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Terraform Overview

This contains instruction on how to create a Google cloud storage, Google storage buckets and Google compute engine using Terraform


  1. What is Terraform?
    • open-source tool by HashiCorp, used for provisioning infrastructure resources
    • supports DevOps best practices for change management
    • Managing configuration files in source control to maintain an ideal provisioning state for testing and production environments
  2. What is IaC?
    • Infrastructure-as-Code
    • build, change, and manage your infrastructure in a safe, consistent, and repeatable way by defining resource configurations that you can version, reuse, and share.
  3. Some advantages
    • Infrastructure lifecycle management
    • Version control commits
    • Very useful for stack-based deployments, and with cloud providers such as AWS, GCP, Azure, K8S…
    • State-based approach to track resource changes throughout deployments

Getting Started

Installing Terraform

visit Terraform Download page to download either for windows, linux or Mac OS. Also follow the instructions to setting Terraform. To verify your installation, run terraform -help

Creating GCP infrastructure with Terraform


  • A google cloud platform account. If you don't have one, you can create a free account thats comes with a $300 credit here

Setting up GCP

  • A GCP project. create one here. Keep note of your Project ID. it should look like this PROJECT_NAME-453233
  • Enable Compute Engine for your project in the GCP Console
  • Create a Service Account key. This will used throughout the entire project.
    • Select the project you created in the previous step
    • Navigate to the IAM section
    • Click on Create Service account test
    • choose a name of your choice, then create and continue test
    • Select Role. Since we will be using this service account for the project, then we will select all the roles that will be needed.
      • BigQuery Admin
      • Compute Admin
      • Storage Admin
      • Storage Object Admin
    • Skip granting additional users access, and click "Done".

After you create your service account, download your service account key.

  • Select your service account from the list.
  • Select the "Keys" tab.
  • In the drop down menu, select "Create new key".
  • Leave the "Key Type" as JSON.
  • Click "Create" to create the key and save the key file to your system.

Creating GCP infrasture with Terraform

  • create a directory mkdir gcp-terraform

  • enter into the directory cd gcp-terraform

  • create a new file touch and copy the content of into it

  • copy the filepath of your service key account and paste it in the filepath.json in the files show

  • create another file in the same directory touch and copy the content of into it

  • Configure the variables in show

    • set your project_id, region, BQ_DATASET, cloud_storage, compute_instance NOTE: the machine type used in the project is a c3 machine type, which is currently in preview. you can use an alternative machine type like e2-standard-8 by editing the configuration in
  • open terminal and run terraform init to initialize files. This might take a few mins. show

  • run terraform plan to see the infrastructure to be created.

  • run terraform apply to create the infrasture. a prompt will be ask, type yes to preceed. show

You have successfully created a compute engine, a cloud storage bucket and a bigquery warehouse. run terraform show to see the configurations.

  • to destroy the infrasture, run terraform destroy and wait a few mins. show

continue setup here