for 
    # lcoations in many section in WxFeeds.
    # AIR-PORT-CODES seems pretty good at finding information 
    # for actual airports but doesn't handle a station such 
    # as 'CWYY' (a standalone weathee station in Canada).  Google 
    # Maps Places does return information for 'CWYY'.
    # Anyway, Google Maps Places and AIR-PORT-CODES are used 
    # so that you don't have to find and enter latitude and 
    # longitude yourself!
    # And while we're here, Google Maps Geocoding did NOT 
    # return data for 'CWYY', but then Geocoding wants an 
    # address and 'CWYY' is not an address.  I don't think 
    # WxFeeds us GoogleMaps Geocoding any more - just Places.

    googlemaps_places_use = yes

    # Caching controls for Google Maps Places, same as for 
    # Google Geocoding.

    googlemaps_places_use_local_cache = yes

    # 60 min / hour * 24 hours / day * 7 days = 10080 minutes.

    googlemaps_places_cache_expiry_minutes = 10080

    googlemaps_places_force_cache_miss = no

    # is one of many APIs to look up airport 
    # information, including position (latitude and longitude).  
    # I initially used an ICAO API but their service is very 
    # expensive so I switched to AIR-PORT-CODES which seems to 
    # have reasonable pricing.  But!  If you don't use caching 
    # WxFeeds can generate many requests that could cost a lot!
    # For example, with an archive interval of 3 minutes, 20 X 
    # 24 = 480 requests pre day.  In 10 days you could generate 
    # about $20 of requests (at current rates of about 
    # 4400 / 20$).  You've been warned!

    # Control the use of AIR-PORT-CODES here.

    air-port-codes_use = yes

    # AIR-PORT-CODES has rules and controls for using their API.  
    # You can register a URL to issue requests from or if that 
    # doesn't work for you, you may also use a "secret" to 
    # issue requests from any URL.
    # For example, I run weewx on a local system withe WxFeeds 
    # servers on a virtual private server, so two URLs are 
    # involved.  I don't know the URL of my local system (as 
    # AIR-PORT-CODES would see it) and don't want to spend time 
    # figuring that out, so using a secret seems easiest.
    # I currently use the secret from the proxy server but it 
    # has a static IP address so I could probably register it 
    # with AIR-PORT-CODES and only use the API key - a task for 
    # another day!
    # And now that I think about, at this time, you *must* use 
    # a key AND a secret!  I may allow this to be selectable 
    # in the future . . 
    # Anyway, enter the key and secret here.

    air-port-codes_api_key      = ""
    air-port-codes_api_secret   = ""

    # Caching controls for AIR-PORT-CODES, same as above.

    air-port-codes_use_local_cache      = yes
    air-port-codes_cache_expiry_minutes = 10080
    air-port-codes_force_cache_miss     = no

    # NOAA NWS Forecast use a unique X/Y grid system to 
    # identify the location to retrieve a forecast for.
    # Their "points" endpoint allows you to look up the grid 
    # specifiers by location (city and state).
    # If you don't enable this feature you probably have to 
    # go to NOAA NWS to find the grid specifiers but there's 
    # no way to enter them so you pretty much have to use 
    # this feature!

    use_noaa_nws_points                     = yes

    # Caching controls for use_noaa_nws_points, same as above 
    # for other services.

    noaa_nws_points_use_local_cache         = yes

    # 60 min / hour * 24 hours / day * 7 days = 10080 minutes.

    noaa_nws_points_cache_expiry_minutes    = 10080
    noaa_nws_points_force_cache_miss        = no

    # Belchertown Include File Control

    # The Belchertown skin provides four (4) places within index.html 
    # that you can insert your own HTML and WxFeeds makes use of that 
    # feature.
    # Further, WxFeed attempts to "place nice" with other extensions 
    # that might use belchertown include files.  You can inform WxFeeds 
    # that other extensions are also using an include file using the 
    # include_file_sequence option:
    # 'only' means that no other extionsion will use the current include 
    # file.  WxFeeds will initialize the file (delete all current 
    # contents) before writing WxFeeds HTML to it.    .
    # 'first' means that this will be the first use of the include file, 
    # implicitly saying that it will be used again by WxWeeds or by another 
    # extension.  WxFeeds will initialize the file before writing WXFeeds 
    # HTML to it.
    # 'subsequent' means that WxFeeds or another extension has used 
    # the include file.  WxFeeds appends HTML to the curren contents.
    # 'last' means that this is the last use of the include.  WxFeeds 
    # appends any HTML it needs to end its usage (currently nothing 
    # extra is written).
    # This is all somewhat concpetual as I know of no other extension 
    # that uses the belchertown include files!  But using them 
    # with WxFeeds seems to work.

    # Options to allow the initialization of include files.
    # Useful to get rid of the contents of an include file that 
    # might be present but no longer needed.  For example, you might 
    # tell WxFeeds to use the "after_forecast" include file but later 
    # decide to use the "after_station_info" file.  If you do nothing 
    # else, the belchertown skin will still use the "after_forecast" 
    # file.  You can use this feature to avoid having to manually delete 
    # an include file you no longer want to use.

    initialize_belchertown_include_file_index_hook_after_station_info   = yes
    #initialize_belchertown_include_file_index_hook_after_forecast       = yes
    #initialize_belchertown_include_file_index_hook_after_snapshot       = yes
    #initialize_belchertown_include_file_index_hook_after_charts         = yes

    # Include file to use now.
    # Yes, only one file should be selected!

    belchertown_include_file = ""
    #belchertown_include_file = ""
    #belchertown_include_file = ""
    #belchertown_include_file = ""

    # Sequence of current include file.
    # And as above, only one should be selectd.

    include_file_sequence = only
    #include_file_sequence = first
    #include_file_sequence = subsequent
    #include_file_sequence = last

    # Tell WxFeeds to add a "Back To The Top Button" to make it easier 
    # to return to the top.

    add_back_to_top_button = yes

    # Finally, control the content WxFeeds can produce!

    [[[[NOAA NWS - Aviation Weather Center - METAR]]]]

        # "Meteorological Terminal Air Reports" (METAR - current 
        # conditions) and "Terminal Area Forecasts) (TAF) provide 
        # weather informationt tailored for aviators.
        # METARs and TAFs are specified by an international standard 
        # and available from various sites.
        # The NOAA National Weather Serices - Aviation Weather Center 
        # provides METARs and TAFs for airport and weather stations 
        # around the world.  METARs and TAFs can be retrieved from 
        # two endpoints.  I think the one WxFeeds currently uses is 
        # an older method/endpoint for which I have not been able to 
        # find documentation, but was able to use thanks to others' 
        # work.  I intend to move to the newer Text Data Services 
        # endpoint/API, and give user the choice to use either or both.

        # Nav Canada operates the Canadian Air Traffic Control system and 
        # provides weather information to aviators, via telephone and 
        # the Aviation Weather Web Site (AWWS).  Use the following 
        # controls to display links to AWWS and/or US AWS Briefing site.

        display_link_to_navcan_awws = yes / no
        display_link_to_us_awc_briefing = yes / no

        # WxFeeds can retrieve METARs and/or TAFs for multiple stations.  
        # A staton can be an airport or a weather station.
        # Airports and weather stations may have two (or more?) identifiers, 
        # one issued by the International Cival Aviation Organization (ICAO) 
        # and the other issued by the International Air Transport Association 
        # (IATA).  ICAO codes, in my eperience, are used more often than IATA 
        # codes but AIR-PORT-CODES uses IATO codes so WxFeeds is cognizant 
        # of both.
        # In the list of Stations below, you can specify a station by either 
        # code and may need to use both because NOAA NWS AWC requires ICAO 
        # codes but AIR-PORT-CODES uses IATA codes.
        # ICAO codes are four (4) characters in length.
        # IATA codes are three (3) characters in length.
        # The convention to enter both is to separate the codes by a "-".
        # You can enter them in either order, ICAO first then IATA, or IATA 
        # first then ICAO.  Whichever code you enter first will be used as 
        # the station ID presented by WxFeeds.  For example, you might prefer 
        # to refer to "Los Angeles International Airport" as LAX rather 
        # than KLAX, the ICAO code needed to get METARs/TAFs.  In this 
        # case, you can enter [[[[[[[LAX-KLAX]]]]]]: LAX will be used for 
        # AIR-PORT-CODES and display while KLAX will be used to retrieve 
        # METARs/TAFs.
        # If enabled, AIR-PORT-CODES will be used before Google Maps Places 
        # because it's spefically intented to provide airport information 
        # while Google Map Places is more general.
        # If AIR-PORT-CODES is not enabled or the airport code cannot be 
        # found by AIR-PORT-CODES, Google Maps Places will be used, if 
        # enabled.  Google Map Places may return "strange" results for an 
        # airport code.  For example, 'CYKA-YKA' will return information for 
        # 'Jules Cyka Ltd.'.  In such cases, you can enter the location 
        # (airport name) and position (latitude/longitude) manually.
        # You can specify 'position optionals': 'latitude', 'longitude', 
        # 'zoom' and 'search_criteria'.


            # Default controls for the list of stations.
            # May be specified individualy for each Station.

            get_metars  = yes     # Retrieve METARs
            get_tafs    = yes     # Retrieve TAFs    
            translate   = yes     # Translate the report from a highly condensed format 
                                  # into a much more user-friendly format.
            past_hours  = 3         # Retrieve information for the provious X hours.

            # The following applies to each Station:
            # A code [[[[[[INHERE]]]]]]] is required, and is the only required control.
            # The ICAO code will be used to request MATARs/TAFs from NOAA NWS AWC.
            # The IATO code will be used to look up information for the Station:
            # If location is not entered, it will be looked up.
            # If position (latitude and longitude) is not entered, latitude and longitude 
            # will be looked up.
            # If location_website_url is not entered, it will be looked up.
            # location and position can be looked up by AIR-PORT-CODE and Google Maps, 
            # but only AIR-PORT-CODES can provide a website for a location.
            # You can also specify station_website_url.
            # location_website_url is associated with the name of a location while 
            # station_website_url is associated with a station code.
            # For the stations below, I allow AIR-PORT-CODES to lookup a 
            # location_website_url but enter a station_website_url.
            # Location_website_urls returned by AIR-PORT-CODES seem to be the airport's 
            # public facing site.
            # I use station_website_url to provide a link to more technical/aviator 
            # focused information provided by SkyVector.


                    # This station is a weather station, not an airport.
                    # AIR-PORT-CODES will not find it but Google Maps Places will.

                    # latitude / longitude are from Government of Canada Meteorological Station Catalogue:
                    # AeroWeather App is different!

                    location = "Osoyoos BC - Automatic"
                    latitude = 49.0283
                    longitude = -119.4411

                    station_website_url = ""


                    station_website_url = ""
                    past_hours = 3


                    station_website_url = ""


                    # Found by AIR-PORT-CODES but not by Google Maps Places.

location = "Kamloops International Airport"

latitude = 50.7022

longitude = -120.4440




        [[[[Environment Canada]]]]

        # Environment Canada provides forecasts and advisories via ATOM/RSS feeds.
        # There are three (3) Environment Canada sections:
        #   [[[[[Citys]]]]]    # List of cities to get weather and/or alerts for.
        #   [[[[[Public Alerts]]]]] # List of areas to get public alerts for.
        #   [[[[[Marine Areas]]]]]  # A list of marine areas to get weather and advisories for.
        # You can have multiple Environment Canada stanzas, each of which can have one or more 
        # Environment sections.
        # 'Position optionals' may entered for each City, Public Alert Area or Marine Area.

            [[[[[Citys]]]]]    # List of cities to get weather and/or alerts for.

            # You can select to retrieve and display weather (current conditions and/or 
            # forecast) and/or alerts.
            # You can decide to display alerts before ("first") or after weather.
            # Links to the feeds are towards the bottom of each forecast page.
            # Click on the feed link and then weather, even if you just want alerts.  
            # WxFeeds will use the weather URL to come up with an alerts URL.
            # Copy the URL from the Environment Canada page to your weewx confiuration 
            # file.
            # Locating feed URLs for the other subsections is similar - find the RSS feed 
            # icon on the Environment Canada page of interest and copy it to your 
            # weewx configuration file.

            # Defaults for the following list of citys:
            # May be specified individualy for each City.

                alerts_first    = yes       # Display alerts first - before weather.
                inline_forecast = yes       # Display a forecast in weewx - inline with weather.
                get_weather     = yes       # Display weather and forecasts (if inline_forecast="yes")
                get_alerts      = no        # Display alerts.

[[[[[[Drumheller, AB]]]]]]

get_alerts = yes

[[[[[[Calgary, AB]]]]]]

[[[[[[Red Deer, AB]]]]]]

[[[[[[Rocky Mountain House, AB]]]]]]

[[[[[[Kindersly, SK]]]]]]

                [[[[[[Osoyoos, BC]]]]]]

                    feed_url = ""

                [[[[[[Penticton, BC]]]]]]

                    inline_forecast = no
                    feed_url = ""

                [[[[[[Kelowna, BC]]]]]]

                    inline_forecast = no
                    feed_url = ""

                [[[[[[Vernon, BC]]]]]]

                    inline_forecast = no
                    feed_url = ""

            [[[[[Public Alerts]]]]] # List of areas to get public alerts for.

                [[[[[[Okanagan Valley]]]]]]

                    feed_url =""


                    feed_url = ""


                    feed_url =""

            [[[[[Marine Areas]]]]]  # A list of marine areas to get weather and advisories for.

            # A feed may contain weather and advisories for more than one area so 
            # the area name is used to select the area of interest.  This means you 
            # MUST enter an area name exactly as it is found in the feed, which
            # should be the same as found on the Environment Canada web page.

[[[[[[Queen Charlotte Strait]]]]]]

[[[[[[Juan de Fuca Strait - west entrance]]]]]]

[[[[[[Juan de Fuca Strait - central strait]]]]]]

[[[[[[Strait of Georgia - north of Nanaimo]]]]]]

[[[[[[Strait of Georgia - south of Nanaimo]]]]]]

[[[[Drive BC]]]]

            # Drive BC provides information about road conditions, incidents and other events.

            # You can change where the Drive BC data is displayed by selecting a 
            # Belchertown skin include file:

            #belchertown_include_file = ""
            #belchertown_include_file = ""
            #belchertown_include_file = ""

belchertown_include_file = ""

            # include_file_sequence

include_file_sequence = only

            #include_file_sequence = first
            #include_file_sequence = subsequent
            #include_file_sequence = last

display_links_to_drive_bc = both # Display a link to Drive BC: top, bottom or both.

            # Map Center.

            # 'Position optionals' may be used here.

latitude = "49.1555"

longitude = "-119.5262"

zoom = "12"

dbc_district_filter = "" # Select district: "district | district | district"

dbc_route_filter = "" # Select route: "rout | route | route"

            #dbc_type_filter             = ""   # Select event type.
            #dbc_type_filter             = "Incident"
            #dbc_type_filter             = "Current Planned"
            #dbc_type_filter             = "Future Planned"
            #dbc_type_filter             = "Road Condition"

dbc_type_filter = "Incident | Current Planned | Road Condition"

dbc_severity_filter = "" # Select severity.

display_event_attributes = "yes" # Display event attributes for each event.

display_event_attribute_lists = "yes" # Display a list of event attributes.

                                                        # The purpose of these control is to display attributes 
                                                        # that can be used in the above filters.

[[[[[Areas]]]]] # List of areas.

                                # Areas are aggregated together into a single list without duplicates.
                                # Selecting 'Entire Province' with another area works but is wasteful.

[[[[[[Entire Province]]]]]]

[[[[[[Thompson Okanagan]]]]]]


        [[[[NOAA NWS - Forecasts]]]]

            # NOAA NWS provides feeds for forecasts for the USA.
            # As above, NOAA NWS Forecast uses a unique grid system to retrieve a forecast.
            # NOAA NWS provides a service to translate latitude / longitude to the NOAA 
            # NWS grid system.
            # You can manually enter latitude and longitude or you can allow Google Maps 
            # to look up latitude and longitude using the Google Maps Places service.
            # Once latitude and longitude are known, WxFeeds using the NOAA NWS Points 
            # service to get the NOAA NWS Forecast grid values for the location of interest.
            # <<Station Location>> may be used to get a forecast for your weather station 
            # location, if you have entered latitude and longitude for it.
            # 'Position optionals' may entered for each Location.

            units = us    # Select units = 'us' (imperial) or 'si' (metric).
                          # May be set individually for each Location.

            [[[[[Locations]]]]] # List of Locations to get forecasts for.

                # These controls set defaults for a list of Locations.
                # Each control can be set individually for each Location.

                get_forecast            = yes   # Get forecast by day - there are usally two entries for each day.
                get_hourly_forecast     = no    # Get hourly forecast - the maximum number of hours is {need to research!}.
                hourly_forecast_hours   = 24    # Number of hours to display for hourly forecast.

                [[[[[[<<Station Location>>]]]]]]

                [[[[[[Oroville, WA]]]]]]

                    get_forecast		= yes
                    get_hourly_forecast = yes
                    units 				= si

                [[[[[[Seattle, WA]]]]]]

                    get_forecast 			= yes
                    get_hourly_forecast 	= no
                    hourly_forecast_hours 	= 36

[[[[NOAA NWS - Storm Prediction Center]]]]

            # NOAA NWS Storm Prediction Center issues weather alerts for land locations 
            # and marine areas.
            # URLs for alert feeds can be found at
			# Alerts are offered by Zone and/or County.
			# Maps of NOAA zones cane be found at
			# but it looks like not all zones are on the maps.  SoI have not found 
			# a good, reliable way to identify the geographic area for a NOAA zone.  
			# The NOAA feed does have data fields for geographic infortation but 
			# I have not seen a feed with data so don't know if it can be used.
			# Perhaps I'll test for non-empty data and log something if detected.
            # NOAA NWS SPC also maintains list of all alerts.  Use this control to 
            # display a link to all current alerts.
			# 'Position optionals' may be entered for each Alert.

display_links_to_all_current_alerts = "after"

[[[[[Alerts]]]]] # A list of locations to get alerts for.

[[[[[[Okanogan County]]]]]] # Location name. This value MUST be unique!

                                             # If not unique, weewx will not start.
                                             # There are zones with the same name so I append 
                                             # the zone ID to create a unique value.

[[[[Washington State - Department of Transportation]]]]

            # The Washington State Department of Transportion provides several feeds for 
            # traveller information.
            # Currently, only "border wait times" has been implemented.
            # 'Position optionals' may be used for some services / subjects.

belchertown_include_file = ""

            #belchertown_include_file = ""
            #belchertown_include_file = ""
            #belchertown_include_file = ""

            #include_file_sequence = "only"
            #include_file_sequence = "first"

include_file_sequence = "subsequent"

            #include_file_sequence = "last"

ws_dot_access_code = "5809abc2-6afb-4ab7-bca1-7be1695b7086"

ws_dot_use_local_cache = "no"

ws_dot_cache_update_period_minutes = 1000000

ws_dot_force_cache_update = "yes"

[[[[[Traveler Information]]]]] # List of various traveller information subjects.

[[[[[[Border Crossings]]]]]]

                  # 'Position optionals' may be used to set map zoom.

[[[[511 Alberta]]]]

            # Very similar to Drive BC.
            # This section does NOT currently display any maps for any resource and 
            # needs to be enhanced same as Drive BC.

            #belchertown_include_file =""
            #belchertown_include_file =""
            #belchertown_include_file =""

belchertown_include_file =""

            #include_file_sequence = "only"
            #include_file_sequence = "first"

include_file_sequence = "subsequent"

            #include_file_sequence = "last"


[[[[[[Road Conditions]]]]]]

area_filter = "BANFF | JASPER"



event_type_filter = "accidentsAndIncidents"

roadway_name_filter = "HWY-16"



                    #park_name_filter_condition = "equal"

park_name_filter_condition = "contains"

park_name_filter = "Sylvan | Big | Bow"


display_disabled_cameras = "no"

roadway_name_filter = "Hwy 1 | Hwy 2"

[[[[[[Grouped Cameras]]]]]]

display_disabled_cameras = "no"

roadway_name_filter = "Hwy 1 | Hwy 2"

[[[[NOAA NWS - National Hurricane Center]]]]

            # Hurricane information from NOAA NWS - National Hurricane Center.
            # Information about hurrincanes can be very large!
            # 'Position optionals' are not used.


[[[[[[Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclones]]]]]]


An extension to the Belchertown Skin extension to retrieve weather and other information from a variety of endpoints.







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